现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
Filtera JS - Filter effects for videos and more (CSS brightness, saturation, contrast etc...)
Link Extractor JS - Extract and display links from web sites pages based on specific patterns
Search Engine Replacement JS - Replace the duckduckgo search engine with any other search engine by providing the URL
Rave Web Easy JS - Mira Rave web de forma simple
Movable & Resizable Menu Script JS - A movable, resizable menu on a webpage.
🔐 密码填充 JS - 为Via设计的第三方密码自动保存/填充工具,支持管理与导出密码
分享到饭否 JS - 将网页标题和链接分享到饭否
分享到微博 JS - 将网页标题和链接分享到微博
Script B for testing JS - Just a test
Select to decode base64 JS - Automatically decodes Base64 encoded text
Breakpoints Remover JS - removes shit breakpoints
文本识别为超链接 JS - 通过正则表达式将文本中的链接转换为超链接
Hydro 难度数字转文字 JS - 将难度一栏的数字改为文字
share-link-copy JS - 快捷复制便于分享的页面标题和URL,支持自定义快捷键,支持设置是否保留URL参数
Remove Content by Keywords JS - Removes content containing certain keywords, directly configurable in the script.
Autoz Signup Automation Helper JS - Assists with form filling for signups, including dynamic form detection and email checking, with React compatibility
滚动条及顶部底部按钮 JS - 在任何网页顶部显示滚动进度条,并提供滚动到顶部和底部的按钮,优化性能,减少卡顿现象。
table-sorter JS - 强制排序表格
Useful Everyday Tools JS - Simple everyday useful tools
Auto Translate to English (LibreTranslate) JS - Automatically translate selected text to English using LibreTranslate API.
Share to X JS - Share the webpage title and link to X
开发工具限制绕过 JS - 绕过网站对开发工具的限制,具有增强的保护功能
Safari Cleaner Gmail CSS - A simplified and minimalist look to Gmail desktop
Auto Fix Hidden Content and Remove All Signup Prompts from Daily Mail JS - Automatically remove max-height, overflow hidden, and remove subscription pop-ups
HoholDetector JS - Helps you detect Ukrainian text
Highlight Keywords JS - Highlights predefined keywords with Ctrl+Right-Click options to manage keywords.
注入粤拼 JS - 为汉字标注粤语发音(粤拼)。
Onestep Search - 一键快搜,纵享丝滑搜索体验 JS - 任意网页【快速按2次Ctrl键】均可开启资源搜索,并且可自由切换搜索平台,搜索关键词会自动填充(关键词来源:1、鼠标选中的词;2、已经搜索使用的词),避免关键词重复输入。👉时间就是金钱,快速搜索,一步直达👈 。脚本现在已内置常用搜索平台,包括:常见搜索引擎、视频网站、音乐网站、购物网站、知识搜索等,更多快捷功能请查看详情~
Video Speeder JS - Control video playback speed on any website, including advertisements. Seamlessly adjust video playback rates to suit your viewing preferences without being restricted by website constraints or ad blockers.
알람 타이머(Ctrl + Alt + A) JS - Ctrl + Alt + A를 누르면 알람 창을 띄웁니다.
Hide Seen Rows JS - Remember and hide unique rows based on URL
随机密码生成器 JS - 在页面中添加一个随机密码生成器,可以生成密码并记录历史记录,提供显示/隐藏功能和拖动按钮功能。
GDPR Blaster JS - Automatically remove GDPR / Cookie Consent dialogs without accepting or denying prompts.
Anti Scroll Lock JS - Previne sites de desabilitar o scrolling
Prettify JSON Selection JS - Adds a shortcut(Shift + Ctrl/Alt/Option + F) and context menu option to prettify code selection.
Copy Paste Cut JS - removes shits that prevent copy pasting on any site
Caption Swear Word Warning JS - Display a warning when captions contain swear words like [__], [_], [___], [____].
OPPOSans JS - 在网页中使用OPPOSans
MiSans JS - 在网页中使用MiSans
CSDN滚啊 JS - 屏蔽搜索结果中出现的一切有关CSDN的选项
我的代办工具软件 JS - 一款简洁大气的待办事项管理工具,支持添加、编辑、删除和展示待办事项,并提供搜索和历史记录功能。适用于任何网站,帮助您高效管理日常任务。
智能管理插件 - 满血版 JS - 提供全方位智能功能的多功能插件
高级感仿MOS风格标签页界面 JS - 在新标签页中展示高级感的仿MOS风格界面,注重简洁与用户体验
京东朗正体 JS - 在网页中使用京东朗正体
嗅探小插件 JS - Sniff and display all HTTP/HTTPS links from a webpage in a floating div with numbering
Minyami JS - Get Minyami download commands for supported sites
M3U8 Filter Ad Script JS - 自用,拦截和过滤 m3u8(解析/采集资源) 的切片(插播)广告,同时在console打印过滤的行信息,不会误删。
Web视觉效果快速切换 JS - Toggle and configure visual effects on websites, with saved settings 灰度 反转颜色 亮度 对比度 棕褐色复古 模糊
考试题库划词搜索 JS - 适用与超星,智慧树等任意考试网站搜索一之题库的答案,支持划词搜索、拖拽和自定义token(加密显示)
Return Scrollable JS - Enable scroll functionality after blocking pop-ups on certain sites.
[开发向]方便的运行JS和添加CSS JS - 右下角添加两个按钮,一个运行JS代码,一个添加CSS样式
出头科技【如果失效请加群:811123755】 JS - 支持九江学院出头科技、yiyuntong青书、范围:无加密无检测平台,附带功能【职教云系列一键完成所有课件】,已配置并支持答题功能的平台【超星学习通/智慧树知到/U校园/【新|旧】职教云|智慧职教/中国大学慕课mooc/雨课堂v2/职教云/优慕课(THEOL 网络教学平台)/welearn/新国开(国家开放大学)/百万扩招/在浙学(浙江省高等学校在线开放课程共享平台)/
Enhanced Music Player for EVERY WEBSITE JS - An enhanced music player for EVERY WEBSITE, allowing you to customize your audio experience. Adjust music settings directly from the menu, add your own tracks, and enjoy seamless gameplay with personalized sound.
MathJax Support JS - 为网页添加MathJax支持,优化性能
Subscript and Superscript Converter JS - Convert text to subscript or superscript using keyboard shortcuts
Visible Inputs JS - Make Hidden Inputs Visible
Florr.io unlimited petal JS - Get all super petals with unlimited amount
Mousewheel and keyboard control video HTML5 JS - Add mousewheel & keyboard control to html5 video player.
复制/清除/推送页面Cookies到青龙面板 JS - 提供清除、复制Cookies以及推送到青龙面板的功能,首次使用需进行测试和配置
左上显示视频剩余时长及进度条 JS - 显示视频剩余时间和内置进度条
PWAs anywhere mod JS - Allow installing any webpage as a progressive web app
PWAs anywhere mod without options JS - Allow installing any webpage as a progressive web app
剪贴板属于用户!!! JS - 剪贴板属于用户!
下载当前页面指定数据 (img, video, audio, ...) JS - 调用 downloadDataInOrder(obtainDataNodes(document.querySelectorAll('数据节点'), 'file')) 方法,并传入数据节点,根据传入的数据节点,下载网页上的数据并保存到本地
Bypass Paste Restriction JS - Allows pasting using Ctrl+V on sites that block it and triggers formatting
YAD Multi Auto Clicker JS - Automates clicks at various locations on the screen with customizable intervals
Uncap FPS JS - Uncaps the FPS limit on every website
FPS and Ping Display JS - Displays FPS and Ping on the top-right corner of the page
N0ts 网页助手 JS - 已支持抖音视频获取,下载,随机小姐姐
Universal Dark Mode 3 (Gray-Blue) JS - Gray-Blue dark mode with adjusted colors for better readability.
Dark Reader JS - Toggle dark mode using an icon placed at the bottom left of your screen. Hotkey: Command + Shift + B
字数统计浮层 JS - 在网页上选中文字时,通过浮层显示字数
Scroll to Top and Bottom JS - Add buttons to scroll to top and bottom of the page on all websites
Enhanced 3D HDR Effect for Media (With Toggle) JS - Apply a prominent interactive 3D HDR effect to all images, thumbnails, and videos except ads, with a toggle button
全部使用系统字体 JS - 强制网页全部使用操作系统设置的字体
Thumbnail Preview on Hover JS - Provides a preview for any thumbnail on any site, excluding ads
Highlight Keywords with Scrollable Popup and Memory Storage (Immediate Highlight + Hotkey) JS - Highlight keywords on any site with scrollable popup, memory storage, Bootstrap design, and hotkey support
粤语划词翻译 JS - 快捷粤语翻译查询
ABX的简单文本复制 JS - copy everything!
2022 Roblox Avatar Editor CSS - Brings Back The 2022 Avatar Editor code is by Vue2016 https://userstyles.world/user/Vue2016
huacisouti JS - 所有网页均支持划词搜题,支持截图搜题,也可输入文本搜题悬浮窗可拖动可关闭,可自定义题库CSV文件
.test Domain Redirect JS - Automatically redirect .test domains from search results
mf-adblock JS - A basic anti-adblock workaround that can remove or click elements on a website
Persistent Console Logger JS - 记录所有 console.log 即使控制台被清除也能查看
Disable close current page JS - disable close current page when open devtools.
Disable setInterval Globally JS - 禁止所有网站执行 setInterval 函数
Enable Printing for Restricted Pages JS - Enable printing for web pages that prevent printing/Abilita la stampa di pagine web bloccate
VirusTotal Link Scanner with Icon JS - Show VirusTotal icon next to links for scanning/Mostra l'icona di virustotal quando ci si avvicina con il puntatore del maouse ad un link
RSS Feed Reader JS - A simple RSS feed reader in Violentmonkey menu with NewsBlur support/Lettore di feed rss direttamente nel browser
慕课作业一键互评 JS - 自动进行30次作业互评,默认满分(平时分赛高)。去除个别答题界面的禁止复制,要复制文本请用鼠标右键复制。不要用快捷键
Easy Input JS - 一键粘贴文本到当前页面的输入框.
拖拽搜索或打开链接 JS - 拖拽文本时百度搜索,拖拽链接时打开链接,不显示禁止符号
思源再提醒 JS - 为思源笔记添加再提醒功能
增强型书签按钮和文本收集器 JS - 在页面左上角添加书签按钮,并提供跨页面文本收集功能
klimat.app - Dark Mode CSS - Klimat.app Dark Mode
东方永页机 JS - 终极自动翻页 - 加载并拼接下一分页内容至当前页尾,智能适配任意网页
Catbox File Uploader with Hidden Circular Button, Minimize Support, Drag-and-Drop JS - A button to upload files to Catbox, hidden until clicked, with minimize support, drag-and-drop functionality, and a copy URL button.
完善供应商 JS - try to take over the world!
Clavier arabe en ligne JS - Online keyboard to write text with the Arabic alphabet.