现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
Auto-switch-fingerprint JS - change fingerprint
隐藏图片并管理白名单(摸鱼) JS - 仅在白名单中的域名下隐藏图片,并管理白名单功能(通过菜单命令),支持背景图片和延迟加载图片
字体替换 JS - 字体替换,将页面全部等宽字体替换为Maple Mono NF CN
klimat.app - Dark Mode CSS - Klimat.app Dark Mode
Custom Auto Refresh JS - Define custom auto-refresh intervals for different websites, and manage them through a settings menu with options to view, modify, or clear.
Sigorta Hesapla JS - Sigorta hesaplamaları için butona tıklama işlemi
手动获取ChatGPT RT JS - 打开登录页面并在特定URL时弹出提示,提示用户打开开发者工具,点击任意处关闭弹窗或等待倒计时自动关闭。弹窗只出现一次,并保留登录按钮。
LSD v3 JS - Subtelne efekty LSD, które są utrzymywane po przejściu na inną stronę w tej samej karcie. Stworzony przez weedtv.
Pin Emoticons, Text, and Images JS - Przypinaj lub usuwaj emotikony, tekst, oraz obrazy na stronie, aby były widoczne po odświeżeniu, oraz usuń wszystkie elementy jednym kliknięciem.
Keep Screen Awake JS - Keep screen awake toggle via Tampermonkey menu
Improve Chinese text on Firefox JS - Change lang="zh" attribute to lang="zh-cn" so Firefox can style it correctly
Copiar Todos os Links com Atalho JS - Copia todos os links <a> da página ao pressionar a tecla *.
Text To link JS - Turn plain text URLs into clickable links
视频自动倍速播放(可记住用户设定值并自动设置播放速度) JS - 自动为网页中的视频设置倍速播放,智能记忆用户设定的视频倍速并存储在本地,播放所有支持的视频都会自动使用该倍速。
自动刷新页面(忽略视频页) JS - 每隔一段时间自动刷新页面,可自定义刷新间隔时间,适合挂机、PT 等需要保持心跳的网页;对于含有视频的页面将不会刷新。
自动刷新页面(10分钟自动刷新) JS - 每隔一段时间自动刷新页面,可自定义刷新间隔时间,适合挂机、PT 等需要保持心跳的网页
Discourse Markdown 主题导出 JS - 将任意 Discourse 论坛的主题导出,支持动态页面加载
publink-webpage-test-beautify JS - webpage test 样式美化
Binary to Text Translator JS - Automatically translates binary code to text on web pages without adding extra spaces between letters.
Clock Overlay (12-hour format, draggable & resizable) JS - Add a draggable and resizable clock with date (MM/DD/YYYY) above the time, with larger text and no size limits
Advanced Password Revealer JS - Reveals passwords on mouse hover or focus, with improved performance, features, and safety.
Open in New Tab JS - Always open a new tab
Open in New Tab JS - Always open a new tab
Rate Your Music Search JS - Search Selected Text on RateYourMusic.com with a simple shortcut on any website.
火烧云快捷查看 JS - 在网页右上角添加云图标,单击时显示弹出窗口,火烧云快捷查看
软替换网页默认字体 JS - 强制替换网页默认字体为 MiSans、FZYouSong GBK 509R(方正悠宋)、Cascadia Mono、Noto Sans Mono CJK SC。用户可根据需求修改脚本中的字体设置。使用前需确保已安装所需字体。
Disable Umami JS - Disable Umami Analytics to prevent being tracked.
Scroll page on double tap (mobile) JS - This userscript is designed for mobile browsers, and scrolls page on double tap. Top half of the screen scrolls up, and bottom half scrolls down. Double tap and move finger enables fast scrolling mode. When page is already scrolling, single tap will scroll it further.
Text reflow on zoom for mobile (text wrap) JS - Fits all text to the screen width after a pinch gesture on phone
Scroll Percentage Bar with Text JS - Adds a scroll percentage bar and text to the top of the page
Gift card guesser / rng string generator v2.1.1 JS - random string generator, more information on script run.
Enhanced Catbox File Uploader with Global History JS - Upload files to Catbox with URL history, timestamps, minimize support, middle-click to open in new tab without shifting focus.
iOS Safari WebCrawler JS - A WebCrawler for iOS Safari with proxy support
Click to Dial Phone Icon JS - Add phone icon to phone numbers for dialing (click) and copying (context menu / right click)
「网页复制限制解除」 JS - 更新内容:增强复制解除功能,修复BUG
Global Notepad JS - Adds a global notepad feature with Markdown support and settings GUI
Enviar texto a WhatsApp JS - Envía texto seleccionado a WhatsApp al presionar Ctrl + X
CogniRead JS - 增强型阅读脚本,能够加粗部分单词,并高亮显示词汇表中的特定词汇,同时通过美观的悬浮框展示定义。可通过Alt+B(Windows/Linux)或Control+B(Mac)进行切换。
反诈中心 JS - 所有网站-反诈中心
Intercept Alerts and Enable Debugging JS - Ticket booking bot with timing and CSP bypass
[Captured Unique AJAX Paths] 记录页面所有的 Ajax 请求 JS - [Captured Unique AJAX Paths] 记录页面所有的 Ajax 请求,并支持复制全部,自动过滤重复
TimeHookerLite JS - Set adjustable playback speed on selected websites
토끼 캡챠 해제 스크립트 JS - 마나토끼,뉴토끼,북토끼 캡챠 해제(애드가드, 템퍼몽키, ios userscripts앱)
Snowfall Effect JS - Snowfall animation with wind effect
Make New PDF417 Barcode JS - PDF417 Data Collection Form
Toggle Comments for Toki JS - 토끼(마나,뉴,북) 댓글창 ON OFF 설정 버튼 추가
MythicalDash Auto Refresh on Critical Error JS - Fix Mythical Dash Error
悬浮按钮 - 复制URL JS - 在指定网站页面上显示一个悬浮复制按钮,点击按钮复制当前网页的URL地址到剪切板。在const sites=的列表中添加需要显示的网站[删除这段就是显示在所有网站上]。
AI网页内容总结(增强版) JS - 使用AI总结网页内容的油猴脚本,采用Shadow DOM隔离样式
Alpine Modular Interiors JS - Displays information about Alpine Modular Interiors, a modular office furniture manufacturer.
Better Web Animation 网页动画优化 JS - 为所有网页的新加载、变化、移动和消失的内容提供可配置的平滑显现和动画效果,包括图片和元素位置、尺寸变化的平滑过渡。
Multi-Column Layout for printing (Print Only) JS - Convert single column layout to multi-column layout only when printing. Press Ctrl+S to open settings.
Access Control For Mindfulness (ctrl+m) JS - Beautiful mindful page for website access control. Press Ctrl+S to enable access control and custom access time.
移动版网页重定向到PC版 JS - 将m.开头的移动端网址重定向到PC端
Smart Page Auto Refresh JS - Smoothly refreshes web pages when changed. Press Ctrl+R to start auto refresh
tj77shop JS - 禁用跟踪计数器𝗚𝗼𝗼𝗴𝗹𝗲.
Download on QNAP NAS JS - Download links or magnet links on QNAP NAS via Download Station, you can input url manually or right-click on the link and then hit on "Download from Last Link"
AI网页内容总结 JS - 使用AI总结网页内容的油猴脚本
Stop Anti-Semitism JS - replaces all instances of "Zionist", an attempt to showcase how the anti-semitic dogwhistle is used as a catch-all term for the Jewish people.
Study Timer JS - Records webpage study time and displays a floating timer window in the upper right corner, with exportable study logs
Auto LaTeX Renderer JS - Converts LaTeX on web pages into formatted math using MathJax
Block Mouse Leave JS - Block Mouse Leave Popup Improved
URL Manager JS - 支持 HTTP 到 HTTPS 和 HTTPS 到 HTTP 重定向,支持关键字替换功能
Premiumize.me Premium Link Converter JS - Convert standard links into premium links using premiumize.me
lenso.ai image search helper | 以图搜图 JS - lenso.ai search helper | 以图搜图
Text Direction Selector JS - Create a sliding button to change text direction between RTL and LTR with improved behavior
Prime opinion client JS - some features, ctrl + alt + x for menu
Modify Text Selection Background Color 修改复制选中文字的背景色 JS - 修改网页选中复制文字的背景色为指定的十六进制颜色,并通过设置菜单直接选择颜色
提取图片 by GPT && Leizingyiu JS - Display all images in an overlay when pressing Alt+S, close with Alt+W
bolder font JS - 网页字体加粗
Lottery Number Tracker JS - 記錄已經出現過的號碼
YearsBack JS - Fork of my previous script for emojis. Script changes 202X years for 201X.
Userscript gen JS - can make simple userscripts
AnyGuessr - Universal Geoguessr-alike game cheat JS - Get the location in any GeoGuessr-alike game
ChatGPT 划词回答 JS - 划词后调用 ChatGPT 回答选中文字内容 需要在代码中填写自己的apikey(代码第14行),也可以选择自己要使用的模型(代码第89行)。
Allow Right-Click with Tampermonkey Menu Option JS - Allows right-clicking on websites that prevent it by clicking the menu button in the Tampermonkey extension.
视频播放速度控制 | 视频加速 JS - 通过按w和s键来控制网页视频的播放速度
super fast load JS - Enhance your browsing with Super Fast Load! Stop YouTube autoplay, add download buttons, and block ads, pop-ups, and trackers. Speed up slow connections, save data, and preload links for quick access. Hide cookie banners, disable location tracking, and block unnecessary scripts. Optimize for VPN/Tor, lazy load images and videos, and boost download speeds. Improve website loading by optimizing media elements and reducing ad buffering. Experience faster, safer browsing today!
移动端网页元素替换与编辑工具 JS - 替换网页中的元素为本地图片,支持缩放、推动和编辑操作,保持原始比例,修改为音符图标🎶,淡绿色背景,支持隐藏/显示按钮
Freedium Redirect JS - Redirects Medium Links to Freedium
显示新标签页打开图标 JS - 鼠标悬停在链接上时,如果会在新标签页打开,则显示箭头图标,支持中英双语设置菜单及实时预览
Video Tweaker JS - Adds more settings to a video
禁止Worker JS - Web Workers
Image Extractor And Download Button JS - Analyzes webpage inputs and downloads results as a .txt file
导出 Cookies JS - 一键导出多种格式的 Cookies!
Console Fixes JS - Restore the Console that has been blocked by some websites
Restore Console JS - Restore the Console that has been blocked by some websites
网页字体替换 JS - 更改网页显示字体
汉化修改器/手动替换网页文本/搜索替换/xpath/文本替换/上帝模式 JS - 修改网页上的文本并保存更改,支持更多功能
星号密码显示助手 JS - 当你网站点击密码框时显示隐藏的密码,妈妈再也不用担心输错密码了。
Disable Inavtive Detection (禁止后台检测) JS - Some website detects user switching to other tabs, which can be disabled by this script. 有些网站会检测用户正处于后台,此脚本可以干掉这些检测。
Copy clean URL with ctrl + meta + c JS - 11/15/2024, 11:17:18 AM
网课自动更新(全) JS - 手动更新
视频播放速度控制 JS - 通过按c和z键来控制网页视频的播放速度,按x键恢复初始速度,并在调整时显示当前播放速度,新增数字1、2、3设置固定倍速
划词翻译(百度有道) JS - 单击页面单词,详细中文释义,适配移动端。
Customize qBittorrent Web UI Font Size JS - *Customize qBittorrent Web UI Font Size*
Pirater For Web JS - Transforms all writing on your web browser to pirate speak, courtesy of https://github.com/sayhan1610/pirater api
Clear sessionStorage, localStorage, and cookies for the current site JS - 在当前网站上清除 sessionStorage, localStorage 和 cookies。
划词翻译(谷歌有道) JS - 支持在移动端设备上单击自动翻译功能,点击文本后自动显示翻译结果、音标、例句、释义并朗读文本,点击页面隐藏翻译框