现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
Remove media JS - Remove images and videos
Stream To Android Player JS - Detect streaming videos and open them in external Android apps
Abstract Emoji encryptor JS - Fff**k.
Kour.io- Speed Hack (LC MOD MENU) JS - x2 hack kour.io
Redirect to Opener JS - Allow you to redirect customizable urls to the iOS Opener app.
Блокнот с возможностью редактирования JS - Реверсирование текста
devtoolsDetector remover JS - annoying when on hianime.to for example
WebShot JS - Fast shot html element
替换文本 JS - 可影响输入框中的内容,支持自定义设置
检测关键词并跳转到自定义网址 JS - 检测特定关键词并跳转到指定网址
WME Beta UR Links JS - Open UR links in Beta WME
click beatiful JS - 会在你点击鼠标时生成特效,并且会持续生成流星雨特效,美观又时尚(如果出现bug,请打开开发人员模式)
Spookify JS - Replaces one random link with a screamer
No Round Corners JS - Styles elements to remove any rounded corners
Invisible Google Translate Widget JS - Makes the Google Translate widget vanish without a trace.
Export and Import Cookies JS - Allows you to import and export cookies from any website.
Sem Logs JS - Remove os logs do navegador
Tela Cheia JS - Deixa o navegador em tela cheia
Game Attack JS - This script will automatically set number to your casino game. Let's try to do it.
MUSIC SIEU CHILL ( muấn thêm nhạc ib discord :taochsgamedekiemgai2207 ) JS - Press "tab" or "]" for Menu 1 , press "[" or "`" for Menu 2
Youtube Sempre Rodando JS - Remove a mensagem "Continue assistindo" no YouTube e mantenha os vídeos reproduzindo
Next Image/Previous Image with Alignment and Large Image Support JS - Scroll down/up by aligning images
Hide Scrollbars JS - Make all scrollbars invisible on websites
Mobile Video Seek Gesture JS - 모바일 브라우저에서 좌우 스와이프 제스처로 동영상 탐색 및 길게 눌러 2배속 재생 (Shadow DOM 포함)
Simple Edit JS - Edit text, Delete, and Paste Images on any page
Copy Url JS - Copy current page url as text & link
Highlight Selected Text JS - A context menu item which highlights selected text.
🚀继续教育刷课平台-自助下单【影刃】 JS - 继续教育刷课平台:支持华医网,安徽继续教育在线,深圳市教师教育网,成都职业培训网络学院,网络研修平台,浙江水利-浙水安澜-浙水学习,山财培训网,杭州专业技术人员学习新干线,内蒙古干部网络学院,59iedu甘肃专技-临夏州,国培网-融学APP,河北省专业技术人员继续教育,国家中小学智慧教育平台,安徽省建筑施工企业“安管人员”和特种作业人员继续教育,丽水市人社专技继续教育,河南干部网络学院,中国教育干部网络学院,学习公社,湖南师范大学专业技术人员继续教育,华医网专题专项培训,浙江水利水电学院安全生产培训网校平台,pep.com.cn人教,成都市中小学教师,内蒙古地矿,陕西省专业技术人员继续教育,昆明市教师远程培训,湛江市干部在线学习,广西西学中,中国人事人才服务网,四川省继教网,新疆兵团职业技能培训平台,知学云-林草网络学堂,陕西省建设类职业师继续教育
Autonomous Browser JS - Automatic browser. This script randomly visits links. To which adventure will it lead you?
Activate Dark Mode JS - Activate dark mode using the context menu.
高效文本文件查看器 JS - 优化文本文件查看体验,支持快速复制、下载及长文本处理
自动转换https链接为超链接并高亮显示 JS - 将网页中的所有https链接自动转换为可点击的超链接并高亮显示
Magnet Link Handler for qBittorrent WebUI JS - Intercept magnet links and open qBittorrent download dialog in a popup.
Simple Helper Script JS - Et enkelt Userscript for hurtigtaster og grunnleggende handlinger.
Fast Key Presser JS - Press keys faster (W, Space, etc.)
音乐视频下载器 JS - 使用脚本和客户端结合,实现一键下载音乐视频。目前支持【网易云音乐(music.163.com)】【QQ音乐(y.qq.com)】【bilibili(www.bilibili.com)】【小红书(www.xiaohongshu.com)】【乐视网(www.le.com)】【斗鱼(v.douyu.com)】【虎牙(www.huya.com)】【搜狐视频(tv.sohu.com)】【喜马拉雅FM(www.ximalaya.com)】【央视频(v.cctv.com)】【中国国际电视台(news.cgtn.com)】持续更新中。。。
Realtime Domain Scanner JS - Сканирует домены на сайте в реальном времени и выводит их в текстовое поле с сортировкой в столбик.
Professional Website Notes Manager JS - Professional notes manager with editable URLs, modern interface, and quick delete functionality
RGB Text Animation JS - Adds RGB animation to text while typing
WebRTC Spoofer JS - WebRTC Spoofer (Logitech Brio 4K & Blue Yeti Mic as Virtual Matrix 4) with Video & Audio Requested Good For Ome.tv an Uhmegle
Destiny2_Term_replace JS - 替换网页中出现的命运2术语
让谷歌浏览器不翻译代码和公式 JS - 针对谷歌翻译,可以自定义指定标签、关键词不翻译
Leave-debugger JS - 用于破解网页无限debugger,支持多种调试方式拦截
Force RTL JS - This script will change the direction of the elements with arabic characters
改字体 JS - 修改全局全局字体
实时显示星号密码 JS - 实时显示输入的密码内容,再也不担心忘记密码和输错密码了。
Mkana+ JS - パソコンや スマホで 表示できない フォントを 表示するために,フォントを 変更します。
Redirect to SciHub JS - Adds SciHub and LibGen buttons to Google Scholar articles and redirects DOI links to Scihub.
qBittorrent Magnet Link Handler JS - Intercept magnet links and send them to qBittorrent WebUI.
Bloqueador Universal de Anúncios JS - O bloqueador de anúncios mais agressivo para todos os sites
scratch extension loader JS - none
scratch extesion: clipboard by rssaromeo JS - none
scratch extesion: pointerlock by rssaromeo JS - none
scratch extesion: timer by rssaromeo JS - none
scratch extesion: var manip by rssaromeo JS - none
scratch extesion: math by rssaromeo JS - none
scratch extesion: array by rssaromeo JS - none
scratch extesion: js by rssaromeo JS - none
scratch extesion: thread vars by rssaromeo JS - none
scratch extesion: storage by rssaromeo JS - none
scratch extesion: misc by rssaromeo JS - none
scratch extesion: string by rssaromeo JS - none
scratch extesion: input by rssaromeo JS - none
scratch extesion: file by rssaromeo JS - none
scratch extesion: json by rssaromeo JS - none
(秒过)2025智慧中小学寒假教师研修,每个视频多点几遍,快速点鼠标左键 JS - 中小学智慧云平台寒假研修学习秒过的方法
Copy title JS - Add copy title keyboard shortcut, ctrl + ]
Custom Background Manager JS - Web siteleri için arka plan değiştirme [öncelikli manga-manhwa siteleri]
Link Click Tracker JS - クリック済みリンクを記録し、視覚的に分かるように表示
이미지 다운로더 + HR JS - Images can be extracted and batch downloaded from most websites. Especially for websites the right click fails or image can not save. Extra features: zip download / auto-enlarge image. See the script description at info page (suitable for chrome/firefox+tampermonkey)
Unlock All Medium.com Blogs JS - Bypass all medium blogs paywall (external domains and subdomains too)
Disable Mailto Links JS - Disable all mailto links on web pages
Pop-Up Blocked! (⛔) JS - Simple popup window blocker
自动填写页面中的账号密码 JS - 将演示站点提供的账号密码自动填写到对应的位置
Bloqueador de localização JS - Bloqueia o acesso de sites a sua localização automaticamente
Deepseek Chat Assistant JS - 调用Deepseek API进行对话。
Nick Hider JS - Ersetzt jedes "Sigmer" auf der Seite mit "Sigmer".
Network Sniffer 🌐 JS - Logs XHR, Fetch, WebSocket, and Service Worker requests
Desativar Microfone JS - Desativa o acesso ao microfone aos sites.
YouTube Link-Player JS - Open YouTube hyperlinks as embedded videos.
Auto PiP on Tab Switch JS - Automatically enable Picture-in-Picture mode for videos when switching tabs
m3u8 JS - 替换JS网页播放器
广告终结者(实验性版本) JS - 更多修复和优化
Bloquear Camera JS - Bloqueia o acesso de sites a camera do computador automaticamente.
add url to title JS - none
3D Translucent Browser Tabs JS - Adiciona efeito 3D translúcido às abas do navegador
文字链接可点击 JS - URL文本转a标签,代码全部来自DeepSeek,可能存在bug
AutoScroll Mobile JS - AutoScroll avec boutons tactiles pour mobiles et tablettes
AutoScroll Plus JS - AutoScroll avec contrôle de vitesse et navigation rapide
Img Downloader JS - Ajoute un bouton de téléchargement en haut à droite des images sur vos sites web favoris :p
DeepSeek R1 网页划词提问 JS - 支持弹窗交互的专业解释工具(优化版)
DL videos Youtube JS - Ajoute un bouton pour télécharger des vidéos via Y2Mate sur YouTube et via SaveTheVideo sur Twitter avec une option pour les masquer via la touche "H"
Floating PIP Button = Enable Picture in Picture for mobile JS - Adds a floating button to toggle Picture-in-Picture mode for videos on mobile devices.
网页特定文本屏蔽器 JS - 网页特定文本屏蔽器 ,被屏蔽的文本会被划上黑线
复制Rongseven月份 JS - 复制rongseven@月份到剪切板
通用下载助手 JS - 快速实现下载功能
自动复制 JS - 自动复制,鼠标选中,直接复制,省去你的左手。
解除复制限制 JS - 解除网页复制限制并提供可视化控制
Edytuj Strone Librus JS - Pozwala edytować każdą stronę na żywo i zapisywać zmiany!