现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
Privacidade e Bloqueio de Câmera JS - Bloqueia o acesso de sites a sua localização, microfone e câmera automaticamente.
DOI to Sci-Hub JS - Redirects DOI links and converts plain text DOIs to Sci-Hub
CopyMaster JS - Tool for copying raw text and formated text
StegLLM JS - 此脚本已不再维护,最新项目详见https://github.com/Rin313/StegLLM。This script is no longer maintenance, please refer to the https://github.com/Rin313/StegLLM for the latest project
Bypass Tab Switch Detection JS - Prevents websites from detecting tab switches by overriding visibility and focus events.
Pop-Up Blocker JS - Block all pop-up ads in Chrome
Add Background to Body JS - Adds a background to websites that have transparency in your browser (e.g. Zen Browser).
TheWebCHanger JS - Supreme// @author TheSupremeHackerr
HTTPS图片强制加载器 JS - 自动将网页中的HTTP图片资源替换为HTTPS协议
Tap to Scroll (Ignore Links) JS - Tap the top or bottom of the screen to scroll the page up or down, while ignoring taps on links and interactive elements.
mf-adblock JS - a basic anti-adblock workaround that can remove or click elements on a website
AdsBypasser JS - Bypass Ads
Anti ChatGpt Bypass + copying unlifted JS - Premature optimization is the root of all evil.
正念浏览控制 (Ctrl+M) JS - 提醒你保持正念,控制浏览网站的时间。按Ctrl+M查看设置。
红书聚光_自用 JS - Create a floating window that can be minimized and expanded, and sticks to the bottom right corner.
随意筛选 JS - 自由选定页面元素进行筛选
Florr.io AutoShift/AutoSpace/PetalClaculator and more coming soon. JS - Utilities
Polyfill Lite for old browser JS - add Array.at and Object.hasOwn.
Bunker Domain Redirect JS - Redirects bunker.** domains to bunker.ws
论坛帖子批量选择小助手 JS - 在任何网页中多选帖子并批量打开,支持屏蔽词功能
Copy All Text and Redirect to ChatGPT (iOS) JS - Adds a button to copy all text (with "Summarize:" prefix) and redirects to ChatGPT
GoodNote - 网页笔记助手 JS - 在任何网页添加笔记功能
Text Link Converter JS - 将文本格式的URL转换为可点击的链接
Ultra Smooth Zoom Slider (Fixed) JS - Adds an ultra-smooth zoom slider with draggable functionality
Universal Crosshair by Kakoncheater JS - Customizable crosshairs for any website.
Copy table JS - Adds a button to copy tables to the clipboard in HTML format for pasting into Word with full borders.
简洁网页翻译助手 JS - 单击按钮即可将当前页面翻译成中文(使用 Google 翻译)
强制使用字体 - 核心(重构版) JS - 兼容最新版 Chrome 与 Safari 的强制字体脚本核心模块,实现高性能、高兼容性
图片黑白效果和开关灯效果 JS - 给页面上的所有图片添加黑白效果,并通过按钮控制开关黑白效果和开关灯效果
识别文本中的链接 JS - 点击网页文本中的URL并将其转换为可点击的链接
All Cookie Viewer JS - Displays cookies for the current page in an overlay
SproutTurbo-Extractor JS - Facilita a Execução das Tarefas de Alguns Empregadores da Sprout. O Script Pega no Codigo Fonte da Pagina o Codigo e o 10° Link Para Fazer a Tarefa de Alguns Empregadores.
Web Page Accelerator JS - Automatically accelerates hyperlinks on web pages to improve loading speed. Integrates the latest instant.page v5.2.0 features with multi-language support (default: English) and removes store link redirection functionality.
Highlight Text JS - Select text, right click, and Highlight Text
Refresh Button JS - 在所有网页右侧增加一个刷新按钮,点击后 2~3 秒刷新页面
Back to Top Button JS - 右下角固定返回顶部按钮
Webpage Size Summary with Dual Calculation Overlay (Dynamic, URL Change Refresh) JS - Displays page performance details grouped by resource type. The very first (initial) calculation is stored and subsequent updates are stored separately. The overlay shows a side‑by‑side comparison (Initial / Updated) for Count, Encoded Size, and Transfer Size. On URL changes the initial data is reset.
MG-Linkcollector JS - 提取页面中的磁力\Ed2k链接并收集到文本框中,支持跨网页收集,文本框内容实时更新。快捷键:监测当前页面(Alt+Q),删除当前链接(Alt+W),清除全部(Alt+A),一键复制(Alt+S),展开/关闭(无快捷键)。新增功能:自动获取新标签页的链接,聚焦页面超过2秒后再次自动获取。
威胁情报小助手 JS - 安全人员小助手,安全人员必备的工具
vitePress页面打印 JS - 一键调用打印功能,适用于所有页面,打印前隐藏特定元素(VPSidebar, VPLocalNav has-sidebar, .container > aside, VPDocFooter)并修改VPContent的padding,找不到元素时继续执行并将错误打印到控制台,增加打印预览功能
Run JS in URL | RU JS - Даёт возможность запускать JS код используя URL
Run JS in URL | EN JS - Allows running JS code using URL
搜索引擎跳转助手 JS - 在搜索时可以方便跳转不同的搜索引擎, 可以简单的添加搜索引擎
測試選單 JS - 測試選單介面
网页英语难词自动划词翻译 JS - 自动检测网页中的英语难词,鼠标悬浮显示翻译
网页英语难词悬浮翻译助手(移动端) JS - 自动检测网页中的英语难词,鼠标悬浮显示翻译
链接净化器 JS - 复制时自动删除URL中的中文字符干扰符
Auto Loop and Autoplay for All Video Players JS - Enables loop and autoplay on all video players online
Makeshift Theme Switch JS - Very simple temporary theme switcher for any page
Tab Renamer JS - Allows you to rename tabs
Advanced Responsive Ethical Data Gathering Tool v3.2 JS - Massive integrated tool for ethical data research: forces media load; unblurs content (via CSS, canvas, OpenCV.js); reveals hidden text; recovers hidden data; fixes problematic overlays and unselectable text; extracts rich data (including high-detail image info), meta, and more; plus OCR, state-preserving UI, clearable logs, and live logging.
Gulf of America -> Gulf of Mexico correction JS - Replace any instance of Gulf of America with Gulf of Mexico
Jump to Top/Bottom of page with hotkeys JS - 为网页增加向页尾、页首的按钮及快捷键。
左键限制解除 JS - 左键选中
Apply ChatGPT Font Everywhere JS - Changes the font on all websites to Inter (ChatGPT's font).
Image Info JS - Display image dimensions and size
Global light style - changes everything to LIGHT CSS - Converts all websites to a light theme.
AudioStation support the MediaSession API JS - 让AudioStation支持系统级别的媒体控制(上一首、下一首、暂停/播放)
解除限制 JS - 233
Ultimate Picture-in-Picture Enhancer JS - Automatically enable PIP mode with a smooth transition and a configurable, centered control panel.
网页输入关键词提取链接列表 JS - 提取网页中包含指定关键词的所有链接,并提供复制功能
GoodNote - VSCode 网页笔记助手 JS - 在任何网页添加VSCode编辑器功能 ctrl + shift + L
Test Translator JS - AI Translation using Gemini
Porn Blocker | 色情内容过滤器 JS - A powerful content blocker that helps protect you from inappropriate websites. Features: Auto-detection of adult content, Multi-language support, Smart scoring system, Safe browsing protection.
磁力链接批量选择工具(增加全选按钮) JS - 增加全选按钮,并优化按钮透明度和放大效果
Disable LaTeX Rendering JS - 阻止LaTeX渲染并显示原始代码
Универсальные кликабельные номера телефонов на странице (Международные) JS - Скрипт для замены номеров телефона на кликабельные ссылки, работает с любыми международными номерами на любых страницах.
智能网课防挂机助手 JS - 模拟真实用户行为,防止网课挂机检测
网页中网址高亮显示并跳转 JS - 在网页上选中网址时自动高亮显示,并点击跳转
Bird Species Image Preview JS - Show Flickr images when hovering over bird species names (IOC nomenclature) on a webpage.
Base64 文本解码器 JS - 选中文本时自动检测并解码 Base64 编码的内容,支持一键复制解码结果
Dynamic Page Code Scraper with Button JS - 带有启动按钮的 JavaScript 动态页面代码爬取脚本
Bloqueador de Feed JS - Bloqueia o feed do instagram, foque apenas em você =D
ВРЕМЯ/ЧАСЫ JS - Показывает текущее время и день недели на странице
Blooket Cheats Plus JS - adds hacks from blooketbot.glitch.me to the 05konz gui
网页视频倍速播放器·视频全页面播放适配 JS - 将视频播放窗口适配为全页面显示
Universal Auto Scroll JS - Press Alt + X to start auto-scroll or increase speed. X to pause/resume, Space / Esc to stop. Use Up/Down to adjust speed. Page Up/Down work normally during scroll/pause. Mouse Up/Down pauses during scroll and work normally during pause.
显示当前网站的Cookie JS - 以易读格式显示当前网站的所有Cookie
多功能滚动按钮 JS - 添加顶部、底部和位置记录功能的按钮
通用新标签页打开链接 JS - 智能判断链接是否需要在新标签页打开
DeepSeek Local助手 JS - 本地部署DeepSeek模型后,直接浏览器对话
bob划词翻译 JS - Show popup on text selection and trigger keyboard shortcut
Auto Picture-in-Picture on Tab Change JS - Auto-enables PiP for playing videos in Chromium browsers on tab switch. Requires an initial click to unlock and exits on return.
SugarCube Game Cheat Panel JS - Edit variables in SugarCube games easily via a draggable, collapsible UI with dynamic suggestions and auto-populated values.
交换左键和中键默认打开url的方式 JS - 点击超链接,左键新标签页打开.中键当前页面打开
Descargar Código Web ZIP JS - Guarda el código fuente de cualquier página web en un archivo ZIP manteniendo su estructura de carpetas.
A君 - 悬浮菜单 - 脚本管理工具 JS - 添加悬浮菜单,支持脚本管理功能
Customizable Textarea Prefix/Suffix for DGG JS - Adds a customizable prefix and suffix to text in the DGG chat textarea
Uppercase Everything JS - Forces all text on every website to be uppercase
改善 JVS 开发体验 JS - 2025-03-04
Enhanced Past Tense Verb Highlighter JS - Hide past tense verbs, show base form on hover, and reveal past tense on click with improved accuracy
Identify development environment JS - Display an alert on your work environment for disambiguation
Emoji Drop with Comic Sans JS - Emojis fall and bounce from mouse clicks, page in Comic Sans
Light Blue Trail with Comic Sans JS - Light blue trail follows mouse, page in Comic Sans
Color Changer with Comic Sans JS - Changes background color every 5 seconds, page in Comic Sans
待出库自动备注虚拟手机号 JS - 对于京东手机号脱敏的解决方式之一 - 性能优化版
(改)Scroll To Top/Bottom Button JS - Add buttons to scroll to top and bottom of page in the bottom right corner of the screen
Ouvrir les liens externes dans un nouvel onglet avec watcher JS - Ouvre dans un nouvel onglet les liens qui mènent à un domaine différent et surveille les changements du DOM
左键直接打开网页内的地址文本 JS - 自动识别文本中的URL并转换为可点击链接