现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
Giphy Categorization JS - Reverse Engineered because I have no clue what I'm doing!
AdsBypasserLite JS - Bypass Ads
Play Tone JS - Function to play a sound file by adding an HTML5 audio tag to the document. ver 1.0 2014-09-07.
Link Tooltips JS - Adds and/or modifies link and image title attributes to include more informaton
Storage Viewer JS - Check the use of new kind of cookies: sessionStorage, localStorage, globalStorage and databaseStorage.
Textarea Backup with expiry JS - Retains text entered into textareas and contentEditables, and expires after certain time span.
Textarea Plus JS - Have a better textarea! A userscript which can improve plain textarea for code editing.
Youtube Always Play in Highest Quality Everywhere JS - Always play youtube videos in highest available quality, embedded ones too, everywhere.
backToTop JS - add backtotop button for all site
WebM Inline Player (ru) JS - Автоматически заменяет ссылки на WebM-видео на встроенный плеер
WebM Inline Player JS - Automatically replaces links to WebM files with embedded videos
Lazyload Unveil JS - load images on scroll. Universal img tags. lol@greasyfork for not letting me call to github
绯月表情增强插件 JS - KF论坛专用的回复表情, 插图扩展插件, 在发帖时快速输入自定义表情和论坛BBCODE
s/keyboard/leopard/g JS - Replaces the word "keyboard" with "leopard".
s/force/horse/g JS - Replaces the word "force" with "horse".
It's Broke JS - Force submit broken hits.
Scroll to Bottom or Top JS - 为网页增加滚到页首和页尾的按钮
picviewer CE JS - NLF 的围观图修改版
Text Hilite JS - Highlights matched text on page
recommendAllComments JS - Recommend all comments in a diary - this version also handles checkboxes
YouTube Title Adder JS - Preloads any YouTube (and LiveLink!) links and appends the title of the video to the link in the referring page
Release Site Usenet/Torrent Searcher JS - Adds buttons to a release's line to search usenet or torrents for the release. Now can choose default search site! [Sites: Binsearch, torrentz, NZBindex, Piratebay, Demonoid, ISOHunt]
Remove Facebook Like buttons (mod) JS - Remove Facebook Like buttons (inspired by http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/76037 by rnaud)
URL Shortener Unshortener JS - Adds small button next to shortened URLs (t.co/bit.ly/goo.gl) on Twitter and other sites that will replace the shortened URLs with their real locations and vice-versa. Useful for when you don't want to blindly click links.
CleanHide & Enable RightClick-Copy JS - CleanHide.Hotkey:CRTL+Q. Created By Inorth. [email protected]://notebk.spaces.live.com/
imgur to mirror JS - Replaces all imgur links and pictures with mirror links
Linky JS - Turn selected areas inside a Mturk hit into a google link.
baby first script /yee JS - enter something useful
Translate and Define JS - Allows you to translate and define highlighted text
Open In New Tab JS - 新しいタブで開くリンクをCSSセレクタで選べるようにする
Universal Text Highlighting JS - highlights text in an element
Add URL in tooltip JS - Add URL in tooltip to include more informaton
Yun Pan WAP Redirect JS - 重定向百度云盘的 WAP 页面到普通页面
Google Translator Tooltip Expanded Fork JS - Translates the selected text into a tooltip automatically. Based on Google Translation Tooltip MLiteKeysOn.
1Tool Short Links Elongator JS - Elongates all 1Tool short links to their direct links
Downloadiz2 Short Links Elongator JS - Elongates all Downloadiz2 short links to their direct links
Imzdb Short Links Elongator JS - Elongates all Imzdb short links to their direct links
nbanews Short Links Elongator JS - Elongates all nbanews short links to their direct links
TakeMyFile Short Links Elongator JS - Elongates all TakeMyFile short links to their direct links
Takhzen Catalog Link Elongator JS - Elongates all Takhzen Catalog Links to their direct links
Takhzen Short Links Elongator JS - Elongates all Takhzen short links to their direct links
Wwenews Short Links Elongator JS - Elongates all Wwenews short links to their direct links
zPag Short Links Elongator JS - Elongates zPag Links to their direct links
Date highlighter日期字体阴影高亮 JS - Add text shadow to highlight dates in text.
Devsidebar JS - Deviantart
Devtoolbar 2 JS - Deviantart
Disable website keyboard hooks JS - Stop websites from hijacking keyboard shortcuts.
Cookie Injector JS - Inject Cookie String From Wireshark Dump Into Any Webpage
USO to Webextender JS - Redirect Userscripts.org to Webextender.net
FavIcon_Grabber_base64_URI_Converter JS - Extracts websites FavIcons and converts them into corresponding base64 URI
PopupFlash JS - 鼠标悬停在 flash 视频上会出现一个按钮,点击后可放大浮动在页面上。
Search Engine Jump for Academic(IE compatible) JS - 方便的在各个引擎之间跳转学术版(IE适用)
Backspace Means Backspace JS - Prevents Back action on Backspace key
Enhanced word highlight JS - 在搜索引擎和任意网页获得增强的高亮!
Quick debug JS - Quick inject scripts/style to current page.
lazyScroller JS - Keep your hand free from scroll button.
True URL downloads JS - 迅雷、快车、QQ旋风等专有链解密,嗅探下载链接并批量管理
Amazon Tag Remove (All) JS - Elimina la variable tag de los vínculos hacia Amazon
jsKillAD JS - 查杀页面浮动广告
Next Previous Image Key Navigation JS - Quick scroll to next/previous image on a page with f/r buttons
Decloak links and open directly JS - Open redirected/cloaked links directly
Auto scroll keys [adopted] JS - Read articles hands-free! Pres Ctrl-Down or Opt-Down to start slowly scrolling the page. Press again to adjust speed. Escape or Space to stop.
Delicious Link Tooltop JS - Shows Delicious info for the target page in a tooltip when you hover over a link.
FastJSLogger JS - Intercepts console.log calls to display log messages in a div floating on the page. Tries to be a replacement for normal browser Error Consoles (which can be a little slow to open).
FaviconizeTheWeb JS - Adds a favicon for the website next to every external link on the page. Clearly shows when you will be leaving the current site, and where you will be going! (Unfortunately making links longer than expected can result in unwanted overflow on various websites. For example, Google header bar!)
Hibernate Idle Tabs JS - If a tab is unused for a long time, it switches to a light holding page until the tab is focused again. This helps the browser to recover memory, and can speed up the re-opening of large sessions.
Make Bookmarklets from Javascript URLs JS - When it sees a link to a userscript or general Javascript URL, adds a Bookmarklet besides it, which you can drag to your toolbar to load the script when you next need it (running outside Greasemonkey of course).
More Keybinds JS - Adds some extra keystrokes to Firefox.
Next Image/Previous Image [adopted] JS - Quick scroll to next/previous image on a page with n/p buttons
Related Links Pager JS - Navigate sideways! When you click a link, related links on the current page are carried with you. They can be accessed from a pager on the target page, so you won't have to go back in your browser.
Table of Contents Everywhere JS - On pages which do not have a Table of Contents, but should do, create one! (I actually use this as a bookmarklet, so I can load it onto the current page only when I want it.)
URLs Need Titles JS - When you paste a URL to a friend, it is useful if it contains the title of the page. This script adds these missing titles for common websites using # part of URL. In other words, it turns non-semantic URLs into semantic URLs!
presidentA JS - conserta a grafia para "presidenta"
DiasPlus JS - Userscript that adds tweaks to diaspora*.
Auto-focus on first textbox JS - Auto-focuses on the first/main textbox of a site
Focus true JS - Trick JavaScript into thinking the document is focused
FlipText JS - Click button to flip text
PassViewer JS - onMouseOver event that shows typed password in forms
FartScroll JS - Fart as you scroll, no need to blame it on the dog anymore!
Embedded Youtube Video Full HD and No Annotations JS - Auto selects the highest resolution on all Youtube Videos AND embedded youtube videos on ALL webpages!
Kindleren Redirector JS - Kindle人旧域名自动重定向到新域名Kandouren.com;Redirect Kindleren.com to it new site: Kandouren.com
My Fancy New Userscript JS - enter something useful
OmNomNomify JS - Brighten up your web browsing with the Cookie Monster!
Disable audio/video autoplay JS - Ensures that HTML5 audio and video elements do not autoplay, based on http://diveintohtml5.info/examples/disable_video_autoplay.user.js
AutoPagerize_Console JS - Expansion Autopagerize operation. / AutoPagerizeの操作系を拡張します。
Frankie's Custom HF Header JS - Adds various forums to the HF heading.
Spirit's Custom HF Header JS - Adds various forums to the HF heading.
Kohi's Custom HF Header JS - Adds various forums to the HF heading.
Inline Audio Player JS - Add to every link to an audio file (.mp3 .wav .ogg .m4a .mp4) on page a tiny button for play music with inline player. Use Html5 <audio> tag.
RU Max4_ABP_Fix CSS JS - Дополнение, исправляющее работу Adblock Plus для отдельных сайтов. Возвращаем функционал Ad-Охотника в Maxthon4 и Maxthon5. Спасибо lainverse за идею.
IPA JS - text to ipa
nshark JS - Turns all images on page to Left Shark
vvCiteWeb JS - Заполняет вики-шаблон Cite web для текущей страницы.
Simple Form Saver JS - Provides a small red button at the top left, click it to save or to fill in forms on the web. Auto-fill, click replay and pasting raw info into forms also featured.
Show Popup Download Link from Embeded Video File Hosting JS - Support: acefile.net, aisfile.com, tusfiles.net, other file hosting with embed video /embed-xxxxyy-size.html
IMDB Rating JS - Display imdb rating when hovering on an imdb link
vipVideos_skipAd JS - 配合ABP去视频广告;开启GPU加速
Emoji Polyfill JS - This makes the browser support emoji by using native fonts if possible and a fallback if not.
nlluminati JS - Turns all images on page to Illuminati