现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
网购比价领券神器—购物党,不仅自动领券还能额外领取补贴红包,365天历史价格、同款更低价、降价提醒、价格保护,官方持续维护 JS - 自动比较同款商品在淘宝/京东/天猫/亚马逊/当当//等更低价,提供365天历史价格走势查询,不仅可以领隐藏优惠券,无券商品还能领补贴红包,支持全网降价提醒、京东价格保护自动监控,链家二手房和Steam游戏也能比价!
Aliexpress URL Cleaner JS - Removes unnecessary parameters from Aliexpress URLs
AliExpress Ultra Efficient JS - Sort Price from Low to High, Put Items in View list All Automatically
AliBetterReviews JS - User script for making Aliexpress reviews easier to browse
Aliexpress Plus Fixed and more... JS - View Search Results by list automatically & Sorts search results by item price properly with shipping costs included, Lets you search your wishlish, Shows related wishlist items in search and item pages, Adds search default options.
ヤフオクで非表示とメモ JS - q:非表示 w:アンドゥ b:NGワード Shift+Q:NG編集 12:メモを追加 34:自由メモ 56:定型文をメモ Shift+!:メモを編集 Shift+":自動メモのみ全削除 Shift+#:メモを一時非表示 Shift+56:定型文を設定 .:上限価格 t:半透明モード
Aliexpress: .ru links to .com JS - Use after setting English: https://webapps.stackexchange.com/a/153233
【比价狗超简洁版——持续维护】“比价”+“找内部优惠券”,支持京东、淘宝、天猫、苏宁、当当等各大主流平台商品,自动显示隐藏优惠券和历史价格,页面简洁无广告。 JS - 商品优惠券+店铺优惠券+近180天历史价格查询,无券商品补贴立减红包。快速比价,以全网最低的价格买到商品,轻松省钱。有功能需求或问题可随时联系反馈([email protected])。
AliExpress mass message deleter JS - Deletes all messages in your message center
AliExpress Total Price JS - Display total price (including shipping) on AliExpress item pages
slash search bar focus JS - Focus search bar on pressing SLASH (/) or BACKSLASH (\) on amazon.de, bing.com, userscript.zone, github, aliexpress, hornbach, readly, greasyfork, ebay, temu
AliExpress Rating Calculator JS - Takes product star ratings and puts a numerical values over them.
Aliexpress order history JS - Scrapes AliExpress order history into a CSV file suitable for spreadsheet use.
Konwerter $ do PLN w AliExpress JS - Konwertuje wartosci
Show info about buyer on aliexpress.com JS - Shows buyers feedback
Aliexpress Plus JS - Sorts search results by item price properly with shipping costs included, enhances item pages
Aliexpress.com - USD to SEK conversion JS - Attempts to convert USD to Swedish Krona on aliexpress.se.
LetyShops CashBack JS - LetyShops CashBack for mobile site aliexpress.com
aliparser with partner link (https) JS - select producy on aliexpress then post it to vk.com album with partner link
SFBA report JS - Copie les dernières commandes des sites SFBA dans le presse papier et met en forme en bbcode
Aliexpress.com - EUR to CZK conversion JS - Převod ceny z EUR na CZK na aliexpress.com
AliExpress Tracking Chile JS - Inserta enlaces e imágenes para rastrear los pedidos directamente en AliExpress desde los detalles del pedido.
Aliexpress.com - USD to RUB conversion JS - Attempts to convert USD to Russian Ruble on aliexpress.com.
Aliexpress.com - USD to PLN conversion JS - Attempts to convert USD to Polish zloty on aliexpress
aliparser JS - sample goods
Aliexpress Tracking QR/Barcode JS - Add a QR/barcode to tracking number inside order details page and create link's to 17track.net
Aliexpress sort by price JS - Sort by price by one click
Enable text select on Aliexpress JS - Enables text select on Aliexpress site.
Aliexpress sort by price (menu version) JS - Sort by price by one click using menu command
Aliexpress feedback JS - prefill 5-star rating in aliexpress feedback
Aliexpress easy order confirmation JS - Adding a functionality to open the confirm order pages in a new tab with a middle click on the buttons and check all check boxes automatically
Aliexpress Text Select JS - Enables the selection of text on Aliexpress product pages
Cerrar Ventana JS - Cerrar automaticamentes propaganda y/o paginas indeseables
Aliexpress feedback image original size JS - Adds button under user posted images in Feedback tab to view the original size images in new window.
速卖通产品数据追踪 JS - 抓取速卖通单账号产品数据追踪信息
click aliexpress popup JS - try to take over the world!
Aliexpress Shopping Card Editor JS - Adds support to select items from the cart before ordering
Seguimiento Aliexpress/Correos de Chile JS - Permite hacer seguimiento de tus compras de Aliexpress directamente desde el sitio de correos de chile
aliexpress-autoselect JS - Show bulk price on aliexpress
AliExpress (Dark-Gray) by БлагоЯр Renewal raduft w JS - Я возобновил стиль <a href="https://userstyles.org/users/298762">этого</a> пользователя "raduftb w"
速卖通卖家后台直接打开产品详情页 JS - 在速卖通后台,点击产品图片,可以直接打开宝贝详情页。
Spent on Ali JS - Get full amount of money spent on products
自动填写地址脚本 JS - 自动填写地址
Cashback Reminder Enhanced JS - A reminder to check for cashback before completing a purchase online.
Aliexpress min price JS - Update minimum available price
Ali Auto Global JS - auto open global version of the page
Aliexpress short link share button JS - Adds short link share button on Aliexpress without annoying query params. Check it out near item raiting & order counter! Old & new design supported!
Aliexpress Total Price Script JS - Show Total Price on Aliexpress
AliExpress JS - Reload page with free shipping selection and sorted price ascending
Aliexpress show total price JS - Show total price- remove hide-total-price class
AliExpress Improve JS - Разные мелкие улучшения AliExpress: подсчёт общей цены, возвращение breadcrumb на верх
学園祭カレンダー絞り込み JS - s:絞り込み(h:強調付き) Shift+S:例で絞り込み (とどラン)a:相関が弱いものを消す
速卖通资金报表 JS - 获取资金报表!
购物网 (亞馬遜, 露天, 虾皮, 淘宝, 天猫, 京东, PChome 24h) - 键盘导览 JS - [a / ←]前一页,[d / →]下一页。包含产品列表、照片库、评价页...
AliExpress Basket - price per item/lot JS - Re-calculate price per piece
Aliexpress Plus FiZ JS - Sorts search results by item price properly with shipping costs included, enhances item pages for Google Chrome
AliExpress TimeCounter JS - Counting the time between operations
AliExpress Price Inc Shipping JS - Sums price AND shipping on Aliexpress
AliExpress Price range eliminator JS - Hides products with a price range in AliExpress search results and leaves only products with a single price
Aliexpress browse to next or previous page with keyboard JS - browse aliexpress search results to next or previous page using right and left keys
URL Clean JS - Clean / minimize large URLs by stripping tracking info
Track aliexpress parcel JS - Opens parcelsapp with the tracking code of your order
aliexpress.com no shitty links JS - 4/8/2021, 8:29:16 PM
速卖通上货beta JS - 上货。
AliExpress Total Shower JS - Shows the total amount spent on a page of your AliExpress orders.
Granja JS - autoclick cofre y agua
Aliexpress Warehouse Changer JS - Let's you choose warehowse!
AliBetterReviews JS - User script for making Aliexpress reviews easier to browse
速卖通显示标题 JS - 只显示速卖通商品列表的全部标题
Fix Bitwarden compatibility JS - Make login/password boxes on selected sites compatible with Bitwarden auto-fill
Fix .com to .ru "gatewayAdapt=glo2rus" aliexpress redirect for Ukraine. JS - After visiting aliexpress.ru it can mess up the locale settings on aliexpress.com - "com" will redirect to "ru" ("gatewayAdapt=glo2rus") and reset the location/language/currency settings. This script pins locale settings cookie, sets currency to USD, language to EN, country to UA, and redirects "ru" to "com". Please clear cookies on all "aliexpress" domains before using this userscript.
优化AliEx-TEM页面显示 JS - 优化订单详情页显示
Total of all Aliexpress purchases JS - Calculates the sum of all completed orders that are visible on the page (scroll down to the end to count the orders for the entire time).
Hide help button JS - hide that uthing
在速买通订单页面生成WhatsApp按钮快速联系客户 JS - 在订单页面根据手机号码生成一按钮快速个whatsapp的按钮,点击它就可以和买家直接交谈。如果买家没有注册过whatsapp那么就联系不上。
Aliexpress Coupon Center filtering JS - hide or mark low value coupons
AliExpress un-hide long product names JS - Fixes AliExpress CSS to show full product names
Aliexpress.COM Coupon Center filtering JS - mark high value coupons
AliExpress Review Fix JS - fixes the 'review' button function and if a product has reviews, they will automatically be displayed on page load
AliExpress Link Cleaner JS - Removes unnecessary parameters from AliExpress product links.
Metric Unit Converter - AliExpress (Dark Mode) JS - Convert metric units to standard units and kilometers to miles per hour (km/h) with a convenient popup. Toggle the conversion tool using the hotkey Ctrl+Shift+X.
AliExpress Invoice Downloader JS - Adds download buttons to the Aliexpress order page (https://www.aliexpress.com/p/order/index.html) and a bulk download button to download all invoices on the order page to save time.
Total of all Aliexpress purchases JS - Calculates the sum of all completed orders that are visible on the page (scroll down to the end to count the orders for the entire time).
site aliExpress - order status colors JS - Colorize action buttons to indicate status of orders (ordered, payed, shipped, received, feedback).
AliExpress Parse Orders Information to CSV JS - Parse AliExpress order page into a CSV file suitable for spreadsheet use.
site aliexpress - Auto Collect Coins JS - Automatically presses the "Collect coins" button on AliExpress coin page
速卖通违背发货承诺订单导出 JS - x
Aliexpress US URL Cleaner JS - Removes unnecessary parameters from Aliexpress URLs
Aliexpress Coupon Center filtering RUS JS - mark high value coupons
AliExpress bypass "3 Picks" JS - Redirects AliExpress "gcp" URLs to the corresponding item page using productIds.
AliExpress Anti-Redirect JS - Prevent unwanted redirects on AliExpress
AliExpress Product Link Fixer JS - Enhance your AliExpress shopping experience by converting marketing links into direct product links, ensuring each product is easily accessible with a single click.
Online shopping assistant & Automatically query coupons & Save money JS - Automatically search for coupons on popular shopping platforms to help you find the best deals on the products you need, without overspending. Currently supports: Aliexpress, Lazada, eBay, Amazon, and more.