现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
Google Dark JS - Google dark theme.
Google Search Region JS - A user script that lets you quickly switch Google search to different region.
Better Google JS - Restore google search results to older style with green link below title instead of link above title. Just tweaks the CSS and does some dynamic JS reordering of the DIVs.
一键切换搜索 JS - 在常用的搜索引擎页面中添加互相切换的按钮。
Google Search Sidebar JS - A user script and user style to move Google search tools to sidebar.
Google Direct URL JS - Direct URL in search results.
谷歌全面搜索按钮 JS - 给Google添加上全面搜索按钮,点击后可以关闭不良信息过滤。
Google - Middle Click Search JS - Opens search results in new tab when you middle click
Google-Maps-Language-Switcher JS - A Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey script which let you switch the interface language of Google Maps quickly.
Remove Google doodles JS - Stop the doodle madness!
Google, 12 hour date-time picker JS - Switches the date time picker on google searches to a 12 hour clock
Google Search Sidebar JS - A user script and user style to move Google search tools to sidebar.
Remove AngularJS From Angular Search JS - This script simply removes "AngularJS" from google searches containing the word "Angular".
Google Cool Theme JS - Cool google theme
Google Search Spam Filter JS - removes blacklisted search results
在搜索结果中屏蔽知乎 JS - 在google搜索结果中一劳永逸地屏蔽所有知乎结果
Google Search restore URLs (undo breadcrumbs) JS - Brings back the full URLs in results.
Google Search remove icons and undo breadcrumbs JS - fuck breadcrumbs and icons in Google search result.
Google Search restore URLs (undo breadcrumbs) JS - Brings back the full URLs in results.
Google Images without text JS - Remove title and description from below images on Google Images for a cleaner and simpler look, or if you prefer the look of Bing and DuckDuckGo but love Google too much.
Google Images without text JS - Remove title and description from below images on Google Images for a cleaner and simpler look, or if you prefer the look of Bing and DuckDuckGo but love Google too much. (Enhanced for chrome extension, Google Images Restored)
一键切换搜索/镜像站 JS - 在常用的搜索引擎/镜像站页面中添加互相切换的按钮。
Better Google (Updated) JS - Don't be evil
Better Google Drwonky JS - Don't be evil::revert google search results to older style
google origin image download JS - 快速下载谷歌图片搜索原图
Google 直链搜索结果网页及图片 JS - 令 Google 直接链接至搜索结果网页以及图片,跳过重定向及图片预览。
OldGoogleIsBetter JS - Old google results is better
google-search-extended JS - Google Search Extended
Google Search Results Count JS - On May 7, 2024, Google Search changed its interface to hide the number of search results by default. This script restores the visibility of the search result count by appending it to the top bar.
Search Switcher - SearXNG JS - Add links to each other in search engines. Including multiple search modes.
屏蔽谷歌搜索站点 JS - 在google搜索屏蔽指定站点