现在只显示 简体中文 的结果。显示所有语言的结果。
快照链接 JS - 把谷歌快照的链接全部转换成谷歌快照
Stay on the Google Cache page JS - Prevent the site from navigating away from Google Cache pages, as the target page may no longer exist
谷歌学术自动复制 BiBTeX (Enhanced BibTeX Fetcher with Filtering and Highlighting) JS - Fetch and copy BibTeX citations from academic papers, with advanced filtering and highlighting
右键在新标签中打开图片时显示最优化图像质量 v2 JS - 支持:谷歌(blogspot YouTube)、Tumblr、推特、Steam、新浪微博、知乎、豆瓣、百度贴吧、淘宝(天猫)、ArtStation、Pinimg、Reddit 等
Google Scholar BibTeX Auto Copy and Navigate JS - Automatically copy the BibTeX citation from Google Scholar to clipboard and navigate back or close the page