现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
greasefork成人脚本跳转按钮 JS - 浏览greasefork时增加一个进入sleazyfork的按钮
Greasy Fork++ JS - 添加各种功能并改善 Greasy Fork 体验
🏷️ 小鱼标签 (UTags) - 为链接添加用户标签 JS - 这是个超实用的工具,能给用户、帖子、视频等链接添加自定义标签和备注信息。比如,可以给论坛的用户或帖子添加标签,易于识别他们或屏蔽他们的帖子和回复。支持 V2EX, X, Reddit, Greasy Fork, GitHub, B站, 抖音, 小红书, 知乎, 掘金, 豆瓣, 吾爱破解, pixiv, LINUX DO, 小众软件, NGA, BOSS直聘等网站。
Greasyfork 糊裱匠 JS - 为 Greasyfork 提供各种使用功能,绝对时间,网页宽屏,脚本页增强,下载拓展,面板修复等一系列操作
Greasy Fork tweaks JS - various tweaks for greasyfork.org site for enhanced usability and additional features
Greasy Fork Dark Theme(User Style) CSS - changes greasy/sleazy fork theme to dark
跳转成人GreasyFork按钮 JS - 浏览greasefork或sleazyfork或tampermonkey时,在页面增加一个进入greasefork或者sleazyfork的按钮
大人世界的GreasyFork JS - 无需登录,探索 GreasyFork 和 SleazyFork 的完整世界!
Text Highlight and Seek JS - Automatically highlight user-defined text with Seek function (2019-09-22)
Text Highlighter - Dynamic JS - Highlights User-defined Text
百度广告(首尾推广及右侧广告)清理 JS - 彻底清理百度搜索(www.baidu.com)结果首尾的推广广告、二次顽固广告、右侧广告,去除重定向,删除百家号
Enhanced Google Bar JS - Google Bar Returns
ヤフオクで非表示とメモ JS - q:非表示 w:アンドゥ b:NGワード Shift+Q:NG編集 12:メモを追加 34:自由メモ 56:定型文をメモ Shift+!:メモを編集 Shift+":自動メモのみ全削除 Shift+#:メモを一時非表示 Shift+56:定型文を設定 .:上限価格 t:半透明モード
GreasyFork网站助手 JS - 此脚本会在GreasyFork网站的脚本列表页面和用户脚本列表页面每个脚本的下面添加几个快捷操作的按钮。包括直接安装、临时删除、加入黑名单等等功能。在脚本列表顶部添加了一个根据关键字过滤脚本的功能。作者:浴火凤凰(QQ:307053741,油猴脚本讨论QQ群:194885662)
GreasyFork: download script button JS - If you have a script manager and you want to download some script without installing it, this script will help
按 / 回到搜索框 JS - 想要输入新的搜索内容时,按下 ` / ` 键,光标焦点就会自动跳转到搜索框中,接下来就可以愉快的输入新的搜索内容啦!
AtCoder Easy Test v2 JS - Make testing sample cases easy
Greasyfork 快捷编辑收藏 JS - 在GF脚本页直接编辑收藏集
GreasyFork优化 JS - 自动登录账号、快捷寻找自己库被其他脚本引用、更新自己的脚本列表、库、优化图片浏览、美化页面、Markdown复制按钮
GreasyFork 暗黑模式 JS - 将 Greasy Fork 界面切换为暗黑模式。
slash search bar focus JS - Focus search bar on pressing SLASH (/) or BACKSLASH (\) on amazon.de, bing.com, userscript.zone, github, aliexpress, hornbach, readly, greasyfork, ebay, temu
greasyfork.org - Dark Mode CSS - Dark Mode for Greasyfork.org
DarkMode V2 for Greasyfork JS - changes the color theme of the page to cool dark colors.
使用新标签打开(油猴列表页、谷歌学术) JS - 油猴列表页、谷歌学术使用新标签打开
Greasy Fork - More Install button JS - Add install button on script Code, Versions and Feedback page.
Greasy Fork - Scripts Links JS - Add more scripts' links on scripts listing.
Greasy Fork - Search other sites JS - Add search option to search on Userscripts.org and *cough* OpenUserJS.org.
userscripts 只显示中文 JS - 在 userscripts、greasyfork 脚本页面只显示中文脚本,支持 AutoPager 和其它翻页脚本。
Greasyfork Require Easy Get Latest Version JS - Puts the link for the latest version of a library into an input with autoselect instead of a code tag.
GreasyFork Bullshit Filter JS - Hides scripts for popular browser games and social networks as well as scripts that use "foreign" characters in descriptions. Applies to posts in Forum too.
Check remember me JS - Check Remember me on Sign In GreasyFork page
Redirect Greasyfork French to English JS - Redirect Greasyfork Root French page to English page
GreasyFork Bullshit Filter - for TS Citrus Gfork JS - Hides scripts for popular browser games and social networks as well as scripts that use "foreign" characters in descriptions. Applies to posts in Forum too.
greasyfork.org "Show Favorites" Redirect JS - Automatic redirect for greasyfork.org favorite scripts on user's profile page
GreasyIRC JS - Adds an irc chat widget to greasyfork
greasyfork. APPLIES TO LINKS SEARCH BY SITES JS - greasyfork.org. makes applies to “All site” link to the “*” by site search (JasonBarnabe/greasyfork#146)
GreasyFork script list beautifier JS - Reformat script list on GreasyFork
greasyfork.org langfilter JS - filters out scripts and posts containing non-latin letters in title
Greasy Fork Script Discussions JS - Easily shows you what script discussions need a response.
Greasy Fork Yandex Browser Transparency JS - Adds the Transparency feature for Yandex Browser (currently Yandex Alpha only) on Greasy Fork.
Greasyfork in your language JS - Whenever a link to localized greasyfork page is clicked, redirect it to the specified language
GreasyFork script icon JS - On a script info page it shows its icon from the script meta block
Greasy Fork - Search scripts on other sites (Added more sites) JS - Add search option to search on Userscripts.org, OpenUserJS.org, MonkeyGuts.com (Code Remodified), Google.com(Beta;Work in progress;still functional) and Google Custom Search(Search all userscript websites with one click). Plus especially Userscripts-mirror.org(As Userscripts.org has shut down).
GreasyFork Green JS - Changes the Greasy Fork main color from Red to Green
Easy To See - Greasy Fork Errors JS - Makes errors more visible
Grease Info JS - Parse markdown info in userjs.
hwm_map_wars_stat JS - Статистика по боям за территорию: золото на каждого героя, победные и проигранные бои, % потери сектора и пр. (by Demin)
GreasyFork Total Scripts JS - Shows a user's total scripts count on GreasyFork
Greasy Fork Panel Layout JS - Moves the control panel to the right of the scripts listing as its own list group and removes ad
Greasyfork display update checks JS - display today's and yesterday's update checks on Greasyfork + quality indicator
GF enhance new version upload JS - Select Syntax highlight (enhanced editor) and resize the code box by default when uploading a script
Greasy Fork Content Filter JS - Filter out unwanted content on Greasy Fork
Greasy Fork - Change Default Script Sort JS - Change default script sort on GreasyFork
greasyfork-theme JS - Greasyfork new style
自动启动Daocloud容器 JS - 进入Daocloud容器页面;若容器关闭则自动启动容器
暴力猴嗅探器 JS - 检测脚本在暴力猴上的安装状态。
Greasyfork + JS - script for Greasyfork.org function①some links open in new tab[部分链接在新窗口中打开]
Greasy Fork Container Spacing JS - Adds a small margin to the bottom of the code container and author description in Greasy Fork
Greasy Fork Default Behavior JS - Add/edit scripts with syntax highlighting enabled by default and hide share stuff
Greasy Fork Links JS - Add links to navigate to the update tab and links to install scripts
Disable RF Snow JS - Disable the pesky rf snow
TW-Collections-BR Translation JS - Portuguese Translation - TW-Collections - see below
airtel bill payment1 JS - a script to populate my phne number in airtel
Greasy Fork - Auto Enable Syntax-Highlighting Source Editor JS - Auto enables greasy fork's syntax-highlighting source editor
Greasyfork install button on search JS - Adds install buttons to all the search result pages, nice for mass installing
Remove chuanqi JS - 从战旗中移除SB传奇
BC.VC Scrubber JS - Scrub the bc.vc links, Only works with links as example: http://bc.vc/12345/http://google.com , if your link is similar to this it will srub http://bc.vc/12345/ Make sure your link length is 19 letters like the one in example. If not then count your link length and edit the script (change 19 in last with your link length)
Greasy Fork Total Installs JS - A userscript that shows the total installs for any page on Greasy Fork
TUM-Moodle Login Automator BETA JS - Automated login for tum.moodle.de. Also performs login process on Shibboleth-LRZ with your TUM (Technnische Universitaet Muenchen) credentials.
Einthusan Cinema Mode v2 JS - A plugin for Einthusan. To turn the background darker and so on.
Greasy Fork 替换原图 JS - 脚本详情页预览图替换为原图, 方便拖拽保存。github:https://github.com/Ahaochan/Tampermonkey,欢迎star和fork。
闲鱼显示搜索框 JS - 让闲鱼的搜索框显示出来
greasyfork.org JS - maximale Fensterbreite auf greasyfork.org nutzen
改名測試3 JS - try to take over the world!
OverDrive Transcriber JS - Transcribes books you read on OverDrive for offline reading
必应搜索双栏显示 JS - 双栏显示必应搜索结果,来源:https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/27825-双栏显示搜索结果
GreasyFork Beautify Mod! *Deprecated* JS - Custom Themes, premade themes and more
龙空大图变小显示 JS - try to take over the world!
WME Install Popularity JS - Displays the place in the top 100 installed WME scripts
Auto Login For Greasy Fork JS - Don't want to click to log in
Greasy Fork 日均安装量 JS - 在 Greasy Fork 页面中新增显示日均安装量
Pjax加速网页访问 JS - 为一些网站开启pjax, 加速访问该网站。
GreasyFork User Dashboard JS - 为 Greasy Fork 提供一个一览性出色的新用户页面。
github助手 JS - 解决旧版浏览器github不能能点击授权按钮的问题
oib.io BOTS JS - try to take over the world!
Install Button for Library Scripts JS - Adds an "Install"- Button for library scripts. Useful to have your usercript addon open it in it's editor. (e.g. Tamper-, Violent- or Grease- monkey)
学園祭カレンダー絞り込み JS - s:絞り込み(h:強調付き) Shift+S:例で絞り込み (とどラン)a:相関が弱いものを消す
GreasyFork - 在“代码”中显示 jQuery 警告 JS - 在查看 Greasy Fork 代码页时,通过判断 @require 行中是否有 jquery,显示特大号红色 jQuery 警告。
Jump to Text JS - Adds single-key hotkeys that jump to specific text (or anchors) on a page.
Greasy Fork Theme figuccio JS - Greasy Fork pagina colorata
GreasyFork - 在“代码”中显示 jQuery 警告 - jQuery 版 JS - 在查看 Greasy Fork 代码页时,通过判断 @require 行中是否有 jquery,显示特大号红色 jQuery 警告。现更以 jQuery 版本呈现。
显示 greasyfork 当前页面脚本的总安装量 JS - 在用户页面生效(网页的标题)
武汉理工大学中国语文每19分钟刷新页面 JS - 菜鸡方便菜鸡
自动登录到GreasyFork JS - 通过GitHub自动登录到GreasyFork。
Adblock For Moomoo.io and More .io games JS - Modded Script to remove ads
greasy fork 评论验证码自动填写 JS - try to take over the world!
BFH-Moodle Login Automator JS - Automated login for moodle.bfh.ch via SWITCH edu-ID
URL Replacer/Redirector JS - Redirect specific sites by replacing part of the URL.