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ViewTube_GM JS - Watch videos from video sharing websites without Flash Player.
IMDB List Importer JS - Import list of titles or people in the imdb list
IMDB info + .torrent from magnet JS - Show info of movies/series's (rating, poster, actors, ...) from IMDB on almost any torrent domain (thepiratebay, *torrent* , ...) as well as showing .torrent download links from any magnet:?url
! 豆瓣电影 + 百度网盘 |!' IMDB + Magnet |!' 各大视频网站 + JS - 找资源不用打开一堆新标签,有的话会直接播放 |!' Show magnet and pan.baidu.com in movie detail page |!' 当破解VIP会员电视剧失败?没准有网盘和磁力种子在分享呢.兼容黄岩Style.
IMDb Scout Mod JS - Auto search for movie/series on torrent, usenet, ddl, subtitles, streaming, predb and other sites. Adds links to IMDb pages from hundreds various sites. Adds movies/series to Radarr/Sonarr. Adds external ratings from Metacritic, Rotten Tomatoes, Letterboxd, Douban, Allocine, MyAnimeList, AniList. Media Server indicators for Plex, Jellyfin, Emby. Dark theme/style for Reference View. Adds/Removes to/from Trakt's watchlist. Removes ads.
IMDB: redirect to Reference View JS - Redirect IMDB TV show/movie etc. pages to the Reference View
General URL Cleaner Revived JS - Cleans URLs from various popular sites and removes tracking parameters
隐私重定向器 JS - 将社交媒体平台重定向到其隐私友好的首页
IMDB Video Player - 2embed (play streaming videos from IMDb) JS - Add video player from 2embed.ru directly into IMDB movie/serie webpage.
IMDB Video Player - vidsrc.me (play streaming videos from IMDb) JS - Add video player from vidsrc.to directly into IMDB movie/serie webpage.
IMDB Movie or TV Show JS - Adds an embedded video for streaming on any IMDB movie or TV show page with multiple mirrors.
IMDbTvShowStatistics JS - Shows season statistics for TV Shows on IMDB
IMDb+ JS - Add external search links most popular torrent sites to IMDb. Every feature can be enabled/disabled in settings.
Show Metacritic.com ratings JS - Show metacritic metascore and user ratings on: Bandcamp, Apple Itunes (Music), Amazon (Music,Movies,TV Shows), IMDb (Movies), Google Play (Music, Movies), Steam, Gamespot (PS4, XONE, PC), Rotten Tomatoes, Serienjunkies, BoxOfficeMojo, allmovie.com, fandango.com, Wikipedia (en), themoviedb.org, letterboxd, TVmaze, TVGuide, followshows.com, TheTVDB.com, ConsequenceOfSound, Pitchfork, Last.fm, TVnfo, rateyourmusic.com, GOG, Epic Games Store, save.tv
IMDb Feeling Lucky Search Results JS - Open the first imdb result automatically with a keyword search.
IMDb Tomatoes JS - Add Rotten Tomatoes ratings to IMDb movie and TV show pages
Show Metacritic.com ratings (Safari) JS - Show metacritic metascore and user ratings on: Bandcamp, Apple Itunes (Music), Amazon (Music,Movies,TV Shows), IMDb (Movies), Google Play (Music, Movies), TV.com, Steam, Gamespot (PS4, XONE, PC), Rotten Tomatoes, Serienjunkies, BoxOfficeMojo, allmovie.com, movie.com, Wikipedia (en), themoviedb.org, letterboxd, TVmaze, TVGuide, followshows.com, TheTVDB.com, ConsequenceOfSound, Pitchfork, Last.fm, TVNfo, rateyourmusic.com
IMDb Pirate Downloads JS - Find IMDb Movies and TV Shows on The Pirate Bay and RARBG
Kinopoisk and IMDB torrent download JS - Allows to search for torrents (via Torrtilla site) on 2 major movies databases: Kinopoisk and IMDB
IMDb Standard Deviation JS - Adds standard deviation to IMDb ratings breakdown pages.
IMDB Person's Title Ratings JS - Adds ratings & vote counts with sorting ability to a person's movie/TV show lists
IMDB - produce directory name JS - produces a directory name ready to copy/paste
IPT Search for IMDB, TVmaze, next-episode JS - Adds a button to "IMDB", "TVmaze" and "next-episode.net" to search for the current title on IPTorrents
IMDb Netflix Button JS - Adds Netflix Button
IMDB Watchlist on Netflix? JS - Add Netflix availablity to IMDB watchlist
IMDB2Other JS - IMDb enhancer search bar
IMDB actors age at year of release JS - Display the age of actor or actress that they had when the film was released
Link Guru JS - Adds boxes full on links to a few sites.
Add movie ratings to IMDB links JS - Adds movie ratings and number of voters to any imdb link. Modified version of http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/96884
IMDb Full Summary JS - Automatically show the full plot summary on IMDb
KAT Meta Integration JS - Adds a KAT link to other sites using KAT.
PlanetDP JS - Adds title search links to the most popular torrent sites.
MovieChat.org Message Boards on m.IMDb.com JS - Brings message boards back on IMDb mobile site by using MovieChat.org boards.
CouchPotato Script Injector JS - Injects the CouchPotato automation script on IMDB movie pages
IMDB Orjinal title JS - IMDB Orjinal Title
IMDb: remove amazon ads JS - Removes amazon 'Watch now' ads
IMDb: Link 'em all! JS - Adds all kinds of links to IMDb, customizable!
IMDb: 'Highest Rated Titles' quick links for person page JS - This script adds small but very practical links to the IMDb person detail page. It links directly to the film list by job type (director, writer and actor), sorted by rating and shows only Feature films and TV Movies.
The Pirate Helper JS - Enhances your pirating experience!
IMDb actor rating JS - IMDb actor rating.
IMDb Face Cake - Get a better look at actor images! JS - Make people's faces larger when you hover over their names on IMDb movie and show pages
IMDb Gallery Expander JS - Expand the images on imdb gallery pages without having to visit each individual image page.
IMDb Torrent & Streams & subs search JS - Adds title search links to the most popular torrent and stream sites. Added alluc.com and solarmovie.is Button. All Credit goes to r3b31 https://greasyfork.org/en/users/3202-r3b31 this is just a fork of his original script https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/2995-imdb-torrent-subs-search
iMDB Large Images JS - Large iMDB images when you hover over them.
iMDB Combined JS - Switch iMDB to combined view
BuyukBang IMDb Bar JS - BuyukBang IMDB Bar enables direct searches from IMDB
IMDb - List Helper JS - Makes creating IMDb lists more efficient and convenient
IMDb details page links JS - Adds some links to IMDb details page
FilmAffinity++ JS - Mejoras en FilmAffinity
Torrenter JS - Adds links to torrent sites on popular movie websites.
IMDBAge JS - Adds the age and other various info onto IMDB pages.
IMDb+ JS - Add external search links most popular torrent sites to IMDb. Every feature can be enabled/disabled in settings.
IMDB+ JS - Add external links to IMDb. Every feature can be enabled/disabled in settings.
IMDb rating sanitiser. JS - Replaces rating on IMDb title pages with Non-US user rating.
IMDB Parental Guide JS - Parents guide on your movie title page.
IMDb to CMA Link Creator JS - Adds a link on IMDb.com by the celebrity's name to the search results for them on CelebrityMovieArchive.com.
IMDb Scout JS - Add links from IMDb pages to torrent sites -- easy downloading from IMDb
FilmAffinity++ JS - Mejoras en FilmAffinity
Torrent & subs in IMDB JS - Adds title search links to the most popular torrent sites in lists.
Rotten Tomatoes Link On IMDb JS - Adds a direct link to the corresponding Rotten Tomatoes movie description page for every IMDb movie
MoreMovieRatings JS - 豆瓣和IMDb互相显示评分
Imdb Thread Auto-View JS - Auto-expand the thread comments in Imdb Message Boards
Turkdigo FlicksIO Helper JS - FlicksIO helper; adds some stuff on Google and IMDb to make searching and submitting (slightly, ever so slightly) less of a problem.
IMDb: Show Cinematographer on Main Page JS - Inserts movie cinematographer into title pages. For people who use the old IMDb design. Based on kuehlschrank Budget Script
IMDb 'My Movies' enhancer JS - Emphasize the links for movies you rated and/or on your lists
IMDB UTE: IMDB Ultimate Thumbnail Expander JS - Expands thumbnail images in IMDB into larger floating preview images on mouse hover.
IMDB Score Hider JS - Hides all TV and movie scores from IMDB.
subtitleLinks JS - Basic script for imdb.com.This script is provide to subtitle link of movie.
IMDb Enhancer JS - Better display for IMDb
IMDB - add Rottentomatoes info JS - Adds info from Rottentomatoes to IMDB title pages
IMDB - share vote on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr JS - Adds links to IMDB title pages that let you share your vote details on Facebook and/or Twitter
IMDB Bacon Number / Center Number JS - Adds an indicator on an IMDB name page telling you that person's "Bacon Number" and/or "Center Number" (from the Oracle of Bacon at Virginia)
Add movie ratings to IMDB links [By Pharaoh2k] JS - Adds movie ratings and number of voters to links on IMDB. Modified version of http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/96884
General URL Cleaner JS - Cleans URL's from various popular sites.
Create Summary From IMDb [User+][KAT] JS - Creates a summary from any IMDB page.
Cinemagia & IMDB To Filelist JS - Helps you to search movies from cinemagia or IMDB, on filelist
IMDb Weaver JS - Enhances the content of imdb pages by correlating information from related pages.
IMDb Altyazı, Torrent JS - IMDb üzerinde bir filmin sayfasında, PlanetDP sitesindeki ilgili filmin sayfasına direk erişim sağlayan bir link ekliyor. Ek olarak Türkçe Altyazı, The Movie DB, Zamunda ve IPT üzerinde de arama yapıyor
IMDb Top 250 & Bottom 100 JS - Keep track of the movies you've seen in the IMDb Top 250 and Bottom 100 !
IMDB works# JS - Shows number of credited works after names on IMDB site
altyazı JS - altyazı ve torrent arama
imdb.torrent.links JS - Provides links to popular torrent sites while Browsing IMDB movie\TV-show pages
New IMDB Message Boards - Moviechat JS - Directly integrated replacement on the IMDB message boards using moviechat.org, appears at bottom of all IMDB movie/tv page listings, includes millions of archived posts saved from before the boards closed.
Cerca su IMDB JS - Cerca su IMDB e avverti se c'è una nuova puntata delle tue serie tv preferite
IMDb VodLocker Embeds JS - Embeds vodlocker.to videos into IMDB
IMDb2CL JS - Chercher la fiche CL d'une fiche IMDb
IMDb2CL - Perso JS - Chercher la fiche CL d'une fiche IMDb - Personnalités
Remove from watchlist when rated JS - Removes rated movies from IMDB watchlist page
This Ain't A Phone JS - Automatically redirect from mobile webpages to the non-mobile equivalent
squawkr JS - Add movies from IDMB to squawkr
IMDB Streaming Search (Netflix, Hulu, Amazon) JS - Add streaming platform search function to IMDB page.
Show Rottentomatoes meter JS - Show Rotten Tomatoes score on imdb.com, metacritic.com, letterboxd.com, BoxOfficeMojo, serienjunkies.de, Amazon, Google Play, allmovie.com, Wikipedia, themoviedb.org, movies.com, tvmaze.com, tvguide.com, followshows.com, thetvdb.com, tvnfo.com, save.tv
IMDb URL cleaner JS - Removes crap from IMDb URLs
Add movie ratings to IMDB links [adopted] JS - Adds movie ratings and number of voters to links on IMDB. Modified version of http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/96884
IMDB Large Images [fork] JS - Large iMDB images when you hover over them.
Site search JS - Adds title search links to the most popular torrent sites.
Filmografie von IMDb nach Wikipedia JS - Wandelt die Filmografie von IMDb mithilfe von Wikidata in Wikipedia-Quelltext um
Tükçe Altyazı Aktarıcı JS - IMDb sayfasına buton ekler.