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oblivion mod v2.4 JS - Public
myMod 2 JS - V - spike, F - trap, - H - 2 turrets, SPACE - spikeHit, R - insta, C - 4 spikes, RightMouse - tankspam, O - qadro boost/trap, ESC - menu beta, T - reverse insta, G - beta one tick boost.
pancake mod [ PATCHED ] JS - This mod is not bad, its just ok. To know the controls, look in the description! Enjoy :>
MooMoo.io Dune Mod - AutoHeal, Autobreak, FAST, AND MORE! JS - A new MooMoo.io mod with autoheal, autobreak, very fast runtime, AND MORE
MooMoo.io Bot JS - gives you magic powers
IADO Mod (Edited Chimken-Mod) JS - Turning chimken mod into the best moomoo hack slowly but surely.
! za's mod JS - press t to toggle autooneframe
super mod v5 JS - Press ` if u need smooth, also im coming out im super gay, slight edit from hax this is wats mod not mine, that him not me
MooMoo.io Legit Macros JS - MOOMOO.IO WORKING MACROS, TRAP => F || Spike => V || Food => Q || WINDMILLS => N
Happymod v6 JS - HappyMod Users are Pro. HappyMod creators are super Pro.
CheatCentral/KrunkerCentral Key System Bypass JS - Breaks key system for all current CheatCentral/KrunkerCentral userscripts. To add support for new scripts just simply copy and paste their @match script meta info into this script :)
ATM client v2.7.1 JS - Private mod
MooMoo.io Hat Hack Hotkey Special Instakill By LuminexT JS - Try to be the God or Goddess in MooMoo.io!
Rainbow UI 🌈 | Ad Block 🛑 | Better Map 🗺 | Show Ping 🏓 | And More … | MooMoo.IO JS - Rainbow UI, ad block, better map, always show ping, start with extra resources, and more for moomoo.io.
MooMoo.io Auto-heal JS - Simple just Auto-heal
Simple Hack V-0.6 JS - Hack Moomoo.io By 2k09__ , the mod have , HatMacro , Insta Kill(keyr) , Enjoy :D
Moomoo.io ๖ۣۜℱ₴Ⱨ 𝕞𝕠𝕕 Private Version JS - Best Auto Heal Mod ( Esc to open menu )
Diddy Mod (HAPPYMOD but but autochat) JS - Like happymod BUT WAY FUCKING BETTER AND IMPROVED
FPS Booster for bloxd JS - Helps boost fps (USE TAMPERMONKEY LEGACY IF YOU WANT IT TO WORK)
MOOMOO.IO Insane Mod! *Discontinued since Jan 2018* JS - Better Minimap, Hat & Accessory Toolbar, Auto Heal, Double Hit, Easy Bow, Rainbow Hat, Hotkeys
moomoo.io PRO MOD JS - Working auto heal and advanced minimap
Moomoo.io Katana musket (All items unlocked) JS - Unlocks all possible weapons and items in the upgrade bar
[PATCHED]Black Rainbow JS - Private hack
FPS Booster 2 JS - remove lag enjoy
FPS Booster [Sploop.io, Moomoo.io and other] (if you want me to add sites, dm me) JS - Improve MooMoo.io FPS performance.(if you want me to add sites, dm me)
Moomoo Bots JS - 3 bots will spawn and start going to your location. You can control them by typing in the chat. Commands include "attack", "team", "upgrade", and "follow". To team bots write "team [your team name]"
9mm [MooMoo.io] [v1.0.1] JS - It's a good script for moomoo.io, it's not the best, but I'll try to make it as good as possible. M - Auto mills. Q/F/V/N/H - Macro placers. Everything else works automatically! If some hats were not bought by yourself, then you can buy them in the store.
Chicken mod JS - this mod don't have autobreak spike i will update in foture
DeBug-X v2.28 Beta by Exo Red JS - DeBug-X client by Exo Red
artorias v2 JS - testing testing how are u bad
HaxKiller (unpatched) JS - no desrcription because someone reported it
Happymod v6 fixed by ghost! JS - discord: .ghostsx
Determination v7.4(work) JS - Determination remaked by Ultra hack
Star Client V2 JS - Fixed
moomoo.io auto aim / aimbot and auto heal! JS - aims at nearest player and heals when you're hurt (Toggle key: I)
Moomoo.io /ᐠ。ᆽ。ᐟ \ Mod *BETA* JS - Easy Hats switch
MOOMOO.IO AUTOHEAL + numpad hat mod JS - Autoheal credit for auto heal gose to night and hat mod gose to Perussi. use numpads to equip hats u can press the number pad keys and see on top of tab withc eache one dose.
MeowMeow.io JS - Subcriber to Kūhaku on link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGhRFZ_hnCB4Rmkm2aUyz2g
Ad Blocker JS - Removes ads. the blank spaces in the script let you add in any link you want.(Disclaimer) do Not Post this scripts else ware or you might get banned
Moomoo.io: added menus, space hold feature, weapon synch JS - Exactly what the title says
MooMoo.io modification == ANTI AD == DarK Mod == BIOM Map == Big Store == Game Music JS - Game Music, Biome Map, NO ADs, Dark Mode!!, Big Store , AutoReload
Invert all colors JS - Funny, but quite annoying thing
Beta adapter Ping/Fps! (v3) JS - This is a beta adapter for your ping/FPS in MooMoo.io! + Remove Ad
Darkness And Fps Booster And Ping Dropped [By AFK] JS - Will boost your fps and ping by heaps
MooMooMod Last! (Modified by (GLW) why) JS - v8-FixBigPing, SaveChat, FastInsta, AutoCoordWalk, AFKMode, R-InstaKill, AutoHeal, AutoAntiBull, AntiInsta, FollowAnimals, AutoFarmResource, M-TripleWASDMills, UpArrow-Katana+Musket, H-Turret, N-Mill, V-spike, F-Trap, Z-TankGear, Shift-BiomeHats, Esc-BetterMenu, AutoAntiBull, MouseClicks, BetterHotBar, OneTickInsta. Please rate this script in the comments! I'm trying really hard! Give me your support!
KeyBoard Panel v2 JS - The best public keyboard panel in Sploop.io ! Next to the inscription "MADE BY NUDO" you can change the color of the text on the keyboard and it is saved after page reload. When you press the button, the keyboard will show that you have enabled the automatic attack, and will be highlighted in blue. Also on X.
dismiss cookies warning JS - Agrees to the cookies dialog to make it disappear forever
Moomoo.io Zoom hack JS - Allows to change zoom of the game using mouse wheels
Your auto chat... JS - Create your own personal automated chat. To open the menu, click on the new button next to the chat button. To create a message, enter it in the input field where the timer is shown, then click on the "Create" button. To delete a message, click on the "Delete" button. You can change existing messages, just click on the text in them and change.
The Internet gets better: No Cookies 🍪 JS - First version: gets rid of cookies 🍪🍪🍪 Let me know wich website it doesn't work on
Blue Mod JS - Changes some colors on MooMoo.io to blue.
MooMoo.io Freecam JS - lets you move around freely
MooMoo.io Auto-heal JS - Need much food solo moomoo.io
MooMoo.io Custom Store JS - Customize store
MooMoo.io Key Rebinder JS - F -> Hold Trap/Boost Pad / V -> Hold Spike / N -> Hold Windmill
pancake mod [Unpatched] JS - thiis is a unpatched version of pancake mod use it all you want!
MooVisuals JS - Custom visuals created by chat gpt and Auto "gg" on kill in MooMoo.io
auto aim / auto healer and aimbot JS - this is my first script is probably not the best but enjoy <3 (toggle:|)
InstaKill Updated V4 JS - InstaKill for MooMoo.io! Press 'T' to instantly insta, adjust your speed, and explore more options in the menu!
MooMoo.io AutoGG JS - Auto "gg" on kill in MooMoo.io
Go@d m@Cr0 2 JS - press [q] for heal, it clowns somewhat easily, press [n] for triple mills (this is part 2 of Go@d m@Cr0 prt 1)
MooMoo.io Auto Heal JS - Simple auto-healing script for MooMoo.io.
MultiHack KillSwitch [WORKING 2023] JS - Take Over MooMoo.io
VN Mod v2 JS - Revolver killer
!!!! Project kindvers unpatched fps boost !!!! JS - works best with stick hammer has autopush, auto trap, auto insta, autoheal, can get katana gun VISUALS not real (still deals 35 dmg but looks like katana) to get this go with sword and DO NOT PICK KATANA or you will not be able to get gun, select the gun then you will get katana visuals :D thats all
Biome hat Alpha 0.2v JS - Biome hat Alpha
pancake mod [Unpatched] JS - thiis is a unpatched version of pancake mod use it all you want!
Tasty Mod, AUTOHEAL P = Off - ON N = Auto triple Mill F = TRAP 0.6 JS - P = Off - ON N = Auto triple Mill F = TRAP
Revenir Mod JS - Revenir Mod the whole new private hack!
Naruto Mod 1 JS - A moomoo.io Script that makes the gameplay much more easier
Negger Mod v3 JS - L
!!~~~>Magnet mod<~~~!! JS - Unpatched
MooMoo.io Visuals JS - Visually improve moomoo.io by changing the style of certain elements and showing weapon reload bars.
RV3 modified but better now JS - nobody know me :D
Chimken-OP JS - A script i have written with a bunch of other code writers and I am extremely proud of our work enjoy!
AE86 JS - Ae86 says vroom
ANTI KICK FOR DEMON JS - antikick good
Auto Heal for Mobile MooMoo.io JS - Auto heal mod for MooMoo.io with a button to enable auto heal and a chat message for mobile users
bootleg schlieffen JS - Anatomy of a God!
SAVIOUR IS HERO JS - Saviour came to save you from syncers and bots
External-Executor JS - External executor leaked by xcfvmaybe
virus sync gay xd shared by wat :D JS - bad me edited a bit to make it a little betetter
MooMoo.io Fly Hack JS - Adds flying ability to the player
SaVeGe Mod (1.2.0) JS - Public mod for MooMoo.io
Multibox [NEW] 1.8.0 MooMoo JS - !send [number] to get bots [If need more we recommend use vpn and do send command] / !join [name] join clan / !leave leave clan
! za's mod - unpatched JS - press t to toggle autooneframe
Hax Mod Final Version JS - no desrcription because the admin of greasy fork dont understand jokes
MoonJoy Lisa? JS - Testing this laggy af mod how to fix
! loree mod v2. JS - ae but new ?
Happymod v4 JS - HappyMod Users are Pro. HappyMod creators are super Pro.
ONE TICK MOD v2 JS - One tick mod kill all hax killers users
MooMoo.io Mod - Hat Hotkeys (F, G, H) + Improved Auto Heal & Auto Trap JS - Hotkeys for Soldier Hat, Tank Gear & Turret Hat (F, G, H) + Improved Auto Heal + Auto Trap Placement
Happymod by Ultra hack JS - Happy mod by Ultra hack
Star Client v3(fixed) JS - Star client v3(fixed)