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Cobalt Tools Video Downloader JS - Adds a context menu item that downloads the current page's video.
Use PInterest Raw Image JS - Changes all PInterest hosted images to use the raw/original version or largest available
Download Media with Cobalt API JS - Adds a context menu item to download media from supported video sites using a direct URL.
Pinterest with no login JS - Allows to browse Pinterest without logging into the site.
Pinterest - Open Original Image and Save JS - Open the original (largest) image in a new tab by pressing 'z' while hovering over a pin,save the image.
Pinterest - Save Original Image JS - Save the original (largest) image in a new tab by pressing 'z' while hovering over a pin
隐私重定向器 JS - 将社交媒体平台重定向到其隐私友好的首页
Pinterest - Remove "Picked For You" Completely JS - Remove "Picked For You" and "Sponsored" pins on your Pinterest home page
Remove related pins JS - Make the new "Related Pins" disappear from your Pinterest feed.
Pinterest Palooza JS - Visit a Pin's source web site by clicking the Pin's thumbnail image. Easy peasy!
Pinterest Add-Ons JS - Changes the look of Pinterest and the way items are posted.
Faster Repinning on Pinterest JS - Decrease the number of clicks required to repin.
Pinterest registration popup killer JS - Browse Pinterest without registration. Also remove the cookies banner.
Pinterest Slideshow JS - Start a slideshow on any Pinterest page where there's pins. Clean and minimalist design. 5s interval between slides. Press ctrl+spacebar to start, left/right keys to navigate.
Sorry, Pinterest JS - Sorry, Pinterest (hide the login)
Pinterest.com Backup Original Files JS - Download all original images from your Pinterest.com profile. Creates an entry in the Greasemonkey menu, just go to one of your boards, scroll down to the last image and click the option in the menu.
Pinterest Nag Killer JS - Removes the large 'Join Pinterest' bar shown to visitors.
dunno1 JS - too hard
Pinterest - Remove Picked For You and Sponsored Pins JS - Remove "Picked For You" and "Sponsored" advertisement pins on Pinterest
Pinterest Plus JS - Show full size + open original image.
Pinterest - Open Original Image JS - Open the original (largest) image in a new tab by pressing 'z' while hovering over a pin
Pinterest no ads JS - remove promoted pins
Pinterest middle click open image in new tab JS - Fixes pinterest middle click open image in new tab
Pinterest with no registration modal popup JS - Allows to browse Pinterest without login/registration, removing the offending modal popup
Pinterest help JS - Display the pin number outside the homepage, requires a business account.
Promoted pins remover JS - Remove promoted pins on Pinterest
Pinterest Pins Created Date JS - try to take over the world!
pinterest_plus_for_mobile JS - 记录参考耗时(正计时,倒计时)并保存到列表,移除了一些提示,替换精选为历史记录
Browse your interests without registration JS - Find more ideas on the web without login/registration
Pinterest Backup JS - Downloads all original images from your Pinterest.com profile. Creates an entry in the Greasemonkey menu, just go to one of your boards and click the option in the Greasemonkey menu.
Reddl JS - Reddit Preview Ctrl+s Downloading Utility - also applies to a few other sites - Only tested on Firefox
Pinterest Copyrighted Audio Force Unmute JS - Forces audio to be unmuted and sets volume to max on pinterest videos that are blocked in specific regions.
Pinterest - Remove Promoted JS - Remove promoted pins
Pinterest No Videos JS - Removes videos from Pinterest.
Pinterest Slideshow (dvirzxc's fork) JS - Fork from French Bond's Pinterest Slideshow script (ver. 1.5.1) with a bunch of my amateur copilot assisted code. - Start a slideshow on any Pinterest page where there's pins.
Pinback Next JS - The backup and export tool Pinterest forgot, finally revived!
Pinterest board downloader JS - Download pinterest board as zip
Declutter Pinterest JS - Removes intrusive Pinterest shopping promotions, ads, and clutter, and makes the website more user-friendly
Pinterest Copy Links JS - 点击复制到剪贴板,多次点击多次累积;右下角问号出重置,点重置清理剪贴板。
FIXED Pinterest - Save Original Image JS - Save the original (largest) image in a new tab by pressing 'z' while hovering over a pin