现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
Telegram Web - Allow Saving Content JS - Bypass Telegram's saving content restrictions for media and text; batch download media from selected messages
翻译机 JS - 该脚本用于翻译各类常用社交网站为中文,不会经过中间服务器。
Telegram图片视频下载器 (Improved) JS - 从禁止下载的Telegram频道中下载图片、视频及语音消息
telegramNSFW JS - Enable NSFW to media
Telegram Dark JS - Telegram Dark Theme
Telegram Photo Protection Remover JS - Removes photo protection in Telegram
Tg Sort by reactions JS - Allows you to find posts with a lot of reactions (likes) in Telegram
HTML5快速鍵hotkeys JS - HTML5快速鍵控制跳秒+速度+寬高比+截圖
翻译机 JS - 该脚本用于翻译各类常用社交网站为中文,不会经过中间服务器,添加了bluesky的翻譯,現已可以翻譯網站https://bsky.app/(原作者HolynnChen)
Telegram 无限制转发删除(使用火狐浏览器有效) JS - Telegram 突破按钮限制(转发与删除)脚本,适合网页端telegram使用。安装该脚本插件,建议使用火狐!chrome内核浏览器无效!
Telegram WebK Message Hider JS - Hides messages from unwanted users in Telegram groups
Litecoin_click_bot JS - Litecoin_click_bot icin otomatik trafik
TexTelegram JS - Activa MathJax en la ventana de mensajes de telegram
Telegram-Web Image Display Switch JS - none
Telegram Stickers to Emoji JS - Convert Telegram Stickers to Emoji for simplier viewing
telegram Mineroobot solver JS - resolve telegram mineroobot automatically
Telegram Web Emojione JS - Replaces old iOS emojis with Emojione on Telegram Web
Telegram Web better CSS JS - Changes the CSS of web telegram to more contrast, message separation, broader view and one-line buttons (if text is short - beta ^^)
Telegram markup extension JS - presented below
Telegram without Muted JS - Hide muted chats from chat list.
Telegram Ad Filter JS - Collapses messages that contain words from the ad-word list
VK and Telegram.org: Make the 'Go up' clickable area narrower JS - Makes the clickable area of the 'Go up' feature on the left side of pages on VK and Telegram.org narrower (fitting the width of the highlighted section) rather than covering the entire left half of the page. It can be very annoying when you accidentally click anywhere to the left of page content and are suddenly taken to the top of the page.
hide globalsearch JS - hide global search from telegram web
css changes JS - css for telgram web
Telegram Auto Spammer JS - Allows you to spam in chat on Telegram
Mother Fucker Telegram Group Spammer JS - 屏蔽 Telegram 群组成员,在下方 * 号处填入昵称然后保存即可。
Telegram Message Hide JS - Hides messages from users in the user curated list
DOOT JS - Telegram clientside aes
Озвучка новых сообщений в тг JS - Озвучивает входящие сообщения в телеграме
pepega JS - et smoki kontra papieże
Telegram Spam JS - Spamming!
best Telegram Spam app JS - Spamming!
[SNOLAB] I Heard Telegram Speaking JS - [SNOLAB] Speak latest telegram message With TTS technology just in your browser. 1. Speak latest message your received 2. Speak what you just send. 3. Send what you saying
[SNOLAB] [Mulango] Telegram Translator JS - [SNOLAB] [Mulango] Speak latest telegram message With TTS technology just in your browser. 1. Speak latest message you received in your learning language 2. Speak what you just send in your learning language. 3. Send what you saying in your learning language (for example saying something start with CQ CQ ...).
web.telegram下载被禁止下载的图片 JS - 点开图片向左上角添加一个下载按钮. GPT NB!
Telegram Speaker JS - [SNOLAB] Speak latest telegram message With TTS technology just in your browser. @deprecated Use my new script [SNOLAB] I Heard Telegram Speaking
电报贴图下载 JS - 批量下载电报的贴图
anti-tiktok JS - be more productive !
Change Telegram web page elements JS - Move the Telegram chat bubble to the left and hide the "All Chats" button
telegram 速連2 JS - telegram code block 中的 url 轉為超連結
Telegram Translations - Fix auto scroll JS - When switching entry, a function that focus and select the text will also scroll the translation textbox under the page header and cause issues. This script fixes this problem while keep the "focus and select" part of that function.
Hide Telegram Sidebar JS - Hide the sidebar in Telegram Web version,隐藏网页端telegram(电报)的侧边栏
Hamster Kombat Desktop JS - Allow Hamster Kombat to run on Telegram Web and optionally open it in a new tab.
Hamster Kombat - Morse Code Converter and Auto Clicker JS - Автокликер, Ввод секретного слова, Вход на сайт с ПК. Нажимает кнопку на основе уровня энергии при срабатывании пользовательской кнопки и копирует src iframe в буфер обмена. Заменяет определенные URL-адреса скриптов на hamsterkombat.io
Hamster Kombat Desktop JS - Allow Hamster Kombat to run on Telegram Web and optionally open it in a new tab.
Telegram App Creator JS - 自动化创建 Telegram 应用程序
仓鼠快打(Hamster Kombat)辅助 - 摩尔斯电码转换器、自动点击器和从网页桌面中登录 JS - 仓鼠快打辅助 - 摩尔斯电码转换器、自动点击器解放双手和从网页桌面中登录、挂机赚金币。根据能量水平点击一个按钮,当由自定义按钮触发时,并将iframe的src复制到剪贴板。替换hamsterkombatgame.io上的某些脚本URL
TG WebA User Blocker JS - Block user in Telegram group
fix width on telegram web app JS - 08/8/2024, 8:44:59 PM
Telegram Web Colors JS - Adds an aesthetic color palette to Telegram Web.
[LolzTeam NotPixel] Draw Our Logo! JS - Draw Our Logo
tgWebAppData JS - 复制tgWebAppData
TG Shortcuts JS - Add kb shortcut to Telegram
Telegram-mini-app-start JS - A super simple hack script that automatically clicks the start button of the Telegram mini app! Let's enjoy it little by little!
Telegram web 屏蔽指定频道 JS - 屏蔽Telegram特定频道的搜索和打开,触发会重定向到首页
Rotate Telegram Web JS - Addding button to rotate images and videos
enable-copy-telegram JS - Enable copying text on Telegram Web