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Bazaars in Item Market powered by TornPal and IronNerd JS - Displays bazaar listings with sorting controls via TornPal & IronNerd
Torn Pickpocketing Colors JS - Color codes crimes based on difficulty
torn-crime-crack-helper JS - Utilize password database to crack torn cracking crime.
Bazaar Item Search powered by IronNerd JS - View items you are searching for in bazaars!
OC Success Chance 2.0 JS - Dynamic OC success chance calculator using API endpoints
Torn Race Config GUI JS - GUI to configure Torn racing parameters and create races with presets and quick launch buttons
Buying Item Script JS - Item market item buyer
Torn Extensions - Gym Torn Gain JS - calculates gym gain based on Vladars calculations
Torn Fast Slots JS - Makes slots stop instantly. Works for every spin except first.
Torn Item Market Highlighter JS - Highlight items in the item market/bazaars that are at or below Arson Warehouse Pricelist and Market Value
OC Role Display JS - Shows role positions with mobile scaling support
TORN: Mission Reward Information JS - Give some information about mission rewards.
Enable Attack Button on Torn Profile Page JS - Enables the disabled button on Torn profile page when a player is in hospital and redirects to the attack page when the button is clicked
Torn Russian Roulette JS - Loader for the Torn RR Helper script
Pickpocket J.A.R.V.I.S. JS - color pick-pocket targets based on difficulty
Torn War Highlighter - offline/idle & okay JS - Provide customizable sexy highlighting of war enemies in green, orange and red.
Torn Crimes 2.0 - Disposal JS - Color codes disposal type based on difficulty
Cyclist Ring JS - Making money by pickpocketing cyclists!
Racing: Car Templates JS - Highlights cars and upgrades based on templates
Poker Odds Calculator JS - Show poker hand odds on TC
Inventory Sorter JS - Allows you to sort your inventory in ascending/descending order.
Car Specification for Torn Races JS - Replace specified texts on the Torn Racing page
Torn - FastRevive JS - Confirm Faster on hospital page
TC Bootlegging Plus v2 JS - Tools to help with Bootlegging
Torn War Stuff Enhanced JS - Show travel status and hospital time and sort by hospital time on war page. Fork of https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/448681-torn-war-stuff
Torn Set Calculator JS - Calculates prices of plushie and flower sets
Torn Extensions - Torn Attack Stats JS - Get some information on the attack page.
Pennywise JS - Records your transactions
Auto Select Car JS - Keeps a record of which car you want to use for each racetrack and removes every other car from the selection menu.
Abroad Items Info (Yata API) JS - Updates Yata Database and shows Items on Travel Agency page
Ready for Take off JS - Make foreign stock available on travel page
Torn NoConfirm Bust JS - description
Vault Value Display JS - vault value display
Torn Bazaar Filler JS - On "Fill" click autofills bazaar item price with lowest bazaar price currently minus $1 (can be customised), shows current price coefficient compared to 3rd lowest, fills max quantity for items, marks checkboxes for guns.
TC Bootlegging Plus JS - Tools to help with Bootlegging
Torn Crimes Burglary Extended JS - Sorts all scouted by target, created date, expire date, confidence, risk or uniques number. Remembers your choice.
Busting reminder JS - Guess how many busts you can do without getting jailed
YATA JS - Displays various informations from YATA's API
Auto gym switch JS - Automatically switches your gym before training
TORN: Display Weapon Bonus in Auction House + Highlight JS - Displays weapon bonuses + stats next to weapon name in auction house
TORN: Dowload WarReport as CSV JS - Displays a button that allows users to download a csv version of their war report
TORN: No Confirm Item Market JS - Allows buying items from item market with 1-click
Torn Poker Sound JS - Disables all the sound but your turn sound.
Highlight Myself in Faction JS - Highlight myself in faction rows
OutcomeDB JS - Captures crime outcome, skill gain and target data for analysis
Don't forget your Xanax JS - Reminds you to take your xanax when you have no drug cooldown
NoConfirm Torn Trades JS - Remove the confirmation dialog from the trade screen
Highlight RW Effects JS - Highlight RW effects in the attack loader
Torn Bazaar Scraper JS - Scrape bazaars for a specific item in Torn City and display results
Torn Crimes Scamming Timers JS - Show how much cooldown & expiration is left for targets
Random Target Finder JS - Adds a button to the top of the page that opens a new tab with an easy target.
Torn - City Job Upgrade Notice JS - Makes an api request after 6:30pm TCT to check your current job, work stats and job points to see if you are able to upgrade to the next position, and displays a notice at the top of the page if you can upgrade. Click 'Fetch New Data' after upgrading to remove the notice. You may need to wait 30-60 seconds for the API to update with your new position. Toggle script button on job/company page.
Torn Item Market Max Quantity Calculator JS - Calculates maximum affordable quantity when using max button in item market
Torn Market Filler JS - On "Fill" click autofills market item price with lowest market price currently minus $1 (can be customised), fills max quantity for items, marks checkboxes for guns.
Doobie's Torn City Chat Popout JS - Adds a popout button for Torn chat. After clicking Boots up Window you can drag around and use on other sites/windows. To get your chat back in Torn, Close the chat!
Torn Safecracker JS - Adds a bruteforce option to opening Duke's Safe
Torn - Cash Travel Restrictions JS - Disables travel for individual countries if you do not have enough to purchase plushies/flowers, whichever costs more in case stock of out of your preferred item. Edit capacity or cash requirements if needed. 500k for Switzerland. Standard travel costs not included. Includes a $ button to toggle the script beside the Travel Agency title. Green $ means enabled.
Torn Crime Reward Tracker with Auto-Update JS - A tool to track crimes and their potential rewards in Torn, with auto-update capability
Torn Racing Telemetry JS - Enhances Torn Racing with real-time telemetry, race stats history, and recent race logs.
Show Weapon Bonuses on Market (No API needed) JS - Shows the weapon bonuses for all applicable items on the item market
buy-max JS - buy max based on money on hand
[TORN] OC 2.0 Helper with OC Timer JS - Adds a list of members available for OC2.0, and adds a notifier to the sidebar if you are not in an OC.
torn-attack-hospital-timer JS - Display hospital timer on the attack page
Revive Checker JS - Shows if the user has revives enabled on the profile page
Torn Slots Streak JS - Shows slots win / loss streak in Torn
Disposal Unique Finds JS - color disposal options based on safety
Torn - Big Chain Timer JS - Makes chain timer bigger and sets hit count red when close to milestone
Customizable Bazaar Filler JS - On click, auto-fills bazaar item quantities and prices based on your preferences
Torn Mini-profile Adds Xanax Consumption JS - Adds the number of Xanax a player has used when loading up the mini profile.
OurPagination JS - Operate Torn's pagination using left-right arrow keys
Torn Background and Logo Editor with UI JS - Allows editing of Torn background color and logo, with UI.
Torn City - Extended Top Bar Search by Xiphias[187717] JS - This script adds useful search functions to the top bar.
Torn City - One click Company training by Xiphias[187717] JS - This script adds a one click training function to company training.
Torn City - Attack Logs extension JS - This script adds a Next and Previous button to the Attack Logs page.
Organised Crime JS - Easy initiation of Torn organised crimes.
Hide Quit Button JS - Hide Quit Job button
Torn Dog Tag Count JS - Highlight previously stolen tags
Torn - Hide Upgrade JS - Hide your upgrade link and upgrade message hint
TornAPI Quick Fill JS - Prefill API key and check 'pretty' radio buttons.
HOF Warbase Helper JS - Highlights potential war targets in green on HOF page
Torn Helper JS - Adds extra information to different pages all around Torn.
Faction War Cleaner JS - Adds extra information to different pages all around Torn.
Torn City - BBCode to HTML JS - Reformats those old BBCode profile signatures into the new format of HTML that RESPO uses.
Add Bazaar Management Link JS - Adds a direct link to bazaar
Torn City - Travel Run One Click Update by Xiphias[187717] JS - Update Travel Run and the Travel Thread with one button click.
Torn Set Calculator JS - Calculates prices of plushie and flower sets
War Base Extended - Haka JS - Brings back the old war base layout, adds a filter to the war base, enables enemy tagging
Racing Upgrades JS - desc
Torn Top Forum Link JS - Bring back the forum link at the top!
Torn Easter Egg Links JS - Easter Egg Links
Faction OC Rescuer JS - Alerts when your OC is about to start when you visit the traveling page.
Torn Flights JS - Changes the scenery during flights
Torn War Helper JS - -------
Warbase Filters JS - Filter things out of the war base
Torn - Hide Crimes JS - desc
Displaycase Value JS - Display the total value of items in the displaycase
Warbase Filters (compatibility version) JS - Filter things out of the war base
Elimination Filter JS - Removes targets that are not Okay from the team list and revenge pages for elimination.
Profile Info JS - Stores and displays information on player profile pages