现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
Replace Live Studio with (old) Live Dashboard JS - Makes yt livestreaming great again.
Youtube Redirect Music JS - Redirects youtube.com to youtube.com/feed/music.
General URL Cleaner JS - Cleans URL's from various popular sites.
Troll yourself if your name is jim JS - If your name is jim and you want to troll yourself whenever you type www.google.com or www.youtube.com in the serch bar it will display some text to try to troll yourself when the page loads
Youtube Music Auto confirmer JS - Automatically clicks 'Ok' when the 'Video paused. Continue watching?' dialog pops up.
유튜브 끊김방지 JS - 유튜브 일시중지 문제 해결용
Youtube Ads auto reload JS - Reload youtube page when adblocker can't block youtube ads
Youtube Downloader JS - Youtube video Downloader
YouTubeDownloader JS - try to take over the world!
downloader JS - try to take over the world!
YT Downloader JS - downloads videos via savefrom.net
Youtube Downloader JS - try to take over the world!
YouTube Downloader JS - download video
YouTube - Ad Skip, Close popup ad and Confirm presence JS - Skips and removes ads on YouTube automatically
firstProject JS - createButtonForDownloadYoutubeVideo
Remove Old Browser Alert JS - Removes the pesky blue alert at the top of the screen telling you to switch to YouTube's new layout.
Video zooming buttons JS - Allows you to zoom in on YouTube videos. Useful to get rid of black borders at the top/bottom of a video if you have an ultrawide display.
YouTube Video Preview and Ratings JS - Instant video previews in popup player by hovering or clicking video thumbs. Video ratings and resolution data shown on the thumbs.
Youtube Inoreader Subscribe JS - Adds inoreader subscribe links for youtube channels
Youtube Continue Video Button Clicker JS - Clicks on the "Yes" button in dialog "Video is paused. Continue wachting?"
YouTube Live CPU Tamer JS - 降低超级聊天的高CPU利用率。外观完全没有变化。
Youtube 字幕翻譯重疊修復、字幕字形改微軟正黑體 JS - Youtube caption overlap repair.
复读机自动弹幕发射器 JS - 适配斗鱼直播平台的自动弹幕发射器 随机复制复读机 Github:https://github.com/zhenshiluosuo/Storyteller-AutoBarrageForDouyuTV
YT: not interested in one click JS - Hover a thumbnail on youtube.com and click an icon at the right: "Not interested" and "Don't recommend channel"
YouTube Video Preview and Ratings Keyless JS - Instant video previews in popup player by hovering or clicking video thumbs. Video ratings and resolution data shown on the thumbs. Gets video information without using a YouTube API key, which can be banned or limited.
YoutubeClock migliorato JS - aggiunge un orologio sui video di YouTube
youtube一键搜bilibili JS - 在油管一键搜b站同名视频
Bypass COPPA Miniplayer JS - Re-enable YouTube Miniplayer on COPPA-flagged (supposedly kids) videos.
自动展开全文(停更,详细请看说明) JS - 自动展开网站内容而无需点击。【本脚本停更(详情请看: https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/397476 ),转入 Beta 版】, Beta 版地址: https://meta.appinn.net/t/17991
Dumb Youtube lowest quality chooser JS - Auto select the lowest available quality of videos (more eco-friendly, and you can still manually select a higher resolution when needed)
Show Youtube Thumbnails JS - Show thumbnails in deprecated Youtube layout
YouTube Date Display Fix JS - Fix YouTube uploaded date bug on small screens. Can be used on large screens too.
Youtube Thumbnail Adjustment JS - Adjusts Youtube's thumbnail sizes, so that more fit on your screen
youtube watched videos hider JS - like the name and it's simple and effective
Youtube 載入完自動重新整理 JS - Auto Refresh
YouTube Faster Playback Speed Buttons JS - Adds faster playback speed buttons to youtube player control bar with remember choice ability.
修复在 macOS 上全屏观看视频可能变黄的问题 JS - 适用于 macOS 系统。当 mac 外接显示器同时使用 f.lux 或者 夜览模式时,使用浏览器观看全屏观看视频,屏幕会变黄,此脚本将修复此问题。
yt-playlists-delete-enhancer JS - Add a button to remove videos watched with more than X percent from watch later playlist.
Youtube Coronavirus fix JS - try to take over the world!
Auto click youtube pause buttons JS - Clicks on the pause buttons of youtube.
Youtube Antipause (Observer Js api) JS - Plays the video
simple youtube detail statistics info JS - only video load info
YT 'views' as number only JS - try to take over the world!
Scroll Theater Mode Video JS - Automatically scrolls to the top of the video if it's in theater mode
B站,1905,专用。VIP视频解析,支持 B站,1905 ,Youtube,优酷,爱奇艺,腾讯,芒果,LeTV,PPTV,华数TV,56,全网VIP视频免费破解去广告 www.a12w.com JS - B站,1905,专用。看有的不支持B站,1905。我就做一个支持的版本。
Youtube自动加载字幕 JS - Youtube自动加载字幕;Youtube automatically loads subtitles
DarkTube JS - Set dark mode on youtube and turn off autoplay next video
Youtube Loudness Correction JS - Amplifies any youtube video with loudness lower than 0dB
youtube直播自动评论机器人 JS - youtube直播自动评论机器人 Auto live comment bot for youtube
Youtube Automatic Theme JS - Automatically toggle dark/light theme
YouTube anti-caps CSS - Converts all the video titles to lowercase
Youtube Sort Playlist JS - Sort playlist while saving videos to playlists. Type in textbox to filter playlists. Addes support for light and dark theme. Contact me if you find any bugs.
精确控制视频播放进度 (YouTube) JS - 精确控制视频播放进度/生成剪辑脚本的工具栏
Youtube: Hide Video JS - 使视频较为透明。
YouTube Subscription Page Filter JS - Applies filter to the subscription page's video list on YouTube.
Remove Big Brother Blurbs JS - remove-google-youtube-big-brother-censorship-fact-checker-garbage-blurb
Yes i'm here, youtube ! JS - This script disable the auto pausing of youtube videos if you don't interact with the screen for a certain amount of time. So, this disable the functionnality "Video paused. Continue watching?" on youtube.
YouTube homepage remover JS - Remove videos from the homepage and place an inspirational quote
YouTube Popout Button [mashup] JS - Provides a button to pop out the YouTube video in a separate window.
remove youtube top ad JS - hides promoted tweets
YouTube Jump to Channel Videos JS - Redirect links in the subscription list to videos tab instead of the home tab (only works for open in new tab/window)
(Defunct/Replaced) YouTube Title formatted for filename 3 JS - reformats the titles of YouTube videos to be windows filename compatible on click. - Rebuilt to work better.
fixed youtube captions JS - Some of youtube entancer of mine
Youtube Playlist 2 mp3 JS - Makes script to download playlist and convert it to mp3 with number.
Youtube Screenshot Button JS - Adds a button that enables you to take screenshots for YouTube videos.
Youtube Always Dark JS - Always youtube dark mode
Concatenate Transcript JS - Concatenate Youtube Transcript
Youtube Dark figuccio JS - youtube dark mode stop riproduzione autom
iTubeGo YouTube Downloader JS - Download YouTube videos and audios for free without external service, convert YouTube to all formats.
Youtube内容分享到QQ空间 JS - 分享YouTube视频到QQ空间
YT播放速度修改器 JS - 播放速度透過+/-改變
Subscriber Changer JS - 1M Subcribers apear when you got to your channel page
YouTube Resume JS - Save video resume list
Youtube Black Mode JS - Prettier youtube with red sub button and less rounded edges (BLACK EDITION)
- youtube.com - Automatically Switch Off Autoplay JS - Switches off autoplay mode on Youtube.
- youtube.com - Clean Homepage Clutter JS - Clean up Youtube's homepage (recommended videos)
- youtube.com - Turn On Dark Mode JS - Automatically switch on dark mode. Useful for incognito tabs.
Move Preferred YouTube Subtitle Auto-translate Language Options To Top JS - Move preferred YouTube subtitle auto-translate languages to top of the list for quick access, and optionally remove other languages. Users who use non English (US) language in their YouTube setting, must manually edit the script for their chosen language.
Youtube Music Lyrics JS - Adds lyrics to Youtube Music
Youtube 隐藏评分栏 JS - 隐藏 喜欢/不喜欢 的评分栏。
Youtube生肉煮熟工具 JS - 在Youtube视频下添加下载视频,以及下载字幕的按钮(原生字幕+机翻字幕)
Colorful Youtube JS - Recoloring of YouTube
YouTube Restore "Show More" Button JS - Restores the "Show More" button on old youtube
OldYoutubeDescriptionFix JS - returns "show more" and "show less" buttons into the old Youtube video description
Youtube 自动加载字幕 JS - Youtube自动加载字幕
Youtube 自动加载剧场模式 JS - Youtube - 自动加载剧场模式
YouTube Qualities Size JS - Shows file size for each quality in YouTube
Play Youtube playlist in reverse order JS - Adds button for loading the previous video in a YT playlist
👍视频网站自动点赞 JS - 视频网站自动点赞,在浏览bilibili视频页面和专栏页面时自动帮您点赞
the most efficient script to bring back youtube full description JS - this is a scrip restore the ability to show youtube full description if. because youtube try to force us to use the new layout by breaking the old layout. there are two other scripts that do the same thing but this scrip is the most efficient. because other scrips use 2 or 3 variables but this script use only one variable and it is the shortest one
Youtube 搜索过滤 JS - 从 Youtube 搜索页面移除特定用户上传的视频结果
Auto ad skipper JS - Automatically skip ad on screen
Youtube playback rate shortcut JS - Press [ and ] to slow down/speed up the video, and shift+[ to reset the playback rate
YouTube autoskip JS - Automatically skip certain YouTube videos
Prevent YouTube Ads JS - Redirect YouTube URLs to .com. to prevent ads
Youtube Mp3-Mp4 etc. Downloader, By RetroX JS - just a youtube mp3 mp4 etc. downloader enjoy it.
YouTube Music album art resolution fix JS - Forces YouTube Music to load now playing album art at a decent resolution so it doesn't look like shit.
Add hide button JS - Add hide button to video blocks in subscriptions feed
Hide Covid 19 Banner Under Video JS - Remove annoying covid 19 banner which displays often under video.