现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
(Defunct/Replaced) YouTube Title formatted for filename 3 JS - reformats the titles of YouTube videos to be windows filename compatible on click. - Rebuilt to work better.
fixed youtube captions JS - Some of youtube entancer of mine
Youtube Playlist 2 mp3 JS - Makes script to download playlist and convert it to mp3 with number.
Youtube Screenshot Button JS - Adds a button that enables you to take screenshots for YouTube videos.
Youtube Always Dark JS - Always youtube dark mode
Concatenate Transcript JS - Concatenate Youtube Transcript
Youtube Dark figuccio JS - youtube dark mode stop riproduzione autom
iTubeGo YouTube Downloader JS - Download YouTube videos and audios for free without external service, convert YouTube to all formats.
Youtube内容分享到QQ空间 JS - 分享YouTube视频到QQ空间
YT播放速度修改器 JS - 播放速度透過+/-改變
Subscriber Changer JS - 1M Subcribers apear when you got to your channel page
YouTube Resume JS - Save video resume list
Youtube Black Mode JS - Prettier youtube with red sub button and less rounded edges (BLACK EDITION)
- youtube.com - Automatically Switch Off Autoplay JS - Switches off autoplay mode on Youtube.
- youtube.com - Clean Homepage Clutter JS - Clean up Youtube's homepage (recommended videos)
- youtube.com - Turn On Dark Mode JS - Automatically switch on dark mode. Useful for incognito tabs.
Move Preferred YouTube Subtitle Auto-translate Language Options To Top JS - Move preferred YouTube subtitle auto-translate languages to top of the list for quick access, and optionally remove other languages. Users who use non English (US) language in their YouTube setting, must manually edit the script for their chosen language.
Youtube Music Lyrics JS - Adds lyrics to Youtube Music
Youtube 隐藏评分栏 JS - 隐藏 喜欢/不喜欢 的评分栏。
Youtube生肉煮熟工具 JS - 在Youtube视频下添加下载视频,以及下载字幕的按钮(原生字幕+机翻字幕)
Colorful Youtube JS - Recoloring of YouTube
YouTube Restore "Show More" Button JS - Restores the "Show More" button on old youtube
OldYoutubeDescriptionFix JS - returns "show more" and "show less" buttons into the old Youtube video description
Youtube 自动加载字幕 JS - Youtube自动加载字幕
Youtube 自动加载剧场模式 JS - Youtube - 自动加载剧场模式
YouTube Qualities Size JS - Shows file size for each quality in YouTube
Play Youtube playlist in reverse order JS - Adds button for loading the previous video in a YT playlist
👍视频网站自动点赞 JS - 视频网站自动点赞,在浏览bilibili视频页面和专栏页面时自动帮您点赞
the most efficient script to bring back youtube full description JS - this is a scrip restore the ability to show youtube full description if. because youtube try to force us to use the new layout by breaking the old layout. there are two other scripts that do the same thing but this scrip is the most efficient. because other scrips use 2 or 3 variables but this script use only one variable and it is the shortest one
Youtube 搜索过滤 JS - 从 Youtube 搜索页面移除特定用户上传的视频结果
Auto ad skipper JS - Automatically skip ad on screen
Youtube playback rate shortcut JS - Press [ and ] to slow down/speed up the video, and shift+[ to reset the playback rate
YouTube autoskip JS - Automatically skip certain YouTube videos
Prevent YouTube Ads JS - Redirect YouTube URLs to .com. to prevent ads
Youtube Mp3-Mp4 etc. Downloader, By RetroX JS - just a youtube mp3 mp4 etc. downloader enjoy it.
YouTube Music album art resolution fix JS - Forces YouTube Music to load now playing album art at a decent resolution so it doesn't look like shit.
Add hide button JS - Add hide button to video blocks in subscriptions feed
Hide Covid 19 Banner Under Video JS - Remove annoying covid 19 banner which displays often under video.
Hide blocked user in Youtube Live JS - Dynamically hiding blocked users' chats in Youtube live. Youtubeのライブでブロック済みのユーザのチャットを動的に非表示に変更
Youtube toggle "Related Videos" visibility JS - Adds toggle text button to hide/show Related Videos. Useful in zoomed in mode in order to easily skip to the comments.
youtube Ads JS - try to take over the world!
YouTube Auto Dark Switch JS - Script automatically setting up dark mode on YT at specified time.
YouTube Most Popular Videos of Channel Shortcut JS - Popular And Newest Videos shortcut (Adds after Show More button)
QOL on the Mobile Web JS - Just some general quality of (my) life changes. Reddit: Hide auto-mod comments. YouTube: disable end cards.
Next and Previous key shortcuts for YouTube Music JS - Allows the left and right keyboard arrows to be used to go to the previous and next songs on YouTube Music (without having to click on the next or previous buttons at all).
Youtube Covid 19 Ad Block JS - This script is blocking youtube Covid 19 ad.
YT P-I-P JS - Adds a picture in picture button to youtube videos.
Youtube restore slim thumbnails JS - Restore slim thumbnails on home and subs pages. Disable autoplay on unsub channel's home.
LIVE in Desktop Palyer JS - using desktop player watching Bilibili and Youtube live
YT ad skip JS - 自動點擊跳過廣告
ad free youtube grid JS - hides the lame new format top level youtube ads
YoutubeWhy JS - Clicks the dumb age verification button new accounts are forced to click, and also bypasses the warning placed on user created videos that counter-signal google's financial interests.
YouTube Auto Dark Mode JS - Automatically toggle built-in dark mode on youtube.com
Youtube Playlist Duration Calculator JS - Calculate the duration of a playlist and display it next to the number of videos
Plain text youtube subscription list CSS - Greatly compacts list view layout, hides thumbnails and noise. Only works in subscriptions -> list view!
YouTube Mods ver polymer JS - Created 7/22/2020, 5:xx:xx PM
Youtube Embed Skip Buttons Mod JS - Skip buttons for embeded youtube iframes.
Youtube remove cards JS - Youtube remove cards end video
YouTube: unique playlist items JS - Makes YouTube playlist items' unique
Youtube downloader JS - Download video from YouTube.
Youtube 2020 improvements JS - All Youtube improvements in one pack
Youtube Ad Auto Skipper JS - Automatically click Ad Skip button on Youtube
youtube ad remover JS - hide over-the-video ads, auto click the 'skip ad' button, auto fast forward the ad video to the end
YouTube Absolute DateTime JS - Reveal when broadcast started
Fullscreen Shortcut JS - Add a shortcut to enable fullscreen mode of several streaming-media websites
Youtube (AdBlocker) JS - Helps you browse youtube like a king with nothing stopping you! (This adblocker disables the like and dislike function completely!)
Distractionator JS - Removes annoying news and feeds from Google, DuckDuckGO, Youtube, and Quora
AutoClickYouTubeSkipAdButton JS - user.js for click "Skip Ad" button automatically.
Default YouTube to Dark Theme JS - Makes YouTube default to its Dark Theme by initialising the relevant cookie
Youtube video url exporter JS - try to take over the world!
Reload YouTube once JS - adds "#" to URL, making YouTube reload once to avoid its sneaky error shit.
Youtube Undumbifier JS - Disables volume bar focus
youtube auto-hide header JS - youtubeのヘッダーを自動で隠します(スクロールか画面上部ホバーで表示)
Invidious Redirect JS - Redirect YouTube video link to Invidious instances
YouTube会员聊天过滤 JS - 过滤出YouTube直播频道会员的聊天信息。在菜单上点击"Launch"启用。
YouTube MediaKeys integration JS - Add missing keyboard media keys integration to YouTube.
RequestHook JS - Copy Request Information For fetch and XMLHttpRequest
Live Chat Mod | CALIBER JS - Sticky Moderator chat with Additional highlight commands (For Dark Theme)
Clear Youtube JS - try to take over the world!
Youtube聊天只保留自己 JS - 用于屏蔽 youtube 聊天窗口中的其他任何人。
Wipe junk chats out from Youtube Livechat JS - Wipe junk messages out.
video-shot2emoji JS - 页面视频截图自动转字符画
YouTubeNeverSleeps JS - Disable video breaks. Disable youtube pause button. Auto confirm No Thanks Sign In to YouTube.
Youtube H.264 (updated 2020) JS - originally https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/8128-youtube-h-264 (https://github.com/erkserkserks/h264ify) and https://github.com/Shimmermare/NotYetAV1
YouTube Reply All Tool JS - 荒らし連合軍最強!
Browsing Reminder Client JS - Remind you when you waste too much time on specified websites.
Youtube/Twitch to streamlink JS - Add button to youtube and twitch player to watch the video/stream in streamlink
Youtube Auto 144p JS - Select a youtube resolution and resize the player.
YouTubeの検索バーを自動でクリアする JS - YouTubeの検索バーを自動でクリアする。
No YouTube Chat JS - Removes live chat from Youtube lives and videos
b站聊天弹幕(自己发出去的弹幕)翻译成日语或其他 JS - 个人的备份版。当前有很大瑕疵,但是能用。学完vue再来搞回车发送的问题。
AntiRickRoll JS - Blocks RickRolls
Block Youtube Sign-in Pop-up JS - this script blocks the annoying 'Sign in to YouTube' popup
Youtube/Holodex, Hololive streaming schedule JS - You can check schedule of recently hololive stream on youtube
Classic YouTube Tweaks JS - Little tweaks to make the youtube experience better (if you liked the old youtube.)
YouTube - アイコン画像を保存 JS - YouTubeのチャンネルページでアイコン画像をクリックすると画像を保存できるスクリプトです。
YT-FIXED JS - Fixes media skip keys and adds volume control hotkeys (ALT+1|2|3|4|)
Youtube Playlist Total Duration JS - Add the total duration of a YouTube Playlist
Youtube Thumbnail Button JS - Coloca um botão para ver thumbnail de um video do youtube