现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
AutoCloseYoutubeMiniplayer JS - Auto close Youtube miniplayer
Export Youtube Playlist in tab delimited text JS - Creates the current playlist as tab delimited text to be easily copied
Anti-Hololive JS - Be gone, thot!
Anti1984Youtube JS - Anti 1984 Youtube
YouTube Dark Search Suggestions Box CSS - Makes YouTubes search suggestions box also dark when in dark mode
YouTube移动端中英双语字幕 JS - 专门针对油管手机版:自动打开声音,自动开启字幕并机翻中英双语,自动跳广告。安卓浏览器可使用Firefox或者旧版本yandex。有问题联系:知乎@邓强龙,不一定每个视频都有中英字幕。 测试中英双语字幕视频网址: https: //m.youtube.com/watch?v=xFQGKwVijaM&t=2s
YouTube Simple Cinema Mode CSS - While video is playing the page will turn dark automatically, giving focus to the video.
YouTube - Add Playlist Remove Video Button JS - adds a remove button next to each video on each playlist page
YouTube - Filter Subscriptions Page JS - hide videos with given title keywords
YouTube Repeated Recommendations Hider JS - Hide any videos that are recommended more than twice. You can also hide by channel or by partial title. Works on both YouTube's desktop and mobile layouts.
YouTube element blocker JS - Block specific elements of YouTube, like the Feed, Comments, Subscriptions bar and more
Return WATCHED badge on Youtube (with custom text) CSS - Bring back the WATCHED overlay to the videos you have already watched on youtube.
YouTube - Return old logo + embed logo CSS - Returns the nicer old youtube logo on the website and embedded videos.
YouTube Capture Frame JS - Adds button to copy current video frame to the clipboard
Turn Off Youtube Annotations JS - Script to deactivate annotations toggle from youtube video settings
Youtube 封面 JS - 获取视频封面!
YouTube Special Comment Sticker JS - Stickies YouTube moderator and owner comments above the comment box.
Y2BD JS - YouTube Download Videos, All Format Analyzing
Youtube Music song-name helper JS - Make craftwar's obs plugin (https://craftwarblog.blogspot.com/2018/01/obs-plugin-playing-song.html) able to get song name.
Glassy Youtube CSS - make Youtube panes and pop-ups glassy
油管评论编辑修改 youtube 搬运烤肉翻译man辅助 JS - 可以直接修改youtube视频评论区
Youtube Better Player JS - Scroll wheel volume, "Are you there" popup bypass, Volume percent display, Infinite autoplay, Volume save
yewtu.be JS - Always redirects to yewtu.be.
Replace BHM JS - Replaces Youtube BHM logo with regular logo
YouTube Home Button Logo Change JS - I took it upon myself to "improvise" the current BHM logo to a more humorous, classic style logo.
YouTube User Block JS - YouTube用户黑名单,拉黑指定用户(自动隐藏其评论,可手动查看)。
Watch TV With You JS - 用于同步H5 video标签的暂停、播放、拖拽进度条的事件,可以让多人同步进度条,一直看视频,脚本目前测试了腾讯视频、哔哩哔哩、YouTube三个平台,理论上其他平台也支持,可自行修改脚本中的@match标签。后台基于websocket协议提供服务,后台源码地址:https://github.com/baofeidyz/wtwu。作者不提供后台服务。
BetterYouTubeStreams JS - Improves the chat widget among other things.
Youtube Extended Controls JS - Adding keyboard shortcuts for cycling playback speed setting and looping a specific time span
YouTube Sizer JS - Resizes the YouTube player to smaller sizes
html5 video speed controller (vlc like) JS - Simple html5 video speed control with '-', '+', and '=' (vlc like). '-': decrease by 0.1, '+': increase by 0.1, '=': back to 1.0x
Youtube Full Text (Subtitle Downloader + Viewer) JS - 在线字幕阅读/下载神器! - View full text of the subtitles/captions just online! And even download them as srt files !
Youtube Download JS - Añade dos botones a youtube para descargar MP4 y MP3
Youtube Speed Up JS - Youtube Speed at 10x
YouTube More Speeds JS - Adds buttons under a YouTube video with more playback speeds.
bypass per i limiti di età di YouTube JS - Visualizza i video soggetti a limiti di età su YouTube senza verifica e accesso
YouTube consent bump remove JS - Remove the annoying consent-bump from youtube.com. (the final . is necessary for removing ads)
Youtube 评论区屏蔽工具 JS - 屏蔽指定上传者的视频下方评论
Youtube Recommendation Bar Remover JS - Removes the recommendation/suggestion bar.
Bir eimor suggestion JS - recommendation suggestion bar.
YAAS (YouTube Ads Auto Skip) JS - Automatically closes the banner ad or clicks the "Skip ad" button.
Translate YouTube subtitle JS - Translate YouTube subtitles into your browser language
[ 2 in 1 ] The Best Youtube Downloader and End screen remover, [Download: 320Kbps MP3 / 4K MP4] JS - Download any video and/or audio from youtube.com in HIGH Quality and remove annoying end-screens
YouTube Downloader JS - Download YouTube videos
在线计算器 JS - 统计计算:可计算一系列数据的和,平均值 科学计算:可进行函数、对数运算,以及阶乘、幂运算
Youtube, NoPlayCount JS - restful life
YouTube - Remove clickable labels on "Watch Later" and "Add to Queue" buttons CSS - Removes those annoying, clickable labels on the "Watch Later" and "Add to Queue" buttons so you won't accidentally click on them.
YoutubeCommentsRemover JS - try to take over the world!
Open Youtube video on Holodex JS - Add a button under the video to open the video on Holodex.net
Youtube Music Continue Watching Auto-Confirmer JS - Automatically clicks 'Ok' when the 'Video paused. Continue watching?' dialogue pops up.
Shorten YouTube Music Share Link JS - Turns the share link dialog on YouTube music into a youtu.be share link
YouTube autolike JS - Auto-like YouTube video if you are subscribed to the author's channel. Or can set an option to like all videos regardless if you are subrscribed or not.
YouTube ScrollBar Remove JS - New version of youtube get scrollbar, i don't want !
增加會限清單分頁連結 JS - 增加YouTube會限清單分頁連結到頻道主頁上
Stats for Nerds JS - Shortcuts for YouTube stats for nerds. Press S to open, press W to close.
Youtube HTML5 Karaoke JS - HTML5 Karaoke Vocal Control, support center channel cut on regular MV, left/right channel vocal/instrumental mixed MVs. Support: Youtube and Bilibili
Youtube old design JS - Activates the old YT design without messing with your other settings
youtube去除视频播放完成之前的推荐 JS - youtube去掉视频播放完成之前的推荐,视频即将播放完的前几秒,会弹出推荐视频挡住弹幕,该脚本可去除
YouTube Ad Remover JS - Remove all YouTube ads
YouTube Skipper JS - This script will automatically skip all video ads on YouTube. Works best with an AdBlocker installed.
YouTube Auto Pause Blocker JS - Block the "Video paused. Continue watching?" popup and keep YouTube videos playing even if you are away for too long.
Youtube Videos Publishing Date JS - Fix Youtube video's publishing date
Remover Add YouTube JS - YouTube ads Remove all
Youtube exact upload JS - Adds exact upload time to youtube videos
Disable YouTube Number Keyboard Seek Shortcuts JS - disables the 0-9 keyboard shortcuts
YouTube Location JS - Automatically changes location to preferred country.
Youtube not loading comments Fix. JS - Fixes the issue where comments wouldn't load after blocking the cookies from "consent.youtube.com".
Disable YouTube number shortcuts JS - Stop the anoying 0 to 9 YouTube shortcuts from ruining your wathing experience while allowing all the other shortcuts to work
Remplazar endscreen por gif animado JS - Remplazar endscreen por gif animado al terminar videos youtube
YouTube link redirect remover JS - replaces the url from youtube.com/redirect links to the actual target
YouTube Watched Subscription Hider JS - Remove (using Hide) watched videos from YouTube subscription page.
Block video from Youtube JS - Удаляем видео из просмотра в Youtube по ключевым словам.
Auto Agree+Skip YouTube Consent/Sign-in Pages JS - Automatically click on the "I Agree" button on YouTube's consent page, the "No thanks" link on YouTube's sign-in popup, or the "I understand and wish to proceed" button on YouTube's video page.
YouTube Subscription Grid to List View JS - Automatically redirects you from the grid view to the list view on the YouTube subscriptions page
YouTube - Remove Comments on Others' Videos JS - Dramatically reduce the stress that watching videos causes by getting rid of the comments down below.
YouTube - Hide Video Comments CSS - YouTube comments only exist to cause stress, so get rid of them.
Advertisement Hide - Youtube JS - Выключает рекламу или звук в рекламе на ресурсе Youtube
YouTube Ad Killer JS - Kills YouTube ads, both video and popup
YouTube Ad Skip JS - Automatically skips YouTube ads by monitoring the DOM
youtube新标签页打开 JS - 支持首页,搜索,频道,个人主页等在新标签打开,你懂的
Kant C Shit JS - Adjust brightness and contrast in YouTube Videos, Vimeo, Netflix, HBO, Prime video, or any other site with a video on it
YouTube: iCal Calendar Export for Livestreams and Premieres JS - Adds a "Export to iCal" button to to YouTube Livestreams and Premieres which creates Calendar-compatible .ics files.
Download YouTube Subscriptions OPML JS - adds a "Download OPML" button to your YouTube Channel List page
Youtube close ads and promo JS - Skip youtube ads and promo by scan once a second
YouTube Permanent ProgressBar JS - Keeps YouTube progress bar visible all the time.
Magic Actions Fix JS - A temporary fix for the Magic Buttons panel.
skip Google and Youtube "Before you continue" JS - remove popup
Youtube Always Dark Theme JS - Enables Dark Theme Forever.
Youtube covid info panel removed JS - Removes the covid information panel, below youtube videos MAY2021
Youtube Music Logarithmic/Exponential volume JS - Makes the YouTube music volume slider logarithmic.
Subscriber Changer JS - Changes subscriber count
youtubeで常にライブ再生 JS - Youtubeでライブ配信を再生中、読み込み等で遅れた場合に自動で追いつきます
YouTube premieres and livestream - Add To Google Calendar JS - Add YouTube premieres/livestreams to Google Calendar!
YouTube Studio Scheduled Date Visual Enhancer JS - Sort YouTube Studio videos by scheduled and published date easier through visual cues (border and bgcolor)
Toggle YouTube Heart Comments JS - Toggle YouTube heart comments.
YouTube Live: Highlight Moderator Comments JS - YouTube Live のチャットでチャンネルの所有者・モデレータの発言を目立たせ、自動で上部に固定する
Cleanup YouTube live chat for spam (r9k mode) JS - Cleans up youtube live chat for simple spam - Repeated messages, overused emojis
YT Bold title remover JS - removes the bold titles in YouTube videos
Speed up for Youtube JS - Press right key to speed up, NoStop