现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
Speed up for Youtube JS - Press right key to speed up, NoStop
Youtube video anti-spoiler JS - De-spoil videos by hiding the video length and the current playback status.
YouTube Live minimum latency JS - YouTube Live の遅延を自動的に最小化します
Workaround For Youtube Embed Preview JS - Fix Youtube Embed Preview
Youtube position saver JS - Periodically records the current playing time while you watch videos, so you don't lose track of where you were watching.
정플러스 JS - 정병소녀 관련 사이트 추가 요소
Click on video thumbnail to play in MPV JS - Opens videos in external player (mpv) by simply clicking on a thumbnail.
YouTube playlist duration JS - get total duration of a playlist in an alert by pressing alt + shift + U on a playlist page.
YouTube Redirect JS - Ever procrastinated by watching youtube videos? This userscript will redirect it to google, it's parent site. Cause I can't find a way to consistanly close the window.
YouTube channel name log JS - Logs names of YouTube channels of watched videos in history to allow searching browsing history by channel owner.
Drag and download any youtube video to 6 instances including smplayer JS - Drag to the search bar and download any video from any part of youtube to 6 different instances including external program smplayer.exe
取消youtube自动播放下一个视频 JS - 自动取消所有Youtube视频结尾的自动播放,拒绝YT推流.
Youtube留言黑名單 JS - 屏蔽黑名單內頻道在其他影片下的留言,可以查看和移除黑名單內的頻道。
YouTube - CardRemover JS - Remove YouTube end video cards overlay on top of videos
Ad blocker JS - Updated version! Block ads on serval websites.
Skip Leaving Messages JS - Skip redirect permission pages.
YouTube Ultrawide JS - Crops the top and bottom to fit ultrawide
Double Click to Like YouTube Comments JS - Double click on a comment to like. Double click again to remove like.
Trình tải video JS - Tải video.
Reddit & YouTube URL download page JS - Работает со ссылками на посты с видео Reddit, а также с видео-ссылками YouTube.
No Surf Constant Splash Reminder JS - Every time you navigate to websites such as Reddit, Youtube, TikTok, Facebook you will get a full-face splash saying "Are you sure you want to waste your time here?". Just click on it once to hide it. A nice mental reminder without adding strict time limits.
AntiRickRoll JS - Never gonna rickroll you, never gonna let you get rickrolled.
Youtube MiniView CSS - Resize the window to a minimum view to listen the music
Auto Set Youtube Volume JS - Choose the default volume for YouTube videos!
YouTube Old Scroll Bar JS - Removes YouTube themed scrollbar
Youtube Subtitle From Romaji to Hiragana JS - Translate the romaji subtitle to hiragana
Youtube Enhancements JS - Disbale autoplay and default to theatre mode
YouTube Live Event to Calendar JS - YouTube Live Event to Calendar...but semi-automatic
YouTube Music New Releases Fixer JS - Fix some really bad UI/UX decisions.
Youtube - toggle related button JS - Creates a button on the top header to show/hide related section
Youtube - unstick search bar and categories buttons row JS - Unsticks youtube search bar from the top, so it goes away by scrolling
Youtube调节默认播放速度 JS - Test
Youtube live comments regex filter JS - Filter youtube live comments. Removes comments with japanese characters by default.
Youtube live verified comments highlighter JS - Shows (also logs) youtube live comments of verified and moderators persons
Remove the Youtube comment teaser JS - Undo part of YT's new UI change
Hide Youtube homepage recommendations and tags JS - Hide Youtube homepage recommendations and the top bar with tags showing the video categories/types
Holodex Music Better Media Keys JS - Support for media previous and media next keys for Holodex Music
Youtube Mobile Looper JS - Add a simple loop/unloop button to the navbar for Youtube Mobile. Made in about 15 minutes as a teaching tutorial.
Comfortable Youtube JS - Make Youtube be more comfortable to use
YouTube: remove huge ">> 10 seconds" skip indicators JS - Removes the massive skip indicators on YouTube (">> 10 seconds")
YouTube Chat Filter JS - Set up filters for stream chats
Invidiously JS - Redirect all Youtube links to an Invidious instance, for Palemoon-browser
YouTube - Ad Skip Revamped JS - Skips and removes ads on YouTube automatically, combine this with ublock origin
YouTube classic Seek UI CSS - Replicates the Seek UI from 2016-2021.
【自用】-恢复youtube页面 JS - 恢复youtube页面
Youtube Never Pause JS - YouTube auto pause dialog will never shows up
B站禁用空格下翻 JS - 禁用空格键、UP键、DN键影响滚动条
YouTube Remove Thin icons JS - Edits yt.config_
Unpress Shortcut Buttons JS - read the home page lol
Fix YouTube Icons (Credit Goes To Ian Hiew) JS - Fixes The New YouTube Icons with the old icons. Code By Bobby Resine.
BypassYoutubePub JS - Bypass youtube publicity Frensh Version
【自用】YoutubeTools JS - 1.恢复页面布局,2.增加按钮,方便IDM下载(配合IDM使用)【需配合Local YouTube Downloader使用】,3.增加按钮,一键重绘下载png格式的cover,4.增加按钮生成合并命令行,5.用clipboard,火狐v99之后抽风
YouTube - Bring back colored thumbs up and down buttons and like bar CSS - White/grayscale and stroke-only transparent buttons suck.
Youtube focusking JS - Helps you not overwhelmed with the recommendations from YT.
Youtube Utils JS - A low-tech solution to a high-tech problem!
网页回到顶部 | Go Top JS - 页面一键回到顶部
Youtube Anti Video Watch Confirmation JS - Automatically Removes The Annoying "Do You Still Want To Watch This Video" Confirmation
Youtube favorites channels JS - Highlights videos of the channels that you mark as favorite (only for Grid view). Tap the heart icon on the channel page to add it to your favorites.
Youtube Music fix performance JS - Try to fix the performance issues that youtube music has
No Surf Constant Splash Reminder + Timer JS - Every time you navigate to websites such as Reddit, Youtube, TikTok, Facebook you will get a full-face splash saying "Are you sure you want to waste your time here?".
Youtube Bulk Favs Remover JS - Youtube Bulk Favs Remover - Have you ever wondered to remove all your favourite videos but you weren't able to find a solution? Yt-favs-remover is a script that helps to remove all your favourited videos from your favs playlist by simply clicking a button. Enjoy!
General URL Cleaner Revived JS - Cleans URLs from various popular sites and removes tracking parameters
Youtube Music Share telegram JS - Adds telegram share option using native uri scheme
Youtube API Exposer JS - Exposes API of Youtube to control Youtube remotely
YouTube Speeder JS - Finer control of youtube playback speed.
youtube 字幕区域优化 JS - 给 youtube 的字幕区域增加活动区域 aria-live 属性,以便于屏幕阅读器自动朗读外挂字幕
video-translation JS - voice-over translation
Block ads on Youtube JS - Ad blocker userscript for Youtube
Disable Youtube autoplay JS - This script turns off Youtube autoplay feature after the page loads
Youtube Hide Control JS - Automatically hide youtube control bar when paused
Improved Speed Slider For YouTube (fix) JS - Add Speed Slider to Youtube Player Settings
YouTube URL Tracker Remover JS - Fixes user-tracking links in the description of YouTube videos
fix ugly youtube player JS - downsizes the buttons in the youtube player
YouTube Ad Auto Report JS - This Script is going to check for ad on YouTube every 200ms and if it find's one it will automatically report it which results in successfully skipping it. (NOT WORKING WITH AD PERSONALISATION TURNED OFF!!!)
Youtube Resumer (using the url) JS - Changes the ?t= parameter when pausing. Other version: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/455475-youtube-resumer
Youtube 2010-2011 HTML5 video player CSS - Makes youtube player look like it did in 2010
Change_YouTube_Logo_Text JS - Changes YouTube logo text to whatever is stored in the "text" variable
YouTubeのコメントのタイムラインを使うやつ JS - YouTubeのメドレーとかのコメント欄にある曲順のやつを使ってチャプターみたいにできる
YouTube Reload Category-Tab JS - Reload YouTube on current Category-Tab + custom Shortcut (default "T")
Music-Tab Reload JS - Reload YouTube on Music Category-Tab + custom Shortcut (default "Alt+M")
Google搜索、Github、YouTube点击链接打开新的标签页 JS - Google搜索、Github、YouTube点击链接时,在新的标签页打开链接网站
YT Feed Sorter JS - Sorts the YouTube feed so that all scheduled streams and premieres come before archived videos.
YouTube Similar Comments Hider JS - Ensure originality in YouTube's comment section by hiding all sorts of repeated comments, copy-paste comments, repeated quotes from the video and saturated memes.
Youtube Faster Fullscreen JS - Tries to replace player with embed player so we get faster fullscreen and no scrolling/comments/description while in fullscreen.
YTDL CORE JS - Core Code for getting YouTube Download Links, when on youtube.com with a PC UserAgent. credits @maple3142
Disable YouTube Shorts JS - Disables YouTube Shorts player on the website by redirecting to the standard player.
【自用】Youtube自动英文字幕 JS - 自动切换到英文字幕
优酷全屏模式 JS - YouTube画面自动转换成100高、100宽的画面。
SDSblock JS - Ali vaša stara teta ne ve katere spletne strani so v primežu strahovlade? Vam vaš sodelavec pošilja povezave, ob katerih že takoj veste da jim ne morete zaupati? Vtičnik prikaže veliko obvestilo na straneh, povezanimi z SDS in Janezom Janšo, največjim tatovom, lažnivcem, znanim fašistom in splošnim nebodigatrebo.
Youtube Subs full width JS - Makes the subs full width
【通信量削減】TypingTube 最低画質に固定【144p】 JS - TypingTube 画質固定
Youtube: Remove Overlays JS - 04/26/2023, 11:35:27 AM
YouTube hotkeys JS - quick hotkeys for quality, speed, subtitles and replay (for RU, EN, DE, FR, SP)
YouTube Always show progress bar - Forked JS - Always show progress bar
kill youtube comments and sidebar JS - makes youtube comments and sidebar invisible
YTVTSview JS - See View to Sentiment, View to Like, and other statistics.
Dislikes Reborn JS - Replaces the dislike button text to views / likes
YouTube Always Hoverable ProgressBar JS - Makes progressbar hoverable from the very beginning (also works when paused).
Suppress YouTube Playlist links JS - When opening a video from a playlist, strip out the parameters that make it open in a playlist UI