现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
YouTube Direct Downloader (Cobalt) JS - Bypass the download button and provide options to download the video, video dubs, or audio directly from the YouTube page.
Download YouTube JS - Adds a button that lets you download and convert to mp3 YouTube videos .
YouTube Auto Buffer & Auto HD JS - Buffers the video without autoplaying and puts it in HD if the option is on. For Firefox, Opera, & Chrome
Download YouTube Captions JS - Download subtitles / captions from YouTube in several formats
Youtube MP3 Download Button JS - Adds a MP3 Download button next to the subscribe button, thanks to youtubeinmp3 for their simple download service (http://youtubeinmp3.com/api/). Based off magnus's youtube2mp3 code. Just used something different as it wont open another tab.
Youtube Subtitle Downloader v36 JS - Download Subtitles
YouTube Links JS - Download YouTube videos. Video formats are listed at the top of the watch page. Video links are tagged so that they can be downloaded easily.
Youtube MP3 Download Button (VidToMp3.com) JS - Adds a button [MP3 Download], to download music from YouTube through service vidtomp3.com
Auto Close YouTube Ads JS - Close and/or Mute YouTube ads automatically!
Youtube Age Confirmation Bypass JS - Prevents you from having to sign in to view age restricted videos on YouTube
View YouTube tags JS - View tags on YouTube description pages.
Block Youtube Users JS - Hide videos of blacklisted users/channels and comments
youtube-nsfw JS - NSFW Youtube
auto show more for YouTube JS - this plugin will press "show more" button when it displayed by scrolling.
YouTube - whitelist channels in uBlock Origin JS - To whitelist YouTube channels in uBlock Origin
Remove Youtube Ads(Works) JS - Removes all ads including video ads
Download MP3 - Youtube JS - download whatever you want as a MP3
Video Speed Buttons JS - Add speed buttons to any HTML5 <video> element. Comes with a loader for YouTube and Vimeo
YouTube Debug Button Enabler JS - Enables the hidden DEBUG button on YouTube.
Mp3Tube - Youtube Mp3 Download JS - Youtube Mp3 Download
Mimic - Youtube MP3 Downloader JS - Allows you to download MP3 at 320 kbps from a YouTube video.
YouTube to MP3 Downloader Button JS - Adds a download button to YouTube videos which allows you to download the MP3 of the video with MediaHuman YouTube to MP3
! 豆瓣电影 + 百度网盘 |!' IMDB + Magnet |!' 各大视频网站 + JS - 找资源不用打开一堆新标签,有的话会直接播放 |!' Show magnet and pan.baidu.com in movie detail page |!' 当破解VIP会员电视剧失败?没准有网盘和磁力种子在分享呢.兼容黄岩Style.
Iridium JS - YouTube with more freedom
Youtube 翻译中文字幕下载 v14 JS - Youtube 播放器右下角有个 Auto-tranlsate,可以把视频字幕翻成中文。这个脚本是下载这个中文字幕
自动开启网页全屏 JS - 网页加载完4秒后,启动网页全屏
YouTube - Ad Skip JS - Skips and removes ads on YouTube automatically
Direct Playlist Links for Youtube JS - Simple script to change youtube playlist links (on the play list page under channels) to go directly to the playlist instead of the first video.
Video Background Play Fix JS - Prevents YouTube and Vimeo from pausing videos when minimizing or switching tabs. Cross-browser port of https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/video-background-play-fix/
Stop Youtube Autoplay JS - Stops Youtube videos from autoplaying
Youtube Auto-translate Canceler JS - Remove auto-translated youtube titles
Xmillsa's Youtube Downloader JS - A simple script to enable in browser downloading of Youtube videos, no external scripts required.
Youtube Scroll Volume JS - Use the scroll wheel to adjust volume of youtube videos
小窗口视频(bili,mgtv,youtube) JS - 小窗口视频(bili,mgtv)。网页右下角会出现一个小按钮,点击之后视频会通过小窗口播放。基于chrome浏览器的画中画(Picture in Picture)。限支持HTML5播放器的网站。如需添加其他网站,可以在脚本的“设置”页面->“用户匹配”栏中添加,或者通过greasyfork反馈给我们。ps:最新推出插件版,功能全面加强,已在 chrome 商店上架,地址https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/%E5%B0%8F%E7%AA%97%E5%8F%A3%E8%A7%86%E9%A2%91-by-c4r/banggcaohiaanmdkalekjcffjonamlkj
Youtube 'Video paused. Continue watching?' Auto confirmer JS - Automatically clicks 'Ok' when the 'Video paused. Continue watching?' dialog pops up and pauses your videos.
Youtube Genius Lyrics JS - Shows lyrics/songtexts from genius.com on Youtube next to music videos
Youtube End-Screen Remover (End Screen disposer) JS - Remove annoyed end-screens on youtube videos
YouTube Normal Thumbnails JS - Restores normal thumbnails size
YouTubeで自動翻訳字幕(日本語)を常にオン JS - B:再度試みる N,Enter:次の動画 P,]:前の動画 A:今の位置から再生するURLをコピー(Shift+A:タブのURLにも反映+プレイリストパラメータを維持) [:全画面化
Youtube music control JS - Control keys for youtube music
YouTube ProgressBar Preserver JS - 让你恒常地显示油管上的进度条(显示播放时间比例的红色条)。
独轮车-说书人自动弹幕发射器 JS - 适配斗鱼/虎牙/Mildom/b站/ytb直播平台的自动弹幕发射器 抽象独轮车 说书人 Github:https://github.com/zhenshiluosuo/Storyteller-AutoBarrageForDouyuTV
视频倍速快捷键 JS - speed up/down video
Youtube Speed By Channel JS - Allow to choose the default speed for specific YT channel
Youtube Music fix volume ratio JS - Makes the YouTube music volume slider exponential so it's easier to select lower volumes.
youtube继续播放 JS - 当出现"影片已暂停,要继续观赏吗?"时忽略它继续播放
显示YouTube好评/差评比例(好评占比) JS - 治好了我每次看到好评和差评时都忍不住心算一下好评占比的强迫症
B站,1905,专用。VIP视频解析,支持 B站,1905 ,Youtube,优酷,爱奇艺,腾讯,芒果,LeTV,PPTV,华数TV,56,全网VIP视频免费破解去广告 www.a12w.com JS - B站,1905,专用。看有的不支持B站,1905。我就做一个支持的版本。
Kill YouTube Channel Video Autoplay JS - Kill autoplay on YouTube channel and user pages
YouTube Sticky Live Chat JS - Pin the latest message written by live owner or moderator to the top
Youtube记忆恢复双语字幕和播放速度-下载字幕 JS - 记忆播放器设置菜单(含自动翻译菜单)选择的字幕语言和播放速度。默认中文(简体)字幕/默认字幕(双语);找不到匹配的语言时,匹配前缀,例如中文(简体)->中文
Youtube polymer engine fixes JS - Some fixes for Youtube polymer engine
YouTube Click To Play JS - 它禁用自动播放,并启用点击播放。
Youtube Music Genius Lyrics JS - Shows lyrics/songtexts from genius.com on Youtube music next to music videos
YouTube - Disable Fullscreen Scroll JS - Disable scroll for details feature and remove the label from the bottom in fullscreen
YouTube Ad Remover JS - Skip and remove YouTube ads without click
Display remaining Youtube playlist time JS - Displays the sum of the lengths of the remaining videos in a playlist
Youtube自动选择中文翻译字幕 JS - Youtube自动点击中文翻译字幕
YoutubeEpisodeEnable JS - Отображает список эпизодов справа от видео
YouTube to mp3 Downloader JS - try to take over the world!
Youtube Full Theater JS - Makes YouTube's theater mode fill the screen
Youtube 下载自动字幕 (字词级) v6 JS - (下载 .json 文件)字词级字幕仅适用于自动字幕(也就是机器用语音转文字识别出来的字幕)(完整字幕没有字词级的)下载字词级的意义是方便分句。可下载两种格式:原版 (&fmt=json3 从 Youtube 获取的原样返回) 和简化版 {startTime: "开始时间(毫秒)", endTime: "结束时间(毫秒)", text: "文字"}。 json 格式不可配合视频直接播放,需要其他软件进行进一步处理(把词拼成句子,转成 srt 格式)
YouTube - Fix Fullscreen Scrollbar JS - Hides YouTube fullscreen player's scrollbar that appeared in Firefox 86
Youtube exact upload JS - Adds exact upload time to youtube videos
Maximum Audio output for Youtube JS - It will make some of your youtube videos louder, the reason why this is possible is because sometimes you can slide to 100% music output, but youtube validates it in it's javascript to a lower music output then 100%, in this skript I make a new slider which makes your youtube videos always the maximux output when you make your videos on 100%
Tabview Youtube JS - 把Youtube Videos中的评论及视频列表制作成Tabs
Invert all colors JS - Funny, but quite annoying thing
Hide Youtube left sidebar items JS - Adds a list of check-boxes to the bottom-most of the left sidebar for toggling visibility. (items that can be hidden are: Explore, Subscriptions, Subscriptions list, Library, History, Your videos, Watch later, More from Youtube)
Filmot Title Restorer JS - Restores titles for removed or private videos in YouTube playlists
Block ads on Youtube JS - Ad blocker userscript for Youtube
Youtube subtitles under video frame JS - Have you ever been annoyed by youtube subtitles covering some important part of the video? No more! The userscript moves subtitles under video frame (but you can still drag-move them horizontally). It works for default and theater modes.
隐私重定向器 JS - 将社交媒体平台重定向到其隐私友好的首页
YouTube Keyboard Shortcuts: like/dislike, backup/restore position, change speed, picture-in-picture… JS - Adds keyboard shortcuts [ and ] for liking and disliking videos, B and R to Back up and Restore position, H to use picture-in-picture, { and } to change playback speed.
Hide YouTube Shorts JS - Hides YouTube Shorts videos from showing across the YouTube website.
Youtube - right side description with toggle button JS - Relocates the description to the right side and creates a button on the header to toggle with related videos
Youtube - description on the right side above related videos JS - Description on the right side with avatar and channel name
Auto hide Youtube controls when paused JS - Automatically hide youtube control bar when pause ( Embedded videos included ). If desired, control bar can be made visible again, with the mouse movement. Pressing the space key or the right-left arrow keys ensures that the control bar remains hidden during pause. if the script doesn't work properly, reflesh web page .
Youtube shorts redirect JS - Youtuebe shorts > watch redirect
dismiss cookies warning JS - Agrees to the cookies dialog to make it disappear forever
Youtube remove preview from history JS - Stop video preview on Youtube before it goes to history record.
ACT.YouTube.DM.画中画按钮 JS - 为播放器添加画中画按钮,轻松进入画中画模式。
Remove YouTube Shorts JS - on the Subscription page. Desktop & Mobile.
Background Youtube Music JS - Blocks "visibilitychange" event on the YouTube music webpage, allowing music to still play if the browser or tab are not in focus.
全网VIP视频免费破解去广告%;【百度文库破解】内容复制|文档下载;知乎使用增强、链接提醒、回答时间标注、广告标注、视频下载等;Fuck链接中间跳转页等 JS - 常用功能专属集合: 一、百度文库文档内容自由复制,文档免费下载;二、爱奇艺|腾讯视频|优酷|芒果TV等VIP视频在线看,解析接口贵在稳定够用。支持:Tampermonkey|Violentmonkey|Greasymonkey,版本4.0+以上最佳(每个网站解析按钮位置可自定义,避免遮挡); 三、知乎使用增强:为知乎视频播放器添加下载功能、为提回和回答添加时间戳、显示提问人、广告标注等;四、Fuck网站中间跳转页,链接直达(当前适配:书签地球、知乎、CSDN等更多适配请留言);五、YouTube油管播放助手;六、服务器活动集锦
Youtube Music Precise Volume Adjustement JS - Allow you to precisely chose your volume on Youtube Music
EdPuzzle+ JS - You can skip forward or skip directly to the questions
Sort Youtube Playlist by Duration JS - As the name implies, sorts youtube playlist by duration
B站、油管、推特屏蔽原神内鬼爆料相关视频 JS - 屏蔽B站、油管、推特三大平台的原神、星穹铁道内鬼爆料视频和消息
YouTube Web Tweaks JS - This script optimizes YouTube's performance by modified configs, shorts redirect and much more!
Show Video Tags JS - Shows YouTube video tags in the description.
Youtube油管视频播放量优化显示 JS - Youtube 根据国人的使用习惯显示播放量,将【70,929,536,37】 转换为 【70.93亿次】观看,同时显示视频的具体发布时间
Youtube Scrollable Right Side Description JS - Youtube description is moved on the right, expanded and scrollable
Youtube社区点击图片查看全图 JS - 点击图片查看全图
Disable YouTube Glow/Ambilight JS - Script that removes the shitty glow/ambilight effect on the new YouTube downgrade. It sucks ass because it's in 8-bit colorspace, has a smoothing effect, and is overall just weird on your eyes, seriously thoguht my eyes were fucked lmao
YouTube - Non-Rounded Design JS - This script disables YouTube's new rounded corners (reverts back to the previous layout from 2021.)
YouTube Defaulter JS - Set default speed, quality, subtitles and volume globally or per channel
YouTube - Recommend certain Categories only on home page JS - Selects desired categories on Youtube Homepage and hides undesired ones. To minimise distraction and increase productivity.
Hide watched videos on YouTube JS - Adds an ability to hide thumbnails of videos you've already watched.
The Internet gets better: No Cookies 🍪 JS - First version: gets rid of cookies 🍪🍪🍪 Let me know wich website it doesn't work on