现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
Youtube thumbnail padding fix JS - Fixes the padding discrepancy on the thumbnails
YouTube Quick Watch Later JS - Adds quick Watch Later button
YouTube Speed-Adjusted Time Display JS - Shows speed-adjusted time for YouTube videos
YouTube TV Volume Rememberer JS - Remembers and controls volume levels on YouTube TV with keyboard shortcuts
Enlarge YouTube Chat Profile Pictures (HD Version with Caching) JS - Enlarges YouTube chat profile pictures on mouse over, shows HD version, Caches HD images for faster display using Tampermonkey caching.
Old Red YouTube Progress Bar JS - Restores the old solid red YouTube progress bars and other UI elements (favicon, icons, etc.) with red color styling. Dynamically applies on page loads and DOM changes.
YouTube pink progress bar remover JS - Replace gradient red-pink color in YouTube player to just old good red
YouTube Volume Control with Memory JS - Set YouTube volume manually on a scale of 1-100, remember last set volume, and inject the UI to the left of the volume slider on the video player. Syncs the slider, disables invalid inputs, and adds debugging.
YT - Restore red favicon JS - Replace the pink icons with the real red icons
YouTubeTV Volume Control with Memory JS - Remembers and controls volume levels on YouTube TV with keyboard shortcuts and a UI for manual input
Use Old YouTube Color Palette JS - Change the new YouTube color palette to the old color palette.
YouTube Pink Progress Bar Remover (25.10.2024) JS - Replace gradient pink color in YouTube player progress bar with solid red
YouTube Settings Rearranger JS - Rearranges "Playback Speed" and "Quality" settings in YouTube video settings for improved accessibility.
ytkb JS - Add custom keyboard shortcuts for YouTube navigation with UI feedback and improved controls
YouTube Skip 15 Seconds Rewind Buttons Forward/Backward JS - Adds Rewind buttons to the YouTube player forward and backward 15 seconds buttons
Ignore "Video Paused, continue watching?" using XPath JS - This script will click on "YES" button
YouTube Image Fix JS - Fixes display of avatars, channel art, and video previews on YouTube for users in Russia.
YouTube | Send to Obsidian JS - Extracts information from a YouTube video and creates a new entry in Obsidian (locally), making it easier to create notes about the video.
Youtube cat caption/transcription "ipicat" JS - https://www.reddit.com/r/thomastheplankengine/comments/1g77xv3/dreamt_that_youtube_added_a_new_variant_of /10/27/2024, 7:26:30 PM
Hide low viewcount vids JS - Hides low view count recommended videos on YouTube
PaperTube JS - PaperTube is a Userscript that makes YT have a Material Design 1 Look. very much like early Polymer.
Scroll Limiter JS - Limits excessive scrolling on social media.
YouTube Speed Booster х2 on/off JS - Добавляет кнопку изменения скорости на YouTube возле Аккаунта.
YouTube Button Hider JS - You can hide share button, Thanks button, Clip button, Download button, Save (to platlist) button and live chat on YouTube videos.
YouTube Flag Tracker JS - Track changes in YouTube's experiment flags
YouTube Music WebSocket Tracker JS - 11
Full Date format for Youtube JS - Show full upload dates in DD/MM/YYYY HH:MMam/pm format
YouTube Playback Saver JS - Periodically save and restore playback time of YouTube videos, including seek events.
Youtube Logout Confirm JS - Prevent logout all your account accidentally by misclick at YouTube.
YouTube Cobalt Tools Download Button Lite JS - Adds a download button to YouTube videos using Cobalt Frontend for downloading videos.
youtube手机版 JS - 我的 youtube 手机版
YouTube Enhancer (Reveal Country Flag) JS - Reveal Country Flag.
YouTube Embed Player on Watch Page JS - Replace YouTube watch page player with the embed player for distraction-free viewing
YouTube Player with Red Progress Bar and No Gradients JS - Customize YouTube player on watch page to remove gradients and keep a solid red progress bar
YouTube Logo - Solid Red Color on All Pages JS - Force the YouTube logo to be solid red instead of pink on all YouTube pages
YouTube Cast Button - Apple AirPlay Style JS - Change the YouTube Cast button to resemble the Apple AirPlay icon on all YouTube pages
YouTube Black Icons JS - Makes all YouTube icons black on all pages
Enhanced YouTube Player with Custom Styles JS - Customize YouTube player on watch page with a solid red progress bar, no gradients, and additional styling options.
YouTube Video Aspect Ratio Resizer JS - Resize YouTube player based on selected aspect ratio
YouTube Header Styler JS - Change YouTube header style to white and add a shadow
YouTube Player Layout Modifier JS - Move the top of the progress bar to the bottom of the YouTube player and keep buttons at the top
YouTube Notification Filter JS - Filter YouTube notifications based on keywords
YouTube Downloader (reload page!) JS - Adds download button for mobile and desktop site YouTube
YouTube Simpler Homepage JS - Only show one recommended video at a time with navigation buttons.
YouTube Custom Material Design Style JS - Apply Material Design Lite styling to YouTube
YouTube with Material Design Lite JS - Replace YouTube's CSS with Material Design Lite styling
Enlarge YouTube Comment Section Profile Pictures (HD Version with Caching) JS - Enlarges YouTube comment profile pictures on mouse over, shows HD version, Caches HD images for faster display using Tampermonkey caching.
视频加速(B站,A站,油管,优酷,爱奇艺,搜狐等各大视频网站) JS - 完美加速视频,以及自定义速度,各个网站独立加速
YouTube Sidebar Playlists Loader JS - Load and show YouTube playlists in the sidebar on hover
Modern YouTube JS - A modern user style for YouTube with a dark theme and improved aesthetics.
YouTube Custom Watch Page UI JS - Modify YouTube watch page UI to match provided layout
Enhance YouTube Profile Pictures (HD Version with Caching) JS - Enlarges YouTube profile pictures on mouse over, shows HD version, Caches HD images for faster display using localStorage caching. Enlarges profile picture when a creator hearts a comment.
YouTube AdBlocker Enhanced |YouTube 广告拦截增强版 JS - 结合多个脚本优势的 YouTube 广告拦截器,支持移动端/PC端,支持视频广告/界面广告,性能优化
Automatyczny Czat Na Zywo Youtube v4 JS - Podziękowania dla WeedTV za ten niesamowity kawałek kodu i przerobienie orginału :)
YouTube Enhancer (Real-Time Subscriber Count) JS - Display Real-Time Subscriber Count.
automatically bot youtube views with proxy JS - free youtube proxy viewbot
Simple Youtube Video Downloader JS - Opens an embedded popup with the download page URL for MP3 or MP4
YouTube Enhancer (Subtitle Downloader) JS - Download Subtitles in Various Languages.
Hide Youtube Player When Paused JS - Automatically hide the player when video is paused and mouse not hovering, as if the video is playing
Unmute YouTube Video if muted on page load JS - Automatically unmutes YouTube videos on page load if muted based, but after full page load
Return YouTube Dislike JS - Return of the YouTube Dislike
YT Youtube Miniplayer Killer Remove Delete JS - remove mini player in youtube
Auto Picture-in-Picture JS - Automatically enables picture-in-picture mode for YouTube and Bilibili with improved Edge and Brave support
YouTube Permanent ProgressBar JS - Keeps YouTube progress bar visible all the time.
YouTube Live show timer JS - 11/11/2024, 9:55:55 PM
YouTube - Auto Expand Subscriptions JS - Automatically expands the "Show more" button in YouTube's subscription sidebar, keeping your subscriptions list fully expanded.
YouTube Volume Display JS - Display current YouTube volume level in the UI
YouTube Playlist Search Bar JS - Adds a search bar to YouTube playlists. Does NOT work with shorts or when playlist video filter is set to "Shorts".
YouTube audio compressor JS - Adds an audio compressor option to YouTube videos.
Remove Clarify Box on YouTube JS - Remove the clarify box (election result) on YouTube pages.
(YouTube Videos▶️ & Shorts🩳)Elements 💬Hider JS - Hides shorts info, video controls bar, near-end & end cards on YouTube unless hovered.
YouTube播放器网页全屏 JS - YouTube 视频播放器网页全屏,仅针对剧场模式有效,请先按 t 进入剧场模式,按 n 快捷键触发(再次按 n 可取消全屏)
🚫 ShortsOff! - YouTube Shorts Remover JS - Disables elements that lead to YouTube Shorts.
YouTube Anti-RickRoll JS - Give a warning alert if video is suspected RickRoll.
YouTube Preview Volume and Subtitles Control JS - Control volume and subtitles settings of YouTube video previews
YouTuBe LIVE lottery JS - For AK
YouTube Screenshot JS - Downloads the current frame of a YouTube video as a png
YouTube Playback Speed Buttons JS - Adds playback speed control buttons and keyboard shortcuts to YouTube videos
自动取消下一步(YouTube 和 Bilibili) JS - 自动取消 YouTube 和 Bilibili 视频播放完成后的推荐视频操作
Disable DRC Audio on YouTube (SPA fix) JS - Disables DRC Audio (Stable Volume) on YouTube (Working as of November 2024)
Block YouTube Playables iPad JS - Blocks YouTube Playables section
YouTube No Scroll Down clicking blank space (Chapter Button Text Only) Nov 2024 JS - Disable clicks on the ytp-chapter-container but keep text clickable, restore to original design and make clicking the player bar does nothing instead of scrolling down annoyingly
Youtube Premium Logo JS - Logo Changer For Youtube To Premium Logo
YouTube同声传译:字幕文本转语音TTS(适用于沉浸式翻译) JS - 将YouTube上的沉浸式翻译双语字幕转换为语音播放,支持更改音色和调整语音速度,支持多语言
Кнопка копирования для YouTube, ВКонтакте, vkvideo.ru и Rutube JS - Добавляет кнопку для копирования текста с названием видео на YouTube, ВКонтакте, vkvideo.ru и Rutube
Return YouTube's Red Color JS - Revert YouTube's new pink color to the classic red
YouTube Speed Control JS - Adds speed control buttons to YouTube videos
YouTube Auto Commenter JS - Automatically posts comments on YouTube videos and refreshes other videos to post comments automatically.
YouTube Shorts Auto Commenter JS - Automatically posts comments on YouTube Shorts videos and refreshes other Shorts videos to post comments automatically
Ph logo JS - Why did i make this it makes the yt logo the hub logo
Live Chat on YouTube Mobile JS - Integrates the live chat into the mobile version of YouTube
YouTube Transcript for all videos with subs JS - Shows a transcript with clickable timestamps for any video with subtitles. Just enable subtitles and look in the description (or the dev console).
YouTube:使用 "L" 聚焦搜索栏 JS - 此脚本更改了 YouTube 上 "L" 键的行为,使其聚焦于搜索栏,而不是快进 10 秒。不会干扰您输入评论或使用文本字段。
ezClip JS - ytarchive와 yt-dlp로 유튜브 생방송/아카이브/영상 클립을 따기 쉽게 도와주는 툴
YouTube播放进度记忆 JS - 记录和恢复播放进度
YouTube playback progress memory JS - memory and resume the playback progress
YouTube Mobile Open Videos and Shorts in New Tab JS - Open all YouTube videos and Shorts in a new tab on the mobile website
YouTube Original Audio Selector JS - Automatically sets YouTube videos to their original audio language