现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
YouTube Minimal Fixs JS - This is to fix various features of YouTube Minimal on PC
B站学习机 | Bilibili+Youtube字幕全文阅读 | coursera-like subtitles fulltext reader JS - 在线字幕阅读或下载,B站油管秒变cousera! - Read & learn subtitles full text online!
YouTube動画上に現在時刻表示 JS - 時間管理 YouTube何時間も見ちゃう人向け 時刻をダブルクリックでデジタル時計・アナログ時計切り替え
YouTube - Force Compact Grid (increases max # videos per row) JS - Force YouTube to show compact grid (max 6 videos per row) rather than "slim" grid (max 3 videos per row)
YTBetter JS - Patches YouTube to bypass some limitations
YouTube Fullscreen Enhancer JS - This script enhances the user experience when pausing a YouTube video in full-screen mode by hiding certain elements and adding a play icon.
you-get JS - 视频下载 bilibili acfun youtube 西瓜 快手 抖音
Persistent YouTube video queue JS - Make the YoutTube video queue persistent through sessions
s Youtube Automatic BS Skip 2.9.1 fork May2023 bugfix JS - Fork of YouTube Automatic BS Skip 2.9.1 by JustDaile https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/392459-youtube-automatic-bs-skip . Automatic skipping of fixed length intros/outros for your favourite Youtube channels.
Youtube 双语字幕全平台 JS - Youtube 双语字幕,支持 PC、移动端 Tampermonkey,及 Via 等轻量浏览器。
YouTube mp3 Conv JS - The YouTube mp3 Conv generates a Download on YouTube.com. Convert YouTube to mp3 and download the file to your device.
YouTube Redirect Shorts JS - Redirects youtube shorts to the normal player
YouTube, STOP CHANGING MY VOLUME! JS - Detects when YouTube tries to do "loudness normalization" and sets the volume back to what's set on the volume slider.
Lift Web Restrictions: Modified JS - A user extension that modifies many sites.
Remove Ads Slots in YouTube Main Page JS - to remove ads slots in YouTube main page
YTM Add to playlist shortcut JS - Adds a shortcut to the P button to add the current song to a playlist
YouTube Shorts Redirect JS - Redirect YouTube shorts to default player
BetterYTM JS - YouTube Music™ 和 YouTube™ 的可配置布局和用户体验改进
YouTube Lite (更好的体验) JS - 使YouTube界面更加动态,隐藏包含关键词的视频,添加下载按钮并在无广告页面(嵌入youtube-nocookie)中打开视频。
Youtube AdBlock ban bypass JS - Fix the "Ad blockers violate YouTube's Terms of Service" Error
YouTube 2021 Layout JS - Bring back 2021 layout of YouTube
Youtube AD Skipper 油管广告拦截跳过 JS - Quickly skip video ads in Youtube. 快速跳过油管中的视频广告。
YouTube Ad Blocker Bypass JS - 4.11.2023, 11:12:13
Updated Adblock Blocker Youtube Premium Popup Extension Warning Remover JS - Block Premium Popup, Remove Adblock-Blocker, Remove the ExtensionWarning
Bypass Youtube Video Player Blocker JS - Bypass Youtube's Adblocker detector by embedding videos and playlists
YouTube Playlist AutoPlay JS - AutoPlay next Playlist item in YouTube
Show Youtube like/dislike ratios in video descriptions JS - Add (dis)like percentage to Youtube video descriptions. Dislike count is provided by https://www.returnyoutubedislike.com/
Youtube|B站|反跟踪 JS - Youtube|B站|反跟踪去除跟踪参数
Hide YT Music mini-player JS - Simple script that Hides Youtube Music `player` whenever it enters "mini mode".
YouTube Volume Booster JS - Пользовательский ползунок громкости для видео YouTube с увеличенной длиной и точным контролем.
Local YouTube Downloader JS - Download YouTube videos without external service. Better Version
YT Ambient blocker JS - Disables ambience in YT
YouTube Music: Audio Only JS - No Video Streaming
隐藏油管搜索页面的推荐 JS - 修复由于广告拦截器导致的油管渲染器中的空网格槽。
HTML5快速鍵hotkeys JS - HTML5快速鍵控制跳秒+速度+寬高比+截圖
Control Panel for YouTube JS - Gives you more control over YouTube by adding missing options and UI improvements
YouTube Default Audio Track JS - Makes it possible to select the desired Audio Track played by default.
2014 Cosmic Panda Player CSS - Recreates the cosmic panda player for 2014 player.
YouTube Comments Delete Advanced JS - Convenient deletion of your comments on YouTube, on the comment history page https://www.youtube.com/feed/history/comment_history
YouTube CPU Tamer by DOMMutation JS - 减少YouTube影片所致的能源消耗
YouTube Music Smooth (Lazy Loader) JS - Lazy loader for Youtube Music, making it work smoothly. No lag :D
Youtube Downloader JS - Youtube Audio and Video downloader
Project VORAPIS JS - V3 is the alternative solution to a fast and responsive YouTube frontend which combines performance with beauty, bringing back Google's best web layout.
YouTube: thumbnail previews JS - Shows the collection of available thumbnails in the highest possible resolution.
AdBlock for YouTube JS - removes ads and annoying popups from youtube.
StarTube Beta JS - More layouts and customization options for V3
Redirect YouTube channel to /videos JS - Redirect a YouTube channel home page straight to the videos tab.
youTube Download Button Replacer with yt1s JS - 将原来的高级下载按钮替换为第三方网站的免费下载按钮
视频实时下载解析,支持抖音、快手 JS - 功能短视频去水印下载:支持抖音、快手【脚本长期维护更新,完全免费,无广告,仅限学习交流!!QQ:2394856795微信:ahonker999】
Dim Watched YouTube Videos JS - Dim the thumbnails of watched videos on YouTube
YouTube 2015 Favicon JS - Brings back the 2015 favicon from YouTube
Youtube HLS Enabler JS - Play the hls manifest from the ios player response. Based on https://github.com/zerodytrash/Simple-YouTube-Age-Restriction-Bypass
YouTube 稍后再看重定向 JS - 重定向YouTube稍后再看的视频链接到原始视频链接,并在新标签页中打开视频。
翻译机 JS - 该脚本用于翻译各类常用社交网站为中文,不会经过中间服务器,添加了bluesky的翻譯,現已可以翻譯網站https://bsky.app/(原作者HolynnChen)
YouTube Enhancer (Stats) JS - Add a Stats Button.
YouTube Autoplay Off JS - Automatically disables autoplay on YouTube videos for a better viewing experience.
YouTube Enhancer (Real-Time Subscriber Count) JS - Display Real-Time Subscriber Count.
YouTube播放器网页全屏 JS - YouTube 视频播放器网页全屏,仅针对剧场模式有效,请先按 t 进入剧场模式,按 n 快捷键触发(再次按 n 可取消全屏)
Simple YouTube Age Restriction Bypass JS - Watch age restricted videos on YouTube without login and without age verification 😎
YouTube Original Audio Selector JS - Automatically sets YouTube videos to their original audio language
YouTube Boost Chat JS - 完全替换 YouTube 聊天消息列表
用于跟踪B站和YouTube视频的观看状态 JS - 视频看过一半以上则会显示已看过,支持B站和油管,YouTube视频新窗口打开
YouTube Background Playback - Kiwi Browser JS - Enable YouTube background playback in Kiwi.
Youtube Playlist Duration Calculator (Forked) JS - Calculate the duration of a playlist and display it next to the number of videos. Also detects and displays video playback speed.
更佳 YouTube 剧场模式 JS - 改进 YouTube 剧场模式,参考 Twitch.tv 的设计,增强视频与聊天室布局,同时保持性能与兼容性。并修复近期 YouTube 更新中损坏的全屏界面。
YouTube Premium Features (All-in-One) JS - Add YouTube Premium-like features: ad-blocking, background play, HD/4K default quality, downloader, dark mode, and Premium logo.
Open YT videos in a new tab JS - Opens YouTube video links in a new tab in the background
YouTube AdBon JS - YouTube 不允许使用广告拦截器。你似乎在使用广告拦截器。广告让全球数十亿名用户能够使用 YouTube。你可以订阅 YouTube Premium,畅享无广告打扰的体验,而创作者通过你的订阅仍然可以赚取收入。
YouTube Smart Subtitle Downloader JS - Enhanced YouTube subtitle downloader with smart selection and improved code structure
YouTube Ad Blocker (Updated) JS - Blocks YouTube ads effectively without detection.
YouTube Helper JS - Quality of life changes to YouTube
油管自动点击翻译成中文 JS - 油管评论自动点击翻译成中文
YouTube去广告 JS - 脚本用于移除YouTube广告,包括静态广告和视频广告。不会干扰网络,安全。
YouTube自动展开&翻译评论 JS - 自动展开并翻译YouTube评论区回复
YouTube去广告 JS - 脚本用于移除YouTube广告,包括静态广告和视频广告。不会干扰网络,安全。
YouTube Auto-Resume JS - This script automatically tracks and restores your YouTube playback position. This user script remembers where you left off in any video—allowing you to seamlessly continue watching even after navigating away or reloading the page. It saves your progress for each video for up to 3 days (configurable) and automatically cleans up outdated entries, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted viewing experience every time.
CustomYTSpeed JS - Allows the user to set a custom playback speed on YouTube.com videos
YouTube Ad Blocker JS - Block YouTube ads effectively
低視聴回数動画の非表示 JS - YouTubeにて再生回数が少ない動画を非表示にします。
YouTube Porn and Brainrot Blocker (BETA) JS - Bloquea contenido NSFW en YouTube basado en palabras clave y canales específicos.
YouTube Maximizer JS - Maximizes the YouTube player to fill the entire browser viewport when in theater mode
Stop YouTube scrolling JS - Stops YouTube autoscrolling when pressing on the bottom bar (video chapters)
Youtube Scroll Volume JS - Hold Right-Click and Scroll to Adjust Volume on Youtube. (MADE WITH CHATGPT)
YouTube Shorts Metapanel Remover JS - Hide metapanel items in YouTube Shorts
Lihuelworks' YouTube Subtitle Downloader (Manual Trigger) with TrustedHTML Bypass JS - Fetch subtitles as SRT with manual trigger, bypass TrustedHTML policy, and insert a button (with spinner) into a Polymer dropdown element
YouTube Clean Feed JS - Removes the recommended videos by YouTube
HTML5 YouTube F key fullscreen JS - Make YouTube's HTML5 player go fullscreen when pressing F
NicoWheelVolume JS - マウスのボタン+ホイールで、どこでも音量調整 for ニコニコ動画とYouTube
Yays! (Yet Another Youtube Script) JS - A lightweight and non-intrusive userscript that control video playback and set the preferred player size and playback quality on YouTube.
Resize YT To Window Size JS - Moves the YouTube video to the top of the website and fill the window with the video player.
Youtube Slimfeed JS - Reduces size of each subscription item and removes or makes more visible which video was watched
Open Youtube search results in new page JS - Opens Youtube search results in a new page when clicking the + search button
Google Black Bar Returns Now Customizable! JS - This Script brings back the Google Navigation Bar with customizable options, and removes the App Grid navigation entirely. You can change the links on the bar, the colors of the bar, the background image of the bar, and if the bar is always visible, or not. Check for updates regularly for bug fixes, and new features!
Better YouTube favicon JS - Replaces the meaningless play symbol with a YouTube-text favicon.
HTTP-to-HTTPS redirector JS - Replace http:// with https:// in the address bar, to make sure you're using the SSL-encrypted version of a page. Only enable for pages that you know are SSL enabled.
YouTube RSS Feed JS - Adds an RSS feed button to YouTube channels next to the subscribe button
Black Youtube by Panos modified by Sonic0170 JS - changes the theme of youtube into a Modified White to black gradient.
YouTube Mark As Watched JS - readds seen/watched functionality to youtube subscriptions
youtube2mp3 JS - Convert to mp3 from Youtube clip, if you want to open in background tab - middle click.