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YouTube Show Buffer Speed JS - Show Buffer Speed on Youtube
Youtube Repeat button JS - Youtube動画プレイヤーにリピートボタンをつける(html5プレイヤーのみ動作)
Youtube image Link JS - Fetches the image link from the page metadata and adds it to the page so it can be easily dragged/copied.
Mediablock JS - Closes social media from 7 AM to 6 PM inclusive on weekdays, 6 AM to 10 AM Saturdays, and completely free on Sundays!
youtube_hide_videos JS - Hide videos on your top Youtube page.
Recommend this JS - Removes the recommendations for channels and videos on Youtube's main page.
HTTP-to-HTTPS redirector JS - Replace http:// with https:// in the address bar, to make sure you're using the SSL-encrypted version of a page. Only enable for pages that you know are SSL enabled.
YouTube RSS Feed JS - Adds an RSS feed button to YouTube channels next to the subscribe button
Black Youtube by Panos modified by Sonic0170 JS - changes the theme of youtube into a Modified White to black gradient.
YouTube Mark As Watched JS - readds seen/watched functionality to youtube subscriptions
youtube2mp3 JS - Convert to mp3 from Youtube clip, if you want to open in background tab - middle click.
One Click YouTube Subscription Feed Delete JS - Add a delete button to items on the YouTube Subscription Feed.
Youtube Related Video Ratings JS - Shows ratings of related videos on Youtube, and changes ratings bar back to green/red.
YouTube TV JS - Hide Mouse on YouTube TV
Youtube auto Proxfree JS - this script automatically redirects youtube to a proxy.
Switch Flash embed to secure JS - Workaround for Flash 14 on Firefox 30 not loading Flash videos on HTTP pages
YouTube Clean Feed JS - Removes the recommended videos by YouTube
HTML5 YouTube F key fullscreen JS - Make YouTube's HTML5 player go fullscreen when pressing F
NicoWheelVolume JS - マウスのボタン+ホイールで、どこでも音量調整 for ニコニコ動画とYouTube
Yays! (Yet Another Youtube Script) JS - A lightweight and non-intrusive userscript that control video playback and set the preferred player size and playback quality on YouTube.
Resize YT To Window Size JS - Moves the YouTube video to the top of the website and fill the window with the video player.
Youtube Slimfeed JS - Reduces size of each subscription item and removes or makes more visible which video was watched
Open Youtube search results in new page JS - Opens Youtube search results in a new page when clicking the + search button
Google Black Bar Returns Now Customizable! JS - This Script brings back the Google Navigation Bar with customizable options, and removes the App Grid navigation entirely. You can change the links on the bar, the colors of the bar, the background image of the bar, and if the bar is always visible, or not. Check for updates regularly for bug fixes, and new features!
Stop YouTube Video Download JS - Stops YouTube Video From Downloading.
YouTube Default to My Subscriptions JS - Makes YouTube automatically redirect you to your Subscription page if signed in.
YouTube HTML5 AutoPause JS - Automatically pause YouTube HTML5 videos when they appear.
Youtube keepvid button JS - Simply add a "K" button to send url to keepvid, ready to dl video
Stop YouTube Video Download JS - Stops YouTube Video From Downloading.
YouTube Modern Channel Design JS - Generate a full width Channel Design on YouTube
hikakin remover JS - youtube hidden user
YouTube Popcorn JS - Show Quality on Pop in corner Image, and possibility direct download.
Hide videos seen on Youtube JS - Hide videos seen on Youtube, on any page, by X'ing them
Youtube Html5 Disable JS - ///
Simple Youtube HTML5 enabler JS - This scipt (simple) enables html5 on youtube by adding &html5=1 to the url. It takes no options.
Youtube Middle Click Search JS - Middle clicking the search on youtube opens the results in a new tab
YouTube HD Override JS - Makes YouTube videos run in high definition + YouTube fixes
Title Youtube Locations JS - Puts the video title in the location bar of all YouTube video pages. Now with extra features add scrollbars, animate thumbnails, reduce font sizes and un-float the header.
YouTube Thumb Likes Dislikes JS - Adds the likes/dislikes light-saber to YouTube thumbnails, so you can avoid watching crap videos. Activates when mouse passes over a thumbnail.
Youtube MP3 Downloader JS - Youtube mp3 download
remove youtube autoplay JS - Remove autoplay from video suggestions on youtube
Youtube Auto Quick Buffer JS - Quickens the bufferer on all Youtube videos
Youtube Annotation Destroyer JS - If you want those damn annotations to go away at the start of every video, this is the right script for you!
Youtube Centered JS - Center aligns the Youtube page
Youtube Show Uploads Only JS - Shows only uploads on subscription pages
Youtube Auto Resolution Selection JS - Auto selects the resolution (automatic highest resolution is default) for video quality
YouTube - Cosmic Panda Watch Page JS - attempts to re-create cosmic panda (2011 watch6 Test) using Javascript. It has all four size buttons fully implemented, has the prev and next buttons next to player, and makes the watch page look and feel like Cosmic Panda.
youtube-subhome JS - Home buttons directs to subscription page
Likes to Views ratio JS - Adds additional ratio values on YouTube Video Management page.
YouTube - click to play JS - Provides click-to-play functionality for YouTube (disables auto-play).
Youtube H.264 JS - use H.264 on youtube. based on https://github.com/erkserkserks/h264ify.
YouTube - Add "Stop Video" Button JS - Adds a 'Stop Video' button below the video
Youtube Video Download Linker JS - A video download linker for youtube. Provides download links on youtube video pages. Does not need javascript enabled for youtube.com (NoScript compatible), does not use a third-party website, and does not use unsafeWindow.
youtuberepeat JS - Youtube Repeat Tool
Youtube Space=Pause JS - Pressing space when watching a video on Youtube will always pause the video instead of functioning like Page Down key.
Wadsworth Constant JS - Script adds a posibility to apply Wadsworth Constant to YouTube videos. Two buttons are added, one to apply and to auto-switch.
YouTube View Most Popular and Newest Uploader Videos (2018+) JS - See the user's most 'Popular' and 'Newest' video pages in a sliding-dropdown preview without even having to leave the video page.
YouTube Two Best Friends Play Skip Intro JS - Skips the first 7 second intro of any Two Best Friends Play videos.
YouTube Auto Enhanced (Auto Buffer & Auto HD) JS - Buffers the video without autoplaying and puts it in HD if the option is on. For Firefox, Opera, & Chrome
Youtube Scrolling Comments Layout 2017 JS - Modern layout for 1080p res, lets you watch videos while being able to scroll and read the entire comments section, by pinning the YouTube video to the left-side page. Plus, a sleek 'More Videos by same user' playlist feed is auto-generated for the current channel and 2 very useful quicklinks are added: 'Most Popular' and 'Newest' sorted user videos. See screenshot for preview.
YouTube - add video ID text field JS - Usable for copying a video ID to a clipboard for downloading via youtube-dl. By default it also prefixes the ID with "--" if it starts with a dash (this can be disabled).
YouTube - whitelist channels in uBlock JS - Helps whitelist YouTube channels in uBlock
Yotube Image Acces JS - help to get youtube default images hq,mq,lq.
YouTube Top Header Position Relative JS - Set YouTube's top header position (the top header will no longer scroll along with the page)
Stop Middle Click Hijacking JS - Prevent sites from hijacking the middle mouse button for their own purposes
YouTube Lite JS - Makes YouTube fancier
YouTube Thumbnail Retriever JS - Created for anyone who wants the URL of a YouTube video and doesn't want to work for it.
Youtube Offliberate Button JS - Places an "Offliberate" button next to the subscribe button under YouTube videos. The button redirects you to Offliberty.com, where the conversion is started automatically. Based on "Youtube MP3 Download Button" by Soulweaver.
YouTube Watch Page Return JS - Resizes Youtube player to the old, smaller configuration
YouTube redirect JS - Redirect YouTube url to my fullscreen version.
Reverse YouTube Watch Later List JS - Reverses the list order for the Youtube Watch Later page
Repeat Youtube JS - Script for repeating youtube
Youtube Playlists Sorted Alphabetically JS - When you click on "+ Add to" (for adding a new video to a playlist) YouTube displays the playlists -by default- in a strange order: beginning with the one selected last. This script arranges your playlists alphabetically, making it easier for you to find the one you are looking for.
monkey-videos JS - 播放网页里的视频, 不再需要Adobe Flash Player
ShadeRoot YT JS - Eye-friendly magic in your browser for Youtube
Youtube toggle comments JS - Makes to Youtube comments click to view rather than always showing them or hiding them
YouTube Anti-Google+ comments JS - Prevent "via Google+" comments to show up on YouTube
YouTube 720p JS - change default YouTube video quality to 720p or highest available below 720p. can be used for other video qualities by changing preferredQuality in the code below.
Youtube Hide Watched JS - Hides viewed videos from your subscriptions.
jc youtube script - save playlist JS - Save playlist title to browser local storage
[ARCHIVED]Youtube SuBar JS - Puts the action buttons in one line with the 'Subscribe' button. Reveals the number of subscriptions. Turns Theater mode on player.
Loopy for YouTube JS - Displays a link below YouTube videos to enable/disable auto replay.
Youtube wadsworth JS - Displays a wadsworth button to activate it
Custom YouTube Video Tools JS - Adds buttons to YouTube videos to allow custom seeking. It also adds a handy stop start button for stopping to video quickly.
YouTube - whitelist channels in Adblock Plus JS - Helps whitelist YouTube channels in Adblock Plus
YouTube Hide recommended videos JS - Hides the recommended videos on your stream (new design)
YouTube pauser JS - Pauses youtube videos when they start
Youtube URL Cleaner JS - Removes some extra parameters from YouTube video links
YouTube Remove List from Watch URLs JS - Remove list parameter from watch links on pages under www.youtube.com/user/.
YouTube Title on Top JS - Puts the titles of YouTube videos on the top.
YouTube Hide "Recommended for you" from related videos JS - Hides videos marked as "Recommended for you" from the related videos on YouTube video pages.
YouTube Channel Video Searcher JS - Searches for videos by keywords and returns them with title and link in the textbox.
Clean Loopy For Youtube JS - Displays a link below YouTube videos to enable/disable auto replay.
YouTubeDepopulator JS - Hides Youtube <li> elements, or sections on the homepage, with an <span.shelf-title-annotation>, or section subtitle, that contains the text "Popular ", "#", or "Trending "
YouTube - Bigger Profile Images JS - Click on a user's YouTube thumbnail to enlarge. Clickable thumbnails will glow in a blue outline
Remove NEXT video button from youtube auto play bar in HTML5 PLAYER JS - Removes the NEXT button from AUTO PLAY BAR of a HTML5 YouTube pLAYER.
YouTube: Cinema Mode JS - Automatically turns on cinema mode
Youtube全屏UI改进【已过时】 JS - Youtube全屏播放时,如果暂停,页面上下的工具栏会遮挡一部分视频画面。此脚本令这些工具栏透明或半透明,尽量减少对画面的遮挡。
General URL Cleaner JS - Cleans URL's from various popular sites.