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Remove Youtube Ads JS - Remove ads
YouTube Cinema Mode JS - Maximizes YouTube's video player to fill the entire browser viewport and fixes a few minor annoyances
Youtube Annotations Off JS - Turn off youtube annotations
YouTube: Hide Channel Logo Annotation JS - Hides the channel logo annotation in videos
FlashTube JS - (FlashTube) Replace the current HTML5 Player with Flash.
YouTube - Always Theater Mode JS - Set the default viewing mode to Theater Mode.
Youtube true 720p player JS - Allows you to watch youtube videos in not distorted (scaled) 720p resolution.
Hive - YouTube to Hive / Local Download JS - Inserts a download button on YouTube video pages and sends to hive -Major fixes
YouTube Alt+F go to /v/ fullscreen JS - Make YouTube's player go /v/ fullscreen when pressing Alt+F
Youtube - Whitelist by Channel JS - Whitelist Youtube Videos from only channels you wish to support
Youtube return of the old bar JS - returned the grey bar from 2009 to youtube, and adds broadcast yourself back
Youtube old slogan restore JS - this script adds youtube's old slogan 'broadcast yourself' back both next to the logo and in the title and also restores the old logo.
YouTube Animated Thumbnails & Preview Videos JS - On hover, each thumbnail cycles though its 3 thumbnails. Additional feature to view those 3 thumbnails all at once (non-animated)
Video Player Toothbrush JS - 牙刷科技!让所有视频播放器网页全屏!默认快捷键ALT+1,可自行修改
Add Spotify to YouTube JS - Adds a link to Spotify on music videos on YouTube
Youtube Cleaner JS - Removes the recommendations from the main page of YouTube.
Better YouTube favicon JS - Replaces the meaningless play symbol with a YouTube-text favicon.
DL w/ utube JS - DL from multiple sites using their youtube videos
youtubepItvl JS - personal stylesheets css configurations for youtube
التحويل إلى وضع المشاهدة الآمنة JS - تحول المستخدم إختيارياً من إلى وضع المشاهدة الآمنة
YouTube Logo to Subscriptions JS - Makes YouTube logo navigate to subscriptions
YouScrobbler JS - Scrobbles the currently watching YouTube video to last.fm.
YouTube Thumbnails - Full Video Thumbnails for YouTube JS - Shows complete video thumbnails for YouTube videos. You can click a thumbnail image to jump to that point in the video.
youtubewall JS - Fancy Youtube Fullscreen Graphic Demo
YouTube SubStart JS - Makes subscriptions the default YouTube start page.
YouTube - load more all JS - Adds a button to auto load all videos - in essence it repeatedly clicks "Load more" button.
YouTube Progressbar Updater JS - Forces the YouTube progress bar to update even when it's supposed to be hidden.
Youtube Link Fix for addons/scripts JS - [Works in FF and Chrome!] changes youtube links to refresh whole page, so other scripts will work.
YouTube Playlist Time JS - Adds a timestamp of all videos' time combined.
YouTube HTML5 AutoPause JS - Automatically pause YouTube HTML5 videos on Youtube
Youtube: Show related videos if missing JS - On pages of age-restricted videos, related videos are missing. This script re-adds the related videos.
anti-redirect JS - 去除重定向, 支持谷歌/百度/搜狗/360/知乎/贴吧/简书/豆瓣/微博...
YoutubeInMP3 JS - simple button to download an mp3 from youtube
video-element-rate-controller JS - add keyboard shortcuts that will increase/decrease the playback rate for video elements.
Youtube disable lightsaber sound JS - Removes the annoying youtube lightsaber sound
YouTube remove trending JS - YouTube remove trending tab
Remove star wars youtube player theme JS - Reverts the youtube player to its default state
BestSubscriber JS - Organiza tus suscripciones por juego y da like automáticamente a los vídeos que veas
Direct links out JS - Removes all "You are leaving our site" and redirection stuff from links
YouTube Keep Video When Scrolling JS - Keeps the video in the same place when scrolling on a YouTube page.
Youtube Get Playlist Time JS - Get Youtube Playlist Total Time
Youtube show likes and dislikes! JS - When clicking like/dislike add data about them to localStorage, then color links.
Play All YouTube Videos Channel JS - Adds a button that lets you play all videos from this YouTube channel.
YouTube Annotation Markers JS - Marks where annotations are on the progress bar of the HTML5 YouTube player.
Youtube Enhanced Score JS - YouTube likes/dislikes ratio may hold very little value on highly rated channel since ie. 94% and 96% can be a difference between bad and good video for that channel. This extension computes a logit out of likes ratio thus unbounding and centering it, so it can be more easily human interpretable.
youtube_ex JS - enhanced youtube
YouTube - Shrink watched YouTube videos JS - Youtube videos will be shrinked so you can easily/visuallyClearly skip them.
Add Spotify Web Player link to YouTube JS - Adds a link to Spotify Web Player on music videos on YouTube
Disable SPF Youtube JS - Disables red bar aka SPF on youtube. This userscript is needed to work properly other userscripts on youtube site. This script must be first to be executed, example before Youtube+ or other good userscripts.
YuryMod - YouTube - whitelist channels in Adblock Plus JS - Helps whitelist YouTube channels in Adblock Plus
ShufflR JS - Shuffle a YouTube playlist
Youtube Remove Recommended JS - Script that removes the "Recommended" section on youtube main page
YouTube Downloader Converter MP3 JS - A download button will be added to YouTube videos that allow you to download the video in MP3-format. No java required!
Youtube Subtitles Edit JS - A script for changing the ugly ass youtube subtitles on CC. May make it so you can select your own subtitle look later on.
youtube murottal only JS - greasemonkey script to mute youtube audio and play quran murottal
Hide Run Times JS - Hides the Run Times for youtube GDQs
Infinite scroll for YouTube JS - Implementation infinite scroll at youtube.com's search result page.
Audio Visualizer For Youtube JS - A simple audio visualizer for Youtube.
youtube-stop-autostart JS - Stop autostart videos on youtube
goog-no-reminder JS - Remove "A privacy reminder from Google" permanently
Zoom function for YouTube JS - YouTube video zoom feature
Youtube MP3 Direct Download Button JS - Adds a MP3 Download button next to the subscribe button, thanks to youtubeinmp3 for their simple download service (http://youtubeinmp3.com/api/). Based off ninjasuite code. Just convert to direct download link.
Ads DOM Remover JS - Removes Ad Containers from DOM (doesn't replace adblocker extension, but blocks dynamic content which the adblocker fails to block by removing whole sections from the HTML DOM.)
Youtube-logo as subscriptionlink JS - With this script the youtube logo is now linked to the subscription-feed like in the old days :)
Agarbot-Client JS - its da best
coralized-youtube JS - Uses Coral Content Distribution Network to accelerate video performance on YouTube
YT Thumbnails JS - Hover over a thumbnail to see images from the video
YouTube Remaining Time JS - Show the remaining time of a YouTube video inside the player.
Youtube Subscription List Quick Playlist JS - Quickly create playlists from your Youtube subscription feed
Get YouTube Thumbnail JS - Adds button to view largest thumbnail image for any video
Quick Youtube to MP3 HQ JS - simple button to save youtube's video as mp3
Sort/Remove YouTube Watch Later List JS - Adds sort and remove button for the Youtube Watch Later page
Youtube remove channels JS - Removing the recommended channels
Youtube to MP3 using Peggo JS - Adds a Peggo Download button next to the subscribe button, thanks to Peggo for their download service (http://peggo.co/).
Youtube Downloader JS - Allows you to download videos off YouTube. (Yet another one...)
Calm Down YouTube JS - Converts titles on YouTube to be less obnoxious.
Youtube - Hide Volume Control JS - Hides Youtube videos' volume control.
Remove youtube topbar on theater mode JS - Removes the youtube topbar when theater mode is on
YouTube Auto Like JS - Magically like YouTube videos from channels you subscribe to.
C2B-UT JS - my youtube panel and hotkeys script (beta version) Work in progress!!
HTML5 on Youtube JS - Makes Youtube use HTML5
Youtube - Auto-expand Subscriptions JS - Auto expands your subscriptions, when using grid view, so that you do not miss out of any new videos because you forgot about the "show more" button.
Youtube Comments Sidebar JS - Swaps the comments and related videos sections, so you can read the comments while watching the video.
YouTube Auto-Like Videos [fixed] JS - Automatically clicks the 'Like' button
Novo Tema Do Flamengo Para O Facebook. ! JS - All about facebook By Mark zuckerberg
Novo Tema Do Flamengo Para O Facebook. ! JS - All about facebook By Mark zuckerberg
YouTube Cleaner [RUS] JS - Удаляет рекомендованные видео на YouTube
Youtube: Add to Playlist Icons JS - Adds icons to the video toolbar which adds to specific playlists with 1 click.
Youtube floating player JS - Pins the video player in its original position while you scroll the page.
Bajar MP3 YouTube JS - Descarga MP3 desde YouTube con un solo clic / Download mp3 from YouTube with just one click
Youtube Gray-Out JS - Overlay thumbnails of already watched videos with white layer and view counter. Aims to counteract Youtube's clickbait design.
Auto Close Deez nutz JS - Close and/or Mute YouTube ads automatically!
Youtube Autoplay Off JS - Set YouTube's Autoplay mode off by default
Youtube - Remove Recommended JS - Remove recommended videoes from youtube
YouTube Wait for Me - Pause and Start Player in Background Tabs JS - Pause the video in YouTube tabs opened in the background, play on activation 2016-08-18 (I know, it doesn't pause fast enough)
YouTube Ad-Buster! JS - Remove ads from youtube! Exactly what the title is!
YouTube Extra! JS - Adds a button that lets you download YouTube videos as mp4 & mp3.
Rainbowheart Remover JS - Restores the good old Youtube logo!
SubBox+ JS - Uses all space available for the subcription box