现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
auto adjust youtube video speed JS - set youtube video speed to 1.5x(you can set your own speed) automatically.
GiveAway精灵 JS - GiveAway精灵,2步领Key
Best Youtube MP3 Converter, convert any online video into MP3 JS - Add a button to convert youtube to MP3 directly. Convert the video into mp3 with the best quality. The bitrate will be calculated precisely, which ranges from 128kbps to 320kbps depending on original file. Allows you to convert any online video into MP3 audio file. Support most oneline video sites like YouTube, Vemo, Viki, Dramafever, TED and 5000 more.
Remove annoying right column youtube JS - Removing the very time grabbing right column of youtube
Remove Youtube Autoplay JS - Remove autoplay from video suggestions on youtube
YouTube Video Downloader, Youtube Downloader, getthemall for chrome mikrplusext.com JS - YouTube Video Downloader, Youtube Downloader, online getthemall for chrome mikrplusext.com, YouTube Video Downloader for chrome. this extesion add button on youtube page. YouTube Video Downloader For Chrome, YouTube Video Downloader for firefox
Youtube Old Site Design JS - Restore Youtube's Old Site Design
YouTube LiveChat Enhancer JS - enhance livechat on youtube
YouTube Playlist Page - Show Date Posted and View Count JS - Show date posted and view count on youtube playlist page
Youtube Music Replace White-Background Favicon JS - Replaces the youtube music favicon with a white background with one with a transparent background.
Youtube直播在线人数记录 JS - 绘制直播过程中的在线人数变化曲线,支持下载数据或图片
Youtube stream chat remover JS - Removes chat from a stream page!
Invidious Redirect JS - Redirects Youtube URLs to Invidio.us
Always show video metadata/time on YT Leanback. JS - Shows a scaled down version of the play bar and video metadata on YT Leanback (https://youtube.com/tv)
YouTube: Stop Automatic Video Playback JS - Stop automatic video playback everywhere. Works on first page load & after navigating.
YouTube aspect ratio switcher JS - Adds an aspect ratio switcher to the player, for videos that have the wrong aspect ratio.
View More Videos by Same YouTube Channel JS - Displays a list of more videos by the same channel inline
1001tracklists in YouTube JS - Insert 1001tracklists into YouTube player
Fade+ for Youtube (Edge version) JS - Theme is now adjusted to slight changes YouTube made for grid and DOM (26.7.2018).
Fade+ for Youtube JS - Fade+ Userstyles theme combined with sidebar hiding.
Video Element Rate Controller Re-dux JS - Add keyboard shortcuts that will increase/decrease the playback rate for video elements.
YouTube to VideoFromAnotherWorld JS - try to take over the world!
YouTube to VideoFromAnotherWorld JS - try to take over the world!
YouTubeとニコニコ動画にRSSリンクを追加 JS - YouTube:ユーザー、マイリスト、チャンネル ニコニコ動画:ユーザー、マイリスト、タグ reddit:キーワード検索結果、サブレディット、スレッド、ユーザー twitter:キーワード検索、ユーザー Pinterest:ユーザー、ボード
Youtube Auto Quality JS - Adjusts YouTube quality when not focused
Youtube common improvements JS - All my Youtube scripts in one pack
YouTube Subtitle Preview JS - Know if a video has subtitles before you click.
GoogleIsWatchingYou JS - Warns with a pop-up if signed into Google / YouTube
youtube formatting fix JS - fixes whatever employee at google just did that messed up the formatting
Fix youtube layout (by /u/pop1040) JS - fixes the youtube layout
Quick YouTube Fix for /watch page JS - Fixes the new YouTube bug from today that messed up the /watch page.
YouTube Age Bypass JS - shitty but works in 2018 (requires to manually reload page)
Youtube watched hider JS - Hide already watched (progress bar at 100%) video on user's, channel's and subscriptions' pages
Youtube Video hider (to only listen to audio) JS - A userscript that hides most of the video content on youtube, so you can listen rather than watch!
Baymack JS - try to take over the world!
flamzy JS - try to take over the world!
Justin Y. nizator JS - Turns everyone on Džůvtube to Justin Y.
YuoTubeQuickDo JS - hot key: '+','-' adjust speed; 'I' rotate left; 'O' rotate right; 'U' mirror; 'R' reset
Remove Youtube Comments JS - removes the comment section
Flamzy JS - try to take over the world!
Baymack JS - try to take over the world!
Youtube volume with mousewheel JS - Volume change with mousewheel
Youtube Audio Mode JS - Listen to only the audio on YouTube without loading the video.
Youtube - Uncheck Autoplay checkbox (toggleButton) JS - Uncheck Autoplay checkbox at Youtube
YouTube Recommended Remover JS - Removes recommended videos from the related videos section
Fill YouTube Search Box JS - If YouTube search box is empty, check for query text in the page URL and fill it. v0.1 2018-09-16
Youtube: remove sidebar recommendations 2018 edition JS - removes youtube recommendations in sidebar and end of video
StretchVideo2FullScreenSurface3+ JS - Stretch (YouTube & VRTNU) videos to fill Surface 3+ displays (3:2 aspect ratio, distorted)
Grey Vision JS - Removes all views, likes, and subscription numbers from youtube for a cleaner experience without pre-judgements.
YouTube PiP Enabler (Chromium 70+) JS - Adds PiP button in YouTube Player
YouTube - Better Full Dark Theme 2018 (ARC) JS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
自动翻译->字幕中文简体 JS - translate to Chinese automatically.
YouTube - hide controls JS - Add button in YouTube video player controls for hiding/showing controls. (They do not auto-hide when video is paused.)
YouTube Auto-Liker JS - Automatically likes videos of channels you're subscribed to
Hide Youtube Related Videos JS - Hide the related videos sidebar on Youtube videos
Disable Youtube Chat(移除youtube直播聊天) JS - 移除youtube直播聊天
Hide VP9 support from YouTube JS - Hide VP9 support for Firefox. v0.2 2019-12-20
YouTube - Channel redirector JS - Redirects the channel from featured to videos tab. Only for direct URL access.
Youtube视频字幕快捷切换(快捷键:F2) JS - 在Youtube视频播放页面,通过按下F2键来快速打开字幕并切换字幕
Youtube Video Blocker JS - Oculta videos ya visto
YouTube - Maximise Profile Pictures JS - Mouseover a profile picture to display it fullscreen, in the highest quality available.
Youtube auto translate to English JS - translate to English automatically.
Youtube Timelord JS - Adds a text input and button so you can set the time on youtube videos easy
Youtube Video Quality JS - Disabling auto video quality
youtube-improved JS - try to take over the world!
Remove Youtube Activity Check - Fork JS - Removes youtube's new "are you still there" experiment - forked from https://greasyfork.org/scripts/35157
Highlight YouTube Commenter Mentions JS - Highlights usernames of previous commenters at the start of replies, so that they are clearly distinguishable from the actual response. Different arrows are added when the commenter of the preceding comment or the OP is mentioned. (Mentions of users that changed their display names cannot be recognized.)
UTUBE_PLAY_1st JS - try to take over the world!
Youtube exact upload JS - Adds exact upload time to youtube videos
alert JS - Alert.
Youtube Downloader JS - This extension add a download tab button on any Youtube page and allows you to download MP3 & Video with just one click (4K Ultra High Definition Supported).
Cleanup Youtube Search results JS - Remove related videos and search suggestions in youtube search results.
Youtube disable playlist autoplay JS - Disable autoplay on Youtube when You're in any playlist.
Youtube "inappropriate or offensive" Nag Screen Skipper JS - Skips the "identified as inappropriate or offensive" screen.
Auto Close YouTube Ads - updated 12. 2018 JS - Close and/or Mute YouTube ads automatically!
油管视频旋转 JS - 油管的视频旋转插件.
Zoom and crop YouTube videos to fill screen height JS - Removes letterboxing by cropping the left and right edges off of full-screen YouTube videos and zooming to fill the screen height.
youtuber JS - Watch Youtube that's all
YouTube Volume Mouse Controller JS - Control YouTube video volume by mouse wheel.
YouTube Converter and Downloader JS - Adds MP3, MP4 and 'Other' (multiple format options) download buttons to YouTube videos
allYoutubersSubbot(prank) JS - prank your friends with a fake subbot
Youtube subscriptions filter JS - Work with {xxzefgh/youtube-classic-extension}
Youtube - Fix channel links in sidebar recommendations JS - Fixes the channel links for the "Up next" and recommended videos below it on youtube.
Let's remove youtube title JS - I hate title AT FULLSCREEN. F*** THAT
Youtube: Auto-sort search results by upload date JS - Rewrites the URL of a YouTube search results page to automatically sort by video upload date, if the sort order is not already present
Youtube Multiscript JS - Returns youtube's old layout and adds a download button.
Block Justin Y. JS - Hides posts made by Justin Y. on Youtube.
Autolike Oneliner JS - Autolike for youtube in one line of js
Youtube video ending screen card remover JS - Makes the youtube video ending screen cards invisible
Pewdiepie Subbot JS - try to take over the world!
YouTube Preview 2020 JS - Instant video previews in popup player by hovering or clicking video thumbs. Video ratings and resolution data no longer shown on the thumbs. This is a fork of Costas' original with Arantius' GM4-Polyfill js.
细声百度翻译 JS - 1.0.0 选中文字跳转百度翻译 1.0.1 对选中文本编码
YouTube Original Titles and Descriptions (Cancel Translation) JS - Reverts titles and descriptions on Youtube to original language
FbTube mp3 converter JS - FbTube YouTube mp3 converter a website tool for mp3 converter and allows you to convert the YouTube Video to a mp3 with just one click.
Youtube返回旧版布局(已失效) JS - 将youtube返回旧版布局 (已失效)
YoutubeClock JS - Add a simple clock to the youtube bar so that you don't need to close fullscreen to see it.
Date Changer for dashboard JS - Automatically inputs video title on Live Dashboard
Youtube DJ JS - Control youtube video with DJ device.
Youtube Video Quality JS - Disabling auto video quality with toast notification, original script -> https://greasyfork.org/en/users/226529