现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
Test Video warnings JS - Warns to make test videos private
Disable YouTube Mobile Auto-Pause JS - try to take over the world!
自动英文字幕 JS - show english subtitles automatically.
youtube播放视频倍速自定义,可记忆 JS - youtube播放视频倍速自定义,刷新浏览器也不会丢失之前设置的速度
YouTube Grey-out Seen Videos JS - Greys out seen videos in the YouTube watch next sidebar, on the subscriptions page and elsewhere.
JoyRemocon JS - Nintendo SwitchのJoy-Conを動画プレイヤーのリモコンにする.
Embedded YouTube Video Quality Preference JS - Set initial video quality for embedded YouTube videos based on a set of preferred video qualities, as well as minimum and maximum video qualities (configured in the script).
Youtube mousewheel volume control JS - Control youtube video volume by scrolling over the video.
有趣 JS - 用来玩的。YouTube显示赞踩百分比、去除自动翻译页面的无关语言。qqe2站长傻逼,祝早日倒闭。
Watch YouTube on DuckDuckGo JS - Automatically watch YouTube on DuckDuckGo
wanna me? JS - instant youtube downloader by ibtisam_midlet
Stop Button for YouTube JS - A custom 'Stop Button' for YouTube video player, This allows you to end video (ad) or stop live stream by simply clicking on it.
YouTube Uploads Sorter Button JS - Adds a button to a YouTube channel's videos page which sorts recent uploads by views
More YouTube Hotkeys JS - Adds more keyboard shortcuts for YouTube. The list of all new shortcuts is added into new "More Shortcuts" section on YouTube's "Keyboard shortcuts" popup which can be accessed via "?" or SHIFT+/ key (on U.S. keyboards).
Remove Watched From Youtube Related Videos JS - Removes already watched videos from related videos.
YouTube Speedrun Timer JS - Adds quality of life features for YouTube frame timing
Export Youtube Playlist in plaintext JS - Shows a list of the playlist video names/channels/URLs in plaintext to be easily copied
Invidious Redirect on sign in JS - Redirects Youtube URLs to Invidio.us when asked to sign in
Disable Polymer YouTube Improved JS - Disabled the new 2017 YouTube Redesign (polymer) from appearing on page load.
google fixer JS - fix google annoying problems. currently it removes consent stuff from google and youtube, and you go directly to the web page instead of google feedback in google search.
YouTube Volumer JS - Add minor adjustment volume editor to youtube. Change with Enter.
NoYTinfoPanel JS - Get rid of info panel on YT
Redirect Youtube to Bitchute JS - Redirect Youtube videos to their Bitchute mirror
YouTube Watch-Later Playlist Nuker JS - Batch-remove every video in your YouTube Watch-Later Playlist
ヤフオクで非表示とメモ JS - q:非表示 w:アンドゥ b:NGワード Shift+Q:NG編集 12:メモを追加 34:自由メモ 56:定型文をメモ Shift+!:メモを編集 Shift+":自動メモのみ全削除 Shift+#:メモを一時非表示 Shift+56:定型文を設定 .:上限価格 t:半透明モード
YouTube Minus Mind Control JS - Remove suggestions from YouTube homepage and video pages.
YouTube -> download MP3 or Video from YouTube. JS - Simple YouTube MP3 & MP4 download buttons. Simple and fast.
Close YT Confirmations JS - Auto click on Yes when YouTube auto-pause your video
3D Youtube Downloader Helper JS - One click to send YouTube video url to 3D YouTube Downloader.
Luke's VidDownloader JS - Allows you to download videos from reddit and youtube easily!
Youtube Downloader , download video up to 8K and Audio in mp3, flac and more in HQ, up to 320 kbps ! JS - The Best Youtube Downloader by Piel Mallet, fast and easy to use. No need to install any annoying softwares. Download video : mp4, m4v, mov, flv, avi, mpg, wmv, HD, 1080P, 2K, 4k & 8K and Audio : mp3, aac, ogg, m4a, wma, flac, wav, HQ, 320 kbps, 256 kbps, 192 kbps, 128 kbps, 96 kbps, 64 kbps !
Youtube Timestamp Buttons from Comments JS - Uses FireBase Helper Function to Call Youtube Data API 3 to get Comments with TimeStamps
Youtube Ad Remover JS - Removes annoying ad in Suggested Video List.
Youtube Fix JS - Helps removing garbage from your recommended videos, adds a scrollbar for videos while watching
Youtube auto translate to Bosnian JS - translate to Bosnian automatically.
YouTuBeChangeScreen JS - 改变YouTuBe视频为竖屏播放
* 朗读直播评论酱 JS - 用声音朗读直播网站的新到来评论。
[kesai]通用返回顶部 JS - 通用返回顶部
YouTube - Seek 1 sec by Ctrl+Arrow key JS - Ctrl+矢印キーで1秒づつシークします 小数点以下を丸めてシークするのでタイムスタンプの作成に便利です
Youtube PiP JS - Enable PiP in YouTube
YouTube touch skip with two fingers JS - Youtube skip video in seconds by using two fingers
YT: peek-a-pic JS - Hover a thumbnail at its bottom part and move the mouse horizontally to view the actual screenshots from the video
Youtube Trending Blacklist JS - Adds the option to blacklist some channels from your trending Feed
Delete Youtube [Prank] JS - Want to delete your friends whole youtube go ahead just run this javascript and let the magic begin
YouTube Subtitle Preview Plus JS - to check subtitle when you search
Youtube in Italiano JS - Traduce automaticamente i sottotitoli in Italiano
YT Channel Query Fix JS - Hide videos not belonging to the channel when searching in it.
youtube anasayfa önerilen videolar gizleme JS - Arif'in Manchester'a attığı golü ararken başka konulara dalmamak için anasayfadaki önerilen videoları gizlemeyi sağlıyor.
YT-LargerGrid JS - Makes the YT-Feed larger
YouTube 脚本手机版 JS - 下载视频,移除广告,自动跳过广告
YouTube Live - Word mute JS - YouTubeのチャット欄にワードミュート機能を追加します
youtube - 自动获该页面下的所有视频链接地址 JS - 自动获该页面下的所有视频链接地址
Simple Youtube Downloader JS - Download any video and music (audio) from Youtube
Youtube自动加载简体中文字幕 JS - Youtube 自动加载简体中文字幕
Show Youtube Videos' Publishing Date JS - Fix hidden video's publishing date
Youtube auto traslate in italiano JS - traslate automatica
YouTube - Stay Active and Play Forever JS - Tired of Youtube pausing playback asking you to click 'yes' to continue playing? This script will make the popup never appear, music will never stop. Never pause, never inactive, never worry. The script will keep you active and keep playing music FOREVER. Enables playing in background on mobile.
Old YT JS - Restores Old YT theme
Youtube Live Replay Comment Collector JS - 利用直播comment寻找直播回放中的热点片段方便剪辑man干活
Youtube Distraction Blocker JS - Blocks distractions on youtube for a more wholesome viewing experience.
Enhance titles - YouTube JS - Hide watched videos on YouTube
Move Youtube subtitle to the bottom of the viewport JS - Have you never been annoyed by youtube subtitles covering the video frame (and potentially other )? I made this script to push them to the bottom of the viewport
youtube_block_comments JS - Hide videos comments including specified words. (不愉快なコメントを非表示にする)
Hide HDR support from YouTube JS - Hide HDR support for Firefox 69. v0.1 2019-10-10
css - YouTube 隱藏「更多影片」 JS - YouTube 隱藏「更多影片」
YouTube Focus Mode JS - Put YouTube in focus mode! Hides all unasked for content (recommendations, subscriptions, related, etc.) on the home, watch, and search results pages.
YouTube "Video paused. Continue watching?" Nuker JS - Autoclick the pesky "Video paused. Continue watching?" message that pops up when YouTube plays a while without any user interation.
Remove YouTube Channel Video AutoPlay JS - RemoveYouTubeChannelVideoAutoPlay
YoutubeMonolyse JS - Create's a button in the settings menu on a youtube video page that disables/enables stereo/mono audio.
YouTube video metadata downloader JS - Saves the title, publishing date, creator, and description of a YouTube video to a text file.
Youtube Remove Video Elements JS - Remove stupid squares of information near the end of youtube videos (not annotations)
Remove YouTube home page JS - RemoveYouTubemomepage
YouTube Hide Chat by Default JS - Hides chat on YouTube live streams by default
学園祭カレンダー絞り込み JS - s:絞り込み(h:強調付き) Shift+S:例で絞り込み (とどラン)a:相関が弱いものを消す
Youtube Save to... playlist incremental search JS - This script injects a search field into the dialog where user can save a video to a playlist. When the user starts to type an incremental search is implemented and the playlists are filtered out
Disable Youtube Annotations JS - Automatically disable annotations on youtube every second. Annotations may still be manually enabled, but that only lasts for that tab/ until page reload.
CC Generator By Jacqueb JS - try to take over the world!
YouTube Rotate 90° JS - 把Youtube影片旋轉0°、90°、180°、270°,讓你輕鬆觀看影片!
Youtube Automatic BS Skip JS - A script to deal with the automatic skipping of fixed length intros/outros for your favourite Youtube channels.
Whitelist YouTube channels ads JS - Whitelist YouTube channels in uBlock Origin
YouTube in compact JS - Show 6 video in row on YouTube top page!
sponsorskip btn JS - hide button
Plain old youtube.com (2019) JS - 11/28/2019, 9:31:23 PM
Plain old youtube (2019) Dark JS - Dark theme for Plain old youtube, made by teidesu https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/393055-plain-old-youtube-com-2019 and dark theme made by Amir Torrez https://userstyles.org/styles/166176/classic-youtube-dark
Youtube Auto Continue JS - try to take over the world!
YT Queue fix JS - Reduces the Queue's miniplayer size
Youtube Playlist Video Link Extractor JS - tries to extract Youtube Video links from playlists page to be able to copy links to external music players like Daum PotPlayer
Youtube 'Video paused. Continue watching?' Auto confirmer JS - Automatically clicks 'Ok' when the 'Video paused. Continue watching?' dialog pops up and pauses your videos.
[Hadzy] Youtube Comment Analytics JS - Hadzy - The best youtube comment picker and great tool to search for all comments, open it with 'Activate' menu button
Hides Youtube Related Videos JS - Hide the related videos sidebar on Youtube videos
Improved Speed Slider For YouTube JS - Add Speed Slider to Youtube Player Settings
Youtube Simple URL, Visited and Blacklist JS - This script is designed to work only on Youtube Trending page. Script cuts the time parameter which is used to continue watching from last position, changes the color of visited links to aqua and most importantly lets you ignore channels on trending page.
[youtube.com] Arrow buttons constant binding JS - The arrow buttons don't depend on slider/seekbar focus. Left/Right - always playback, Down/Up - always sound volume.
YT Trending Phone Number Removal Tool JS - Removes Phone Numbers from YouTube Trending Page video descriptions
Youtube Zoomer JS - Allows zooming in/out for YouTube videos; use ctrl+up/down
YouTube Autoplay Continuer JS - Automatically clicks Yes when YouTube prompts: "Video paused. Continue watching?""
YouTube Fix para PewDiePie Rewind 2019 JS - Establece el video de PewDiePie Rewind 2019 como la tendencia que obviamente debe ser, colaborando asi con un mundo mejor. De nada Google!
Crab Rave for New Years JS - This will almost perfectly play the crab rave rave when it hits the new year
Replace Youtube Country-code JS - Replace Youtube Logo Country code