现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
Browsershots.org Checkbox AutoMarker JS - Checkbox arrangement
chatlogs.jabber.ru cleaner JS - Очищает логи chatlogs.jabber.ru от "входов" и "выходов"
Juick AdBlock JS - Вырезка пустого блока рекламы
hwmmapmove JS - перемещение по карте в один клик без коня
Infractions Tab Remover JS - Removes your infractions tab on Jiggmin.com.
xkcd buttons Alt+Transcript+Explainxkcd JS - add btns to view transcript and alt and explainxkcd
Zippyshare Auto Download 1.0 (2022) JS - Automatically starts downloads hosted by Zippyshare
Rephrase Sarcastic Utterances (Mechanical Turk HIT) JS - Copies text to rewrite into box to prevent unncessary retyping also auto selects moderate difficulty
Mobile01 image shower collocate with AutoPagerize JS - 可搭配AutoPagerize使用的Mobile01 image shower
Lightbox hack JS - A temporary fix for the Lightbox bug on A-P
Stop Automatic Recommendations on Soundcloud JS - Stops the automatic playing of recommended tracks on Soundcloud.
Envato Marketplace CKEditor Support JS - This is a userscript to add the CKEditor to Envato comment and edit forms.
DuckDuckGo bang fixer JS - Cross-references bangs on the DuckDuckGo bangs page
Instant.ly HIT Helper JS - helps with hits
The West - Chat en colores y emoticonos JS - Añade mejoras al campo visual del chat
JR mturk timer warning JS - Script will warn you at specific times left for your hit. The times can be set in the options menu.
Astro Empires White Background JS - Changes background to white
Wanikani Burn Reviews JS - Adds a space on the main page that reviews random burned items
Ninja text JS - auto ninja text
Smoothscroll JS - Smooth scrolling on pages using javascript
Flitter JS - Position Twitter feed at left
kill newsfeed-msg-badge JS - Hide the stupid "dancing newsfeed message" icon in Yahoo mail
Habr Percentage Ring JS - Percentage Rings around numbers which show grades (for with userstyles)
Uneddit Reddit JS - Uneddits Reddit comments
UserScripts links go to Mirror site JS - changes dead userscripts.org link to userscripts-mirror.org
DoubanMoviePlus JS - 为豆瓣电影加入IMDB评分、调整布局
GOTA_Container JS - Modifies the container in which the game is hosted (optionally).
hide twitter stats JS - basic twitter stat hider
HackForums Post Helper Custom JS - Adds additional phrases that can be used in posts as a symbol for something else. This script is written by xerotic, Mr Kewl just updated it.
Hack Forums Wider Text Box JS - Changes the width of the current text box on newreply.php
baidu waimai get infomation JS - 获取饿了么菜单页指定格式
baidu waimai get infomation JS - 获取baiduwaimai菜单页指定格式
Add KCLS links to Goodreads JS - Puts links in Goodreads lists that go directly to a search at the King County Library System
FS Economy Enhancement JS - Improvements for FS Economy usability
Filer.net Download-Link getter JS - Adds a button which permits to view all the download links of a folder on filer.net (for use with a DL-Manager)
HideComment JS - скрипт ведения игнор-листа на ИноСМИ
Neverwinter gateway - Profession Automation JS - Automatically selects professions for empty slots
MyMunzeeMap JS - my Munzee filter map script
MyMunzeeFriends JS - my Munzee friends script
MyMunzeeClans JS - my Munzee clan script
Cinemageddon Enhancer JS - Display changes for Cinemageddon
5sing Assist JS - 修改 5sing 歌曲页面下载按钮链接为真实歌曲链接。
Bootstrap Site Navigation Userscript JS - Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey Userscript automatically fix the bootstrap site's navigation to the top as you scroll.
The Archive.org Cleaner JS - Archive.org Remove Money Request banner
Remove KoL Topics By Specific People JS - Removes topics posted by people listed
Linkcrypt.ws Remove Anti Adblock JS - Removes anti adblock overlay and unhides container buttons
zShowPass JS - Shows password on mouseOver and focus, hides on mouseOut and blur
笔下文学网更改小说字体 JS - 修改笔下文学小说网站正文的字体
MyMunzeeProfile JS - my Munzee profile script
AutoSaveDiv JS - save and restores div.contenteditable texts
Jurablogs Unframe JS - Unframe posts on Jurablogs.com.
Torrentz JS - Magnet links for Torrentz
HammerfestHeader JS - Choix de la banniere Hammerfest
Produs (Proddable Pardus) JS - Makes Pardus a little more touch-friendly.
Speedport-Autologin JS - Skips Speedport login page
NeoGAF - Hide Forum Threads JS - Hides threads on NeoGAF.com
CH Plaintext HIT Export JS - Export HIT information in multi-line plain text format.
WME HardHats JS - Changes the editor hard hats based of editor rank thanks to chat addon and SuperMedic
Ed Kohler UPC Helper JS - Highlight UPC code from Toys R Us Product pages
Scroll like Opera JS - Based on Linkify Plus. Turn plain text URLs into links.
MyAnimeList (MAL) Tags Updater JS - Adds type, genres and other info to entries tags. Can also delete all current tags.
刀塔2 JS - 刀塔2 Steam社区增强
WME Polygon JS - Creates polygons for WME layer
Virtonomica: Апгрейд оборудования JS - Помощник в апгрейде оборудования.
YouTube Anti-Google+ comments JS - Prevent "via Google+" comments to show up on YouTube
Kickass with Yt & IMDb JS - YouTube trailer link and IMDb rating on the KAT movie page.
Wanikani Scrollbox JS - Adds a space on the dashboard that displays items randomly to help remember them without seeing them in 'the wild'.
GLB Player Value Calculator 1_0 JS - calculate a player value
Planets.nu - Sensor Range Plugin JS - Plugin for Planets.nu which allows to visualize the sensor range of ships and planets on the starmap
Planets.nu - Territory Map Plugin JS - Plugin for Planets.nu which allows to overlay various territory maps over the starmap
Hackforums Modern Dark Theme JS - A dark modern theme for Hackforums.
YouTube 720p JS - change default YouTube video quality to 720p or highest available below 720p. can be used for other video qualities by changing preferredQuality in the code below.
IMDB - add Rottentomatoes info JS - Adds info from Rottentomatoes to IMDB title pages
IMDB - share vote on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr JS - Adds links to IMDB title pages that let you share your vote details on Facebook and/or Twitter
IMDB Bacon Number / Center Number JS - Adds an indicator on an IMDB name page telling you that person's "Bacon Number" and/or "Center Number" (from the Oracle of Bacon at Virginia)
MCP :: SRG Mapper JS - Apply SRG mappings to code.
MetricConverter JS - Allow the instant conversion of metrics on /r/Fitness (Box on the bottom right)
Force Hymmnos font JS - Was yea ra chs hymmnos yor, en chsee fwal fwal yor.
Fast URL image for Lightshot JS - Input form with URL image for fast copying to clipboard
乃木坂46官方博客图高清批量保存 JS - 博客高清图单独及批量下载,隐藏文章,只显示图片
Youtube Prevent Playlist Auto Advance (HTML5) JS - Pause HTML5 videos with one second remaining in playlists
fixbib JS - Fix common bib errors.
toqif JS - Export Thu ecard transactions to QIF file
Daniel Barrett Human/Horses Script JS - Uses Hotkeys on the keyboard to move to the next video. R = Back, F = Forward. All videos are labeled false by default.
FR Posting Form Enhancer JS - Makes the posting page easier to use.
This Week's Projected Earnings JS - Adds a projected earnings for the previous week to dashboard.
Flickr Pinterest: PIN without limitations JS - Bypass the nopin meta on Flickr
GoG Gift Codes JS - Show Gog Gift codes properlu
QuickAddCharacter JS - Gắn nhanh Character
CS_WH Editor JS - Change The Character Sheet's Width and Height
eg24_fixer JS - remove subpar game authors from eg24
PT站自动感谢 JS - 浏览PT站资源详情页面时使用 AJAX 方式在后台自动感谢发布者。
nu.nl JS - stretching the content of my news site a bit
SpyShare JS - SpyShare for Ogame: Allows you to share spy reports with your buddies even if you are not in the same alliance
Feedly - Open entry in background JS - Adds 'h' as a hotkey to open selected entry in background tab
TvnetilDownloadLinks JS - Get FaveZ0ne Download Links On Tvnetil Review Page
SikorimDownloadLinks JS - Get FaveZ0ne Download Links On Sikorim Review Page
WaniKani Review Wrong Info Click JS - Automatically click the info button upon wrong review answer.