现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
Swagbucks App Completion JS - A script to add a new tab to the users acount page to show how much you have progressed for each swagbuck app.
Cambridge auto pronounce JS - Automatically pronounce searched word in dictionary.cambridge.org
Dictionary auto pronounce JS - Automatically pronounce searched word in dictionary.reference.com
Campusnet Agenda Creator JS - Creating agenda from calender
Color Code Individual Google Tasks JS - Looks for specific key words and changes the background of the cell of a google task to a predefined color
WaniKani Review Order JS - WaniKani Review Order by Alucardeck
我的鼠标手势 JS - 一个简单的鼠标手势脚本
CHPMEGAC00KIEH4X JS - Trata de saltearse logins manipulando las cookies
Hit Timer & Hit Wage($/hr) JS - Track the time of the last HIT completed. This data is stored in the localStorage of the browser. Currently if times are recorded, they will show up on your daily status pages. - Ben; Added wage calculator on 2/14/2014 - android2102
Hide FileSick JS - Filters and hides FileSick's pointless uploads on The Pirate Bay with the ability to toggle their visibility. Filtering is bypassed when a search term includes "FileSick".
CH Remaining HITs Replicator JS - Replicates the 'HITs Available' number underneath the HIT work area for ease of reference.
Hide YIFY JS - Filters and hides YIFY releases on The Pirate Bay to assuage HD primadonnas. Row visibility can be toggled. Filtering is bypassed when search terms include "YIFY".
LockD&DMail JS - Bloque le drag and drop sur la messagerie
YouTubeDepopulator JS - Hides Youtube <li> elements, or sections on the homepage, with an <span.shelf-title-annotation>, or section subtitle, that contains the text "Popular ", "#", or "Trending "
pixiv ajax bookmark and follow JS - ブックマークとお気に入り登録をページ遷移なく非同期的に行います。
New Filtered Netflix JS - A replacement for the filtered Netflix of the past. I got around the now lack of Netflix API by checking the boxes that popup and looking for a rating, and then saving the info into localStorage. Thus, it will not filter things until you've hovered over them once.
Bilibili(哔哩哔哩) BangumiTwo Raw Hider JS - 哔哩哔哩-番剧-连载动画-生肉-隐藏
Weibo.com(新浪微博) Thumbnail-InNewWindow Auto Larger JS - 新浪微博-缩略图-在新窗口打开时-自动跳转大图
Forum(Discuz! X) Base-Profile One-Clicked Filler JS - Discuz! X-论坛-基本资料-一键填写
Eza's Tumblr Scrape JS - Creates a new page showing just the images from any Tumblr
BvS Automated Card Trade Suggestions JS - Auto-suggests "useless" cards for trading.
WK Emblems turn-in JS - Speeds up the turning in of your WK emblems
BvS PizzaWitch Autoride JS - Minimally modified (i.e. bugfixed) version of Yukio's Universal Speedhelper
a/base target blank to target self JS - changes a and base target="_blank" to target="_self"
Resizeable Text Fields JS - Based on Resizeable Textarea 0.1 (https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/3818), original coding by Raik Jürgens. Added support for select lists and horizontal resizing of input fields by Florian Höch. Should now work on all page types (XML/XHTML/you-name-it).
Topic Author Highlighter JS - Подсвечивает комментарии автора топика
fl.ru prefer_sbr unchecked JS - Убирает галочку по умолчанию с чекбокса "Предпочитаю оплату работы через Безопасную Сделку" на странице проекта на www.fl.ru
Answer to... JS - Shows the comment for which this comment is an answer
DraftIcon JS - Change favicon on habrahabr when user moves post to drafts
fl.ru ps_for_customer_only checked JS - Ставит галочку по умолчанию на чекбокс "Скрыть ответ, сделав его видимым только заказчику (автору проекта)" на странице проекта на www.fl.ru
fl.ru closed project icon JS - Change favicon on free-lance.ru when the project is already closed
alitrack.ru iframe killer JS - deletes all iframes from a alitrack.ru site
TargetKiller JS - remove '_blank' from links target
Storm8 Functions JS - Auto functions for all Storm8 games
BvS Workshop: Select for Distillation JS - Select an item directly from the distillation list.
zhihu-reply-tip JS - 显示被引用的用户的最近一条评论
GOG legacy fixes JS - Fixes bugs on the older parts of the GOG.com website
Unsounded Comment Redactor JS - Redacts comments by individuals you no longer wish to hear from on the Unsounded comments page, and replaces them with quotes from Twin Peaks. I wrote this because of what a clusterfuck the comments section turned into near the end of chapter 9.
Stop YouTube Video Download JS - Stops YouTube Video From Downloading.
fl.ru refresher JS - nothing
novaposhta barcode JS - enter something useful
ZSMTurker's MTG Forum Image Video Spoilerizer (with labels mod) JS - Spoilerize all images and videos in posts (except TO) on mturk-related forums: MTurkGrind, MTurkForum, and TurkerNation.
HIT Area Expander (with compact interface mod) JS - Adds a button to change the height of the working area for the hit.
CH MTurk Qualifications Wrapper JS - Word-wraps long qualifications on individual HIT pages, with better multi-script compatibility. Now also word-wraps the HIT links cells on search results pages.
Mini Grind (with thanks-hiding fix mod) JS - For mturkgrind forum, can hide user titles, ranks, achievements, rep, stats, sig, and thanks.
Webs Image Filter (safe version) JS - Pre-set all Webs Image Filter images to OK/clean.
Yahoo! new mail alert JS - This script will play the classic "Yahoo! Mail" voice wav file when it detects you have new unread mail in your mailbox
Gain X with IMVU 2015 7/11 JS - Gain X with IMVU in the review product session
osu! Beatmap Mirror JS - Adds a mirror link to osu! download pages
JIRA sub-task order editor JS - Change the order of JIRA sub-tasks via drag and drop.
YouTube Stop AUTOPLAY (OBSOLETE) JS - Stop videos from auto playing
Giphy Categorization JS - Reverse Engineered because I have no clue what I'm doing!
Remove Ads on Tetris Friends JS - This script removes ads on www.tetrisfriends.com.
「ONE·一个」网站增强 JS - 为「ONE·一个」网站增加方便的功能
Sticky mTurk Search Bar JS - sticks mturk searchbar on scroll
The West - Conjunto de roupas JS - Sets e conjuntos
AdsBypasserLite JS - Bypass Ads
Protopage Ad Remover JS - Remove ads from protopage.com
Boxingnews24.com Gilfoid Troll Warning JS - Get warned when Scott Gilfoid posts on boxingnews24.com
Cinemagia & IMDB To Filelist JS - Helps you to search movies from cinemagia or IMDB, on filelist
Le Upboat! xD JS - Vote on posts on /g/.
Lair Item Spoiler JS - This script for Kingdom of Loathing ( KoL ) shows needed tower items when using the telescope or 3 doors before the tower, checks to see if you have them, and provides links to the zones where you can get them.
Le Upboat! xD JS - Vote on posts on /g/.
4chan GET Modified JS - GET script
115 Online Player JS - Play videos from 115 online
Muambator SRO Restorator JS - Adiciona o link de rastreamento SRO dos Correios em cada pacote listado no site do Muambator.
YouTube Default to My Subscriptions JS - Makes YouTube automatically redirect you to your Subscription page if signed in.
HHComic Flipper JS - bind left&right arrow key with previous&next page, no more clicks
Project Euler Problem Translator JS - Provides translations in Romanian, Russian, Korean and German for Project Euler problems
KissAnime Anti-Adblock Blocker JS - Not even the people from Easylist seem to fight this site anymore, someone had to try as this looks popular enough. *sigh*
CH Yahoo Color-Coded Results JS - Change background color of Yahoo search ad areas and other special types of results.
JV Chat Loader JS - Discussions en temps réel sur les forums de jeuxvideo.com
豆瓣 ReadFree 传送门 JS - 在“豆瓣读书”页面增加到ReadFree电子书的传送门
SME.sk s HTML5 prehrávačom videa namiesto Flashu JS - User script, ktorý SME.sk prinúti používať na prehrávanie videí HiDPI-friendly HTML5 video, nie Flash.
Play Tone JS - Function to play a sound file by adding an HTML5 audio tag to the document. ver 1.0 2014-09-07.
Dark mTurk Pages JS - inverts mturk page color
Link Tooltips JS - Adds and/or modifies link and image title attributes to include more informaton
Pow! Russian folder JS - ifolder / Rusfolder quick download
Storage Viewer JS - Check the use of new kind of cookies: sessionStorage, localStorage, globalStorage and databaseStorage.
Textarea Backup with expiry JS - Retains text entered into textareas and contentEditables, and expires after certain time span.
TW-Collections-BR Translation JS - Portuguese Translation - TW-Collections - see below
4chan Waifu Randomizer JS - An elaborate array of waifus
localav JS - Lightweight avfun video dumper
pageNote 网页笔记 JS - 在你感兴趣的网页上添加便笺或笔记 按 "shift+鼠标左键"" 添加笔记//Press "shift + left key" to add sticky notes in any webpage wherever you like
HKG BM finder JS - HKGolden BM finder
MeetMe.com Secret Admirer Cheat JS - Highlights your secret admirer so you don't have to guess.
twimg_redirect_orig JS - Redirect twimg to :orig
BvS Peace Treaty Helper JS - Disables villages with which you have a peace treaty in spy/bingo/attack menus.
BroniesNL Customizer JS - Een user script om de interface (achtergrond, banner en kleur accenten) van Bronies.nl aan te passen en enkele problemen met het forum op te lossen.
BroniesNL Emotipons JS - Voegt vele emoticons toe op Bronies.nl, die te vinden zijn onder de quick-reply en volledige reply.
Github Contributions Heatmap JS - Adds a heatmap to the Github contribution graph.
YouTube HTML5 AutoPause JS - Automatically pause YouTube HTML5 videos when they appear.
ddl-warez big hover preview image JS - Hover with full sized thumbnail
Textarea Plus JS - Have a better textarea! A userscript which can improve plain textarea for code editing.
Review Stalker JS - Stalks the StackExchange review pages
斗鱼TV开启CDN加速 JS - 斗鱼TV开启CDN加速,提升画质,减少卡顿
bgmcard JS - not a card game
Reddit - Top Comments Preview (old & new design) JS - Preview to the top comments on Reddit (+ optional auto-load comments and images, auto-hide sidebar)
Dailymotion Fix Sexy Images JS - Restores preview images of adult videos