现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
Drag sidebar JS - Permite arrastrar los elementos de la barra lateral de taringa/mi
CNKI Download Link Fix (For WHU VPN) JS - 修复通过 WHU VPN WEB 服务访问知网时出现链接解析错误而无法下载或无法访问的问题
Seach Movie from Douban JS - Add a movie searching field in Douban Movie
Tweetdeck url extander JS - getting over the t.co redirection
Twitter Timeline URL Expand JS - Replace t.co href of A tag with real url.
facebook tracker kicker JS - removing all the ugly onclick redirection stuff
Disable Confirmations JS - Disables the are you sure you want to leave this page confirmations.
Google Logo Reviver (Firefox) JS - for the firefox users who hate every single change anybody makes
SGLinkies JS - Adds handy links to steamgifts.com top-menu, footer and inner-pages
IMDb Netflix Button JS - Adds Netflix Button
IMDB Watchlist on Netflix? JS - Add Netflix availablity to IMDB watchlist
MiWiFi in English JS - Xiaomi AC Router Translation in English (Google Chrome)
Google old favicon JS - Restores oldest google favicon. Motty Katan(c) 05-09-2015 last updated 15-09-2015
himado Bugger Ban Script JS - ひまわり動画において、さまざまな視聴の障害に対して自動で対処しスッキリ快適にするスクリプトです。
zive.cz - ethereal skin JS - přidává hromadu nastavení - např. široký režim nebo menší font
PCGarage remove top promotion banners JS - Remove top promotion banners for a cleaner look.
WME Add addresses for places JS - Добавление альтернативных названий (адресов)
PicartoTV Chat Link parsing fix JS - Fix HTTP links not being recognized as links
sharkbot JS - This script was deleted from Greasy Fork, and due to its negative effects, it has been automatically removed from your browser.
TimeFor.TV, Channels JS - Add TV channels for TimeFor.TV
SF.net: Direct download links JS - Replaces links in the Files tab on sourceforge.net with direct download links
NeoQuest II Remote Control JS - Automatically moves character based on user defined path. (1=north, 2=south, 3=west, 4=east, 5=northwest, 6=southwest, 7=northeast, 8=southeast
Lichess auto confirm resign in bullet only JS - Automatically confirms resign in bullet only
Monkkee Word Count JS - Adds word count to monkkee.com
Better Baidu JS - Remove the 'right' contents. Add Bing and Google search buttons.
vvFilter JS - Filtering...
Better YouTube JS - Toggle mini player when scrolling down in YouTube. Video download by using youtubeinmp3.com API. Rebind space key for play/pause (no more accidentally scroll down).
okaymotes JS - Memes to use in unoeme's room
Google & YouTube - Universal Exact Search Hotkey JS - Surround selected text with quotation marks using NumpadAdd key
Virals Youtube Autoplay JS - Autoplay youtube video in virals
WereEmotes JS - Memes
To Japanese Mods Database JS - RimWorld,Skyrim,Fallout,MB2 Bannerlord,Cyberpunk2077,StarfieldのMod配布ページに、日本語MODデータベースへのリンクを追加します
SoFurry - Color Themes JS - Adds a theme button in the top bar that let you select a custom theme color. You can choose red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, pink, silver, dark, FA, or default.
Bangumi-Links-Domain-Fixer JS - Fix the domain of links in Bangumi
豆瓣电影下载插件 JS - 在豆瓣电影页面显示http://torrentproject.com/的下载链接
Outlook without Ads JS - Remove ads from Outlook
Yahoo Mail Ad Removal JS - removes the ads Motty Katan(c) 06-02-2006 last updated 13/02/15
荔枝FM 节目下载。Download Lizhi FM MP3 JS - 下载当前节目。Download current MP3 playing on Lizhi FM
WME Validator Localization for Pennsylvania JS - This script localizes WME Validator for Pennsylvania. You also need main package (WME Validator) installed.
webm/mp4 media embed for HKGALDEN v 0.1 JS - replaces links to .webm & .mp4 content with embedded video
F365 Temporary Refresh Fix JS - Append random variable to links
YouTube Video Speed & Seek Mouse Control JS - Dynamically adjust video playback speed & seeking instantly with your mousewheel, no more need to go through player menus every time.
Virtonomica_Lobby JS - Показывает процент влияния в городе
help for labs JS - Подсказки для лабораторий
TMU SI with REREC JS - show SI and REREC in TMU Player page
SonkWoKeyViewer JS - You can view your key on Sonkwo webpage by using this
ShurFiltro++ JS - Filtro de hilos para ForoCoches
SC2Casts.com Adblock Nag Screen Remover JS - Removes the 'disable Adblock' nag screen.
SINGULARITY'S Ship info JS - Adds transfer target, crew xp and hull mass to ship screen
JwinfoAutomationLogin JS - Automaticly complete Verification code in ZJU jwinfobsys .
Bettor Status JS - Puts the betting status of the person in their avatar
online_video JS - 可以拖动视频
打印月历 JS - 打印设定月份的月历
TW-DB.RechercheItems JS - rétablit la fonction de recherche d'item
isnichwahr HTML5 player JS - Use HTML5 JW/youtube player instead of Flash ones; works with new design as of September 2015
MTurk OCMP67 - Identify Retailer Names in Reviews JS - %description%
Planets.nu - Extended History Graphs Plugin JS - Adds graphs to plot histories for ships and bases to NEW planets.nu. Also adds new game speed display based on the turn of reaching the ship limit. Pie charts are also added back in, but not final.
Images and Links JS - Easily comment with images and links
Hide Self-Serve Advertising Link on Reddit JS - If you have that annoying little link stuck forever on your reddit pages, heres a simple way to remove it.
Google Play Music Tweaks JS - My personal tweaks for Google Play Music
YouTube Old Watch Page JS - Sets YouTube video page layout back to default size before the June 20, 2014 update.
Facepunch-Raiting/Post-Updater *HTTPS WORKING* JS - w/e - Updated by Shotz
WME Polygon Kabupaten Aceh Besar JS - Polygons Kabupaten di WME layer
Search Jump Around JS - 搜索引擎跳转,修复Google WEBHQ的问题
TM test JS - show SI and REREC in TM Player page
Hacker News JS - Add a link in the top banner of [Hacker News discussion](http://news.ycombinator.com/) to its counter part at [HN Premii](http://hn.premii.com/)
TV Tropes Spoilers JS - Enable "Show Spoilers" control on every page
Disable Print Dialog in Stack Printer JS - Disable print dialog in Stack Printer site
OpenUserJS Bullshit Filter JS - Hides scripts for popular browser games and social networks as well as scripts that use "foreign" characters in descriptions.
Stack Overflow: StackPrinter JS - Add Printer-Friendly button to question. This script is forked from http://userscripts-mirror.org/scripts/show/77298 and it add supports for HTTPs
Agar mods + ad block JS - Agar.io modz
FlightRising GUI Improvements Sandboxed Portion JS - Runs potentially unsafe code in a protective sandbox.
CI Train IRC nick fix JS - Use my IRC nickname on Ubuntu ci-train
Funnyjunk Submitter Checker JS - Replace emoticons on Funnyjunk with the text variants.
Limegreen external links JS - Highlight all external links in lime green, works on dynamically added content too.
Pixiv unread mark JS - rt
WaPo Escalation JS - Hide the Washington Post Ad Blocker Blocker
ImgSkraper JS - Scrap all the <img> on the web page and show them in side bar for easy viewing
Soundgasm Ripper JS - Download m4a audio files from soundgasm.net
Fontz Quiz Timer & Keyboard Shortcuts JS - Adds stopwatch to quiz pages; use Ctrl+S to submit and continue on quiz and quiz answer pages
Kab Karo JS - Polygons Kabupaten di WME layer
HWM Art Repair Info JS - HWM Mod - На странице инфы арта добавляет подсчёт суммы его ремонта и длительность ремонта
Shoutbox Linkify JS - Links certain text (e.g. /profile/pet/42) in the shoutbox.
add H6 for screenreaders JS - adds a H6 element before an answer to aid screenreaders in finding the start of an answer
Kongregate RCM Auto-Racer + Scroll Fixes! JS - [Works in FF and Chrome!] Auto-Racing + Scroll Fixes!
Better ifeng.com Pictures 凤凰网 图片尺寸修复及键盘左右页面切换 JS - 如题
WME Speedlimits JS - Adds colours to road segments to show their speeds
Hide removed Extensions in Chrome Dashboard JS - Help you to hide all removed extensions from Chrome Developer Dashboard
FPS Counter JS - FPS Counter (On greasy fork)
MAL Anime Entries Compare JS - This script compares anime entries from user list with entries from anime detail page and bold similar ones
MiWiFi in English JS - Xiaomi AC Router Translation in English (Mozilla Firefox)
Classic Online-Stopwatch JS - Return to classic Online-Stopwatch
Ace of Spades Siggy JS - Automatically insert your badge list into your forum posts! (ALL CREDIT TO LIMEWIRE FOR THE CODE (Ty bae))
MO Kab Kaur JS - Boundary Polygons Kab Kaur, Bengkulu di WME layer
Wikitube - YouTube on Wikipedia & Wikiwand JS - Adds relevant YouTube videos to Wikipedia and Wikiwand.
WME MMR 3 - Thailand Overlay JS - Creates polygons for MapRaid groups in a WME "MMR 3 - Thailand Groups" layer
MTG better forum view JS - Turns the forumn posts under Awesome HITS into a more managable list and adds a view for only hits posted.
Twitter HTML5 Video Error to Link JS - Replaces error message with a link to load the media in a new tab where hopefully a plugin will play it
WK Voice Recognition Experiment JS - enter something useful