现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
BBCode in Text JS - Adds BBCode support to an antique forum.
vBulletin Multi-Merge JS - Makes merge more powerful.
TradeMe PhotoView JS - Show thumbnails for all listings in TradeMe
XunLei Yunbo Better Player JS - 改进迅雷云播的播放器页面
Netease Music Download JS - 网易云音乐下载地址
Light Pager JS - Append next page content to current page.
Xunlei KuaiChuan Checked Links Text JS - 在新标签页显示迅雷快传中已勾选链接文本
Boxz Price History Image JS - 在网上商店产品页面,自动插入一张从 www.boxz.com 里的价格历史波动图片。
Pretty JSON JS - Make JSON text look better
Xunlei Kuaichuan Display Full Filename JS - 迅雷快传上的下载链接显完整文件名
Google Cache Browser JS - Continue browsing the page in Google cache
PySide Qt Document Links JS - Add PySide/Qt document cross reference links
Flvcd Download Links JS - 替换在线视频的下载链接为 flvcd.com 的解析链接
Google Reader Search Current Feed Button JS - Add a new button next search button, to search current feed.
Douban Columns Search View JS - 让豆瓣搜索页面并排显示图书、电影、音乐的搜索结果
VeryCD File Show Link JS - VeryCD 的文件页面直接显示下载地址而不是js按钮。
Quanlala Price History Image JS - 在京东/新蛋/亚马逊中国的产品页面,自动插入一张从 quanlala.com 里的价格历史波动图片。
Adobe Products Direct Download JS - Change Adobe products download link to direct url
new Better WebQQ JS - 使得WebQQ更方便使用更清爽: 自动打开登录窗口, 自动设置桌面提示通知和使用SSL, 移除侧边栏, 移除浮动条, 移除添加按钮
SwagTv script JS - this script will automatically fetch and go to the next video after the meter goes up.
Github-time-format-changer JS - Change Github time format.
Duty™ Engine JS - A Different Engine For Kaskus
Tiezi Image Transfer Batch JS - 帖子图片批量转存
TianyaFilter JS - 天涯社区楼层计数、过滤指定用户的回贴。
Let Confirm Go Away JS - 去除qq群共享qq旋风弹窗
Netvibes Tab Shortcut JS - Adds a shortcut link to the right of the tabs in netvibes
Maximize Netvibes Mod JS - Hides netvibes top bar and bottom with modified icon location.
FFXII Revenant Wings Wiki JS - Translates the FFXII wiki
Feedly LastModified Tweak JS - Replace the original relative date with absolute published/received date on Feedly
ニコニコ動画 自動再生+α JS - 無料会員でもニコニコ動画で動画を自動再生できるようにします
Feedly Search JS - Add search box on Feedly
Google Search Better Privacy JS - Delete unnecessary params and add useful params on Google Search.
Nico Search History JS - ニコニコ動画の検索履歴を保存する
amazon_cross_meter JS - Amazonの書籍ページに読書メーターの感想を表示
NicoVideo Post to SBM with selected tags JS - allows to search or post to SBM with multiple tags from tag list in NicoVideo watching page.
ChatWork Notification JS - ChatWork notification for Scriptish
delicious nico thumb JS - deliciousでニコニコ動画のサムネイルを表示する
Better ATND JS - ATNDをより便利にする
GitHub: remove canonical JS - remove Github's canonical link
Amazon URL Cleaner JS - replaceState for Amazon
MediaMaker with Amazon tags JS - メディアマーカーに登録時にAmazonからタグ候補を持ってくる
adiary wiki content link key fix JS - adiaryのwikiコンテンツ化したリンクキーを自動で入力
gist fill in fileName automatically JS - Fill in the filename automatically When pasting a Greasemonkey script.
gist update Description with title JS - gistの説明文を更新するとdocument.titleも更新
niconico myvideo search JS - 投稿動画から作者のMyvideoを探す
Userpage RSS link JS - ユーザー投稿動画ページでRSS linkをつけるだけ
Nico Nickname JS - うp主のニックネームを調べるスクリプト
pixiv auto login JS - pixivに自動ログインする
IBM Builder Caution JS - META[GENERATOR]がIBMから始まってる時、左上にロゴを表示
Nico Add Mylist Link JS - マイリストへのリンクを追加する
Nico MylistComments JS - ニコニコ動画再生ページからマイリストコメントを参照する
from iTunes app store to web store JS - Redirect iTunes app store to web store
yazztter Words link JS - yazztterのホットなキーワードにリンクをつけます。
Nico:ranking_eve_filter JS - ニコニコ動画のランキングで直前にみたランキングと比較して、被ったものを非表示にする。
iframe redirector JS - iframe
Flickr Original Link JS - Show direct links to download biggest Flickr image available and some other sizes.
Der Leistungsschutzrecht-Warner JS - Warns on pages supporting the extended copyright for press publishers with a red bar. Uses the blacklist from http://leistungsschutzrecht-stoppen.d-64.org/.
HTML5-Video für Golem.de JS - Wandelt den Golem.de-eigenen Flash-Player in einen HTML5-Player um.
Better YouTube favicon JS - Replaces the meaningless play symbol with a YouTube-text favicon.
Scroll Up & Down Arrows JS - Scroll Up & Down arrows, if you leave mouse on arrow it will slowly scroll
Highlight Table Row on Click JS - Highlight Table Row on Mouse Click
Youtube Favorites Link JS - Adds a link to your Favorites on Youtube. Click the Star at the top.
Quack Toolsammlung JS - Extends Grepolis and includes many useful tools into the game
hwm_mail_filter JS - HWM mod - Sortirovka i fil'tracija lichnyh soobshhenij
hwm_clan_statistics JS - Статистика по клану, фракциям, уровням и пр. (by Demin)
hwm_player_semaphores JS - Светофоры в личных рекордах ГО игроков (by Alex Kocharin & Demin)
hwm_forum_spam_filter JS - HWM mod - Udalenie soobshhenij personazhej na forume (by Demin)
SetsMaster JS - Наборы армии, навыков и оружия - 3 в 1 (by Tamozhnya1 & Demin)
hwm_market JS - Реальная стоимость лотов на рынке, прибыль с покупки (by Demin)
hwm_shop JS - Отображает стоимость боя и ОА в магазине и инфе арта, переплаты за покупку и аренду, добавляет быстрые ссылки на рынок (by Demin)
hwm_trans_nick JS - HWM mod - Set link & nick for transfer (by Demin)
hwm_adv_dd_menu JS - HWM mod - Rasshirennoe vypadajushhee menju (by Demin)
hwm_quest_10 JS - HWM mod - Pokazyvaet silu kart v 10 kveste (by Demin)
hwm_map_upgrade JS - HWM mod - Avtosdacha zadanij GN, tajmer perehoda, skrytie karty (by Demin)
hwm_sklad_repair_hide JS - HWM mod - Udalenie ssylok na remont GFBK na sklade klana (by Demin)
hwm_cgame_time JS - HWM mod - Prodolzhitel'nost' kartochnogo boja (by Demin)
hwm_battle_time JS - HWM mod - Prodolzhitel'nost' bitvy i kartochnoj igry (by Demin)
hwm_exit_from_war JS - Ссылка "вернуться в игру" на флешке боя (by Demin)
hwm_battlelinks JS - Быстрые ссылки на итоги боя; начало, конец, чат боя (by Demin)
hwm_delete_runet JS - HWM mod - Delete runet (by Demin)
hwm_forum_extension JS - HWM mod - Forum extension by Demin
hwm_forum_moder JS - HWM mod - Forum moder by Demin
hnust jiaowu JS - 解决湖南科技大学教务网不能兼容Chrome和Firefox浏览器的问题
Fimfiction Full Names JS - This script changes the tags and ratings to display the full text, adds the name to the back of the cards, and another minor tweak or two.
Show wage on HIT submit JS - (mTurk) This script puts an overlay on the page of your hourly wage when you submit a HIT. Meant for use with batches.
Github Rawgit Button JS - An userscript to add "Rawgit" button on github.
OGame - UserPositions JS - Shows user position in galaxy at highscore page.
Hide videos seen on Youtube JS - Hide videos seen on Youtube, on any page, by X'ing them
Mark Read Creepypasta.com JS - Mark stories as read on Creepypasta.com
NMC Login JS - Automatic login to NMC
Duże zdjęcia wish.com JS - Po kliknięciu na zdjęciu otwiera zdjęcie w nowej karcie
StackOverflow close votes shortcuts JS - A script to add keyboard shortcuts to StackOverflow's close votes review queue
Homosuck JS - Makes Homestuck suck less
/r/leagueoflegends red tracker JS - turn links red if rioter comments. tracks rioter comments on comment page.
Open sblocks (rpg.net) JS - If spoiler blocks are present on an rpg.net page, then two further buttons are overlaid on the page to show/hide all the spoilers.
Open sblocks (unseen servant) JS - If spoiler blocks are present on an unseenservant.us page, then two further buttons are overlaid on the page to show/hide all the spoilers.
MAL Voice Actor Filter JS - This script filters voice actor: "Voice Acting Roles" and anime staff: "Anime Staff Positions" by your anime list entries
Youtube Html5 Disable JS - ///
Project Euler Hide Solved By Number JS - if you feel 'solved by' count is affecting your ability and desire to solve a Project Euler question