现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
MAL flair to link JS - Transforms all flairs to links on anime related subreddits.
InstaSynchP Event Hooks JS - Attaches itself to the functions on InstaSync to fire events
InstaSynchP Core JS - The core for a modular plugin system for InstaSync
InstaSynchP Input History JS - Plugin to browse your chat history
Nexus Clash Character List Sort JS - Sorts the list of people by allegiance, then by hp, more severely wounded first.
WaniKani Lesson User Synonyms JS - adds User Synonyms to the lesson page. adds User Synonyms and Notes to unlearned item pages.
Github: Add Releases Button JS - Adds a releases button
Yahoo!ニュース自動推移 JS - Yahoo!ニュースのリンクを自動で推移します。
virtonomica:Salary & Education edited JS - Облегчение установку зарплат на странице управления персоналом
Blip.tv Links JS - Shows all the available video formats at the top of the page on the blip.tv watch page so that they can be saved easily.
GMail Pause JS - Put GMail on pause to stop distractions!
GMail Change Title JS - Change the GMail title and remove the unread message count!
Universal Text Highlighting JS - highlights text in an element
Navigate_streamallthis.is JS - A little script to navigate trough series at the streaming host <a href="http://streamallthis.is">streamallthis.is</a>
Broodhollow Navigation Improvements JS - Arrow Key navigation
Hummingbird User Compare JS - Adds a button that compares the anime list of a hummingbird user against yours
TEST JS - all tests for my extensions
Fix images for token pages JS - makes images work in token pages
MusicBrainz: Sort artists JS - Allows you to change the order of artist names in any of the multiple artists editors. NOTICE: This will remove any artist lookup data already present in the editor. You have to assign this manually again.
Add URL in tooltip JS - Add URL in tooltip to include more informaton
Dirty Ghost Spellchecker JS - A solution for spellcheck in Ghost
Show all child pages in Confluence JS - This extension automatically clicks the "X more child pages" link in Confluence's sidebar to show all child pages
ETI Animated Avatars JS - animates gifs in avatars
Yun Pan WAP Redirect JS - 重定向百度云盘的 WAP 页面到普通页面
Show info about buyer on aliexpress.com JS - Shows buyers feedback
BBCodes for MAL JS - Add BBCode to MAL Forum posts
KissAnime Slimmer Header JS - Removes the cruft from this site's navigation bar.
MetaFilter Filter By Favorites JS - Allows users to view MetaFilter comments by favorite count.
InstaSynchP CSSLoader JS - Framework plugin to load and unload CSS urls
InstaSynchP Settings JS - Provides the ability to store settings for the plugins
Black Shadow Username Changer JS - Jesus
Old.InstaEmotes JS - New maymays for you to love!
Evan J JS - Search for company news URL
Google Translator Tooltip Expanded Fork JS - Translates the selected text into a tooltip automatically. Based on Google Translation Tooltip MLiteKeysOn.
EUISUMN checkall JS - males isi evaluasi dosen? install ini langsung centang semua
EUISUMN checkall JS - males isi evaluasi dosen? install ini langsung centang semua | INSTANT VERSION
HITs Accepted on Dashboard/HIT Scraper Link JS - This is a grouped script. If you want just the link, or just the dashboard, find my other scripts on GreasyFork. Shows the number of hits you have accepted, lists theme, and also a link to HIT scraper.
InstaSynchP Layouts JS - Larger layouts and fullscreen mode
1Tool Short Links Elongator JS - Elongates all 1Tool short links to their direct links
Downloadiz2 Short Links Elongator JS - Elongates all Downloadiz2 short links to their direct links
Imzdb Short Links Elongator JS - Elongates all Imzdb short links to their direct links
nbanews Short Links Elongator JS - Elongates all nbanews short links to their direct links
TakeMyFile Short Links Elongator JS - Elongates all TakeMyFile short links to their direct links
Takhzen Catalog Link Elongator JS - Elongates all Takhzen Catalog Links to their direct links
Takhzen Short Links Elongator JS - Elongates all Takhzen short links to their direct links
Wwenews Short Links Elongator JS - Elongates all Wwenews short links to their direct links
zPag Short Links Elongator JS - Elongates zPag Links to their direct links
Farfesh.Com Download Links Extractor JS - Extracts Download Links From Farfesh.Com
CDV Compte a rebourd JS - Decompte
Gain X with IMVU JS - Gain X with IMVU in the review product session
oglaf NextPage clarifier JS - Oglaf has stories which may have 1 or more pages. The "Next Page" button takes you to the next story if there isn't a next page, which is a bit unclear.
Metal Archives discography pages - Reviews column split and sortable tables JS - Splits the Reviews column into Reviews(count) and Ratings and makes the tables in all discography tabs sortable.
Anime1 filter JS - Removes links to objectionable adult content.
clinton JS - Turns clinton into an emoji
Date highlighter日期字体阴影高亮 JS - Add text shadow to highlight dates in text.
OFM DE2 - Vereinsseite - oFIFA.de2 Info-Panel JS - Adds an additional element to the team page, if the manager is collecting players of one nation.
Mangareader JS - Help for the website mangareader, to view your manga you read
Copy/Paste for banking.barclaycard.de JS - banking.barclaycard.de disables pasting through Javascript. This script reenables it.
AMALL JS - makes giving back Llamas on deviantart.com way easer
dA_clear_corrs JS - clears expired/rejected/approved messages from your correspondence
da_devfolder JS - folders for deviation notifications
dA_ignore JS - ignores people on dA
dA_name_info JS - Gives details about a deviant when hovering over his name
dA_quick_img_pop JS - Displays buttons beneath each deviationon its submission site, so you can easily see how much resonance a picture got!
dA_signature_visibility JS - alter appearance of signatures
dA_top_menu_links JS - additional liks in the top-bar
dAhub_MessageCenter_ContestWidget JS - integrates dAhub's contest-feature into your messagebox!
dev_broken_thumbs JS - remove broken thumb-code within your custom-boxes on deviantart.
dev_hide_critique JS - shortens critiques until you click them
dev_journal_filter JS - let you filter your journals in your journal-edit-page
Dev_Multi_Open JS - Open all selected deviations at once!
dev_note_search2 JS - searching notes!
dev_star_com JS - keep an eye on selected comments!
Dev_User_inf JS - displays current status of users and if you're watched by them
DeviantArt Friend List Helper JS - Allows better management of users in dA friend lists.
Devsidebar JS - Deviantart
Devtoolbar 2 JS - Deviantart
rheuma-online-BLICK JS - Lesbarkeit per Klick!
dev_note_search JS - Let you search in your notes! Regexp available!
autogive_lama JS - on deviantart, when giving a llama and password remembered, this will click the window away for you. especially useful with random-llama-button
dA_clear_watchlist JS - experimental userscript: checks user that watch you how long they have been inactive. was dismissed in this state. originally planned: temp. block users that were offline too long so they "unwatch" you.
Deviantart Activity Filter JS - For the activitiy-notification (not -feed) to filter for llamas, watches, favourites etc.
cuenation SCPlayer JS - Play cued mixes right from Soundcloud!
ImageZoom JS - [Maxthon] Autofits images in separate tabs to fill the window and enables you to zoom with the mousewheel. Doubleclick the image to reset the size.
Behance - fetch lazy-load images immediately JS - Fetch lazy-load images immediately at document load
Disable website keyboard hooks JS - Stop websites from hijacking keyboard shortcuts.
YChart HIT Helper (opens in new tab) JS - Opens the link on a Ychart hit
R-Backoffice-Classic JS - R-Backofficeで使いづらくなったアイコンを昔風に戻す。
yunfile_auto_click JS - enter something useful
DataFileHost Uncheck Download Manager JS - Unchecks Download Manager then downloads file.
tieba autosign v2 JS - 貼吧自動簽到
KAT - Old BBCode Toolbar JS - Reverts to the old toolbar
Web Archive Save Link JS - Adds a save button to web archive pages.
Fimfiction - CMC Story Styles JS - Adds new styles
Crowd Task Google Search Link JS - Turns company name into Google search link.
twitter toLocaltime for new UI JS - Rewrite twitter timestamp to localtime for new UI.
Pop-up actual time for TweetDeck JS - Pop-up actual time with hovering mouse over relative time for TweetDeck.
leetcode JS - leetcode plugin