
Shell Shockers Aimbot & ESP: StateFarm Client V3 - Bloom, Chat, Botting, Unban & More, shellshock.io

Shell Shockers Aimbot & ESP of the highest level. Best shellshock.io menu in 2025 with NO ADS! Many cheats such as Aimbot, PlayerESP, AmmoESP, Chams, Nametags, Join/Leave alerts, Chat Filter Bypass, AntiAFK, FOV Slider, Zooming, Player Stats, Auto Reload, Auto Unban and many more whilst having unsurpassed customisation options such as binding to any key, easily editable color scheme and themes - all on the fly!

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StateFarm Client

for Shell Shockers

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StateFarm is the BEST hack client for Shell Shockers (shellshock.io), including Aimbot, ESP, Bloom Hacks, Botting, Custom Binding, Highly Customisable Modules, Chat Mods and so much more!

StateFarm Client V3 is based off LibertyMutual Client
This is a simpler template client, intended to be a base for StateFarm but anyone is welcome to use it in their own projects.

Join our Discord Server for the latest news!

The information below is accurate as of StateFarm version 3.4.1-pre147.

Table of Contents:

Download Sources:

Installation Tutorial:

If Violent Monkey's Chrome Webstore version is outdated, you can access the latest version from their GitHub repository

Before you can install the client, there are a few things you must set up to be able to run userscripts.

  1. Install Violentmonkey from https://violentmonkey.github.io/get-it/ or any other userscript manager. (DO NOT use Tampermonkey unless no other option available!)

  2. Open the Violentmonkey dashboard.

  3. Visit the GreasyFork page & click Install this script.

    • Alternatively, use the raw version from Github.
  4. Visit https://shellshock.io (or another Shell Shockers link), & use StateFarm!

Getting Started:

You just installed Statefarm Client...and you're probably confused by all the tabs, sliders, & buttons. Below is a few basic ways to start using StateFarm.

Key features of StateFarm Client:


Aimbot is one of the key features of StateFarm, it is the most powerful combat module.


ESP or also known as wall hacks, are cheats that allow you to see players positions through walls.
To configure ESP, open the Render tab.


Binding Modules:

With the exception of the color pickers and some links, each option should all be bindable to a key of your choice.

  1. Visit the upmost tab of the cheat you wish to bind.
  2. Click on the Binds button.
  3. Find the cheat name, and choose Set Bind to the right.
    • Some cheats already have binds. To change these, click on the preset key
  4. Press the key to bind! It's that simple. > If you want to remove a bind, press your 'Delete' key while you're editing the bind.


StateFarm Client version 3.4.1-pre71 added custom badges. These badges are displayed to yourself and other StateFarm users next to the respective username, like the golden VIP egg. There are a number of badges available, and they do stack. Anyone can get the basic StateFarm badge, all you need to do is add "SFC" to your username, and you will see the icon next to your name, as will anyone else using StateFarm.

These badges are based on usernames and not any other metric, so a user who has a badge is not automatically another StateFarm user, nor are they the real person. The badges are for fun and don't serve to be a verification method.

Available Badges:

The badges can be turned off by unchecking "CustomBadges" in the misc tab.

StateFarm Chat:

StateFarm chat is a universal chatroom to chat with other client users or discord members.
<!-- The chat is universal to all SFNetwork clients, so it also includes KrunkFarm users.--> <!-- uncomment once KrukFarm finished.-->







To open the botting panel, open it in the botting tab, or press J (default key).

Base Instructions:

  1. Make sure you have pop-ups enabled for your website.
    • You can see an article for Chrome here.
  2. Configure your settings and press the Deploy button.
    • For information on what you can configure, see below.
  3. Make sure your windows stay "focused".
    • See setup below that keeps the windows running.
    • The windows must be partially visible to execute the needed javascript.

An example setup. Host player is on the bottom while the bots are above, stacked so that they are all counted as "active". StateFarm will automatically arrange bots into this formation.


The Info tab will display information about the bots.



Various account management tools


Client & About:


Ads are quite an annoying feature. Use the steps below to add a good ad-blocker.
Use the Ad Block feature in the Misc tab to disable Ad Blocker detection. Use the NoAnnoyances feature to block other annoyances Use the NoTrack feature to block tracking and analytics.
This is unspecific to StateFarm Client but is here as a helpful tip for general user experience improvement.


  1. Install uBlock Origin - the best blocker.
    • uBlock Origin is NOT uBlock. They are different.
  2. Enable uBlock Origin. That's it. No more ads.

Issues and Troubleshooting:

Issue Solution
Stuck on loading screen Press CTRL+F5 (or FN+F5) until "Script Injected" is shown.
Skin hacks not working This feature is only clientsided and will not show your skins to other players.

If you have any issues, contact us in our Discord server.

Credits and Disclaimer:

Statefarm Client is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 (GPL-3.0). This means you are free to use, modify, and distribute the UserScript, provided that you comply with the terms of the GPL-3.0. For more details, please refer to the full license text available here.

Disclaimer: The StateFarm Client team will not take any responsibility for negative consequences caused by the user misusing the client. It is the user's responsibility to ensure it is used properly.

StateFarm Client is a powerful tool, but like any powerful tool, it can have unintended consequences. So use it with caution.

Remember, be safe & wise on the internet.