适用于 Chrome,Firefox,Microsoft Edge 浏览器
百度网盘下载加速脚本,无视黑号,拥有IDM方式任意体验极速下载,后续增加下载方式!支持Microsoft Edge、Google Chrome、Firefox等原生浏览器
Baidu Netdisk download acceleration script, ignoring black numbers, with IDM mode to experience high-speed downloading at will. Download methods will be added in the future! Supports native browsers such as Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Firefox, etc .
It is recommended to test this script and install the latest browser mentioned above, as third-party chome or simplified browsers may also encounter situations where the script cannot be used properly.
不支持任何第三方油猴 例如:暴力猴、Greasemonkey 油猴子、Stay for Firefox等 未做适配请勿安装
Do not support any third-party oil monkeys, such as Violent Monkey, Greasemonkey Oil Monkey, Stay for Firefox, etc. Do not install without adaptation.
详细功能测试步骤 / 测试工具下载:点击前往
KDown 使用着十分美观的前端UI, 后续将加入Aria2、MoTrix 工具的适配。
KDown uses a very beautiful front-end UI, and will be adapted to Aria2 and MoTrix tools in the future.
IDM使用技巧 / IDM usage tips
注意:脚本目前还未支持Aria2、MoTrix 推送.
Note: The script currently does not support Aria2 and MoTrix push
经过几天的测试我们总结了一些常见问题解决方法 详见下列
After several days of testing, we have summarized some common problem-solving methods as follows.
Q:请使用兼容的浏览器Microsoft Edge、Google Chrome、Firefox ,确保安装并启用了Tampermonkey 并且安装了KDown最新版本脚本,如果你在度盘内还未能看见任何KDown的蓝色按钮,请你尝试停用其他的脚本。
1、脚本未最小化或混淆 Script not minimized or confused
2、未引用不符合规则的外部资源 Unreferenced external resources that do not comply with rules
3、脚本符合Greasyfork会员内容 The script conforms to Greasyfork membership content
According to the Greasyfork rules, reporting from malicious companies will result in being banned by Ban