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Global Font: Apple-branded CSS - An user stylesheet to replace all fonts on web pages with Apple-branded fonts, brings you a more unified and beautiful visual style.
NeteaseMusic UI Unlocker JS - Simple UI Unblock for Netease cloud music Website
NeteaseMusic Resolution Upgrader JS - Force playing high quality music in Netease cloud music Website
NetEase Music Cloud Translator JS - Translate from chinese to your language at
Complete 163 Music Dl Helper JS - Download music from
monkey-videos JS - 播放网页里的视频, 不再需要Adobe Flash Player
NetMusicTime JS - 查看网易云音乐歌单总时间
网易云音乐歌曲封面下载 JS - 歌曲封面下载,优化网易云音乐歌曲歌词下载
youdaoGWZS JS - 有道购物助手
My163MusicHelper|网易音乐C+|网易|网易音乐| JS - ①美化网易音乐的排布,去除首页某些特别难看的广告或其他用户不友好的页面元素。;②点击播放器的歌曲封面就可以直接下载歌曲,没有侵入页面元素(不想影响美感,当听到自己喜欢的歌的时候不需要进入任何界面直接点击歌曲封面就直接可以下载。;③ 在线播放使用更高音质;
网易云音乐屏蔽指定人动态 JS - 初始加载和滚动时,搜索指定人动态并屏蔽;若要修改名单,在开头的NetEaseBlockedAccountList中修改对象的id即可
饰品比例计算脚本 JS - 买买买
You 163 Filter by Sex JS - Add sex filter to
Baidu Mask JS - hide areas which made distraction in some baidu and other sites
Userscript Helper for Flat-Style Netease Music Userstyle 适用于网易云音乐扁平风格样式表的辅助用户脚本 JS - Provides a better experience for Flat-Style Netease Music Userstyle. 为网易云音乐扁平风格样式表提供更佳的用户体验。
Study163 Downloader JS - add download button on to download videos
Close useless tabs in 163 mail JS - Close useless tabs
ds自用油猴脚本 JS - try to take over the world!
Netease Full Article JS - Show full article on Netease mobile version.
Picking Songs in iirose JS - Support and now!
Yuan to € market JS - t<<wes
Yuan to € goods JS - yyess
Yuan to € inv JS - t<<wes
CloudMusic - Show all songs on the playlist JS - Show all songs in the playlist
NeteaseMusic NormalScroll Replacer JS - Replace scrolling for playlist and lyric with native scrolling
Global Font: Adobe-branded CSS - An user stylesheet to replace all fonts on web pages with Adobe-branded fonts, brings you a more unified and beautiful visual style.
Global Font: Microsoft-branded CSS - An user stylesheet to replace all fonts on web pages with Microsoft-branded fonts, brings you a more unified and beautiful visual style.
Yunbu Refresher JS - Yunbu Feature Helper
- auto fill form,fuck WangYi LeiHuo. JS - 网易客服自动填写,每日问候网易雷火全家
AVG 163 Butler JS - The ultimate tool to take over the AVG 163 commnunity
Global Font: Huawei-branded CSS - An user stylesheet to replace all fonts on web pages with Huawei-branded fonts, brings you a more unified and beautiful visual style.
My Character Analysis tool JS - Your lib description
Buff Tools 网易Buff助手 JS - buff tools
cleanYeahMailAds JS - clean mail.yeah
Netease Music - MyFreeMP3 Extender JS - Extend netease music with MyFreeMP3
Web With Color JS - 上帝说:要有颜色
精简常见文章网站|CSDN|简书|掘金|知乎|百家号|搜狐|腾讯新闻|微信公众号|网易|更多...| 方便您的阅读📖 持续更新 JS - 优化阅读体验【文章宽度一致】【统一标题】【使用阴影】【适配半屏窗口】【无感知加载】【可选 去除顶栏】|CSDN、简书、掘金、知乎专栏、阿里云、腾讯云、华为云开发者联盟、蒲公英、百家号、脚本之家、51cto博客、爱码网、ITEYE、bbsmax论坛、第一PHP社区、代码先锋网、码农教程、术之多、搜狐、腾讯新闻、微信公众号、网易、灰信网、B站文、百度知道、百度经验、爱问知识人、CSDN问题 文章页面
CCLiveClean JS - Hide almost CC live Element.
shashumga 3000 JS - shashumga 3000 buff autobuy
No picture JS - Hide picture
Mobile Cloud Game JS - Simulate mobile device to support touch operation.
zhihuPostCopy JS - zhihu Post Copy
PlayList JS - 下载你的歌单列表
Export NetEase Cloud Music List to CSV File JS - Export the current page of NetEase cloud music list as a CSV file
Convert Email Address to Duckduckgo Anonymous email format JS - Converts an email to duckgo anonymous email format, now with minimize functionality
bye-flash-hello-html5 | 再见flash 你好html5 JS - 国内主流视频网站的HTML5播放