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Download Original Picture JS - A tool to help you download full size images from websites
Search Engine Assistant JS - "Elegant search engine assistant" allows switching between engines; supports custom engines, keyword highlighting; offers redirect removal, ad blocking, keyword filtering, and auto-updates; compatible with Baidu, Google, Bing, Duckduckgo, Yandex, Sogou, Qwant, Ecosia, You, Startpage, Brave, Yahoo, Yep, Swisscows, searXNG and more.
chatGPT tools Plus(修改版) JS - Google, Bing, Baidu, Yandex, 360 Search, Google Mirror, Sogou, B Station, F Search, DuckDuckgo, CSDN sidebar CHAT search, integrate domestic words, star fire, sky work, righteous AI, Chatglm, 360 wisdom, 360 wisdom brain. Experience AI immediately, no need to turn over the wall, no registration, no need to wait!
Google Hit Hider by Domain (Search Filter / Block Sites) JS - Block unwanted sites from your Google, DuckDuckGo,, Bing and Yahoo search results. v2.3.3 2024-12-08
Bing homepage optimisation JS - Bing homepage optimisation, remove the switch tabs between domestic and international version on bing homepage, remove the copyright information and advertisement links at the bottom, keep the wallpaper switch button on homepage, remove the "Today's Hot Spots", and lock Bing to not go to the top automatically.
Faster Bing JS - Convert Bing's redirect url to a real url
[Film Tools] VIP movie analysis, short video analysis, search engine, Douban/Time Quick Search JS - VIP movie analysis: Youku, Tencent, iQiqi, LeEco, PPTV, 1905, Mango, Fengxing, Bilibili, Sohu; Short video analysis: youtube, station B, watermelon, Tiktok, Kwai, Xiaohongshu, microblog, acfun;
Baidu Google Bing URL Shorten JS - Mark Baidu、Google、Bing URL Shortest.
ChatGPT Search JS - ChatGPT answers displayed in sidebar after search (Google, Bing, Baidu, DuckDuckGo and DeepL)
AutoMS-Rewards JS - This lets you search random words or sentences on Bing. It adds a circular Orange icon on Microsoft rewards section. You can choose the number of searches & source of the words/sentences (Either predefined or random from English dictionary), and the code will open search tabs. After 15 seconds, all tabs will be closed automatically. This script is originally made by Potaper & I added some more features like searching random words from English dictionary & change number of searches.
Bing Image Download Button JS - Add an image download button on Bing's home page.
- Customization JS - make less bloated with trash news and bad writers
say goodbye to CSDN JS - 清除搜索结果中指向 CSDN 网站的条目
Ad Blocker JS - Removes ads. the blank spaces in the script let you add in any link you want.(Disclaimer) do Not Post this scripts else ware or you might get banned
Search Switcher JS - Add links to each other in search engines. Including multiple search modes.
搜索引擎切换器 / Search Engine Switcher JS - 在搜索引擎左侧显示一个快速切换列表,节省「另开搜索引擎」和「输入关键词」的动作和时间,提高搜索效率。在原作者基础上修改了部分内容,原链接:。另外还撸了一款:[在线辞典切换器 / Online Dictionary Switcher](
Random Search Generator for Microsoft Rewards JS - Generates random searches and enters them into the Bing search bar on the Microsoft Rewards homepage
Lift Web Restrictions: Modified JS - A user extension that modifies many sites.
Disable safesearch JS - Set off safesearch on Bing, DuckDuckGo, Yep, You, Yahoo, Ecosia, Qwant, Metager, Startpage, brave
『净网卫士』在线翻译 JS - Block ads on Baidu's translation interface, streamline pages, and optimize layout.
slash search bar focus JS - Focus search bar on pressing SLASH (/) or BACKSLASH (\) on,,, github, aliexpress, hornbach, readly, greasyfork, ebay, temu
Alternative search engines 2 JS - Adds search on other sites for google, bing, yandex, duckduckgo
CrowdSource: Search Keywords JS - Click on the circle task number indicators on the left to start working
General URL Cleaner JS - Cleans URL's from various popular sites.
Change search result for Google and Bing JS - change or hide search results of Google & Bing
Better Bing JS - A better Bing experience
show bing wallpaper without watermark JS - 主要是方便自己使用,避免每次看到喜欢的壁纸后右键审查元素双击,框选,然后复制,再粘贴打开右键。(代码写得渣,只支持中文bing)
SE Preview on hover JS - Shows preview of the linked questions/answers on hover
soTab - Search Engine Switcher JS - Add links to each other in search engines. Including multiple search modes.
Bing Past Year Filter JS - Add past year filter.
Windows 10 search workaround JS - A script that works around the search engine limit for windows 10 start menu searches.
Bing to Google JS - This will redirect you to Google from Bing after you search.
Bing to Lucky Google JS - This will redirect you to Lucky Google from Bing after you search.
show bing wallpaper without watermark_Fixed JS - 主要是方便自己使用,避免每次看到喜欢的壁纸后右键审查元素双击,框选,然后复制,再粘贴打开右键。(代码写得渣)
bing year search JS - changes default search entry to one year ago
Web Search Result Domain Filter JS - Filter search result based on domain names on web search of Bing, DuckDuckGo, Google, Yahoo. Some include search for news, books, etc. All exclude search for images and videos.
Bing Image Direct Link Patch JS - Make search result entries' image dimension information as link which points to the direct image resource.
SearchEngine-Filter JS - Filter search page spam, And resolve redirect URL into direct
AutoSwitchCNENInBing JS - Auto switch en cn with bing
ShadeRoot Bing JS - Eye-friendly magic in your browser for Bing
Bing to Google JS - Automatically redirects Bing searches to Google.
Bing to DDG JS - Redirects Bing searches to DuckDuckGo. Use it with EdgeDeflector to banish Bing
Bing to Baidu JS - This will redirect you to Baidu from Bing after you search.
Windows 10 Search Redirector JS - Redirect searches from the Windows 10 Start menu to Google
Bing search double column display JS - Double column shows Bing search results
Sci-hub button JS - Add sci-hub button on article page. Add sci-hub button after article link. Support Google scholar, bing academic and baidu xueshu. Jump CNKI English article to Chinese article.
Bing Rewards Hax Shortcut JS - ez moneyz
Bye bye bing JS - makes it so you can't search bing
Bing导航 JS - try to take over the world!
Disable Bing Search Result User Data Tracking JS - Disable Bing Search result's user data tracking where trivial page interactions are recorded (e.g. page scrolling, mouse hover, etc.). It also disables link tracking that let Bing knows which off-site link the user is clicking. And additionally, this script ensures that the referring URL (i.e. the search page) is not sent to the target site.
Seach All Free Image [JPG+PNG+ICO] JS - One key search free commercial pictures, JPG + PNG + ICO
Alternative search engines 2.1 JS - Adds search on other sites for google, bing, yandex, duckduckgo. It is a version with a changed google input selector in the code of "Alternative search engines 2".
Alt + 123... One-click batch open Google Bing search first 2 n-th power search results JS - To quickly understand a field, press Alt+1 ...2,3,4...Alt+5 on the search page of Google or Bing to open the search results of the first 2 nth power items and copy the opened ones link. Currently supports: Google, Bing, Zhihu.
Bing Image Thumb Full Rezifier JS - Replace low-rez result <img> src attributes w/ full resolution src - now right-click open/save
Bing Batch Open Tabs JS - Batch Open Bing Search Results.
Bing Search Dark Night Mode Theme (grey not black) JS - Bing Search Dark Night Mode Theme - currently undergoing build
bing_rel_next_prev JS - On * add a rel="prev" and rel="next" attribute to the <a> going to Prev and Next pages, so it works with Saka keys and others.
ds自用油猴脚本 JS - try to take over the world!
General URL Cleaner JS - Cleans URL's from various popular sites.
Site Switcher JS - Add links to each other in search engines. Including multiple search modes.
Bing Search Material Theme JS - Show results as cards, follow Material Design.
Adblock For and More .io games JS - Modded Script to remove ads
Bing to DuckDuckGo JS - This will redirect you to DuckDuckGo from Bing after you search.
Search page beautification JS - Supported search engines are 1. Baidu; 2. Sogou; 3. Google; 4. Bing. Compatible with "AC-baidu" script[Support custom background] [Support random background image] [Support background image classification] [Support shielding ads] [Support transparency adjustment]
Alt+S to Speak from TTS engines JS - Supports bing translator,Can be used to pretend to be a robot in online classes. (Alt+Shift+S to speak translated text)
altsearchrefactored JS - performs search on other sites
timeLife JS - set time life
Better Bing Video Search JS - Improve Bing video search.
Download Bing Background Image - JS - Add download button to Bing homepage.
Bing to Searx JS - This will redirect you to Searx from Bing after you search.
Redirect to DuckDuckGo JS - This will redirect you to DuckDuckGo when searching with another engine. Only Google & Bing are supported yet.
Incognito Bing open links in the same tab by default JS - When incognito, Bing opens links in the same tab by default.
Googler JS - Change the search results of Daum, Bing and Yahoo to Google search results.
Open-Source Alternative Redirector JS - Redirects you from proprietary web-services to ethical alternatives(front-end).
一键批量打开谷歌必应搜索前2的n次方项搜索结果 JS - To quickly understand a field, press Alt+1 ...2,3,4...Alt+5 on the search page of Google or Bing to open the search results of the first 2 nth power items and copy the opened ones link. Currently supports: Google, Bing, Zhihu.
remove CSDN JS - 在搜索结果中屏蔽 CSDN。支持 Google / Baidu / Bing / 360 搜索
google multilang search view en/zh JS - [snolab] Mulango - Walkers for bilingual learners. View a google search result in two languages side by side for comparison and language learning. now supports Bing & Google,
Search page beautification JS - Supported search engines are 1. Baidu; 2. Sogou; 3. Google; 4. Bing. Compatible with "AC-baidu" script[Support custom background] [Support random background image] [Support background image classification] [Support shielding ads] [Support transparency adjustment]
fucking csdn JS - 从bing搜索引擎过滤csdn的搜索页面 /filter csdn from bing search results
Metasearch JS - Aggregated Searcher
语言切换快捷键|适配大部分在线翻译网站 JS - 语言切换快捷键 Ctrl + Shift + S
Bing to Google Auto Redirect JS - This will redirect you from Bing to Google always. Useful for various hard coded links in windows 10/11 that always use bing even if you set your search engine to google.
Bing Redirection Remove JS - Just remove redirection from Bing search results
ChatGPT LaTeX Auto Render (OpenAI, new bing, you, etc.) JS - Auto typeset LaTeX math formulas on ChatGPT pages (OpenAI, new bing, you, etc.).
Annoying Ad blocker JS - Prevents annoying ads from displaying
Search Align Fucker (simple impl) - Search Results Centering Script JS - A simple implementation of moving search result to page center or anywhere for both Google and Bing. support new bing chat also . (the resize bar is hiddenn on left)
CN Bing return to Global Bing JS - 重定向国内版bing到国际版bing
Pure Bing Addon JS - Make Stylus styles also be applied to Shadow DOM elements.
BingCollector JS - get bingchat faster, earn points everyday
Better Bing AI CSS - A new userstyle
bing improvent JS - try to improve the Bing search experiense
Bing Dict Wide Screen Display JS - Bing Dict website Wide Screen Display
New Bing Chat Helper JS - Automatic input prompt for new session and Automatic copy the last question when the session is ended; instant Q&A function, see README
Bing Rewards搜索任务自动完成 JS - Bing Rewards自动搜索任务工具
disable auto scrolling for newBing JS - disable newBing chat when scrolling back
FIX for "Bing Search returns to the top" ! JS - Stop doing weird things, Bing ;)
Skip Bing Video JS - Skips the Bing Video and redirect to the original source.
Automatically earn daily Microsoft Rewards points(a one-time search for the Thirty Six Sky Gang) JS - Add a circular icon on the Bing page, which automatically searches for each of the 36 Heavenly Spirits when clicked. After the search is complete, wait for 15 seconds and close all search pages. The button also appear on main body of the code was written by ChatGPT)
Open Link in Current Tab for JS - Open Link of search result in Current Tab for