Showing English results only. Show results for all languages.
Duolingo PRO JS - The fastest Duolingo XP farmer, working as of January 2025.
DuoFarmer JS - [ LITE ] DuoFarmer is a tool that helps you earn XP in Duolingo at blazing speed.
Duolingo Auto Solver JS - Duolingo Auto-Solver cheat [WORKING OCT 2023]
Duolingo-Cheat-Tool JS - Auto answer Duolingo script!
Duolingo Auto Solver & Queue JS - Duolingo Auto Solver with automatic "Listening" lesson starter [2024]
Duolingo Pro Beta (Support) JS - Fixi the Listening only mode from the original extension.
TrioLingo JS - Duolingo cheat script hack. Based on DuoPower
Duolingo Unlocker JS - ABANDONED Allows you to practice any skill and adds a few niceties to the UI.
Access Japanese on Duolingo JS - To enable Japanese course on Duolingo web obviously. You need to be on the Discussion page to see the Japanese menu entry in your learning menu.
Duolingo IME Auto-Toggler JS - Automatically toggles between IME on and off states when doing the Japanese, Korean, and Chinese Duolingo courses (and their reverse trees).
Duolingo mods JS - Duolingo keyboard shortcuts
Duolingo autoScroller JS - Automatically scrolls to the last completed checkpoint when Duolingo loads.
duohacker but for practice. JS - please download my other script for it to work properly. duolingo cheat, duolingo hack, duolingo farmer, duolingo xp.
PWNEDuo (based on DuoHacker). JS - Duolingo automation auto answer script. Include skill leveling up (13.01.2023 update)
Unovafy Duolingo JS - Turn Duolingo people ingo Pokeymen people
duohacker JS - there's cheats for Duolingo? what
DuoSolver JS - It solves practice lessons automatically or manually, to increase xp at different speed use DuoSolverGrinder tool (
DuoLingo Prevent Remove Heart JS - Prevent the Duolingo website from reducing the number of hearts for users during the learning process by intercepting and blocking related "remove-heart" request.
Duo_KeepStreak JS - Automatically maintains the daily streak on Duolingo.
Duolingo Language Switcher JS - Сhange the letters in your preferred language(ru+en) on
Duolingo widescreen translation JS - Duolingo translation optimized for widescreen displays
Duolingo Course Progress JS - Progress report for Duolingo course
duolingo_immersion_every_language JS - This script gives access to immersion if you don't have it, and in unsupported languages.
Duolingo Known-to-New Practice JS - Strip all but known-to-new language exercises from the timed practice of Duolingo.
web_noimmersion_experiment OptOut JS - This script opts out of duolingo's web_noimmersion_experiment
Duolingo Scroller JS - Scrolls to the last completed checkpoint when the Home page loads.
Duolingo flashcards speaker JS - Add speaker to duolingo feature "review flashcards"
Duolingo Wide JS - Make Duolingo wider and more minimalist, and add useful keyboard shortcuts for the main features of the site.
Ninja Button - Duolingo Japanese JS - Add a "Ninja Button" to access Duolingo's Japanese course while using a web browser.
Duolingo Enable Japanese JS - Enables Japanese on Duolingo.
Duolingo Vocab Search JS - Search words from the language you are learning on Duolingo.
ShadeRoot DuoLingo JS - Eye-friendly magic in your browser for DuoLingo
Duolingo Auto-Follow Fix JS - Fixing the things Duo breaks. Auto-follow discussions upon posting either a comment or a reply. (Works for sentence discussions too.)
Duolingo - Re-Enable Textareas JS - makes the textareas in lessons selectable again after checking the result
Duolingo Auto IME On-Off JS - Forces IME to switch between English and Japanese automatically for each typing question.
Duolingo Speedy Timed Practice JS - Duolingo - Speedier Timed Practice
Duolingo input language switcher JS - This script allows you to type letters appropriate for current challenge without changing keyboard layout. Similar to Punto Switcher.
Duolingo - add keyboard support to kana/kanji exercises JS - This script adds keyboard control to kana/kanji exercises, as requested here:
TAB shortcut-key play voice for Duolingo JS - TAB shortcut-key play voice for Duolingo (タブキーで発音を聞く)
DuoLeaderboardRemover+ JS - Make leaderboard invisible
Duolingo - autoStart next JS - Automatically start next lesson/tips or story when in stories mode.
Re-enable Spellcheck on Duolingo JS - This re-enables spellcheck on textareas on Duolingo where it's disabled
Skills left on Duolingo JS - Display skills left for a duolingo lesson
Duolingo - add keyboard support to kana/kanji exercises JS - This script adds keyboard control to kana/kanji exercises, as requested here:
Duolingo Audio JS - Mute auto audio play on duolingo.
Duolingo Swag JS - Wanna be swag while chatting it up on Duolingo? Then this scripts is for YOU!
Duolingo keyboard shortcuts JS - Press Shift+Space to play sentence audio (plus adds number keys support for more word bank exercises)
Duolingo LevelJumper JS - Provides an menu to easy jump to the first lesson of a skill level (e.g. 3 crowns) and to the last learned level.
Duolingo HearEverything JS - Reads aloud most sentences in Duo's challenges.
Hide Duolingo 'SEND CONGRATS' JS - This is a simple script to get rid of a little annoyance on the Duolingo website, without compromising the site usability. The page uses the same container for both a useless "SEND CONGRATS" message and the access to the test that allows us to complete a unit without having to do every single exercise.
Duolingo Keyboard Shortcuts JS - Duolingo keyboard shortcuts
MatchBlocker JS - Block the annoying 'match'-challange
DuolingoCheckpointTool JS - Auto answer Duolingo script!
HardDuolingo JS - Hard teach english
Duolingo farmer redirector JS - Used in union with DuoHacker to automatically farm XP without interaction
Duolingo Restore Golden JS - Duolingo used to show a golden circle around the skill icon when you reach level 5. After they introduced the legendary level, this golden circle is removed and the circle ramains gray. This script restores the golden circle.
duolingo auto practice JS - please download my other script [duohacker] for it to work properly. duolingo cheat, duolingo hack, duolingo farmer, duolingo xp.
Duolingo-Cheat-Tool JS - Auto answer Duolingo script!
Dark Mode for Duolingo JS - 2022/12/30 12:16:46
PWNEDuo (based on DuoHacker). JS - Duolingo automation auto answer script. Include skill leveling up (13.01.2023 update)
DuoLingots JS - More duolingots!!!!1111
Streak Society Icon JS - Allows you to turn on the streak society icon for duolingo web.
Duolingo Enable Dark Mode JS - enables native dark mode for Duolingo
DuoJonas JS - Duolingo Auto-Solver cheat [WORKING APRIL 2023]
Duolingo Tools for Study Notes JS - A tiny tool for Duolingo exercises better. Note: This script is used for studying and taking notes for languages such as Japanese etc., not for cheating and doing the exercises automatically.
Duolingo: Type more, tap less JS - Replace tapping exercises with full-sentence typing
DuoHack JS - Duolingo Auto-Solver cheat [WORKING DECEMBER 2023]
Automatically resolve Duolingo's exercises JS - For any doubts or questions about the script, reach out to me at @metaversenova
Duolingo Avatar Uploader JS - Agrega un botón para subir una foto como avatar en Duolingo
Duolingo Hebrew Text-to-Speech JS - Automatically reads Hebrew text aloud in Duolingo's Hebrew course with a slower TTS rate and an optional button for manual playback, ensuring only one automatic playback per text change.
Duolingo Text-to-Speech for answers without audio JS - Based on try to do the same thing as the original script but auto detecting the language
Super Duolingo Ad Blocker JS - Block ads and unwanted promotional content on Duolingo, including dynamically named ad classes, while preserving essential lesson content and handling fullscreen ads by pressing the exit button automatically or selecting "No Thanks" on specific ads.
Remove duolingo plus ads JS - This tiny bit of code removes all the annoying Duolingo Plus ads littering the site (I hope)
Duolingo Account Manager JS - Access Duolingo accounts using tokens with improved GUI and one of the best management script ever.
DuoHelper JS - This tool helps you listen to music while studying
DuoAgent JS - Access Duolingo accounts using tokens with improved GUI and features
Duolingo Switch Windows JS - It switches automatically between learn and league windows with the goal to be online for other users, and they think
Duolingo Button Animations JS - Adds cool animations to buttons in Duolingo
New script JS - 2/1/2025, 6:00:23 PM