Showing English results only. Show results for all languages.
Search Engine Assistant JS - "Elegant search engine assistant" allows switching between engines; supports custom engines, keyword highlighting; offers redirect removal, ad blocking, keyword filtering, and auto-updates; compatible with Baidu, Google, Bing, Duckduckgo, Yandex, Sogou, Qwant, Ecosia, You, Startpage, Brave, Yahoo, Yep, Swisscows, searXNG and more.
Remove Google Click-tracking JS - Removes Google's click-tracking from result links
Google Hit Hider by Domain (Search Filter / Block Sites) JS - Block unwanted sites from your Google, DuckDuckGo,, Bing and Yahoo search results. v2.3.3 2024-12-08
Bypass paywalls for scientific documents JS - Bypass paywalls for scientific documents by downloading them from sci-hub instead of paying something like 50 bucks for each paper. This script adds download buttons on Google Scholar, Scopus and Web Of Science, which lead to In this way you can get free access to scientific papers even if you (or your university) can't afford their prices.
Don't track me Google JS - Removes the annoying link-conversion at Google Search/maps/...
ChatGPT Search JS - ChatGPT answers displayed in sidebar after search (Google, Bing, Baidu, DuckDuckGo and DeepL)
Google Scholar Enhancer JS - Enhance Google Scholar with column layout options, auto-paging, and advanced search features
Google Cache Redirect Remover JS - Removes the Google redirect in cached links
Revert to Google's Old 2012-2015 Favicon JS - Replaces New 2015 Google Search Favicon in Browser Tabs, Address Bar, Bookmarks
Google Favicons JS - Adds favicons to Google search results.
Google Images direct link JS - NOTE: Since July 2016 this script is unmaintained. It is here just for historical purposes and to let other people fork it. Adds direct links to images and pages in google image search
Google Search Extra Buttons JS - Add buttons (past 1/2/3 days, weeks, PDF search etc.) for Google search page
Logout from Google Search JS - Automatically logs you out of your Google account when using Google Search.
Google Disable SafeSearch automatically JS - Disable Google SafeSearch automatically
Direct links out JS - Removes all "You are leaving our site" and redirection stuff from links
Add Site Search Links To Google Search Result JS - Add a "Site Results" and "Cached Page" links onto each Google search result entries to search from that site. The link will be added either in the search result entry's popup menu, or after the green URL below the entry's title.
GBookDown - Download Google Books JS - Saves all available Preview pages from a Google Book as PNGs
Google Images direct link fix JS - Adds a direct button link for the image.
Google_search_filter_with_Language JS - Google result filter by language
ISBN 2 LibGen JS - This script replaces ISBN numbers with hyperlinks which opens LibGen search results
dismiss cookies warning JS - Agrees to the cookies dialog to make it disappear forever
Bypass Google Sorry (reCAPTCHA) / Fix JS - Redirect Google reCAPTCHA to new search
The Internet gets better: No Cookies 🍪 JS - First version: gets rid of cookies 🍪🍪🍪 Let me know wich website it doesn't work on
Google Advanced Search Button JS - add an button for the google advanced search in the google home search page instead of the random search button
Google 09'-11' Favicon JS - Brings back the old favicon for google.
Google Search URL Fixup Fork JS - Sets the links in the JavaScript-free Google Basic Variant (gbv=1) search results to their original domains, which circumvents click routing through Google's query parameters, fixes browser history mismatch, and strips tracking query parameters.
Google Images View Button JS - At the Google Images preview pan the script adds a button that opens an image in a new tab
Google Scholar to free PDFs JS - Adds Sci-Hub, LibGen, LibSTC and Anna's Archive buttons to Google Scholar results
Google picasa JS - get imageUrl from picasa in English
Google 検索窓を複製 JS - Also shows the search box to the page bottom.
Google Black Bar Returns Now Customizable! JS - This Script brings back the Google Navigation Bar with customizable options, and removes the App Grid navigation entirely. You can change the links on the bar, the colors of the bar, the background image of the bar, and if the bar is always visible, or not. Check for updates regularly for bug fixes, and new features!
Google Search Better Privacy JS - Delete unnecessary params and add useful params on Google Search.
Google site: Tool (Site results / Exclude sites) JS - Easily add site: or -site: to modify your current Google query. v1.5.2 2023-02-25
Google Cache Highlight Search Query Terms for HTTPS JS - Restore highlighted search terms in Google cache for secure searches. For Firefox+Violentmonkey or Chrome+Tampermonkey. v0.6.6 2023-06-19
Google Tracking-B-Gone JS - Strips click tracking from Google search results
Google Redone JS - redesigns page (1st license), restores sidebar (2nd license), stops redirects (under original copyright; used w/permission)
Google Cleaner JS - Makes Google search page more compact and removes some unnecessary information.
Google Logo Reviver (Chrome) JS - for the chrome users who hate every single change anybody makes
Better Google JS - Add 'quick search' input and 'go to top' button for Google. Also highlight search terms.
Google Book Downloader FoxySpeed JS - Google Book Downloader
Uncheck Google Two Factor Authorization Trust This Device JS - Disable google's automatic "Dont ask again on this computer" checkbox when entering Two Factor code
Google remove tracking JS - Keep url on mousedown
googleverbatimsearch JS - Switches the google search start page to verbatim. Because you really meant what you typed.
Googlifix JS - Fixes layout of Google if you don't like 2012 and 2013 changes. Brings back left column (sidebar) options, all expanded, black bar, etc.
Clean Up Google! JS - Removes doodles, ads, and many other annoyances on the Google main page
CH Google Color-Coded Results JS - Change background color of Google search ad areas and other special types of results. Google Instant should be disabled.
mmmturkeybacon Numbered Google Results (with 10-per-page mod) JS - Numbers Google search results in the format M.N (page number, and result number 1-10 on that page). Google Instant should be disabled.
mmmturkeybacon Numbered Google Results with Easy Copy JS - Numbers results in the format M.N to show the result number. If you are on the first page it divides the results up into groups of 10 and after every 10 results M is increased by 1. This allows you to quickly see which page a result would be on if there were 10 results per page. For any page after the first, M is the page number and N is the result number. Hold the pointer over a button for instructions on copying. Disable Google Instant (Gear>Search settings>Never show Instant results).
PLITT JS - allow visiting search result without the redirection overhead
FGD JS - Direct google links with click or hover to copy urls displayed below results
Uncheck Google Stay Signed In JS - Disable google's automatic sign-in, yes, as simple as that
Google Searches Exactly What You Type JS - Google searches for exactly what you type in by inserting nfpr=1 into the url.
Remove Google Results Redirect JS - 9 lines of code to remove all link redirection on Google Search Results. Prevents tracking and helps load times!
Encrypted Google (HTTPS/SSL) JS - Redirects Google to Encrypted Google
Google: Skip Country Sites JS - Re-redirect back to when you are taken to your local Google domain despite having sent request to
Panoramio - Easy and Enhanced Photo Viewer - linked with Google and Wikimapia maps. JS - A faster and easier way to explore 80 million images, handy EXIF image data/information, the place where it was taken and latitude/longitude. - Travel around the world, without leaving you secure home.
Google Restore Underline JS - Restores underlining to Google title results.
I don't want to Install Google Chrome JS - Hides the "Install Google Chrome" message.
ShadeRoot YT JS - Eye-friendly magic in your browser for Youtube
ShadeRoot GOOGLE JS - Eye-friendly magic in your browser for Google
Google Blue promo Box Remover JS - removes the blue promo box
Google URL Cleaner JS - Remove url parameters not listed
Google_last_year JS - View google results of last year on page load. Keep your changes till reload.
GoogleMonkeyR (update by Roxz) JS - Google - Multiple columns of results, Remove "Sponsored Links", Number results, Auto-load more results, Remove web search dialogues, Open external links in a new tab, self updating and all configurable from a simple user dialogue.
The Latest Version of Google JS - Enable Google New Style in China
Google Improved JS - Makes Google bearable
Google 搜索结果屏蔽 JS - 根据网站、网址和关键字来屏蔽不想要的搜索结果
google_direct_link JS - Google direct link for avoiding laggy '/url?' link.
Google Search shows 'Cached' again! ('Im Cache'.de_DE) JS - Provides the 'Cached' button for each searchresult.
Google to YouTube Search JS - Use your Google Search terms to search YouTube by clicking a new YouTube link added to your Google Search page.
Add accesskey shortcut to Google search JS - Adds accesskey+f as shortcut for accessing Google search bar
Google Search Cleaner (Tentative Title) JS - Blocks websites you don't want to see on Google Search, by customizable rules.
WME-JumpMaps JS - The script adds in the WME links to third party mapping systems (yandex/2gis/Here/bing/etc.)
移除Google的搜索结果重定向,包括其图片搜索 JS - Remove all link redirection on Google Search Results,and Google image Search!
Google to Yahoo JS - Redirects Google to Yahoo
Redirect Google JS - Redirect Google to Yahoo!
Google Card-Style UI JS - Greatly Beautify Google UI!
Google Maps Force Lite JS - Google Maps Lite Mode on modern Browser, regardless of GPU and Browser
Google Translate Keyboard Shortcut JS - Press ctrl-s to swap active languages
Russian cursive for Translate Google JS - Allows you to use cursive in Google Translate while using Russian
Google DWIMages JS - Direct links to images and pages on Google Images
Enhanced Google Bar JS - Google Bar Returns
GiCon JS - Add favicons on google search page.
DoodleGoneBy Removal JS - Replace the Google logo with a hosted image
Add YouTube to Google Search Bar JS - Adds back the missing YouTube link in the new Google Search Bar
Google Redirect Remover JS - A very simple Google redirect remove
Skip Google Malware Warning JS - Don't like the annoying Google Malware Warning screen? This script automatically skips it after loading.
Google Timer Title Update JS - Automatically updates the title when using Google's timer
Google digits JS - Press 1-9 on Google search page to open the corresponding link
Betty JS - A user script that assists in finding open directories with Google.
anti google search redirect JS - 打开 Google 搜索结果链接时,直接使用链接而不使用 Google 重定向
Exclude term on Google (Firefox only) JS - Easily exclude terms from your query using the right-click context menu. v0.9.0 2015-12-20
Google Block Words JS - Block words from Google Search
Google Autocorrect Blocker JS - Disables Google Search Autocorrect.
Nighty-night Google Docs JS - Write at night comfortably!
Google Video Youtube Player JS - Autoplay youtube videos "" in little popup next to the link on mouse over; To proper working please disable dynamic search in google settings and switch off all yours "Youtube autoplay OFF";
Google Images Un-target to Open in Same Tab JS - Strip target="_blank" from links so View image and View page replace the results (2016-06-09)
Nighty-night Google Translate JS - Translate at night comfortably!
noGoogleRedirect JS - fuck google search page redirection