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Andy K Helper Script JS - Andy K Helper Hit
RnR Script JS - Helpful things to do the ProductRnR adult content hits
MTurk A9 Category Validation-Windows JS - Assists with Category Validation HITs--modified from @tubedogg's script to be friendly with Windows
A9 JS - Category Validation / Logo Validation / Bounding Box
Google to Bing JS - What does this do?
MTurk Alexander Rousmaniere - Find a price on a website JS - Open Amazon link for item on page
MTurk David White - Two Music Links: Same Album or Different Album? JS - Use 1 - 4 to select Yes, No, 404, or Cannot Tell, and Ctrl+S or Enter to submit. Opens both links automatically (must have MTurk Message Receiver installed)
MTurk Myhobnob - Analyze party invitations to understand user demographics JS - Float information tables and event image to enable quick completion of HIT
Blackbird Technologies: Tag short text segments for a given characteristic JS - Auto select true
Hide Instuctions JS - Hides instructions on HITs
(mTurk) ProductRnR Query Image JS - Selects "Related" for all images. Click the image to flag. Left click selects "Unrelated". Right click selects "Related". Middle click selects "Image didn't load".
Amazon Category Validation for Mturk JS - Categorize
ProductRnR JS - Makes all of the ProductRnR HITs easier/faster.
[.01 Nova]Categorize a product. JS - Hotkeys
MTurk EyeApps JS - Add keyboard shortcuts to EyeApps HITs
[.07 Andrea] Find the company name and address of the company behind an online shop JS - Autofill country, hide instructions, open link in new window
[.01 EyeEm Inc]Flag images - Select the tags that are not relevant to this image. JS - 0-6 to click checkboxes, hide instructions. 0 key functionality working not working for everyone.
MTurk Check calorie information JS - Makes 'product' easily copyable, and makes URL to website a hyperlink
[.01 Vale]Click on the described object JS - 1-3 to select radio buttons,` to submit, hide instructions
MTurk Identify person/organization names JS - Adds keyboard shortcuts to "Identify person name" HITs by Kara Greenfield
Audio Categorization Script JS - Auto-selects "No" for all options
Jellolabs - Determine if the product's tags are accurate JS - Sets "true" as a default
MTurk Nova Flag images JS - Pre-checks "No images" for Nova - Flag images HITs
Nova Undesirable JS - autocheck "None of the above" Press enter on num pad to submit. Hides instructions
[.01 Nova] Flag images - Undesirable content JS - 1-9 to select images, 0 to select none of the above. Hide instructions and autosubmit optional.
MTurk 13D Data Extraction JS - Make it easier to copy/paste data for 13D Data Extraction HITs
MTurk Research Project HELP US IMPROVE AN EXCITING NEW SYSTEM! Helper JS - Auto-selects "United States" for country and "Yes" for English language query. Also auto-scrolls to the bottom of the page.
CH Ben Peterson Demographics Defaults JS - Select your specified answers for gender and birth year on Ben Peterson's HITs. You must edit the script to specify your answers.
MTurk Research Project Help Us Improve JS - Makes Research Project "Help us Improve..." HITs a little easier
MTurk Validate or Identify Gas Stations/Communications Towers JS - Adds keyboard shortcuts
MTurk A9 Category Validation (Non-Masters) JS - Assists with Category Validation HITs
Mturk Larger Radio Buttons and Checkboxes JS - Makes radio buttons and checkboxes larger. Applies to only certain survey related pages and Mturk itself.
Prospect Smarter JS - Adds Hot keys to Prospect Smarter Hits
Instructions Hider Jason Daly JS - Toggles instructions for Jason Daly hits
superfish JS - Assists with Superfish hits on Amazon Mechanical Turk
ZSMTurker's Combo Script JS - Combination script for common HITs
Amazon Requester Inc Yes/No JS - Use keys to select options in the Mturk Hit
Amazon Requester Inc Multiple JS - Keys A,S,D,Z,X,C to mark choices top to bottom and W Key to submit.
mmmturkeybacon Bad Link Fixer JS - Sometimes requesters will leave off the protocol at the beginning of a URL; for example, instead of This results in bad links that look like This script prepends "http://" to links that don't start with "http" or "/". I'm not sure if it makes sense for any HIT to use relative links. It's possible this script might break valid links. It's best to leave it disabled until you need it.
UW Social Media locations helper (MTurk) JS - A simple script that makes it easier to do UW Social Media locations HITs on MTurk (Mechanical Turk)
Joe Ellis helper JS - Marks "Neutral" and "No" for all
Steve Sears JS - Added buttons that auto fill yes, no and n/a. Also makes instructions hidable.
Tate JS - Reduces the size of the original picture and open it in a new window
ShareThis HIT Helper JS - (mTurk) Opens the links in a ShareThis hit in iFrames.
Chris Wong HIT Helper JS - Changes the plain text in "Find the News section and facebook/twitter page for these websites" to a real link.
Evan J HIT Helper JS - Changes the plain text URL into a google search link
RelevanceQuest HIT Helper JS - (mTurk) Selects all "Non Adult" radio buttons in "Flag images - (WARNING: This HIT may contain adult content. Worker discretion is advised.)" Clicking on an image flags it as explicit. Clicking on an image twice flags it as fetish. Right clicking on an image flags it as gruesome. Middle clicking an image flags it as suggestive.
RelevanceQuest JS - Flag images Non Adult and hide instructions
(mTurk) ProductRnR School Appropriate HIT Helper JS - Defaults all images in the ProductRnR "Identify these images as School appropriate" HITs as "OK to show" so that you only have to glance at and change the ones that aren't.
DCF Filing Embed JS - enter something useful
Image moderation speeder-upper JS - Lots of optimizations to speed up image moderation HITs
(mTurk) ProductRnR HIT Helper JS - (mTurk) Selects "Non-Adult" for all images. Click the image to flag. Left mouse selects "Explicit". Double click (left mouse) selects "Hard-Core". Right mouse selects "Suggestive". Double click (right mouse) selects "Educational Nudity". Middle mouse reverts back to "Non-Adult".
Safe Cats JS - Safe Hotkeys for Categorization Masters HITs (Single Layer)
joshua l rogers HIT Helper JS - Opens the link for "joshua l rogers".
Cobb Click the photos that show face clicker JS - Clicks or unclicks all images on the page
PI Search JS - (Hide instructions and mark first bubbles)
Video Review MTurk None of the Above Selector JS - Automatically clicks "None of the above" for each video
PI Search Hotkeys JS - Hotkeys for PI Search (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Enter) Disable any other PI Search script for best results.
Amazon Requester Inc. A9 Data Collection JS - Review and validate an image
'Choose Subject of Homework Question' JS - Selection hotkeys and auto-submit for Lili Dworkin's HIT 'Choose Subject of Homework Question'
A9 Image Survey Clothes JS - Modified to refresh whenever it boots you out of the batch.
Pep - Rate 6 sec. Video Clips JS - Sets default answers for rude videos.
Bark Engineering JS - NumPad 1-6, 1=Cyberbulling 2=Depression/Cutting/Suicidal thoughts 3=Drug/Alcohol content 4=Sexual content 5=Violence/Threats of Violence 6=None Submits HIT when pressed.
A9 - Category Validation JS - Does stuff.
_sentient JS - blank
A9 - Category Validation JS - Does stuff.
Expand Survey Instructions JS - Auto-expand the collapsed survey instructions used in some HITs.
Sergey Schmidt Submit JS - Fix buttons, clean instructions, use other scripts for individual HITs for efficient workflow. Make hide instructions from Kadauchi work for Sergey's (usual) formatting.
sergey movies $.05 JS - Selects default values and focuses textbox
Mturk Radio Keybinds JS - Keybinds to select radios
Saurav Sahay: Stress annotation JS - Rate stress levels easily
A9 image difference JS - try to take over the world!
A9 Tops Script JS - Hotkeys for Amazon Tops HITs
MTURK IC3 Speech QA HITs quick play w/hotkey JS - Auto play sound clip when clicking on a new tab (hotkeys for tabs 1 - 12 are letters q - p , the '[' key for tab 11, and the ']' key for tab 12 )
Mturk Compare Image MMSP JS - Allow Selection of right or left image with "a" and "d" keys, as well as autoclick "submit" after last picture is chosen.