Showing English results only. Show results for all languages.
KeepChatGPT JS - This is an add-on that enhances ChatGPT's data security capabilities and efficiency, sharing numerous innovative features for free, such as automatic refresh, activity preservation, data security, audit cancellation, conversation cloning, limitless characters, homepage purification, large screen display, full-screen display, tracking interception, ever-evolving, and more.
chatGPT tools Plus(修改版) JS - Google, Bing, Baidu, Yandex, 360 Search, Google Mirror, Sogou, B Station, F Search, DuckDuckgo, CSDN sidebar CHAT search, integrate domestic words, star fire, sky work, righteous AI, Chatglm, 360 wisdom, 360 wisdom brain. Experience AI immediately, no need to turn over the wall, no registration, no need to wait!
ChatGPT Exporter JS - Easily export the whole ChatGPT conversation history for further analysis or sharing.
ChatGPT Jailbroken! Use it for whatever JS - ChatGPT Jailbroken! Includes FREE GPT-4
ChatGPT with Date JS - 显示 ChatGPT 历史对话时间 与 实时对话时间的 Tampermonkey 插件。
ChatGPT to Markdown Exporter JS - Export chat history from ChatGPT and Grok websites to Markdown format.
ChatGPT Code Completer JS - ChatGPT limits the amount of code output. So this script adds a continue button on ChatGPT webpage to continue getting the output code stream. Make sure a previous response having a code block is present to make it work.
🏷️ UTags - Add usertags to links JS - Add custom tags or notes to links such as users, posts and videos. For example, tags can be added to users or posts on a forum, making it easy to identify them or block their posts and replies. It works on X (Twitter), Reddit, Facebook, Threads, Instagram, Youtube, TikTok, GitHub, Greasy Fork, Hacker News, pixiv and numerous other websites.
Auto Read JS - 自动刷linuxdo文章
ChatGPT Enter Fix JS - This Chrome extension addresses the issue where ChatGPT sends text even when the Enter key is pressed during Japanese conversion.
ChatGPT Copy as Markdown with MathJax Support JS - Copy the chatGPT Q&A content as a markdown text, with MathJax Render Support, you can use this together with 'OpenAI-ChatGPT LaTeX Auto Render (with MathJax V2)' that adds support for math render, based on 'chatGPT Markdown' by 赵巍໖.
trekGPT JS - Use chat GPT like the Star Trek TNG LCARS OS. Has TTS & STT. Plus common TNG sound effects.
ChatGPT Capacity Bypass JS - A simple script to automatically bypass the "ChatGPT is at Capacity" screen.
ChatGPT and Gemini width JS - increase chat gpt and gemini conversation box width
chatgpt-prompts JS - 在 ChatGPT 输入框中输入 '/' 时列出提示词(Display a list of prompts When '/' is entered in the ChatGPT input box)
ChatGPT Model Switcher (Supports GPT-4 Mobile and All Available Models) JS - Use the GPT-4 Mobile model on the ChatGPT web interface. It also provides the ability to switch to other models for added flexibility. Generally, this script does not conflict with other popular ChatGPT scripts.
GPT-4 Unlocker JS - Unlocks GPT-4 on
Download ChatGPT Voice Audio JS - Adds a download button for voice audio files
Unlimited ChatGPT Interactions JS - Allows unlimited chats and image uploads with ChatGPT
Auto GPT-4o-mini on ChatGPT JS - Automatically switch between GPT-4o to GPT-4o-mini
Dall-e-2 Copy Button Userscript JS - Copy the images to clipboard,
Generated Images Downloader - OPENAI DALL-E JS - 8/25/2022, 10:23:46 AM
ChatGPT LaTeX Auto Render (OpenAI, new bing, you, etc.) JS - Auto typeset LaTeX math formulas on ChatGPT pages (OpenAI, new bing, you, etc.).
chatGPT Markdown JS - Save the chatGPT Q&A content as a markdown text
chat-gpt-voice-recognition-userscript JS - A userscript to add voice recognition to Chat GPT
ChatGPT Continue Button JS - Makes the send button type continue and submit it if there is nothing in the textarea
OpenAI CatGirl Chat JS - 让你的OpenAI一键变猫!同时屏蔽安全检查!
ChatGPT - Copy Button JS - Adds a copy button that copies all text-based content from the chat.
Copy Green Text on OpenAI Playground JS - Create a button that copies the text of all green spans on a page
ChatGPT Translator JS - This script automatically translates chat messages to the user's local language and also translates user messages before sending them in English.
Change ChatGPT Image And Text To Speech Function JS - ChatGPT
Automatic ChatGPTs login page refresher JS - Automatically refresh the page until the "Log in" button appears
ChatGPT+ Keep Running "Continue generating" GPT-4 new feature JS - Big Update! Both auto continue,and can customize click and regenerating by your demamd!
BetterChatGPT JS - ChatGPT but better!
Hide upgrade plan button on ChatGPT JS - Hide the animated, bright yellow "upgrade plan" button on ChatGPT
TalkGPT JS - enjoy Hands-Free Communication with ChatGPT
ChatGPT Download Markdown JS - 快捷键:Ctrl+Alt+S,一键下载ChatGPT页面内容为Markdown文档,也可点击右侧下载图标下载页面内容
ChatGPT功能增强_Compatible JS - 此版本兼容性较好
ChatChain JS - works like langchain but with ChatGPT(WIP), only support Translate input to English on ChatChain with Google Translate now
chatGPT-copy JS - copy chatGPT content
Remove ChatGPT Bottom Bar JS - Adds a button to Tampermonkey to remove ChatGPT's bottom bar for easy clipping or making full-page screenshots. To use it, open any chat in ChatGPT, press on Tampermonkey Icon and then click "Remove Bottom Input Bar".
📘微信读书阅读助手-马克笔款 JS - 读书人用的脚本
Hide ChatGPT Sidebar JS - Hide the sidebar of the ChatGPT website
ChatGPT output HTML direct JS - ChatGPT直接輸出HTML
ChatGPT Enter Fix (GPT4) JS - This Chrome/Safari extension addresses the issue where ChatGPT sends text even when the Enter key is pressed during Japanese conversion.
ChatGPT LaTeX Support (Rendered by KaTeX) JS - Support LaTeX (KaTeX) for ChatGPT
ChatGPT Enter Fix (GPT4) JS - This Chrome/Safari extension addresses the issue where ChatGPT sends text even when the Enter key is pressed during Japanese conversion.
Chatgpt login button clicker JS - Refreshes the Chatgpt page until the login button appears, then clicks the button to log in automatically
ChatGPT Const to Var switch for Javascript snippets JS - ChatGPT always makes const variables in JavaScript snippets, and sometimes refuses to change it. This script solves the problem.
Enable Spell Check on OpenAI Playground JS - Enable spell check for the editor on OpenAI Playground website.
ChatGPT Text File Scaler JS - ChatGPT utility to cut and transfer text files
Auto Refresh ChatGPT session JS - Auto refresh chatGPT session
ChatGPT小助手 JS - ChatGPT 小助手可以为你带来更好的使用体验:添加快捷指令(prompts)
Role Play Helper for ChatGPT&Slack JS - This script provides an intuitive template editor with three key areas: setting, review, and interaction. Users can construct templates in the setting area, then populate them with content from the review and interaction areas. A built-in "add" button fetches the latest AI message for instant insertion into the review area, making template editing straightforward and convenient.
ChatGPT heartbeat JS - 减少 ChatGPT 官方网页需要频繁刷新的简单办法
ChatGPT学术版 by 肖博vlog JS - ChatGPT by XiaoBoVlog
font-transform JS - Enhance text content for a better reading experience
ExportGPT JS - Export ChatGPT conversations as JSON files
Button Clicker JS - Clicks a button when you press Ctrl+Enter
OpenAI Chat AutoFiller JS - Automatically fill in chat messages on OpenAI Chat using a predefined text when checkbox is checked and user completes a message.补充说明:panel在窗口右上角, 触发条件为“///”。3.0更新说明:可以存储选择最近 3-4 个之前用户使用的自动填充文本
ChatGPT Continue Button JS - Add a Continue button to ChatGPT
ChatGPT Model Switcher JS - Switch ChatGPT model mid-chat
ChatGPT Remove Profile Picture JS - Remove profile picture in chatgpt site
Avoid Copy Self Email in OpenAI ChatGPT CSS - To avoid copying the avatar email address in OpenAI ChatGPT's chatroom.
ChatGPT Font Size Changer with Side Pane Width Draggable JS - The "Font Size Changer with Side Pane Width Draggable" script is a Tampermonkey user script that modifies the font size and other styles of web elements with the class ".text-base". It sets the font size, line height, font family, and font weight to predefined values for improved readability. Additionally, the script adjusts the max width of elements with the class ".xl:max-w-3xl" to a specific value. Furthermore, it deactivates the "font-size" property for elements with the class ".prose" by se
chatgpt-tool JS - 美化样式,增强前端功能
ChatGPT is GPT4 by default(PLUS only available) JS - ChatGPT switch The default is GPT4
ChatGPT DeMod JS - Prevents moderation checks during conversations with ChatGPT
chatGPT tools Cutoff(精简版) JS - Google、必应、百度、Yandex、360搜索、谷歌镜像、Fsou、duckduckgo侧边栏Chat搜索,即刻体验AI,无需翻墙,无需注册,无需等待!
ChatGPT Voice-to-Text JS - Enables voice-to-text functionality on chat.openai by holding down the 'v' key and speaking into your microphone, using the Web Speech API, and automatically inserting the transcribed text into the chat input field.
ChatGPT Keep-Alive JS - 每隔30秒自动发送一次请求到ChatGPT,防止出现错误提示: "Something went wrong. If this issue persists, please contact us through our helper center at"
ChatGPT Search Shortcut JS - Search ChatGPT From Your Address Bar Without Having To Go To The Website
chatgpt-alive JS - Lightweight and effective solution for the ChatGPT disconnection issue requiring page refresh.
Copy ChatGPT's all replies JS - Add a Copy button to the first element with class "ml-1" on to copy content of all elements with class "prose" with basic formatting.
Chatgpt query inserter JS - Insert Text from query parameters into chatgpt textarea and confirm
ChatGPT Version in Header CSS - To make the ChatGPT version in each chat located in the top.
Read Aloud ChatGPT JS - Add "🗣️", "🀄", and "⏹️" buttons to read aloud elements with the "prose" class in English, Chinese, and to stop reading aloud respectively.
maskGPT JS - change avatar of ChatGPT
OpenAI Chat Copy Code Hotkey JS - Binds the "Alt+C" hotkey to find and click the HTML element with the text "Copy code" on
ChatGPT Enhance JS - 宽度对话框 & 一键清空聊天记录 & 向GPT声明指定语言回复
OpenAI Playground (ChatGPT) - Continue Button JS - press the [Continue] button instead of 'Add message > type continue > Ctrl+Enter', configure panel optionally saves 'Temperature', 'Maximum Length' and 'Instructions'
ChatGPT Tab Keeper JS - To keep tabs not killed
ChatGPT Hide Identity CSS - To hide your identity in ChatGPT
ChatGPT Blurry JS - Make chat content and input blurry
chatGPT nav menu filter JS - Filter anchors in nav elements by keyword inputted by user in real time.
ChatGPT Replace Profile Picture JS - Replace user profile picture with custom image
Hide ChatGPT Sidebar JS - Hide the sidebar of the ChatGPT website
ChatGPT Sidebar Toggle JS - This userscript adds a little button to ChatGPT's Sidebar so that you can hide it.
Chatgpt Unofficial Notepad JS - Adds a small context window for note taking on the website for usages with chatgpt.
ChatGPT Auto-Continue JS - Auto click the "Continue generating" button.
Continue in-complete GPT responses. JS - A script that makes GPT responses continue.
ChatGPT Queue JS - Automatically submit questions in a queue to ChatGPT
ChatGPT Queue iPad JS - Automatically submit questions in a queue to ChatGPT
Chatgpt Prompt Manager and loader JS - Improved version of ChatGPT Notepad with the ability to browse and load prompts easily
ChatGPT - History Sidebar Toggle JS - History Sidebar toggle for chatGPT
ChatGPT ReadMode Alt+R JS - 5/29/2023, 10:32:31 AM
KeepChatGPT Disable Banner JS - The KeepChatGPT script, while useful, is intrusive due to its exaggerated design and placement on the ChatGPT page. To alleviate this, only one CSS style is applied, reducing the interface to a tiny hoverable area.
ChatGPT: Fix Enter Key on Small Sizes JS - Userscript changes the mobile interface by restoring Ctrl+Enter or Enter as Submit, even when opening small, thin windows in the desktop environment.