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novel-downloader JS - An scalable universal novel downloader.
[Film Tools] VIP movie analysis, short video analysis, search engine, Douban/Time Quick Search JS - VIP movie analysis: Youku, Tencent, iQiqi, LeEco, PPTV, 1905, Mango, Fengxing, Bilibili, Sohu; Short video analysis: youtube, station B, watermelon, Tiktok, Kwai, Xiaohongshu, microblog, acfun;
VIP Video Cracker(VIP视频解析) JS - 主要解析爱奇艺、优酷、腾讯、乐视、搜狐、土豆、芒果、PPTV、1905、A站、B站、音悦Tai、华视TV等VIP在线视频,在浏览器左上角添加“@史婷露”按钮,当鼠标放在左上角才会显示,既美观又实用。
Kill ADs and Watch VIP Videos JS - maybe it's the most similar VIP videos script to origin website
! IMDB + Magnet JS - Show magnet and in movie detail page .
🏷️ UTags - Add usertags to links JS - Add custom tags or notes to links such as users, posts and videos. For example, tags can be added to users or posts on a forum, making it easy to identify them or block their posts and replies. It works on X (Twitter), Reddit, Facebook, Threads, Instagram, Youtube, TikTok, GitHub, Greasy Fork, Hacker News, pixiv and numerous other websites.
[timerd][The Eight Hundred] VIP Video tencent, iqiyi, mgtv, youku, Blibili, sohu, tudou (2021.03.24) JS - tencent, iqiyi, mgtv, youku, letv, Bilibili, sohu, tudou, 1905(Containing google ads)
Toc Bar, auto-generating table of content JS - A floating table of content widget
快速vip解析,腾讯,爱奇艺,等 JS - 解析vip视频
youdaoGWZS JS - 有道购物助手
pc 微信跳转页面直接打开 JS - pc上从微信打开taobao等页面 还要手动复制粘贴,表示不爽
XuanFengEx JS - QQ旋风网页版离线下载增强
Qzone_Mod+NoAD(GM) JS - Qzone_Mod+NoAD样式去广告辅助脚本
Web Weixin Helper JS - make web weixin fullscreen
电脑上查看微信文章时直接下载所有图片 JS - Preload Images for WeChat
关掉开通 QQ 空间的提示 JS - 再关掉 QQ 空间之后,每次进入空间时都会有一个烦人的提示。这个脚本去掉这个提示。
funkyQQMusic JS - bypass IP limit of QQMusic
enableCopyAndContextMenu.user.js JS - enable copy&paste and context menue
QQ空间自动点赞-模拟点击 JS - QQ空间秒赞
QQ机器人by SeLang JS - 目标是实现一些人性化的功能,有想法的请反馈。注意:纯图片视频等不捕捉;表情会被转成超链接;含图片仅回复文字;匿名聊天不捕捉。 QQ群号:455809302,点击链接加入群【油猴脚本私人定制】:。
QQ客服中心消息提醒 JS - 显示视频下载链接
微信客服中心消息提醒 JS - 显示视频下载链接
日报生成工具 JS - try to take over the world!
Show image directly JS - Disable the lazy loading images on webpage. The code was modified from stackoverflow
VIP视频解析 JS - 解析并破解各大视频站的VIP权限
细声影视收藏 JS - 公测版
Sci-hub button JS - Add sci-hub button on article page. Add sci-hub button after article link. Support Google scholar, bing academic and baidu xueshu. Jump CNKI English article to Chinese article.
Wechat Push Alert JS - Wechat Push Alert before you push the article
精简QQ邮箱界面 Mail Decorator JS - 精简QQ邮箱界面
WeChatOA Video Downloader JS - download videos from WeChatOA to your disk
AddPenguin JS - add a penguin logo to
微信网页版简明主题 JS - 使得微信网页版不那么花哨,低调简洁
get all QQ group member JS - download all QQ group member as TXT file
Wechat Automatic Sender JS - try to take over the world!
wxnaiveemojinaivedownloader JS - nope
qqmail_jump JS - skip link check
QzoneHE JS - Headline editor for qzone
Wechat article desktop layout JS - 使文章撑满整个屏幕。消除手机排版横向文字过少的问题。Expand the article width to fit the screen.
DLD factionarmy assistant JS - help you hit the members of factoryarmy by one key
DLD courier assistant JS - help to filter the courier power lower than you when you click the refresh button
DLD missionassign assistant JS - help you draw the rewards of missionassign by one key
wx_e2e JS - wechat end to end encrypt by rsa!
Make wechat to dingTalk JS - try to take over the world!
DLD intfmerid assistant JS - get and combine internal force by one key
DLD doppelganger assistant JS - try to take over the world!
DLD weapongod assistant JS - try to take over the world!
DLD inscription assistant JS - try to take over the world!
DLD Items Finder JS - help to find item by searching part of its name
Tencent Translator Enhancer JS - It brings back-and-forth translation to Tencent Translator (腾讯翻译君).
AutismDolphinSZN AND MUZWAFA ON INSTAGRAM JS - auto skip video ads!
QQ Music MediaSession Helper JS - Dock metadata to MediaSession API for (Chrome 73+)
企鹅直播禁用缩放提醒 Disable zoom tip for JS - Disable zoom tip for
NO WEBP - Convert WEBP Pics To Common Formats(JPG PNG GIF) For Onenote & Evernote Clip JS - Through replacing suffixs to get the original address, convert the WEBP pictures of Douban, WeChat Public Account, Jianshu, Zhihu, Bilibili Read,, Dongchedi,, Hupu,,,, Xiaohongshu, Fandom into common formats(JPG PNG GIF) for web clipping of Evernote and Onenote. GIF kept and worked in new version. GIF in Douban & Zhihu(high quality) autoloads. You can also try to add included urls by yourself. Welcome feedback and suggestions.
视频 JS - try to take over the world!
DLD login JS - add click eventListener to login button!
跳过QQ邮箱安全提示 JS - 跳过QQ邮箱超链接的鸡肋安全提示 油猴脚本
腾讯课堂自动签到 Plus JS - 基于SDchao的改编 加入系统级通知和网页签到状态指示功能 合并了去除xxx正在观看的弹幕
思 古 解 析 z y f JS - 跳转到思 古 解 析
Tencent auto send flowers JS - send flowers
remove keqq watermark JS - remove watermark in keqq
WebSpirit JS - Expand the full text, remove the anti-theft chain and advertising
vip 解 析 z y f JS - vip 解 析 z y f
Image Preview JS - preview any image
f**k wechat taobao link JS - fix wechat to direct open ANY link/微信桌面版直接打开各种链接
Wechat Official Account - Picture format conversion JS - webp to jpeg or png
trtc-success-rate JS - try to take over the world!
eBooks Assistant JS - eBooks Assistant for,
Tencent Animation - Prevent page zoom JS - Prevent page zoom when Ctrl+MouseWheel
bc-SmartTOC JS - TOC can be generated for github、、 and other sites
lyj视频解析工具3.0 JS - 升级2.0 测试版本 想知道有什么好的beta
qq-docs Redirect Fix JS - Avoid link redirect for
Accelerate WeChat to doc JS - word!word!word
知乎/CSDN/QQ/微信/QQ邮箱/微博/百度贴吧/简书/开源中国/掘金/少数派 自动加载重定向 JS - Try to make Chinese Internet World better! Hope to help you!
WeReader JS - 微信读书 => 微信听书
Show Cookies JS - try to take over the world!
Speed up for Youtube JS - Press right key to speed up, NoStop
「QQ 群」今天谁值日 JS - 用于确定值日生/doge
自动跳过QQ网址拦截 JS - 自动跳过QQ网址拦截,保护隐私,移除QQ号等信息(参数), F_U_C_K
disable beacon JS - disable beacon which will cause the CPU is under high load due to continuous reporting of incorrect data
通用VIP视频在线解析(纯净自用版本) JS - 优酷 爱奇艺 腾讯 芒果 AB站
添加bugly解析按钮 JS - buyly增加两个按钮,获取寄存器信息和调用栈信息
mp.weixin 可复制 JS - 付费文章可复制
txkt-automation JS - 有小伙伴提到这个功能,正好我自己也会用到,就整了。用于腾讯课堂的自动签到
Fuck QQ URL JS - Skip Unsafe Link Warning in Desktop QQ Client
卡夫卡 JS - try to take over the world!
Wechat media platform article cover JS - A script to get wechat media platform article cover
Bypass weixin110 JS - Bypass wechat url warning
全网VIP视频免费破解【专注一个脚本只做一件事件】长期更新,放心使用 JS - 全网VIP视频免费破解【专注一个脚本只做一件事件】长期更新,放心使用。支持:腾讯、爱奇艺、优酷、芒果、Bilibili、pptv、乐视等其它网站;
codesign 颜色色板生成 element-css-vars JS - 哈哈哈哈哈
Disable Wechat Images Lazyload JS - Disable Wechat Images Lazyload, Show Origin Images Directly
QQ网页非官方提示页面自动跳转 JS - 简单的程序
瓶瓶蛋蛋才是真(ALOOK) JS - 简单、纯粹、拥抱生活
精简常见文章网站|CSDN|简书|掘金|知乎|百家号|搜狐|腾讯新闻|微信公众号|网易|更多...| 方便您的阅读📖 持续更新 JS - 优化阅读体验【文章宽度一致】【统一标题】【使用阴影】【适配半屏窗口】【无感知加载】【可选 去除顶栏】|CSDN、简书、掘金、知乎专栏、阿里云、腾讯云、华为云开发者联盟、蒲公英、百家号、脚本之家、51cto博客、爱码网、ITEYE、bbsmax论坛、第一PHP社区、代码先锋网、码农教程、术之多、搜狐、腾讯新闻、微信公众号、网易、灰信网、B站文、百度知道、百度经验、爱问知识人、CSDN问题 文章页面
play_video_without_ad JS - Play videos without ad using some website like
📘微信读书阅读助手-马克笔款 JS - 读书人用的脚本
Wechat Article Menu JS - Wechat Article Menu, Show Some Useful Options.
Wechat Text Link to Hyperlink JS - Wechat Text Link to Hyperlink,Make links Clickable.
OuterChainJump JS - 自动跳转外链
CoDesign转ABC色值 JS - CoDesign转ABC调色板