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Download Original Picture JS - A tool to help you download full size images from websites
[Film Tools] VIP movie analysis, short video analysis, search engine, Douban/Time Quick Search JS - VIP movie analysis: Youku, Tencent, iQiqi, LeEco, PPTV, 1905, Mango, Fengxing, Bilibili, Sohu; Short video analysis: youtube, station B, watermelon, Tiktok, Kwai, Xiaohongshu, microblog, acfun;
Download Weibo Images & Videos (Only support new version weibo UI) JS - Download images and videos from new version weibo UI webpage.
🏷️ UTags - Add usertags to links JS - Add custom tags or notes to links such as users, posts and videos. For example, tags can be added to users or posts on a forum, making it easy to identify them or block their posts and replies. It works on X (Twitter), Reddit, Facebook, Threads, Instagram, Youtube, TikTok, GitHub, Greasy Fork, Hacker News, pixiv and numerous other websites.
Block Extremist Websites JS - Blocks specified websites
Yet Another Weibo Filter (YAWF) JS - Sina Weibo feed filter by keywords, authors, topics, source, etc.; Modifying webpage layout
Cleaner Weibo JS - Make weibo cleaner.
Download Weibo Images and Video JS - Download images from weibo with user-id and weibo-id in its filename. filname format xxx_wb_uid_wid
Weibo Classic JS - Back to Weibo V5 (恢复新浪微博V5)
WeiboCleaner JS - 去掉微博广告
Weibo Big Picture (新浪微博查看大图) JS - New buttons for opening full sized pictures in new background tabs. Add "href" attributes to "Full size"/"查看大图"/"查看大圖" anchors so that you can mid-click or right-click them with more options.
Weibo Lite (无干扰新浪微博) JS - Clear the ads and add a toggle button to hide/show bottom bar and side bars.
Weibored.js JS - remove all users you're following
Big Weibo Images JS - Changes medium-sized Weibo images to full-sized
Block sites JS - Block sites (such as Baidu, etc.) You can edit the block list in the script.
PC微博首页时间线正确排布 JS - 让微博时间线正确排布
微博超级话题签到 JS - 在网页端自己的微博主页,把自己关注的超级话题一键全部签到。注意:只能在自己的个人主页签到。
oneClickRemoveWeiboFans JS - Add a [一键删除] button to the Followers Page on Sina Weibo ( Directly delete the annoying fans by one click. No <确认/取消> any more.
WeiboPhotoUrlBatchGet JS - BatchGetWeiboPhotoURL
微博视频下载助手 JS - 下载微博视频
Weibo Cancle Following JS - 批量取消新浪微博关注
Weibo Delete Comment JS - 清空您发过的所有微博评论
oneClickRemoveWeiboPost JS - Add a [一键删除] button to directly delete the post by one click. No <确认/取消> any more.
新浪微博删除自己的名字 JS - 强迫症,不想刷微博的时候被舍友偶然瞄到自己的ID,你还可以去掉注释把右侧的显示详细关注人的列表也删掉
微博部分页面HTTP转HTTPS JS - 将微博部分页面自动跳转https避免需要重新登录。
qwq JS - The most naughtiest qwq that you have never ever seen before.
批量转换微博为自己可见 JS - 转换当前页微博为仅自己可见。进入“我的主页”,点击微博数目,目前不支持自动翻页。用完记得删除
Weibo Password Remembering JS - Removes autocomplete="off" attributes
WeiboDL 异步增强版 微博图片下载 JS - 微博图片下载
Force HTML5 Weibo articles JS - try to take over the world!
SinaWeiboFansRemover JS - To remove sina weibo fans
New Userscript JS - try to take over the world!
Batch Download Src Image From Weibo Card JS - Batch download weibo's source image
Auto delete history like JS - 批量删赞
skip weibo guide JS - 跳过微博向导
download chinese weibo vedio JS - weibo download
Weibo Show Chapter Date JS - Fetches and displays the chapter dates for Weibo manhua
测试点击图片复制图片地址 JS - 快速复制图片路径
Sound Limiter for Weibo & Douyin Video Clips JS - Limit the default sound volume of video clips on to 10%.
Weiblock JS - Block the annoying things on Weibo.
open the link directly JS - 点击链接直接跳转
微博自动刷新 JS - 30s自动刷新。注意,需要在隐身/无痕模式下运行
weibo Helper JS - 微博 weibo Helper: Auto-sign-in, timed sign-in, auto-thank you, auto-load original image, auto-play image, auto-pay to buy theme post, auto-complete voting task, optimize browsing experience, one-click bulk reply/thank you, one-click package to download post image
自动向下刷 JS - auto scroll screen in weibo website
Metasearch JS - Aggregated Searcher
Web With Color JS - 上帝说:要有颜色
Bypass Grayscale JS - Bypass grayscale filter on a few Chinese websites
Disable grayscale on JS - Disable the grayscale effects on
微博暗黑模式 JS - Weibo seach page use dark mode
Reiwo JS - attempt to make Weibo comments red, instead of orange
Weibo All Hidden JS - 批量修改微博可见范围
Double Confirm Publish JS - Double confirm when you want to directly publish an article.
text replace JS - Replace text on the page
weibo_pic_download JS - 微博图片批量下载
Sina Weibo Hot Search List - Keyword Blocking (Enhanced Version) JS - Block the following tags in Weibo's hot search list: dramas, variety shows and other obvious purchase items, hot search ads, hot search keywords. You can customize tags and keywords, and support json import and export of tag and keyword lists.
Scroll Limiter JS - Limits excessive scrolling on social media.
Fxxk WeiBo JS - delete sina weibo modules
Bilibili/Weibo/Zhihu No New Tab JS - Force all Bilibili, Weibo, and Zhihu links to open in the current tab instead of a new tab