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有道云笔记无广告 JS - 删除指定的广告组件 , 适用于: ✅有道云笔记网页版
Youdao Dictionary Enhancer JS - Search words in Celerity
AC-从谷歌 百度 必应搜索结果中屏蔽自定义关键字 JS - 从谷歌 百度 必应搜索结果中屏蔽自定义关键字,关键字自己确定吧
有道云笔记增强大师 JS - 有道云笔记网页版的增强优化
WebSpirit JS - Expand the full text, remove the anti-theft chain and advertising
Translate Helper JS - 翻译去换行
jump in input box when '+' is pressed. JS - 按下+键,将页面焦点跳到输入框
Metasearch JS - Aggregated Searcher
语言切换快捷键|适配大部分在线翻译网站 JS - 语言切换快捷键 Ctrl + Shift + S
Adjust Layout of Translate Website JS - This script is for adjusting the layout of the Baidu, Youdao, and/or Sogou Translate websites. Only it would be effective when the height of browser is greater than the width of browser.
网页版有道翻译-净化 JS - 网页版有道翻译净化
有道答疑助手 JS - Automatically expand all problem lists and fetch problem titles