现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
百度必应搜索结果极简 JS - 百度必应搜索结果极简,不需要其他花里胡哨的推荐的
Annoying Ad blocker JS - Prevents annoying ads from displaying
Bing 时光机 JS - 随意跳转必应不同时间搜索结果
Random Search Generator for Microsoft Rewards JS - Generates random searches and enters them into the Bing search bar on the Microsoft Rewards homepage
Google Hit Hider by Domain 汉化版 JS - 从Google、DuckDuckGo、Startpage.com、Bing和Yahoo搜索结果中屏蔽不需要的站点。 v2.3.1 2024-05-11
搜索引擎去广告 JS - 搜索引擎去除广告信息,干净无其它任何功能
必应Rewards自动完成 JS - 必应Rewards当日任务自动完成工具
NoBaiduNews JS - 屏蔽百度页新闻推荐流,只保留网址导航功能。
必应去广告 JS - 去除必应搜索的前几条广告
hty 脚本 JS - hty 的小脚本,个人使用向,不建议社会人士下载
居中啊!他娘的搜索引擎! JS - 简单加点padding把搜索结果移到中间。(可调节, 移动鼠标到边界处可见)
CN Bing return to Global Bing JS - 重定向国内版bing到国际版bing
微软积分自动搜索 JS - 自动进行搜索任务
体验微软AI NEW BING JS - 体验微软人工智能举例,比chatgpt的gpt3版本更高的GPT-3.5,使用必应时自动提示,每小时内第一次打开bing自动跳转到Bing AI搜索页面并将cn.bing.com替换为www.bing.com(请注意,该脚本仅在Edge浏览器和https://www.bing.com/*下运行) TG频道:https://t.me/data_share2021 国内可以用讯飞星火,配合去水印脚本https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/464914-remove-xunfei-watermark-%E7%A7%BB%E9%99%A4%E8%AE%AF%E9%A3%9E%E6%98%9F%E7%81%ABgpt-ai%E6%B0%B4%E5%8D%B0
Pure Bing Addon JS - 使 Stylus 样式也可应用于 Shadow DOM 元素。
BingCollector JS - get bingchat faster, earn points everyday
bingSearchFix JS - 修复bing国内版搜索框异常
Better Bing AI CSS - A new userstyle
多重搜索MultipleSearch JS - 携带搜索词快捷切换搜索引擎、视频网站或博客网站。Quickly switch between search engines, video sites or blog sites with search words.
bing improvent JS - try to improve the Bing search experiense
『自用』微调网页合集 JS - 更改B站视频播放页面(tab)标题,更改B站播放控件大小,展开 AutoHotkey论坛帖子代码框,Material Design2去掉顶部悬浮推荐,重定向淘宝主页到购物车,移除 Github页面的CSK快捷键,百度bing翻译页面添加切换语言快捷键CtrlShiftS,CSDN vip文章高亮居中显示大字VIP文本,有道云笔记编辑器去除推广
Bing 链接颜色修复 JS - 该脚本修复Bing 搜索结果全部变为紫色的问题, 使未访问链接重新恢复为蓝色
Bing Dict Wide Screen Display JS - Bing Dict website Wide Screen Display
bing adblock JS - this script can perform perfectly on 'cn.bing.com' with extension 'requestly' for I redirect website requests to my local server and override it. However,
必应聊天页面优化 JS - 新的对话开头自动加上一些提示; 对话被强制结束的时候,自动复制最后一个问题,并粘贴到下一次对话; 及时问答功能,见 README
湖南信息职业技术学院 校园网自动退出 JS - 实现校园网的自动退出
Bing Rewards搜索任务自动完成 JS - Bing Rewards自动搜索任务工具
禁用newBing的自动滚动 JS - 禁用newBing聊天时滚动回去
移除bing下方滚动内容 JS - 自用,bing首页下方的滚动内容,国内的bing我不用,所以没试,希望先看说明,再决定吐不吐槽我
Skip Bing Video JS - Skips the Bing Video and redirect to the original source.
自动获取每日microsoft reward(通过一次性搜索三十六天罡) JS - 在 Bing 页面上添加一个圆形图标,点击后自动搜索每个三十六天罡,并在搜索完毕后等待15秒后关闭所有搜索页。在 cn.bing.com 也能显示按钮。(代码主体由ChatGPT编写)
Open Link in Current Tab for bing.com JS - Open Link of search result in Current Tab for bing.com
Bing Chat Remove Character Limit JS - Set textarea maxlength attribute to 100000
hacks- JS - Auto Seacher
Role Play Helper for ChatGPT&Slack JS - This script provides an intuitive template editor with three key areas: setting, review, and interaction. Users can construct templates in the setting area, then populate them with content from the review and interaction areas. A built-in "add" button fetches the latest AI message for instant insertion into the review area, making template editing straightforward and convenient.该脚本提供了一个直观的模板编辑器,包含三个关键区域:设置区、回顾区和交互区。用户可以在设置区构建模板,然后使用回顾区和交互区的内容填充它们。内置的“添加”按钮可以获取最新的AI消息,并立即插入到回顾区,使得模板编辑简单便捷。
Bing Chat Font Optimize JS - Fixes the font in the Bing Chat
Bing Chat Dark Mode JS - Bing Chat dark mode! Auto align Bing Chat to center!
ChatGPT助手【豪华版】 JS - ChatGPT助手,无须繁琐的注册流程,无须key,直接与AI对话!
聊天章鱼 JS - 🐙 让章鱼为您发送多条信息
Auto Task Config Demo JS - 自动任务配置文件示例
FIX for "Bing Search returns to the top" ! JS - Stop doing weird things, Bing ! ;)
Remove Char Limit for Bing Chat AI JS - This Tampermonkey script enhances your search experience on Bing Chat by removing the character limit from the search input. Enjoy unrestricted search queries and explore endless possibilities with ease, as the script displays an infinity symbol (∞) in place of the character counter.
Redirect Bing Search Videos to source video JS - Redirect Bing Video search results (From Bing Search) directly to the source video
New Bing Auto Commit JS - Retrieve the Query parameters from the URL and automatically query New Bing, facilitating integration with launchers such as Raycast, Alfred, and Utools.
词典切换 / Dictionary Switcher JS - 在辞典网站左侧显示一个快速切换列表,节省「另开辞典页面」和「输入关键词」的动作及时间,提高查询效率。参考了自己撸的另一款:[搜索引擎切换器 / Search Engine Switcher](https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/446492)。
Bing URL Decoder JS - Decode the Bing URLs to get the direct result page URL
New Bing黑色模式 JS - Bing Chat, New Bing黑色模式
chatGPT tools Cutoff(精简版) JS - Google、必应、百度、Yandex、360搜索、谷歌镜像、Fsou、duckduckgo侧边栏Chat搜索,即刻体验AI,无需翻墙,无需注册,无需等待!
RewardARR(Broken) JS - Automatically search for Microsoft Rewards points with one click. Limit 5 tabs at a time. 10 lists, one chosen at random. Completion Message.
BMTranslator-综合界面优化 JS - 自用微软翻译界面美化。
ChatGPT国内极速无广告访问 JS - 适用于许多国内访问速度较慢的用户,可以加快页面加载速度并提高聊天室的稳定性。
NickGPT JS - Use NickGPT on Google Search page!
new Bing 样式美化 JS - 让newbing的界面更人性化
newbing输入框样式固定 JS - 将newbing输入框样式固定下来,不变来变去
Enhanced Bing ChatAI JS - Improves Bing ChatAI user experience by preventing accidental scrolling and increasing input character limit
Bing User Agent Switcher JS - Changes the user agent on bing to Edge for Mac
Search Engine Switcher JS - Add a select to switch between search engines
Bing Set Region to Taiwan JS - Set Bing's region to Taiwan when visiting Bing
[SNOLAB] [Mulango] Search JS - [snolab] Mulango - Walkers for bilingual learners. View a google search result in two languages side by side for comparison and language learning. now supports Bing & Google,
BingChat Unlimited Searchbox Size JS - Change the maxlength of the searchbox element to 9999999
关闭微软小冰 JS - 关掉智障小冰,去除广告
BingChat QuickPrompt JS - Instantly prompts BingChat based on the provided query in URL search params. For instance, https://www.bing.com/chat?prompt="Who is Harry Potter" will instantly prompt BingChat.
(Microsoft Rewards) Bing to Google JS - Changes from Bing to Google
KeepBingChat JS - 实现火狐浏览器访问New Bing的ChatGPT(谷歌浏览器对user script不友好,所以暂时只支持火狐浏览器)
动态的每日一言 JS - Pop up notifications from the bottom right corner of the page every second, and keep popping up until you stop the script. The notifications will keep moving up, and then disappear after 3 seconds. The content of each notification is a random sentence obtained from an API.
Automatic Redirection from Chinese Bing to International Bing JS - Redirect Chinese Bing to International Bing
hacks-Reverb JS - Auto Seacher
Bing AI No Limit JS - Remove character limitation from Bing AI search.
Microsoft(Bing) Rewards Script JS - 自动获得微软(Microsoft Rewards)/必应奖励(Bing Rewards)。通过设置搜索次数,🤖自动搜索获取积分。支持获得✔电脑搜索🏆、✔移动端搜索🏅、✔Microsoft Edge 奖励✌三种奖励
搜索引擎新标签打开链接 JS - 谷歌、百度、搜狗、必应、F搜、头条、无追搜索、360、DuckDuckGo、Ecosia 搜索结果新标签打开
禁用搜索框 JS - 根除 *所有* 搜索框!
bing快速定位搜索框(Quick location search box) JS - 按‘/’反斜杠快速定位到搜索框并全选(Press the '/' backslash to quickly navigate to the search box and select all)
Anti Bing Redirect JS - Remove the redirection of Bing Search by replacing the URL provided.
Better Bing JS - Change bing.com results to have the url shown after the title, also adds color to the urls for better readability and adds a favicon to the urls under the title. Based on `aligo/better-google` userscript.
Remove Bing Character Limit JS - Removes character limit from search input field
Bing Videos redirector JS - Redirects to youtube/tiktok when you open a video on bing videos. Credit goes to qoiqoi (https://greasyfork.org/en/users/1328793-qoiqoi) for making the script more reliable
blockKeyWordsInURL | 禁止网址存在屏蔽词 JS - URL中存在禁止的词,则屏蔽整个页面。在 blockKeyWords 填写 屏蔽词,在 comment 填写屏蔽后显示的留言。
Lift Web Restrictions: Modified JS - A user extension that modifies many sites.
指鼠为鸭 JS - 这个世界上不再有鼠鼠,全是鸭鸭!
bang search for google & bing JS - "bring the duckduckgo bang search to google and bing"
必应Rewards按钮+搜索热词版 JS - 必应Rewards自动完成当日搜索任务工具,按钮直接显示在网页上,更好操作,远程获取抖音或微博热词进行搜索
!bang Anywhere JS - Use DuckDuckGo !bangs (almost) anywhere
必应积分自动脚本(Bing Rewards Script) JS - 使用edge搜索,脚本会自动生成搜索字符,循环搜索直到达到指定次数(默认电脑端40,手机端30),次数到了之后不再搜索,在搜索页右边可重置或关闭脚本。手机搜索需要在手机edge浏览器上运行。
Disable safesearch JS - Set off safesearch on Bing, DuckDuckGo, Yep, You, Yahoo, Ecosia, Qwant, Metager, Startpage, brave
Bing Direct Link JS - This script is for removing Bing Redirect link, but this doesn't support privacy, as it fetch the redirect result of the URL
NewBing多模态模式 JS - Enable NewBing multimodal mode!
Bing AI 图像拓展 JS - 解锁NewBing的GPT4识图能力的脚本,教程来自https://github.com/Vanda688/Using-GPT4-image-recognition-on-NewBing
启用 Bing AI 视觉搜索(支持图像输入) JS - 启用支持图像输入的 Bing AI GPT4 视觉搜索。
删除bing公益页面 JS - 删除bing搜索无结果时的公益页面
Disable Scroll Switch Bing JS - Prevent Bing from switching to search/chat panel while scrolling
必应首页测试 JS - 自动回答必应首页的测试题
Bing Copilot Image auto-downloader JS - Automatic image downloader for Bing Copilot Image Creator.
🚀🚀搜索助手🚀🚀 JS - ✅快速切换搜索引擎,无需重复输入
移除必应多余的推荐模块 Remove Bing's Recommend JS - 移除必应搜索结果点击后出现的多余推荐模块 Remove Bing's recommend link frame after click a search result.
npm JS - 可以在浏览器控制台,使用npm安装任意依赖包,比如安装JQuery可以使用: npm('JQuery')!
Bing scrollTo JS - Block Bing Search returns to the top
Bing去除今日热点 JS - 去除搜索页的今日热点广告\nRemove Ads from Bing search pages
Bing添加-site JS - baidu和google暂不支持
Bing Link Redirect Decoder JS - Decode Bing redirect URLs and replace them with the actual URLs.