
Display GreasyFork user registration time

If your script interferes with the interests of certain individuals, receiving malicious negative reviews is not surprising. Malicious negative reviews have two characteristics: First, the account is usually newly registered, and second, the review is given shortly after registration with little to no subsequent activity. This script retrieves the registration time of a GreasyFork user and displays it next to their username. If the time displayed next to the username is in the future, this user

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Display the registration time of Greasyfork user and identify malicious comments

「 If your script interferes with the interests of some people, it is not surprising to receive malicious negative reviews. There are two characteristics of malicious negative reviews: one is that the account is usually newly registered, and the other is that the negative reviews will be given shortly after registration, and there will be basically no follow-up activities. This script gets the registration time of the greasyfork user and is displayed next to the user name. If the time displayed next to the user name is the future time, then the user is likely to be a malicious account registered. 」


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Update records

🛠️ greasyfork-user-registration-time Update log

📅 2025.03.10.0959

New: fromGreasyForkGet the user’s registration time directly ..

show Greasyfork User registration time,Identify malicious comments

Functional introduction

This script is used in GreasyFork or SleazyFork Show user on of*Registration time,Help identifyMalicious registrationAccount。Maliciously registered accounts are usuallyShortly after registrationGive negative reviews,andLess account activity。By displaying the user’s registration time,It can be used to guess the credibility of the user。If the registration time is displayed asThe future time,Then the user is likely to beMalicious registration*of。 This script is greasyfork Various comments、The page related to the message shows the speaker’s registration time。If you are a developer,A small account that can help you distinguish malicious comments;If you are not a developer,It can also help you identify whether the speaker is an old user or a new user。

Feature Highlights:

Supported languages:

How to use:

  1. 💯 After installing the script,It will be browsing in your GreasyFork or SleazyFork Automatically load on the website。
  2. 👍 When the page is loaded,The script will display the user’s registration time next to the user’s information.。
  3. ⏲️ If the user’s registration time is already on the page,The script will be displayed directly;If not,A button will be displayed,Click to get and display the time。(The script is passed directlyGreasyForkProvided API Get registration time,To prevent blocking,So add button to get it manually)
  4. 🇹🇱 The default time format isYYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss。Script variablesabsoluteTimeChange torelative-timeDisplay of the time of using the website.

Applicable environment:

Contact information:

💖 The script referenced or used the following script:

@yysk.org ---- showGreasyforkUser registration time,Identify malicious comments

Screenshot preview:

  1. Match comment list page:https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/\d+/feedback

  1. Match comment page:https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/\d+/discussions/\d+

  2. Match user discussion page:https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/discussions?user=\d+

5.Match discussion list page:https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/discussions

  1. Match script author links on various pages

  1. Match user list page https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/users

  1. Match script table page:https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts


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