
Advanced Search Assistant for Google

Add an advanced search form to the top of the page

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Google Advanced search assistant

「 Add an advanced search form to the top of your Google search page 」


Download:Github | ⭐Greasy Fork

Update records

🛠️ Google Advanced Search Update log

📅 2024/8/5 23:18 - Ver

New: Add script icon

📅 2024/8/5 10:26 - Ver 0.1.9

issues: Mobile device cannot display advanced search box。
repair: The following code is only PC Effective end searchContainer.appendChild(toggleButton)

Google Advanced Search Assistant

This is a user script that adds an advanced search form to Google. It adds a collapsible advanced search form at the top of the page, allowing you to search for information with more precision.



  1. Install a user script manager, such as Tampermonkey.
  2. Install this Userscipt.
  3. When opening a Google search page, you would see a button called "Advanced search" on the top of the page.
  4. Click the blue button and the form of advanced search will be shown.
  5. Fill in the desired search options in the form.
  6. Click the "Search" button to perform the search, or click the "Clear" button to clear the form data.

Note: This script is specifically designed for the Google search page and can only be used on Google search pages.


The script is modified from the user shiquda's script Google Advanced Search Assistant Thanks to the original author** shiquda*’s **hard work* and wisdom

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