
GreasyFork User-published script data visualization

useChart.jsObtaining and visualizing user script data,And generate a chart on the user’s personal homepage to display the detailed installation

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GreasyFork User-published script data visualization

「 useChart.jsObtaining and visualizing user script data,And generate a chart on the user’s personal homepage to display the detailed installation status below. 」


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Update records

🛠️ GrreasyFork User script data visualization Update log

📅 2024-09-20 07:46- Ver

New: •Add some small functions to use.Table displays creation and update dates YThe axis value is highlighted Click the bar chart to jump to the corresponding script In the scriptOPENLINK for0Don’t jump,1There are tips before jumping,2Jump directly

New Added a demo
New.png Jump.gif

📅 2024-09-19 12:56:19- Ver

Revise: •Revisechart.jsFor the first load,Save it after loadinglocalStorageNo need for repeated loading

📅 2024-09-19 08:25:19- Ver

repair: • Fix some problems with the chart.

Before modification After modification
Before modification.png After modification.png
Before modification.gif After modification.gif

📅 2024-09-18 11:01:32- Ver

Increase: •Added original author138 AspenAdditional scriptDisplays the number of scripts published by the user, the total number of installationsGet user data from the current web page,You can set it in the script or in the script menuJSONData fetch or script data from the current page default toGreasyFrokDownload user data
Revise: •~~Revisechart.jsfor@require load,No need for repeated loading~~GreasyforkUnauthorized external scripts are not allowed
Revise: •Modify when obtaining user data from the network,Sort from high to low according to total installation volume
Revise: •Modify to find usersIDThe expression is/(\d+)/,compatibleGreasyfork Paste the rigging makerClear link useless character function

GrreasyFork User script data visualization


This userscript uses Chart.js Ku Cong GreasyFork Extract and visualize script data from user script pages on。It provides the following functions:


  1. Get user data: Extract relevant data from user script page。
  2. data visualization: use Chart.js Draw a chart to display the script’s installation data。
  3. display statistics: Shows total daily installs below the chart、Total installs and number of published scripts。


  1. Install Greasemonkey or Tampermonkey plug-in: Please make sure your browser has it installed Greasemonkey or Tampermonkey plug-in。
  2. Add script:
    • Click the green install button above to install


  1. access GreasyFork User script page: Open any user’s script page,For example https://greasyfork.org/users/1169082
  2. View charts and statistics: The script will automatically generate and display data charts and statistics after the user’s personal page is loaded.。
  3. Load from the network or from the current page: The script provides a setting at the top of the code,whenfortruehour,Get from current web page,forfalse,TowardsGreasyFrokDownload user dataJSON


If you encounter problems or need support,Please visit GitHub Question page Submit a question。


This script is modified from138 Aspenpublished scriptGrreasyFork User Script Data Visualization Modification instructions:
Increase: •Added original author138 Aspenadditional scriptDisplays the number of scripts published by the user, the total number of installationsInside, get user data from the current web page,It can be set within the script or in the script menu.JSONData acquisition or script data acquisition from the current page
Revise: •Revisechart.jsfor@require load,No need to reload every timeGreasyforkUnapproved external scripts are not allowed.....
Revise: •When modifying user data obtained from the network,Sort by total installs from high to low
Revise: •Modify search for usersIDThe expression of/(\d+)/,compatibleGreasyfork Glue craftsmanClear link useless characters function

Contributions and improvements to the script are welcome!Please visit GitHub storehouse Submit a pull request or report an issue。


The script follows MIT license。For more information,Please check LICENSE document。

Fixed daily installation statistics on the right,Switch overall installation/Chart axis display problem during daily installation

Before modification After modification
Before modification.png After modification.png
Before modification.gif After modification.gif


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