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armory xanax usage JS - description
Torn Custom Race Presets JS - Make it easier and faster to make custom races - Extended from Xiphias's
Torn CT Pot Notifications JS - Notifies large Pot games
Racing Skill Display JS - (ABANDONED) Shows the racing skill of drivers in your race as long as they have this script installed as well
M.A.Y.A JS - Helps you and your spouse to track the Vault Transactions
Vault Copy JS - description
Torn Revive Contract JS - Filter faction member list to only show online and hospitalized
Hide Employees (as of 11.03.20) JS - Hides users that are part of a company.
travelSFC JS - show faction and company while flying
Max Buy JS - Auto-maxes the items in Torn shops and bazaars
Italian Lotto JS - Make it easy to join and view if you won the Italian Lotto
Poker turn reminder JS - You will never miss your turn.
MoveBuy JS - Moves the "Yes" button on Torn item listings for speedy purchases
TornAPI Toggles JS - Hide/Unhide API requests on Torn API "try it" page
Torn City - warn before flight JS - Confirm twice if you really want to fly out when an OC is due
Faction Medic JS - Shows only faction members that are in the hospital and hides the rest.
TORN: Call Your Hits JS - Warns you when you are close to taking a bonus hit during a chain
Don't Hunt JS - Disables the hunting screen to prevent you from using your energy while in SA.
Faction Territories JS - Search map for factions or territories and add to favorites
TORN Stock Market Abbreviations JS - Show the Abbreviations next to Company names in Torn City's Stock Exchange
Gym Tab Hider JS - Hide unwanted gym stats
Faction Helper JS - Useful tools for factions. Currently focused on adding reviving assistance.
Torn ID in profile title JS - Shows the player ID next to their name in the profile heading for easy copy/pasting (e.g. turns "Sulsay's profile" into "Sulsay [2173590]").
Torn: Color Picker JS - Add tooltips to colors on forums
Rpoint Revives Tracking Script JS - Creates a form to retrieve revive data on the homepage
Torn: Show Experience JS - Show weapon experience number & hits required for 100% exp rather than progress bar
Abroad Items Info (Yata API) JS - Updates Yata Database and shows Items on Travel Agency page
Gym energy estimate JS - Adds an estimate of energy required to level gyms
Ready for Take off JS - Make foreign stock available on travel page
Torn: Revive Settings in Hospital JS - Add link to revive settings in hosptial
TORN Stock Market Filter JS - Filters the full list of stocks. You can choose whether to make a list of stock you want to be hidden, or a list of stock you want to be shown.
Dibs JS - Claim dibs in territory wars to avoid wasting E
Racing Skill Display JS - Shows the racing skill of drivers in your race as long as they have this script installed as well
TORN: OC Payday JS - Easily do a payday after completing an oc.
Halos&Horns Advanced Search JS - Refine your Advanced Search
Alarm for Torn Faction Bankers JS - When faction chat is open, highlights keywords and optionally will play a sound, create a popup, and/or create a notification for incoming messages
TC Bazaar+ v2 JS - description
Faction Attack Counter JS - try to take over the world!
Hide clouds JS - Hide the clouds when flying.
Torn: Copy Activity Log JS - Open up the activity log, select the background, select below the scrollbar, hold end, logs appear in a text area, copy and paste.
Torn: Company Icon Link Switcher JS - Change the link on the company icon to change which tab is shown by default
Torn: Show Timers JS - Just show Cooldown, Education, Hospital timers, big and clear
Elimination Target Hider JS - try to take over the world!
Torn: War Machine Helper JS - Show finishing hits on items page
Chain called hit alert JS - Helps you from unknownly claiming a faction hit
Torn: Mod Master Helper JS - Show progress towards mod master
Travel Agency 3.0D JS - 3D version of Torn's world map
Hospital Filter [modified] JS - Enables filters to remove/hide people from the hospital. modification: adds self hosped and mugged filters
Torn: Special Ammo Helper JS - Show progress towards special ammo used
Torn: Bigger Activity Log JS - Overwrite CSS to make activity log bigger
Universal Healthcare Revives JS - To request a revive from the Universal Healthcare Alliance
Chat Stalker JS - Notifies when a user post in global or trade chat
Auction Countdown Timer for Mobile JS - Display Countdown timer on Auction page for mobile.
After Attack Option Hider JS - Hides options as per requirement after winning an attack.
Torn Travel OC Warning JS - Give a prominent warning, when you enter travel page, and an OC is ready (or almost ready)
Torn: Hide Exchange Action JS - try to take over the world!
Torn: Custom CSS JS - Block or change CSS on Torn
Torn: Hide ticker text JS - Hides Torn's ticker text
Torn: Exchange Christmas Bucks for Glasses of Beer JS - Focus on Buy Beer Glass Button so Enter selects
Forum Ban JS - Forum Ban -- you can read, but not post
Torn Chat Timestamp JS - Displays the time a chat message was sent right by it.
TORN: No Poker Chat JS - remove poker chat
Company Stock Order JS - Auto-fills amount in Company Stock Boxes
Torn: Hospital Time JS - Shows you a timer with hospital time left on item page
Torn: Spy Save JS - Saves your spies by sending them to TornStats
Torn: Track city shop buys JS - Tracks your daily city buys
SAMissionReminder JS - Remind about mission when landing in South Africa. Disable mouse clicks until the correct text is entered
HHU Revive Request Script JS - Harasses someone from HHU to revive you.
Company Activity for Torn PDA JS - Shows the activity of employees.
Push helper JS - help with pushes
ElimLastTick JS - description
Remove Exchange Button JS - Remove the Exchange button on Halloween Basket so you don't accidently click it
TornCompanies JS - Shows company description while travelling/hospitalised
Colorize Stock Exchange JS - Colorize Stock Exchange individually, stock by stock
Cake's autofiller JS - Helps add items to your bazaar quicker by auto filling Qty and price when clicked
Faction reviving filter JS - Fiter members who need to be revied
Maximus buying items from bazaar (by monarch hq) JS - Auto-maxes the items in TORN CITY GAEM
Torn Travel Bazaar Inventory JS - Inject Bazaar Info
Torn Addiction Script JS - Torn Addiction Warning
TORN : Change content of the travel messages and other fun stuff just for a laugh JS - Boost 5t3n's ego
Torn Custom Background for Vinerri Members JS - A custom background for Vinerri Faction Members
Torn Custom Background for Shadow healers Members JS - A custom background for Shadow healers Faction Members
NS IS ASSHOLE SCRIPT BY MONARCH HQ TORN CITY JS - Display Asshole on NS members profile for easy hospitalisation, to increase prosperity of MONARCH HQ.
Dog Tag Hunter JS - Shows Attacks won and lost since the start of DogTag Competition
OnlyRev JS - Revive Filter
View revivability JS - Allow anyone to see if people can be revived.
Revivable Hosital Patients - JS - 6/23/2022, 6:42:59 PM
Torn War Stuff JS - description
Crime alert JS - 8/9/2022, 3:14:02 PM A script for This alerts you on loading the crimes page if you don't have enough money to pay for a kidnapping fail
TC Elim Chat Icons 2022 JS - description
HeLa Revives JS - Adds a button to request a revive from HeLa
Shadow Healers Revive Requests JS - Adds a button to request a revive from the Shadow Healers
Torn Temp Fix JS - Fix torn lol
In Hospital Faction Users - JS - 13/12/2022, 6:42:59 PM
Torn Attack Helper JS - See your yata targets in the attacks page
Left Aligned Torn JS - Left Aligns Torn
WildHareTools - Halloween Treat Count JS - Get treat count on the attack page.
Add crime stats to result JS - Add the new number of crimes in the category to the result message