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Age Converter JS - Converts age in days to years, months, and days format with enhanced styling on
Torn Crimes Scamming Quick JS - Makes clicks on response emojis do the respond attempt & hovering on them is like clicking on them.
Faction Vault Balance Display JS - Displays faction vault balance for anyone!
WarRevive JS - To request a revive from multiple revive providers for others
Recolour Scamming Pips JS - Recolour the red-yellow-green scamming pips for those with colour blindness
Ghost Trade Input Calc JS - Ghosttrade
Vault - Max $ JS - Automatically maxes out the deposit input in a vault
Trade - Max $ JS - Automatically maxes out the amount of money in a ghost trade
Live Stock Roi JS - This script uses current MP for calculating ROI
EZ Upkeep JS - Use the Torn API to manage upkeep and display amount
Vinerri Join Fight Chastity Script JS - Script to deter unwanted ranked war assists
Torn Auto Gym JS - This script train your lowest battle stat when your energy over 25, while you're in the gym for
Torn - Chat Blocklist JS - Hides chat messages from specified users (useful for faction, company, global, trade)
Torn Inventory Highlighter JS - Highlight specific items in Torn inventory based on their names and adjust text color for dark mode
Faction Target Finder JS - Adds a button to the top of the page that opens a live raid target from the faction list.
Torn - Hide noob forum posts JS - Hide forum posts from noobs
Block New Player JS - No more s-tier post in General Discussion
Replace Train with Exercise JS - Replace "train" with "exercise" on Torn Gym page, to help people suffering with Siderodromophobia
Company - Max $ JS - Automatically maxes out the deposit input in a company vault
Company Withdraw Buttons JS - Adds buttons to remove at million $ intervals to the vault page to make it easier to manage money in company vault.
Torn Halloween Profile Navigator JS - Navigate to the next profile in numerical order on Torn
Torn City Chain Watch Alert JS - Alert when chain timer drops below user-defined threshold, flash the screen red, and play an alarm sound, Volume and Opacity Controls organized under "Chain Saver" with toggle functionality.
Torn Combat Logger JS - Logger to track attacks
Torn Themes JS - change background
Streamlined Upkeep Manager 1.5 JS - Manage and pay upkeeps more efficiently
Company Trainer JS - company training tracker
Random target JS - Opens a random page of inactives
filter-box JS - adds a filter box
Torn Market Item Locker JS - Add lockable quantity controls to market items
Torn User ID Extractor JS - Replace status icon with checkbox and extract user IDs
Random Target Finder JS - Adds a button to the top of the page that opens a new tab with an hittable target withing some boundaries.
Attack Bind JS - Press ALT+A on player profile to go to attack page
TornZ Market Helper JS - Shows TornZ bazaar listings on Torn's item market
Better Market Logs JS - Adds price per item tooltips to market sale events
Attack links on enemy list JS - Adds attack links on enemy list
Torn: Custom Race Setup JS - Customizable race setup for Torn City
MoM Support JS - Request support in group attacks
Halloweek Equipment Alert JS - Show an alert if you're about to fly without one or more of special Halloween weapons/armor.
Armor Visuals be Gone JS - Deletes armor images from the player models (Loader and Item Page)
Alt-Click to attack page JS - Alt+click user links to attack
Remove Anonymous Checkboxes JS - Removes anonymous listing checkboxes
Torn Market Quick Remove JS - Faster removal of singular items from your item market listings
HEG Kwack Button JS - A button to heg kwack
TORN Friend Extender JS - A script that lets you add, store, and delete friends on Torn with custom descriptions.
Item Market One-Click Buy (OCB) JS - A script for one-click buying with an enable/disable toggle button
Torn Crimes 2.0 Helper JS - Simple helper for crimes 2.0. Adds links to guides for each crime, quick buy link for materials/enhancers and crime chain counter.
Torn Chat Popout JS - Adds a popout button for Torn chat
Doobie's Button Bypass JS - Enables attack button when user is in hospital on profile page and mini attack buttons (when holding left click on username) Mail me if you have issues
Doobie's Torn City Supply Pack Exclusion JS - Disables the "Yes" button for Torn supply packs. Just remove the script when you are done with exclusion. Does not remove the Open button itself, just removes the Confirmation Button. Should make packs un-useable
Torn - One Click Revive JS - title
Gym Auto-Disabler JS - Prevents over-training of a gym. Requires torntools to take perks into account when training. Not tested on PDA/mobile.
Sore Foot Club - RR Mugger Detection JS - Detect whether or not your RR opponent is a known mugger.
Torn Market Seller Blocker JS - Blocks specific sellers in the Torn item market
Torn City Reviver's Tool JS - A tool to make it easier to revive people while in the Hospital page: Checks if users are available for revive in Torn City while in the hospital page, displays their names with revive buttons, and updates on page change, with collapsible box feature, status filter (Active, Idle, Offline), sorting options, pagination and manual refresh. Suggestions are welcome :3
Torn Better UI JS - Make Torn Beautiful
Torn Filters JS - Only Filter Script Everyone Needs
Torn-Access JS - Attempts to make some pages on torn more accessible
Items sorter with RW weapon filter JS - Allows you to sort your items, by RW or price.
Hide un-revivables - Oxy's Revive 1.2 JS - Checks an entire faction's member list and hides members with revives disabled. (Now works on your own facion page. Has less overhead on other pages.)
Torn - OC Travel Restrictions ## NOT UPDATED FOR THE NEW UI YET ## JS - Disables travel for individual countries based on flight type if you would be late for an organized crime. Includes a button to enable or disable the script.
Nomad's Quick Revive JS - The fastest way to request a revive from Nomad Medical: with a button on your main page, you're just a click away from being in the hands of our great revivers. Never hesitate to use the Nomad Medical revive service!
Inventory Sorter according to QTY JS - Allows you to sort your inventory by price or quantity in ascending/descending order
Property Highlight JS - highlights properties, only yours
Items Page Flower and Plushie Filter and Sort (PDA Optimized) JS - Grey out irrelevant flowers, move them to the bottom of the list, reorder flowers by quantity, and sort plushies by quantity on Torn's items page.
Show NPC Time Til Next Level at Loader JS - Shows the time til the next level for NPCs at the attack loader page. Uses to get the data. Also modifies tab title, disable by modifying IF_UPDATE_TAB_TITLE to false. Offset differences of a few seconds may occur because of difference in time between the server and your device.
Torn Item Market Helper JS - Items market 2.0 helper
Fight Button Position Adjuster JS - Adjusts the position of the "Join Fight" button
Attack links on faction page - Lynx fork JS - On faction member list page it replaces the first cell contents with hyperlink to attack loader
Mug protection JS - Warns if you are actively selling items in Bazaar or Item Market. Resets saved settings on update/reinstall.
Torn: Speedway and Dock Quick Race JS - Speedway, Mudpit, and Docks
Torn Forum Timestamps Highlighter with Local Storage JS - Matches forum threads with API data, displays their timestamps, and allows for custom highlighting of threads based on the number of days back a user wants highlighted, while using local storage to save API results.
Torn Custom Race Organizer JS - Debugging: Move 1-lap races with 1/2 drivers to top and highlight when new race data is loaded
Torn Price RRP Auto Input JS - Automatically sets the price in the item listing page with a button click on
Torn Dual Item Market Tables - Bonuses Included JS - Display your item market listings and public listings with bonuses for the same item in Torn
TLDR SCANNER JS - Our Little Secret
Torn Add Bootstrap JS - Injects Bootstrap CSS and JS into Torn pages
Torn Dump Auto Search JS - Automatically searches the dump on repeatedly, picks up items, searches again, and stops when energy is insufficient
Burglary Highlighter JS - Highlights burgarly locations that are good based on given array list below
Christmas Town Quick Beer Buy JS - Adds the ability to quickly buy beers in Torn Christmas Town by repeatedly hitting enter on your keyboard, rather than by using mouse clicks.
racenao JS - race helper for torn
OC 2.0 Helper JS - Displays faction members that are not currently participating in a faction crime. Highlights members inactive for days.
Show Weapon Bonuses on Market (No API needed) JS - Shows the weapon bonuses for all applicable items on the item market
Torn Properties Manager JS - Adds a property management dashboard to Torn's properties page with expiration tracking, offer status, and pagination
OC 2.0 MemberWatch JS - Shows members which aren't currently participating in an OC in the OC2.0 system
stock-vault JS - stock vault for
Torn City Add to Your List JS - Adds a button to player profiles to save them to a custom list and a new menu to access the list.
execute JS - execute highlight
[TORN] OC 2.0 Helper JS - Gives an overview of OC 2.0, showing members not in crimes, members in each crime, and if there are issues with any crimes. Visible when flying.
Torn City AI Assistant Chat JS - Adds a customizable AI Assistant chat channel to Torn City, with options to include various game data when chatting.
TORN SWAGGER QOL JS - torn swagger api QOL
faction-member-avail JS - faction member availability
Faction Logs Copy JS - Copy faction rebalancing logs
Torn Transform Text to Numeric Input JS - Transforms various text inputs to number inputs (Only useful on mobile)
OC 2.0 MemberWatch JS - Shows members which aren't currently participating in an OC in the OC2.0 system, order by CE
Torn Organized Crime Status Icon JS - Displays a status icon if you are in an Organized Crime
Easy Property Rent Extension JS - Easily extend the rental property based on the previous rental agreement from your activity log
OC 2.0 JS - Simplifies Organized Crimes including total time-spent in OC's for members each year.
Torn Player Tracker JS - Track player status, hospital time, and attack links in Torn with persistent data, enhanced UI. Adds players by user ID.
Torn Sailing JS - description