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GitHub Trending JS - 添加 GitHub Trending 入口
PR Files Collapser JS - It collapses files on Github PR view
TOC of github readme for d3.js JS - generate a TOC of github readme for d3.js
Github Ctrl+Enter Commit JS - Commits a file on ctrl+enter
GitHub shorter title edited files JS - Change title edited file in editor to filename.
GitHub打印readme JS - try to take over the world!
GitHub expand files button JS - Adds a button to expand all files in a GitHub pull request or commit view.
GitHub Octotree single file view button JS - Adds a button to GitHub pull requests that activates a single file view for Octotree.
GitHub Review Helper JS - try to take over the world!
GitHub News Filter JS - Userscript to filter GitHub news feed using case-insensitive regular expression
graphColour JS - try to take over the world!
GitHub HTML Preview JS - A userscript that adds preview links to HTML files
Github-code-font JS - github code font changer
Clone in VSCode JS - Clone Github respository in VSCode
Github Notifications Dropdown JS - When clicking the notifications icon, displays notifications in a dropdown pane, without leaving the current page.
Github, code cloud md file directory JS - Github,code cloud project add directory sidebar navigation,Floating button
Github Batch Open Tabs JS - Batch Open Github Search Results.
GitHub - Add Path Search JS - Enable easy searching in a specific path
Pull request JS - Add extra copy buttons into pull request pages.
Add the link of "Advanced search" to the GitHub header JS - try to take over the world!
GitHub Collapse Project Columns JS - makes project columns collapsible
Add Sourcegraph Button to GitHub JS - Add a 'Sourcrgraph' Button on GitHub repository & file page.
GitHubHideDesktop JS - hide "Open in GitHub Desktop" button
Tweak GitHub Icon JS - Tweak the icon of GitHub's website into white color & transparent background for better contrast on dark tab backgrounds etc. , especially for dark-themed browser. White, dark and black colors as well as white, dark, black and transparent backgrounds are all predifined in case of you need to modify them. Require SVG icon support.
Octotree remove vip info JS - try to take over the world!
github outline - JS - Get Readme file outline at github
one-click-github-SSH-clone JS - Userscript that adds a button to the left of Github's green clone button which copies the SSH clone URL to your clipboard when you click it. Without showing a menu first.
[GitHub] Additional Hotkeys JS - Hotkeys and additional CSS improvements
[GitHub Projects] Auto Full-screen Mode JS - Auto enabling full-screen mode when any of your projects is opened.
Github Deployments and Repository Dispatch Trigger JS - Trigger deployment or repository_dispatch event for Github Actions
Github Navigation Bar For Self JS - 导航栏增加Home、Repo、Discover、Trending、Topics、Stars
Make GitHub Pull Request, Commit, and Blob pages full width JS - Makes the GitHub Pull Request, Commit, and Blob pages span the full width of the browser, rather than maxing out at the default.
Generate markdown files' table of contents or anchor links menu automatically JS - Generate markdown files' table of contents or anchor links menu automatically, make markdown files easy to read
GitHub Gist Search Box JS - Show search box in gist's userpage
PR: Expand All "Load more" buttons JS - Expand All "Load more" buttons in pull request reviews.
PR: Expand All "Show resolved" buttons JS - Expand All "Show resolved" buttons in pull request reviews.
Repo tree: inline images JS - Show PNG, GIF, JPG and SVG images inline on the GitHub's file list
Commit: Interactive image diff using Pixelmatch JS - Adds an image diff control in place of a regular image comparison renderer on GitHub
Site Switcher JS - Add links to each other in search engines. Including multiple search modes.
GitHub - Find active Forks button JS - Adds a button to find active Forks
Github: Add more links to nav. JS - Add profile link to nav bar.
PR: Expand All "Load diff" buttons JS - Expand All "Load diff" buttons in pull request Files tab.
SourceGraph JS - SourceGraph button injection on Github
Github Load All Comments JS - Automatically load all Github comments on page load
FastGitCode JS - fast show git ccode!
Github markdown 公式渲染 JS - Render equations in markdown with katex.
GitHub Menu JS - Add more menu items on the header of GitHub to quickly reach the page you want.
GitHub Update Fork JS - A userscript that adds a link to update your fork
Github Repository Active Forks JS - Adds a button to search for active forks of the original Github repository on
GitHub Mentioned Links JS - A userscript adds all mentioned links in the side bar
GitHub unknown license JS - A userscript that adds "unknown license" message in repos with no license set
.io Link for GitHub Profiles JS - Adds a link to website if the user has such a repository.
Git Hub - Unroll comments JS - Adds a button to load (unroll) all "hidden items" (comments).
GitHub Show Filename List JS - Show filename list on "Files changed" tab in GitHub
Github仓库查看第一次commit JS - 注意:按钮需要等待几秒才能加载出来
Github tabs to Space JS - tabs to space
Github Download file JS - Adds Github file download/Raw link
GitHub: sort by recently updated JS - Adds 2 links to sort by "recently updated" (issues & PR)
GitHub Network Ninja JS - Full-viewport graph with searchable commit list on "GitHub repo network" pages.
add-pull-requests-link-to-github-user-page JS - Add pull requests link to GitHub User page.
Publish button in repo on GitHub JS - 5/28/2020, 5:17:05 PM
githubwidth JS - resizes github repos for smaller window widths.
Github confetti spray on check JS - Spray confetti when checking an item in markdown comment on github
- Darker with Dev/Help Documentation pages CSS - This is the GitHub Darker with Dev/Help Documentation pages
Expand collapsed GitHub code blocks JS - Adds click event and distinct hover style to collapsed code indicator
Make Github Great Again JS - Change default branch name of
GitHub Notifier JS - Notifies the user whenever they have new unread notifications on GitHub.
github-custom-styles JS - github custom styles
GitHub Repo View Tweaks CSS - Makes the GitHub repo redesign look less bad by reducing padding. Also adds back separators to the file list.
Fxxk GitHub's new UI JS - Move repo information to the top.
Wider JS - Fills the blank between the container and two sides of the browser.
Github New Layout Widescreen Fix JS - try to take over the world!
Thinner JS - Revert the new UI's nav title width to the old one.
GitHub - single-column repository page with important info on the top CSS - Pulls Readme above files list and moves sidebar content as foremost horizontal row before content.
Swap colours of issue status icon at GitHub and Bugzilla. Open=red, closed=green. CSS - Makes "good" icons green and "bad" ones red. Closed issue is good, unresolved is bad.
github界面优化 JS - github
Github Releases Download JS - 替换github下载链接,高速下载
Bypass GitHub Ajax JS - Helps avoid Ajax-based loading of stuff on github with the side effect of bypassing some webcomponents
HideFilesSection JS - I just need to see readme!!!
SourceTree Clone for GitHub JS - Add a "Clone with SourceTree" button to GitHub, if you're into that sort of thing
Open GitHub jupyter in Colab JS - Add a Colab link for GitHub .ipynb file
Github Show PR Details in PR window JS - try to take over the world!
ExpandExpandExpand++ JS - Modification of "GitHub PR: expand, expand, expand!" with multiple small improvements.
GitHub My Issues JS - Add a contextual link to issues you've contributed to on GitHub
Skip Delete Repo Verification JS - for github
github-md-catalog JS - generate catalog in Github readme page
GitHub Pages Link JS - A userscript that adds pages link to repository
Github - Hide bots and github-actions from dashboards JS - Minimizes pushs and commits from github actions and bots from dashboard
Github ID prefix in title JS - change "title" to "25: title", where 25 is the id of the PR/issue
bc-SmartTOC JS - TOC can be generated for github、、 and other sites
Github加速clone JS - Github 加速 clone
Github Snake JS - 17.11.2020, 16:25:10
Github 极速 JS - 高速下载 Clone、Release、Raw、Code(ZIP) 等文件、项目列表单文件快捷下载 (☁)
Github Time Formatter Forked JS - Give Real Time on Github instead of approximate time
Github 镜像访问,加速下载 JS - GitHub 镜像,github 加速,github zip加速下载
Github-speed-up JS - Github加速下载release,源代码
GitHub Actions notifications JS - Enable desktop notifications for GitHub Actions updates
Tower 3 Clone for GitHub JS - Replace the GitHub Desktop button with a "Clone with Tower" button
GitRevertHub JS - Revert the change that no one liked