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Github - Open PR CheckList JS - check the base branch, reviews, and field updates
Comment Zoomer JS - Add zoom button in github comment to provide full screen mode, allowing you to write comments more elegantly
Auto code viewer for Github (for mobile users) JS - Auto clicks "View code" on Github repositories. Useful for mobile users.
Global Font: LXGW WenKai CSS - An user stylesheet to replace all fonts on web pages with LXGW WenKai fonts, brings you a more unified and beautiful visual style.
Directory Buttons for GitHub Material Icons JS - Add border to directory icons with Material Icons chrome extension and make them clickable
I don't want your stupid inspiration JS - I don't want your stupid inspiration!
Github PR review: mark moved files as viewed JS - Adds an option to the Github PR review page to mark moved files as viewed.
be-careful-when-pr JS - Visually warn you when you are going to open a pr to upstream.
github-repo-info JS - Add ⌛creation date/🍴forks/📁 repo size to repo search result page,code search page and repo detail page.
Github Web IDE JS - ⚡ Open GitHub repositories in online web IDE (Migrated from
GitHub Classic Fonts JS - Use the pre-2017 fonts on GitHub, instead of whatever fonts GitHub's designers fancy each week
Github - Open External Link of Wiki in New Tab JS - Open external link fo Github wiki in new tab.
PlumFont - Replace Roboto, Segoe UI, Arial, and other fonts JS - Replace web page fonts with your preferred ones. Stop using Segoe UI, Arial, and Microsoft YaHei. Replace English numerals with the SF Pro and Inter fonts.
Github Repo Size JS - Adds the repo size next to the repo name on github search and repo pages
GitHub 在线预览代码插件 JS - GitHub在线预览
Wykop XS 3.0 JS - Wykop XS is a helper script for userstyle "Wykop X Style 3" which modifies website and make it easier to use adding enhancements and new features. Check it out here:
GitHub Actual Times JS - Appends the actual DateTime to GitHub workflows
GitHub Distractionless JS - Userscript that makes sure that GitHub stays a work tool and doesn't turn into a social media website
Compare with staging JS - Add a link
Github disable turbolinks JS - Speed up github access!
Github Open files in Editor JS - Adds a button next to files on Github to quickly open it in your favorite IDE
Merge issues and PR tabs JS - Merge the issues and PRs tabs of the repositories in a single one
GitHub Homepage Button JS - Adds a "Homepage" button to GitHub repository search results to quickly access the repository's homepage URL.
Gist Edit Resize JS - Gist enhancements with collapsible files and larger editor area
GitHub 访问代理助手 JS - GitHub 访问加速助手。支持 GitHub 的 clone、release/raw/zip 下载加速
Github Bors Merge JS - Adds a button to easily start/stop PR merge when using bors
Run Workflow Label Enhancer JS - Changes the label of branch selection dropdown in Run Workflow Action from "Use Workflow From" to "Destination Branch"
GitHub: Hide "Following" button JS - Hide "Following" feed button on GitHub
Github HTML Preview Button (HTML 预览按钮) JS - Adds a button to preview HTML files on Github using htmlpreview. 添加一个按钮以使用 htmlpreview 在 Github 上预览 HTML 文件。
Refined GitHub Reactions JS - Enhances the GitHub Reactions page, making them more compact.
GitHub README TOC JS - Add table of contents(TOC) for README in GitHub.
GitHub Docker Image Tag Copy Button JS - Adds a "copy" icon next to each Docker image tag on GitHub pages that list published Docker images.
github-form-control-selectable JS - enable user to select formControl element
Github Packages Tab JS - Adds a Packages tab to Github repository navigation bar.
Github issue bigger input JS - Makes the textarea inputs bigger and resized automatically on edit.
Focus Mode for Social Media JS - block time-wasting social media & other
Github access enhancement - high-speed browsing and downloading tool JS - GitHub extremely fast access browsing assistant, solution to GitHub inaccessibility and acceleration tools, solution to GitHub not being able to open it, high-speed download of Git Clone/SSH, Release, Raw, Code/Zip and other files, project list list files quick download, add git clone/commit command
Github format time (24-hour system) JS - Add a formatted time (24-hour system) after the original time of Github
GitHub Issues Editor Full Screen JS - Add a full screen button in the right-top of the github issue editor.
Github hide banner JS - You can toggle the github banner.
GitHub Delete Repo Bypass JS - A script that elegantly bypasses the verification code menu, useful for if you're mass-deleting repos.
Github Stargazers JS - Adds a tab to every Repository with which you can see which people have starred your Repository
Github Repository Tab Creator JS - Template Script to Create your own Repository Tab
Aprove Request Github JS - Script for aprove automatic requests in github
Disable terrible github actions run search JS - Disable terrible github actions run search. I hate it.
GitHub Red Issues optional supplement CSS - An optional supplement to the "GitHub Red Issues" script/style.
URL Redirect Redirecter JS - Redirect the Redirected Url
auto-expand-github-issues JS - cleanup noisy timeline items and auto expand
GitHub: PR author avatar as tab icon JS - Sets GitHub PR tab icon (favicon) to author's avatar
Github web icon theme JS - Beautify Github repo icons
GitHub bring back tabs CSS - Bringing back tabs, which are far better for readability
GithubCard JS - 生成Github的简介卡片
Add Labels to GitHub Notifications JS - Use API calls to get the labels of all issues and pull requests from the notification list.
Old Github languages bar JS - move the languages bar to the top like the old github
GitHub: copy commit reference JS - Adds a "Copy commit reference" button to every commit page on GitHub.
GitHub Project Copy Column JS - Grab links from a GitHub project column and copy them to the clipboard for easy pasting into a PR or issue description.
Del Confirm JS - 删除仓库自动填写库名,支持 github、gitee
GitHub Network graph Intercept arrow keys JS - Stops the arrow keys from scrolling the page, because GitHub forgot to use "e.preventDefault();" when they made the keyboard shortcuts for the Network graph.
Github Issue to Originator JS - Assigns github issues to originator
Open GitHub files in VS Code JS - When viewing a file on a known GitHub repo with a local clone, pressing the `\` key will open the file in VS Code. If a line is highlighted, the file will be opened to that line in VS Code.
"Ship It" GIF button for Github Review JS - Adds a button to Github to add "Let's ship it!" GIFs when reviewing PRs
GitHub Star Network Request JS - GitHub Star 自动记录到 Notion Database
add-to-stargazers JS - One click add GitHub user to Stargazers
Github relative-time JS - github returns datetimes instead of vague descriptions
Github PR Organizer & Formatter JS - Organizes and tabs PRs to make it easier to see what to prioritize.
GitHub Passkey Redirector JS - Redirects GitHub login page so that Passkey logon is enabled.
Github See Your Closed PRs JS - See PRs you created that are merged or closed
Github Old Feed JS - Replace the shit💩 new feed with the old one.
Add filename copy button to the Github PR review comments JS - What the title says
github-proxy-helper JS - GitHub 文件加速,支持代码分支、releases等
Show all contributions by year in the GitHub profile JS - Show all contributions by year since the user was created in the GitHub profile page
Old github dashboard JS - Return to the old github feed version. This scripts fetches the content of the old feed and replaces it into the new feed.
github-dark-optimization JS - 仅在 Github / appearance 设定为Daek default 时生效
Add copy button next to base ref name in PR header information JS - What the title says
Github Easy-Logout JS - Automatically skips the annoying logout dialog when signing out on
Give Me! "Git Clone" JS - It is a user script that allows adding git clone to the url with repository from Github.
Hide Octotree JS - It hides the Octotree button.
Github - Open with VSCode JS - Adds "Open with VSCode" button
Fix "You can't perform that action at this time" for Github JS - Fix issue of Github when star repo. Reference:
Github Nyan Cat Star JS - Makes GitHub make sense again
GitHub Custom Global Navigation JS - Customize GitHub's new global navigation
Github notion task id detector JS - Detect notion task id from default name by git branch
Github Repository Name as Tab Title JS - change tab title to : Repository Name / blabla
GitHub Relative Time Format JS - replacing GitHub relative timestamps(<relative-time>) with customizable date and time formats
Copy Github PR JS - Adds a "Copy PR" button to copy the title and link as a rich text
Merge Atlantis Comments JS - Merges concurrent comments by atlantisvoxel on GitHub pull requests
Add repo/branch links to GitHub's "Comparing Changes" page JS - This adds a link to the fork's branch on the GitHub "Comparing changes" page (AKA the "Create a Pull Request" page). See for more details.
GitHub: Redirect forked repo links to own repo JS - 12/8/2023, 9:09:51 PM
Origin JS - Display the creation time of the github repository.
Add GitHack Links To GitHub Files JS - 12/13/2023, 1:18:04 AM
Hide "GitHub Actions" Notifications in PR Conversations JS - Hide "GitHub Actions" div elements on GitHub pull request page so other comments will not be hidden.
github repo delete auto confirm JS - auto complete the confirm input when deleting a repo on github
low-code platform JS - baima low-code platform
Github releases mirror JS - High-speed download of Release
GitHub搜索结果净化 JS - This is a Tampermonkey script for filtering GitHub search results. You can specify users or repositories to block certain inappropriate display results, such as repositories from cirosantilli and wumaoland.
GitHub's Commits Related Button: Black Border & Blue Text on Yellow JS - GitHub's Commits recording button is surrounded by a black border, displayed in blue font, and highlighted with a yellow background
Refined GitHub Notifications JS - Enhances the GitHub Notifications page, making it more productive and less noisy.
BlockIdiotsInGithub JS - Block some idiots and their gibberish projects in search result
Github mirror homepage tranverse JS - 在Github官网和镜像网站进行转换 Generate a button to trans between GitHub homepage and mirror