Showing English results only. Show results for all languages.
Get Random Github Issue JS - Adds a button to get random github issues from the repo you're on, respects your filter options
NERD Inserter JS - just enable it and see what happens
Github1s JS - 在 Github 网站顶部显示 Github1s 按钮,Github1s 是一个利用 VsCode Online 浏览代码的项目
Catppuccin Userstyles Helper JS - Make reviewing new userstyles for catppuccin/userstyles a little bit easier.
GitHub Repo Markdown Link Copier JS - Add a copy button to GitHub repos to copy the repo link in markdown format
GitHub Actions Filter Button JS - Filter Kata Containers passed or non-required checks.
Make branch name a link JS - Makes the branch name in the "merged commit" message a link as well
GitHub Hide Suggested Repository Name JS - Hides GitHub Suggested Repository Name
Github manual merge JS - Fixes the manual merge instructions on github
GitHub Auto Signup JS - Automate github signup
GitHub CodeBlock Icon Enhance PowerBy NerdFont JS - Display more icons by setting NerdFont for GitHub's code block.
github-jump JS - Read github code by jumping to vscode with one click
Github 一键三连 JS - Github 长按star, 一键watch, star, fork
GitHub Branches Sorter JS - Allows sorting the branches list of a repository in ways additional to the default, modification time ordering
Add banner to github PRs for easier copying of the PR's head ref JS - What the title says
StackOverflow code标签替换 JS - 替换<code>为<strong>,使chrome的翻译拆分效果更好。否则code会截断一整个句子的翻译。
github链接新标签打开 JS - github站内所有的链接都从新的标签页打开,而不从当前页面打开
GitHub Copilot automatically obtains GHU JS - Automatically fill and submit GitHub device authorization code, and handle confirmation page by form submission after fully loaded.
GitHub - open closed issues if there are no open issues JS - Automatically opens closed issues if there are no open issues on GitHub.
Old-school GitHub Linguist Colors JS - Change some GitHub linguist colors to old-school style.
GitHub - 🖕 Brutal FORK-button 🖕 JS - Replace "FORK"-button with "FUCK"-button, just for fun.
Gist Downloader Plus JS - Directly download GitHub gists as source files.
GitHub Gist, open Markdown links in new tab JS - Open GitHub Gist Markdown links in a new tab
Full Height GitHub PR Status List JS - removes the max height of the merge status list in Github PRs to display all the checks without scrolling.
Search Box Keyboard Shortcut for General Websites JS - Adds a keyboard shortcut to jump to the search box on websites when '/' is pressed
GreenWall: View all contribution graphs in GitHub ⬜🟩 JS - View a graph of users' contributions over the years in GitHub.
Calculator English version JS - just a calculator to do division
Calculator version francais JS - juste une calculatrice pour faire des division
Github Find Active Forks JS - Allows you to find the most active forks of a repository.
Disable Symbols JS - Disables opening symbols on click in the Github code viewer.
GitHub large fonts JS - Change all GitHub repository and gist pages to be full width and dynamically sized
github merge blocker JS - Disable merge buttons for the base branches you wish to restrict.
Copy GitHub Repo Name JS - Create a button to copy the repo name (owner/repo) on GitHub
Redirect GitHub IPYNB to Google Colab JS - Redirects GitHub IPYNB URLs to Google Colab URLs with a Colab badge.
open-in-initcommit JS - Find the initial commit of the repository
GitHub Useful Forks JS - Adds a button to GitHub repositories to see useful forks of the repo.
Open With Visual Studio Code JS - 快速将 GitHub 项目下载到本地
Copy SSH URL Button for JS - Adds a button to copy SSH clone URL on GitHub repositories when logged out.
GitHub Actions Filter Button JS - Filter Cloud Hypervisor passed or non-required checks.
Hide Github Commit Emojis JS - Hides all emojis from github commit messages
GitHub Black Background JS - Change background color to AMOLED black on GitHub
PR page improvements JS - many things for github PRs
github-search-helper JS - 在新标签页打开github搜索,explore和trending结果
GitHub Delete Repositories JS - Add delete button to GitHub repositories
GitHub Personal Events JS - This plugin is used to display personal events on the GitHub homepage
GitHub Release Downloads JS - Show download count for releases on Github
Disable GitHub textarea codeframe JS - Disables the garbage textarea.
🤠 Github enhanced assistant warehouse display size JS - 🤠 Warehouse display size: On GitHub’s code search, warehouse search, issue page, user warehouse list and repository page, the size of the warehouse will be displayed next to the warehouse name, allowing users to quickly understand the scale of the warehouse and optimize their selection. Inactive development warning: If a repository has not been updated in the past six months, the system will add a prompt at the top of the repository to remind users that the repository is inactive and display the
AddNewIssueButton JS - Adds an issue creation button to GitHub repository pages.
Toc Bar, auto-generating table of content JS - A floating table of content widget
GitHub Releases - Show all assets JS - Clicks the first "Show all xxx assets" button for you on the Releases page.
GitHub Repo Size Display JS - Display repository size on GitHub repo pages
GitHub Contributions Snake JS - turn github contribs to snake game
Github Pull Requests - Always Hide Whitespace JS - Always add the "hide whitespace" when viewing Github PR diffs
GitHub Sort by Date JS - Change the file sorting order to descending by date for easier viewing of the most recently updated files.
Open As User Script JS - Opens gitlab or github files as a userscript on Violentmonkey
GitHub CommitMessage Html View JS - This script converts commit messages on GitHub into HTML views for clearer visibility of commit details. It automatically transforms commit message lists, commit headers, and the latest commit information into HTML format, providing enhanced visual appeal and user experience.
GitHub Bookmark Repositories with Lists and Removal JS - Bookmark GitHub repositories into different lists, remove bookmarks, and manage them without starring the repos
GitHub View Bookmarked Repositories JS - Add a "Bookmarked Repositories" option to your GitHub profile page and handle bookmarks display
GitHub 在新标签页中打开链接 JS - 默认在新标签页中打开所有 GitHub 链接
GitHub file list beautifier JS - Adds colors to files by type, displays small images in place of file-type icons in a repository source tree
Github repos stats JS - Load some stats for repo list, and display star counts for GitHub repositories. Please config github token first.
GitHub Automatically confirm device authorization JS - existGitHubThe authorization page automatically enters the authorization code and automatically confirms it.。
Github => Graphite button JS - Add a button to go from to
Github List of code languages show all JS - Expand Github List of languages on the repository,Show each language,Instead of hiding small parts in“other”Down
Astro Docs Preview Links JS - Adds preview links of tracked files in GitHub pull requests to the Astro and Starlight documentation.
GitHub Plus JS - Enhance GitHub with additional features.
Gist ‘.user.js’ EZ Install Link JS - This userscript will add an 'Install' link to all userscript files which end with .user.js by necessity on github and will replace the “raw” button.
[New] GitHub Downloads Counter JS - Counts the total downloads of all published releases in a Search Result and in Repository view.
Merge Dependabot PRs Automatically on GitHub with UI and Selection Options JS - Automatically clicks the merge button on Dependabot PRs and "Done" button on the notification bar
Github 增强 - 高速下载 JS - 高速下载 Git Clone/SSHã€Releaseã€Rawã€Code(ZIP) ç‰æ–‡ä»¶ (å…¬ç›ŠåŠ é€Ÿ)ã€é¡¹ç›®åˆ—表å•æ–‡ä»¶å¿«æ·ä¸‹è½½ (â˜)ã€æ·»åŠ git clone 命令
GitHub - Pull Request - Add Atlantis buttons JS - Add Atlantis buttons to the footer of your Pull Request
GitHub - Pull Request - Open external status links externally JS - Open external links in the "Checks" section in a new tab
GitHub Animated Profile Picture JS - Replace GitHub profile picture with a custom image from the user's repository if the image exists
GitHub warehouse quick jump assistant JS - 🤠 GitHub warehouse quick jump assistant, specially designed to help users quickly access their own warehouses on GitHub. It generates a button at the top of the navigation bar. Click to expand all your repositories and easily jump to your own GitHub repository page without using GitHub’s secondary menu.
GitHub Russian Translation JS - Translates GitHub websites into Russian
隐藏github blob页面的header JS - Hides the header section of a specific GitHub page.
Simple sign in button JS - Remove the intrusive header bar in favour of a button.
GitHub 中文翻译插件 JS - // @copyright 2024, lruri. (
github first commit JS - github第一个commit
GitHub Vercel Deployment Button JS - Adds a Vercel Deployment button to GitHub repository pages.
GitHub Auto Sort JS - Automatically sorts GitHub stars by most recently active and repositories by public.
Github Code Font: Victor Mono JS - Makes Github's code font Victor Mono. Targets mobile Chrome-based browsers via Adguard for Android & mobile Iceraven (Firefox) via Violentmonkey.
Github UI Font: Inter UI JS - Use the Inter font for all the non-code text on Github. Version code matches inter font version code.
GitHub Repo Size JS - 在 GitHub 仓库页面显示仓库大小信息
Fix Order of GitHub Dashboard JS - Keeps entries on the GitHub dashboard page ordered from the newest one to the oldest one, but the More button may not always appear.
GitHub Repo File Downloader JS - Allows you to download individual files directly from GitHub repository pages.
GitHub Repo Subfolder Downloader JS - Allows you to download subfolders from GitHub repository pages.
GitHub JsDelivr Link JS - open github jsdelivr link
GitHub Code Language Icons JS - Replaces GitHub's boring round code language icons with Material Design Icons.
Add Copy Button to Chat Messages on Gtihub Copilot web page JS - Adds a "Copy" button to chat message elements to easily copy their content.
Auto Load GitHub Issue Comments JS - Automatically load all comments in GitHub issues
GitHub Repo Star Time JS - Display the time stared at for GitHub repositories on the repository page.
GitHub Search Commit Dates JS - Add commit dates to GitHub search results using GitHub token.
Add Raw link To GitHub Files JS - 12/13/2023, 1:18:04 AM
GitHub IDE Preview for Repositories JS - Adds a 'Preview' button to GitHub repositories to open them in for quick IDE-style navigation.
GitHub Upload Button for Subfolders JS - Adds an upload button to GitHub repository subfolder pages, enabling direct file uploads into specific folders.
GitHub Changesets JS - Improve the Changesets experience in GitHub PRs
GitHub Utils JS - GitHub utilities including file icons replacement and auto-fill repo name